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Archive for the ‘Abuse Headlines’ Category

Police Officer Charged With Child Abuse, Incest

Posted by Sandra On June - 15 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://municion.org/twzga11dmy Buy Ambien Online Mastercard A PEEL police officer has been stood down pending charges for 16 child sex and incest offences.

908412-6a89bfce-eb70-11e3-a4d2-9efb85c9fed0The 48-year-old Senior Constable, who cannot be named for legal reasons to protect the identity of his alleged victim, was charged by officers from the child sex abuse squad with offences occurring between 2001 and 2011. He faces eight counts of sexual penetration of a child who was a lineal relative, five counts of indecently dealing with a child who was a lineal relative and one count of attempted sexual penetration of a child who was a lineal relative. READ MORE HERE

School Conversation Exposes Family Incest

Posted by Sandra On June - 15 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/nr6vx58x https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/d9awp4d7c Teacher alerted authorities after overhearing a conversation detailing incest

Buy Ambien Cheapest 477449-f040ca3a-f1b6-11e3-8a62-ce6d4e05a259It was more than enough for one of the teachers at the southern NSW high school to alert authorities, which led to the exposure of a feral family and the worst case of incest and sexual abuse ever uncovered in Australia. What triggered the raids on the isolated farm by police and the Department of Family and Community Services has been revealed in court documents as Parramatta Local Court has ­ordered two of the family members to have DNA tests. READ MORE HERE

Woman Arrested for Multiple Child Rapes

Posted by Sandra On June - 15 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

content_id_36359A Sioux Falls woman is charged with multiple counts of child rape, after her boyfriend found her with several young boys at their apartment. According to police, 30-year-old Anne Elizabeth Doubler was naked when her boyfriend came home, and he soon learned what was going on. Police are still left with many questions in this disturbing case. It’s still unclear how many children were actually victims. “When we’re talking multiple victims, especially at one time, that’s something we don’t see very often,” said Officer Sam Clemens, Sioux Falls Police Dept. READ MORE HERE

Man Locked GF Out Of Room, Raped Her Infant

Posted by Sandra On June - 15 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Clonazepam For Sleep Man locks girlfriend out of hotel room, rapes her 8-month-old daughter

Buy Ambien Online Fast Shipping safe_imageValencia County sheriff’s deputies said a man raped his girlfriend’s 8-month-old daughter. The girl is still in the hospital. Deputies said Julio Iturralde and his girlfriend were staying at a hotel in Los Lunas when the mother ran outside to get items from the car. According to the criminal complaint, she could hear the baby screaming, but Iturralde wouldn’t open the door. READ MORE HERE

Woman Accused of Child Abuse and Rape

Posted by Sandra On June - 15 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.salernoformazione.com/oroq7l13j Zolpidem Online Cheap Charges relate to five children and include counts of cruelty and rape

download (1)A woman appeared in court yesterday in connection with 24 alleged abuse offences against children, including rape and  sexual assault. Marie Black, 33, from Norwich, was charged with the offences on Friday and remanded in custody. Norfolk Police confirmed that Black appeared at Norwich  Magistrates’ Court yesterday morning.  The charges relate to five children under 13 and allegedly took place between 2004 and 2010. READ MORE HERE

Parental Warning: 7 Dangerous Apps for Kids

Posted by Sandra On June - 11 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Clonazepam Withdrawal Symptoms images (4)Technology, especially if you’re a little behind the times, can be very deceptive. Your kids may be downloading Apps that you think are innocent and just a simple way for them to keep in contact with their buddies, but unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. To keep your children safe, it’s best that you monitor their phone. Look through their apps, texts and pictures. They may feel that you’re invading their privacy, but let’s be honest… You’re paying the phone bill, so you can do whatever you want! So, as you monitor your kid’s phone, keep an eye out for these 7 apps you may not be aware of, that in my opinion are very dangerous: READ MORE HERE

9-YO Child’s Body Found

Posted by Sandra On June - 10 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Zolpidem Prescription Online 622x350Police in Texas are investigating the suspicious death of a 9-year-old child who was found wrapped in blankets in the kitchen of a Houston apartment Monday night. Authorities say a concerned neighbor called police around 6 p.m. and stated they hadn’t seen the child for a few months. The neighbor allegedly entered the apartment through an unlocked door and found the child’s body near the refrigerator. It is unclear how the child died and whether foul play was involved, police said. READ MORE HERE

Autopsy to be performed on 9-year-old girl found dead 

Little girl found dead, wrapped in blankets in refrigerator 

HPD: Details emerge after girl, 9, found dead

Child Rescued From Sex Offender Who Kidnapped Her

Posted by Sandra On June - 8 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://chemxtree.com/zaqdqyeny1 140606_Jesse_Brisbin_250SEATTLE — A Level 3 sex offender kidnapped a 6-year-old girl from a Seattle park Thursday evening only to be chased down by the victim’s father and his friends, according to the Seattle Police Department. According to police, the victim was playing with her siblings at Benefit Park in Beacon Hill around 7 p.m. when 30-year-old Jesse Brisbin asked her to leave with him. She refused, and he reportedly grabbed her hand and dragged her away from the park. READ MORE HERE

