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Archive for the ‘Abuse Headlines’ Category

FBI Seeks Victims After Child Rapist Commits Suicide

Posted by Sandra On July - 3 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

_h353_w628_m6_otrue_lfalse (1)Investigators combing through a stash of more than 50,000 images and videos of child pornography hidden in a bedside table in Matthew Coniglio‘s Georgia home made an even more horrifying discovery: cassette tapes they say show him raping and molesting girls. All were unconscious, apparently drugged, FBI Special Agent William Kirkconnell, who viewed the tapes, told The Associated Press. Some were so incapacitated they were snoring. The camera recording the 56 8-millimeter cassette tapes was always turned off before they awoke. Many of the victims’ faces cannot be clearly identified, so investigators don’t know how many girls were attacked. But each tape recorded at least one assault — some had more — in homes and hotels. The youngest victim appears to be about 10 years old. And authorities’ best chance for resolving the raft of unanswered questions ended on April 20. Ten days after his arrest on child pornography charges, Coniglio wrote goodbye letters to his parents, tied a cord to a vent above a sink in his Savannah jail cell and hanged himself in an apparent suicide. READ MORE HERE


Shocking pictures show cell of ‘serial child rapist’ 

Alleged Sex Predator’s List of Victims Grows 

School Employee Facing Federal Child Porn Charges

Posted by Sandra On July - 3 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Autistic Boy, 11, Kept In Cage

Posted by Sandra On July - 2 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/rtsedum0br2 _h353_w628_m6_otrue_lfalseSANTA ANA, CA — The parents of a severely autistic boy were arrested after investigators determined the 11-year-old had been kept in a large metal cage, possibly to control his violent outbursts, authorities said Wednesday. The cage — similar to an extra-large dog kennel — was found in the home with a mattress and other bedding inside, Anaheim police Lt. Bob Dunn said. It was roughly 6 feet tall, 5 feet long and 3 or 4 feet wide with room to stand. READ MORE HERE

14-YO Boy Ran Away With 47-YO Man He Met Online

Posted by Sandra On July - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Get Zolpidem Online Brad Cooper, 47, posed as a 16-yo named ‘Trent Thompson’ to start talking to a 14-yo Massachusetts boy in April

article-2676592-1F4DC20300000578-514_306x423A 47-year-old Chandler man has been accused of posing as a 16-year-old to lure a Massachusetts boy cross country. Brad Cooper of Chandler appeared in Maricopa County Court for the first time on Monday as he pleaded not guilty to more than 20 counts of child sex-abuse. Cooper was arrested on June 11, after local police found a missing 14-year-old boy from Pittsfield, Massachusetts at his home. According to court documents, Cooper posed online as a 16-year-old named ‘Trent Thompson’ to start talking to the victim in April. READ MORE HERE

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Grieving Mother Kills Herself, Two Children

Posted by Sandra On July - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/ululdyg https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/m83v7er2pk Angela Mtambu, 47, a nurse from Texas, and her daughters, Callidora and Eudora, were found with plastic bags over their heads next to gas tanks 

article-2676993-1F50CE3B00000578-199_634x474A mother depressed over her son’s suicide killed her two young daughters and herself early Tuesday using suffocating nitrogen gas at their upstate New York home, about a week after a stay in a mental institution, authorities said. East Greenbush Police Chief Christopher Lavin said a 911 call at about 1:45am sent police to the town house in the Albany suburb, where they found the mom and girls, ages 6 and 9, unconscious from exposure to the odorless gas in a first-floor bedroom. Rescuers had to break down the door to the locked room and tried CPR for a half hour before the three were taken to Albany Medical Center, where they died. READ MORE HERE


2-YO Boy Brutally Murdered

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Clonazepam Generic For Sale Boy ‘killed by father in brutal attack’ was kidnapped by him a year ago,

article-2674252-1F3FB40900000578-356_634x380An Oklahoma City mother is devastated after her son, who she hadn’t seen for more than a year because he was kidnapped by his father, was killed in a ‘brutal attack’ Thursday. Katrina DeBoard dropped the 2-year-old Dominic off for a visit with his Marine vet father, Derek Wells, at a home in North Carolina in May 2013. And the next time she saw him was early Friday morning, dead. ‘I never would’ve imagined, in two years, the only way I’d see my son again was him being cold,’ DeBoard said on Saturday. READ MORE HERE

85-YO Nanny Shook Baby, Gets Community Service

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=7gj1tm4n Nanny, 85, sentenced to community service after shaking a baby and leaving him with brain and eye injuries 

article-0-1F37001F00000578-315_306x423An 85-year-old Virginia nanny has been convicted of assaulting an infant she had been babysitting. Evelyn Faye Pillow appeared in Henrico Circuit Court Friday, admitting that there was sufficient evidence to convict her on a misdemeanor assault charge. The abuse occurred last September while the octogenarian was caring for a little boy. Medical experts were prepared to testify that the months-old child showed classic signs of shaken baby syndrome. As part of the plea agreement, Pillow was ordered to perform 400 hours of community service. READ MORE HERE


