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Archive for the ‘Abuse Headlines’ Category

Disgusting Dating Website for Child Rapists Exposed

Posted by Sandra On December - 10 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

A Sunday Mirror investigation discovered Family4Love.com encourages male and female pedophiles to get together and raise their own little victims to rape and abuse

Pervert (1)A vile social network site created to help perverts breed children for sex has been exposed by a Sunday Mirror investigation. Family4Love.com encourages male and female pedophiles to get together and raise their own little victims to rape and abuse – sometimes from birth. They share their sick experiences and swap images of incest and child sex before arranging a ‘date’ with a view to a quick ‘marriage’ from hell. We sent an undercover reporter into the site, as a 30-year-old single female – and soon she was talking to a civil servant from the West Midlands. READ MORE HERE

Three Children Shot, Killed By Their Mother

Posted by Sandra On December - 7 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

5941352_GTABERNACLE, N.J. – A funeral for the three children killed by their mother inside a home in the New Jersey Pinelands will be held Saturday. A funeral Mass for 14-year-old Nicholas Harriman, 11-year-old Alexander Harriman and 8-year-old Nadia Harriman is scheduled for 1 p.m. at the Church of the Holy Eucharist in Tabernacle. Police say 44-year-old Jeannine LePage shot her three children inside the family’s home on Nov. 20. Authorities have not said what may have prompted LePage to do so, saying it was a mystery that may never be solved. Burial will be held privately. READ MORE HERE

Man Removed Moles On Genitals To Cover-Up Child Sex Abuse

Posted by Sandra On December - 7 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

23C3DD2100000578-2861880-image-a-1_1417773227635A NSW social worker who repeatedly raped a young girl deliberately removed two moles from his penis in a failed bid to cover his tracks, a court has heard. His victim, who he began abusing when she was nine, told police about the marks when his crimes came to light in November 2012. But Sydney’s Downing Centre District Court heard on Friday that the man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, refused to let officers see his penis. READ MORE HERE


Bullied Teen Commits Suicide

Posted by Sandra On December - 4 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

SuicideTexasThe loss of a child to suicide is unimaginable, yet on October 8, a 13-year-old boy from Georgetown, Texas, Peyton James, went to his bedroom and hung himself from the ceiling fan. This was the result of years of bullying by peers and classmates. He was found by his mother Jacki James. He was rushed to a nearby Round Rock hospital.Peyton’s father David James told The Woodlands Villager, “By the time his mother found him, he wasn’t breathing and had no heartbeat. She called 911 and began CPR. As emergency responders arrived, they continued the CPR; and after 25 minutes were able to restore his heartbeat.” READ MORE HERE

Coping with kids: Books help child to overcome bullying

Registered Sex Offender Faces Abduction, Rape, Murder Charges

Posted by Sandra On December - 4 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Donald-Davidson1-238x350MIDDLEBURG, Florida – After an overnight manhunt, a person of interest in the death of a woman and abduction and sexual assault of her 10-year-old daughter in Middleburg was taken into custody by the Clay County Sheriff’s Office. Donald Davidson Jr., 34, is a registered sexual predator who was released from prison in September on charges of lewd and lascivious act on a child younger than 12 in 2004 and aggravated battery on a pregnant woman in 2010. Deputies said the victim, 37-year-old Roseanne Welsh, was found dead by her son Monday inside her home, located at 4829 Mayflower St. READ MORE HERE

Sex predator’s first court appearance

Potential Death Penalty for Donald Hugh Davidson, Jr.

9-YO Disabled Girl’s Body Found Hidden In Fridge

Posted by Sandra On December - 4 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

The girl weighed only 14 pounds and had been there five months

23B64CF900000578-2859573-image-m-23_1417644657879A Houston mother has been charged with neglect after her nine-year-old daughter’s body was discovered stuffed inside a refrigerator six months ago. Amber Keyes is being held Wednesday on a charge of injury to a child-serious bodily injury. The 35-year-old Keyes hasn’t been charged with killing her daughter, Ayahna Comb, but Houston police say the neglect charge is linked to her death. Ayahna weighed 14 pounds when some children looking for food found her body in Keyes’ refrigerator in June. READ MORE HERE


