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Archive for the ‘Abuse Headlines’ Category

Sailor Accused Of Inflicting 29 Broken Bones On 2-MO Son

Posted by Sandra On September - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Connecticut sailor leaves 2-month-old son with 29 bone fractures, near death

downloadA Connecticut-based Navy sailor left his 2-month-old son with 29 bone fractures, abuse so horrifying that one pediatrician told investigators she was amazed the baby was alive, prosecutors say. Jordan Rittenhouse, 24, was arraigned Friday and charged with first-degree assault and risk of injury to a minor, The Day of New London reported. The Groton, Conn. man, a father also to a 2-year-old, is behind bars on a $500,000 cash bond. The disturbing case was declared by one doctor as the “worst case of serious physical injury she has seen in her career,” court documents obtained by the newspaper reveal. READ MORE HERE

Groton Father Arraigned In Assault On Infant

Teen Who Exposed Family Incest/Pedophile Ring Is Now Presumed Dead

Posted by Sandra On August - 31 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

11 people, either members of the Wood family, or with direct links to it, have been arrested on charges including rape, sex abuse with children under 12, incest and sodomy.


article-2518600-19DBE95F00000578-750_634x797The search for an Alabama woman missing since 2012 has been cast in an even more sinister light this week with the news that she was raped and abused by her grandmother’s boyfriend when she was a young girl. Young mother, Brittney Wood, was raped for two years on and off by, Ronald Robertson, 53, until in 2003, when she was 11-years-old, she accused him of attacking her. Indeed, since 2012, eleven members of Wood’s family have been arrested for having sex with underage relatives in Mobile County. Robertson was convicted in 2005 and is currently serving a life sentence for first-degree rape charges. READ MORE HERE



Chessie Wood, Brittney’s mother: Two counts of sodomy and sex abuse of a child less than 12.

Derek Wood, Brittney’s brother: Second degree rape and second degree sodomy.

Nelton ‘Butch’ Morgan: Rape and sex abuse of a child under 12.

Dustin Kent: Two counts of rape, sex abuse, sodomy and production of obscene material of a person under 17. He allegedly raped a 13-year-old while her father looked on

William ‘Billy’ Brownlee: Two counts of rape, sodomy and sex abuse.

Mendy Kent: Sodomy and sex abuse.

Wendy Holland: Sodomy, sex abuse and child torture.

James Cumbaa: Rape, sodomy, and sex abuse.

Randall Scott Wood: Second degree sodomy, enticing a child to enter and second degree rape.

Jennifer Moore: Production of pornography involving minors and second-degree child abuse.

Donald Holland Jr: Incest and second degree rape
Source: Fox 10



Man Gets 56-Year Prison Sentence for Killing Teen Girlfriend

Posted by Sandra On August - 31 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

524de91fd548b.image_A case involving a Pennsylvania man and his girlfriend sheds light on the true dangers involved with domestic violence and abusive relationships as a young man was convicted of killing his 17-year-old girlfriend following troubled relationship that lasted two years. 21-year-old Benjamin Klinger of Elizabethtown pleaded guilty to third-degree murder and was sentenced to 28 to 56 years to life for the death of Samantha “Sammi” Heller after he suffocated her following a deliberate 115MPH car crash. READ MORE HERE

Baby Born From Incest Has Blood Cancer

Posted by Sandra On August - 31 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

demaranvillestevenProsecutors have charged a Springfield man with incest after an infant was found to have a type of cancer that is caused when the parents have similar genetics. According to a probable cause statement, Steven DeMaranville, 36, impregnated a relative, and because that woman was younger than 17, he faces statutory rape and sodomy charges, in addition to incest. All three are felonies. The statement says an officer was called to Mercy earlier this month to assist child welfare workers from the Children’s Division on an investigation after a 2-month-old child was diagnosed with Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis, a type of “blood cancer” that is sometimes a result of incest. READ MORE HERE

Amber Alert: Delano Wilson

Posted by Sandra On August - 31 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS


amber29n-3-webDelano was last seen on August 27, 2014 at approximately 12:02 p.m. He may be in the company of an adult male and female. They may be traveling in a 2000-2003 blue 4-door Ford Taurus. Delano was last seen wearing a dark blue onesie.

Family offers $10,000 reward for missing baby 

Delano Wilson Abducted From Father at Gunpoint 

Delano Wilson missing: Police search for Indianapolis infant

Baby boy abducted ‘in extreme danger’


Male Pediatric Nurse Arrested for Molesting 2-MO Foster Baby

Posted by Sandra On August - 31 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Hundreds of pictures and videos of children found on hard drives and CDs

1409222838642_Image_galleryImage_michael_william_lutts_booA paediatric nurse in San Diego, California has been charged with molesting his two-month-old foster child. Michael William Lutts, 50, pleaded not guilty in federal court yesterday to a charge of sexually exploiting a child, said Darrell Foxworth, an FBI spokesman in San Diego. Court documents graphically tell of how Lutts allegedly groped the boy’s genitals while masturbating, videoing the whole event. And pictures show the boy still had his hospital tag attached to his leg as he was being abused. The documents say that Lutts then taped himself again a week later, masturbating in his living room with the baby nearby. He began molesting the boy on the day he was given custody of him, and recorded images and video on a phone that was seized during a search at his College Grove home on Tuesday, an FBI agent stated in the criminal complaint. READ MORE HERE