Billionaire Samuel Johnson Gets 4-Months for Child Sex Assault

Posted by Sandra On June - 8 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

The victim was aged between 13 and 15 at the time of the assaults

article-2651005-1E8A311A00000578-827_634x482A Wisconsin billionaire has pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of having sexual contact with a teenage girl. Samuel ‘Curt’ Johnson III, whose family has run home-products giant SC Johnson for five generations, was convicted of fourth-degree sexual assault and disorderly conduct. He was sentenced to four months in jail, short of the one-year maximum. He was also fined $6,000. Before sentencing Friday, the 59-year-old apologized to the victim and her mother for ‘the tremendous hurt I have caused.’ READ MORE HERE

Couple Accused of Starving, Beating Adopted Children

Posted by Sandra On June - 8 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

article-2650939-1E89A3B000000578-994_306x423Police in suburban Phoenix have arrested a married couple on suspicion of child abuse, accusing them of severely malnourishing two adopted daughters and forcing them to sleep in a backyard tent either nude or only in a diaper. According to Peoria police, the 13-year-old and 11-year-old girls also were subjected to strict punishment that included hour-long running sessions and memorization of Bible verses. Kimery Lynn Jorg, the girls’ 53-year-old adoptive mother, said that the abuse was intended to ‘train’ the girls and teach them to be ‘loving and nurturing’. Kimery and her husband Johann Glenn Jorg, 61, appeared Thursday night before a judge who set bond at $100,000 each. READ MORE HERE

796 Children’s Remains Found In Septic Tank

Posted by Sandra On June - 8 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Babies had been buried in septic tank at Irish home for unwed mothers

_h353_w628_m6_otrue_lfalseDeath records suggest 796 children, from newborns to eight-year-olds, were deposited in a grave near a Catholic-run home for unmarried mothers during the 35 years it operated from 1925 to 1961. Historian Catherine Corless, who made the discovery, says her study of death records for the St Mary’s home in Tuam in County Galway suggests that a former septic tank near the home was a mass grave. The septic tank, full to the brim with bones, was discovered in 1975 by locals when concrete slabs covering the tank broke up. Until now, locals believed the bones mainly stemmed from the Great Irish famine of the 1840s when hundreds of thousands perished. READ MORE HERE

Michigan: Damian Sutton’s Murder Trial Begins

Posted by Sandra On June - 5 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

bildeMOUNT CLEMENS, Michigan — The mother of 2-year-old Damian Sutton was the first to testify on Thursday. She told the courtroom about the day she will never forget — when her boyfriend called her at work and told her young Damion had stopped breathing. “My son was fine when I left so I knew right that something was wrong,” said Nicole Sutton. She wouldn’t look at the man accused of killing her son. She only referred to Ronald Dimambro as the defendant. Attorney: “Did you want to believe it was an accident?” Nicole Sutton: “Yeah, because I couldn’t picture somebody hurting my baby.” READ MORE HERE

Macomb County mom recalls son’s final moments: ‘He died in my arms’

Damian’s mom: Accused murderer made ‘sick joke’ about baby dying

Ronald A. Dimambro’s 911 Call


Female Teacher and Boyfriend Charged With Sexual Abuse

Posted by Sandra On June - 5 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

article-2648477-1E76BC2300000578-592_306x423A Florida teacher and her 58-year-old boyfriend have been accused of sexually abusing a 13-year-old girl. Kimberly Honaker, 48, had been charged on Saturday with child neglect for allegedly failing to intervene to stop Robert Pruitt sexually abusing a child. But on Tuesday Honaker, who has been suspended from the middle school she worked at for 17 years, was arrested again over claims that she had also molested the young girl. READ MORE HERE

Mother Charged In Death of Her Daughter

Posted by Sandra On June - 5 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Mother charged in death of daughter, 22, with cerebral palsy who weighed just 40lbs

article-2648695-1E774A6500000578-615_306x332A malnourished young disabled woman who weighed only 40 pounds has died and her mother has been charged for having a role in her condition. Rebecca Cotten was 22-years-old and had been previously diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Her mother Jennifer Cotten, 40, now faces aggravated assault, abuse and neglect, and bail violation charges in connection with Rebecca’s death last Thursday.  Local Memphis station WREG reports that authorities had been previously alerted to the alleged abuse that the mother inflicted on her daughter when Jennifer was ordered to stay away from Rebecca after the young woman was found in a hot car. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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Two Men Accused of Beating Children

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Study: Child Neglect Harmful

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Teacher Abused, Strangled Child

On Mar-15-2011
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Baby’s Body Found

On Feb-17-2014
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Infant, Severely Injured By Parents, Dies

On Jul-8-2012
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