Mother Furious As Daughter’s Molester Is Spared Prison

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

article-0-1F3AEF6500000578-12_306x471The mother of a 14-year-old girl bombarded with many hundreds of sexually explicit Facebook messages from a paedophile trainee teacher has reacted with fury and disbelief after he was spared jail. Tony Marsden sent thousands of messages to the youngster which  at first used charm and flattery to groom but quickly grew explicit and sinister. When the girl’s mother found out what he was doing it took her 1,450 sheets of A4 paper to print out the vile transcript. READ MORE HERE

Man Intentionally Ran Over, Killed Pregnant Woman

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Dewey_Green_MUGDOUGLASVILLE, GA — A man is facing murder charges after police say he intentionally rammed a woman with his car and then ran her over. Police say 53-year-old Janice Pitts was sitting at a traffic light on Highway 5 in Douglasville Wednesday when her Lincoln Navigator was hit from behind by 23-year-old Dewey Green. “He just kept hitting us, he just kept hitting us,” said Pitts’ daughter, Iesha Davis. Davis was in her mom’s SUV at the time with her 4-year -old son. READ MORE HERE

Couple Kept Child Locked Away for Years

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

_h353_w628_m6_otrue_lfalseDRIPPING SPRINGS, Texas — A man arrested for burglary in a Central Texas town told police he had been held captive for at least four years by his adoptive parents in a garage apartment locked on the outside, authorities said. Jenifer Elise Thyssen, 40, and Dane Andrew Thyssen, 39, were being held Friday at the Hays County jail. They were arrested Wednesday on kidnapping charges. READ MORE HERE

Child Murder Suspect Captured

Posted by Sandra On June - 27 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

BDA2303CAEDF4A63862A9B676CE7D295KNOXVILLE, Tennessee — Campbell County child murder suspect Joshua Adams Comer has been taken into custody. Comer was wanted in connection with an investigation into the murder of a 3-year-old in LaFollette. It was a search that crisscrossed Campbell County for more than 24 hours. And on Wednesday evening, in a valley on Whitman Hollow Road, Josh Comer was found hiding inside the home of someone he knew. It took law enforcement everything they had. Officers from other cities, US Marshals, K-9 Units, helicopters, TBI agents, and of course the deputies that Sheriff Robbie Goins says stayed out all night to search. READ MORE HERE

Former Football Star Kept Son Locked In Basement for 2-Years

Posted by Sandra On June - 27 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.mdifitness.com/is7r6dw Recardo Wimbush, Sr, 33, and Therian Cornelia Wimbush, 37, have been arrested for child abuse

article-2671792-1F2C6A5400000578-940_634x728A super-religious former football star kept his eldest son prisoner in the basement for two years because he had ‘sinned’ by stealing a DVD player, the MailOnline can reveal. Strict Recardo Wimbush Sr, 33, and wife Therian Cornelia Wimbush, 37, locked up 13-year-old Recardo Jr as punishment for his ‘wicked’ act to keep him on the ‘straight and narrow’. The child was kept in a tiny, sparsely furnished room with all the windows blacked out. READ MORE HERE

Former Vatican Ambassador Convicted of Child Sex Abuse

Posted by Sandra On June - 27 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Jozef WesolowskiVATICAN CITY — The Vatican’s former ambassador to the Dominican Republic has been convicted by a church tribunal of sex abuse and has been defrocked, the first such sentence handed down against a top papal representative. The Vatican said Friday that Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski was found guilty by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in recent days, and sentenced to the harshest penalty possible against a cleric under canon law: laicization, meaning he can no longer perform priestly duties or present himself as a priest. READ MORE HERE

Man Targeted Children Through Mobile and Computer Apps

Posted by Sandra On June - 26 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

downloadA pedophile who targeted victims through mobile phone apps and computer game chat facilities has been jailed after being caught red-handed downloading child abuse images. Police said 21-year-old Aaron Honey was a “dark and devious” prolific offender adept at grooming vulnerable children online. He incited young boys and girls to send him indecent images of themselves after contacting them via instant chat mobile phone apps WhatsApp and Kik Messenger. Honey also preyed on other youngsters through chat facilities on popular computer games, including Call of Duty and Fifa Football. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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ICAC/Task Force Arrest Man For Child Porn

On Apr-5-2011
Reported by Sandra

CA–Father, Step-Mother Arrested for Child Abuse

On Apr-28-2010
Reported by Sandra

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