School Principal and Catholic Brother Accused of Molesting Boys

Posted by Sandra On August - 31 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

article-0-20E204D600000578-365_634x424A Catholic brother and former school principal has been charged with a string of child sex offences dating back to the 1970s and 1980s. Investigators will allege David Standen, 65, molested five 12-year-old-boys at St Patrick’s College in Goulburn between 1978 and 1980 while he was a teacher at the private school. Police arrested Brother Standen at Sydney Airport on August 19. He was principal at St Mary’s Cathedral College in inner-city Sydney for 10 years before he retired in 2010. READ MORE HERE

Education Chief Linked to Asian Sex Gang Scandal

Posted by Sandra On August - 31 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

article-2738491-20EBB6E400000578-840_306x423The Victorian Government is facing scrutiny for appointing a senior state education official who has been linked to a shocking child abuse scandal in northern England for a 16-year period. Between 1997 and 2013, children as young as 11 were sexually exploited by gangs of men – most of them of Pakistani origin. At least 1,400 girls were left to be abused by Asian men because the authorities were too scared to admit there was a race issue. Police and council officials in Rotherham suppressed evidence of the crimes because they feared being labelled racist. READ MORE HERE

British Police Plan Mass Raids On Child Sex Gangs

Posted by Sandra On August - 31 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS
  • Police have collated a list of child abuse suspects across the country
  • At least 180 men have been identified in the Manchester region alone 
  • A source said the scale of the operation ‘is almost beyond comprehension’

1409439184179_wps_5_BEST_QUALITY_AVAILABLE_UnPolice forces across Britain are poised to arrest hundreds of suspected child abusers as part of a massive crackdown on the grooming of vulnerable young girls. ‘Wave after wave’ of arrests will be made between now until Christmas in response to the ‘epidemic’ of child sexual exploitation that has haunted the nation for two decades. Police are confident that the raids will lead to scores of court cases across the country, with suspects facing charges of child abduction, rape, multiple rape and sexual assault.  In Greater Manchester alone, more than 180 suspects are set to be rounded up in an operation described by sources as a ‘day of reckoning’ for men who have tormented girls as young as ten. Raids are also scheduled to take place in the south of England within the next few weeks, with many others set to follow before the end of the year. READ MORE HERE

‘Sons of Guns’ Actor Charged With Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On August - 27 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

‘Sons of Guns’ canceled after star William Hayden charged with child rape

hayden“Sons of Guns” has been canceled in the wake of cast member Will Hayden being charged with molesting his now 12-year-old daughter. “Given the serious and horrific nature of the charges against Will Hayden, we have decided to halt further production of ‘Sons of Guns’ and cancel the series,” a Discovery Channel rep told TMZ Wednesday. READ MORE HERE

‘Sons of Guns’ Star — Daughter: He Took My Virginity

School Bus Driver Charged With Rape, Child Porn

Posted by Sandra On August - 27 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

4579509_GThe Oklahoma County District Attorney filed charges against a bus driver for the Edmond school district accused of rape and possessing child pornography. Scott Keith Jepson, 32, faces eight charges, including rape, possessing and distributing child pornography, lewd acts with children under 16, and indecent exposure. Jepson was arrested after an 8-year-old told a CARE Center counselor that Jepson touched him inappropriately twice in the same day. The victim told his mother the incident happened in their home during the summer of 2013. READ MORE HERE

Estimated 1,400 Children Were Sexually Exploited in Rotherham, England

Posted by Sandra On August - 27 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

downloadThey found her in the back of a car, drunk. She was with a man who was found with pornographic photos of her on his phone. She was 12. This child, only known as Child H, is just one of an estimated 1,400 children who were sexually exploited in Rotherham, England, between 1997 and 2013, according to a new report. Like many others, Child H was identified by authorities for being at risk of sexual exploitation at a young age. At the age of 11, she reported to police that she and another child had been sexually assaulted at the hands of adult men. READ MORE HERE

Former U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services Employee Convicted of Child Porn

Posted by Sandra On August - 27 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

hhs-logo-1The former acting director of cyber security at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services was convicted by a federal jury in the District of Nebraska today of engaging in a child exploitation enterprise, conspiracy to advertise and distribute child pornography, and accessing a computer with intent to view child pornography in connection with his membership in a child pornography website. Assistant Attorney General Leslie R. Caldwell of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney Deborah R. Gilg of the District of Nebraska and Special Agent in Charge Thomas R. Metz of the FBI’s Omaha Division made the announcement. Timothy DeFoggi, 56, formerly of Germantown, Maryland, is the sixth individual to be convicted as part of an ongoing investigation targeting three child pornography websites.   The three websites were run by a single administrator, who has since been convicted in the District of Nebraska of engaging in a child exploitation enterprise in connection with his administration of the sites. READ MORE HERE

Daycare Children Duct Taped Still At Naptime

Posted by Sandra On August - 27 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

In June, a teacher at Heart2Heart Montessori School snapped pictures of toddlers strapped with duct tape to a nap mat 

1409152246202_wps_2_A_Parker_County_Texas_dayDistressing photos show a toddler boy strapped to his nap cot at a Texas daycare that is currently under investigation for child abuse. The saddening photos were taken at Heart2Heart Montessori Cchool by teacher Hannah Tidwell, who witnessed facility owner Pamela Decker carrying out the abusive act on a 2-year-old boy. Tidwell then sent the pictures to the boy’s parents, Kristi and Brad Galbraith, saying their son was one of two boys and a little girl restrained during nap time. The Star-Telegram reports that when Tidwell confronted Decker about the act, she said: ‘Do not say anything about this. I know this [is] illegal but felt it was necessary.’ READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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