TLC’s ‘My Five Wives’ Member Alleges Child Molestation

Posted by Sandra On December - 4 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

23B80F0A00000578-2859686-image-a-3_1417652323714One of the largest organized polygamy groups in Utah said this week it is investigating an allegation that its leader molested one of his daughters, who is now featured on the TLC reality TV show ‘My Five Wives.’ Rosemary Williams wrote in a blog posted last month that she was molested more than two decades ago by her father, Lynn A. Thompson. Ms Williams says her father fondled her when she was 12 years old. David Watson, a spokesman for the Apostolic United Brethren, or AUB, declined to answer questions about the investigation, referring repeatedly to a news release the group sent earlier this week. ‘We’re handling it internally,’ Watson said. READ MORE HERE


UK Will Launch Child Sex Abuse Image Database

Posted by Sandra On December - 2 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

_79239816_de27-1Data taken from tens of millions of child abuse photos and videos will shortly be used as part of a new police system to aid investigations into suspected pedophiles across the UK. The obscene material was seized during previous operations. The project, called the Child Abuse Image Database (Caid), will be launched by the Prime Minister at an internet safety event on Thursday 11 December. But one expert warned its success depended on it being properly staffed. READ MORE HERE

Man Sentenced To Up To 950 Years On Sex Abuse Charges

Posted by Sandra On December - 2 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

mrlHGGcIPRINCETON, West Virginia — A Bluefield man has been sentenced to up to 950 years in prison on sex charges involving children. WVVA-TV reported that 57-year-old James Irvin received a sentence of 235 to 950 years on Monday in Mercer County Circuit Court. A Mercer County jury convicted Irvin on 30 counts of sexual assault and sexual abuse in October. READ MORE HERE

Russia Passes Chemical Castration Law for Child Molesters

Posted by Sandra On December - 2 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

downloadThe Russian parliament has approved a law on pedophilia in a first reading. From now on people found guilty of sex crimes against children under the age of 14 will face chemical castration, while repeat offenders face a life sentence. According to the new law, the decision on a convict’s obligatory chemical castration will be made through a forensic psychiatrist’s report requested by the court, which may ultimately turn to other medical measures, MP Dmitry Vyatkin explained to Itar-TASS. READ MORE HERE

Suspected Child Rapist Arrested

Posted by Sandra On December - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

547cea8d0c438.imageCody police arrested Jason Nichols, 39, of Mount Vernon, Wash., on four counts of first-degree rape of a child. The arrest at a Cody apartment was the result of an outstanding warrant from Skagit County, Wash. Police and marshals arrested Nichols without incident about 8:15 a.m. Nov. 27. The police assisted with the arrest after the U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force was informed Nichols and his family might be living in the Big Horn Basin. READ MORE HERE

Woman Arrested for Shocking 3-YO Nephew With Stun Gun

Posted by Sandra On December - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

23A653DD00000578-0-image-2_1417475667342A Florida woman is accused of using a stun gun on her three-year-old nephew. But the woman and her family are denying the charges and claiming the incident was a misunderstanding. Ramona Braswell, 30, of St Petersburg, Florida was arrested and charged with felony child abuse Saturday after police responded to a 911 call from her sister, Karen Braswell, saying Ramona had used a Taser on her son. READ MORE HERE

Woman Made Child Porn With Her 2-YO Son

Posted by Sandra On December - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

jessica-bell25-year-old Jessica Bell from Oak Creek, Wisconsin, has been sentenced to seven years in prison due to the role she played in making pornographic films featuring her young son. The seven year sentence is only for a charge of possession of child pornography, but Bell still faces 10 additional felony counts for the actual acts against the boy, who was around 2 years old at the time the videos were made. Bell is expected to enter a guilty plea for those 10 felony counts in January. READ MORE HERE

Dad Beat Pimp; Saved 12-YO Daughter

Posted by Sandra On November - 30 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

brian-jones-620x400A 12-year-old girl in Tennessee was saved from a life a forced prostitution when her father tracked down and beat her alleged pimp with a baseball bat. The girls father told police that Brian Jones (pictured) had already forced his daughter to have sex with several men inside Jones’ Memphis apartment. Police documents indicate that the father’s attack occurred after Jones initially refused to give the girl up. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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