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Archive for the ‘Abuse Headlines’ Category

Man Charged With Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On December - 18 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

The Fairfield County Sheriff’s Office Detective Bureau is investigating a rape accusation at a Rusvhille home on Market Street. A 53-year-old man, identified as David A. Pyles, of Rushville, was arrested as a result of the investigation on Monday. Deputies were called to Pyles’ Rushville home at 4:05 p.m. on Monday about the sexual assault of a child, according to a sheriff’s office press release. Detectives investigated the claims and interviewed witnesses, arresting Pyle shortly after. READ MORE HERE

Mother Accused of Scalding Her Toddler

Posted by Sandra On December - 18 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

girl-badly-burned_1418765273728_11229941_ver1.0_640_480-665x385INDEPENDENCE, Mo. — A 25-year-old woman and her 51-year-old mother face charges of child abuse and neglect after police say the younger woman poured extremely hot water on her daughter, not yet three years old. Doctors at Children’s Mercy have been treating the child, born January 20, 2012, for second-degree burns on 12 percent of her body, including her face and back. The girl was brought to the hospital on Saturday,December 13 at about 9:30 p.m., over 24 hours after the abuse occurred. A child services investigator says the victim twice told her “Mommy is mean,” and stated that the bathtub water “did it.” She told the case worker that the water was in the blue bucket and that “Mommy did it.” READ MORE HERE

Jessica Chambers Murder Investigation

Posted by Sandra On December - 17 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

The Violent Burning Death of Jessica Lane Chambers Exposes Massive Problems In Panola County, Mississippi

downloadTo say the last 24 hours of research has uncovered significant information would be the understatement of the year. We are going to attempt to share the discoveries and keep the text digestible, but the depth here is really consuming. So we’ll start with a troubling outline of the investigation and then share more alarming evidence of big trouble in a small town. The link below will show a video of District Attorney John Champion and Panola County Sheriff Dennis Darby, giving a press conference on Thursday. If you pay close attention you can hear cause for initial concern. What we outline after is jaw dropping: “I do not anticipate any arrests“.. READ THE SHOCKING INVESTIGATION DISCOVERIES HERE 

Jessica Chambers’ father to her killer: ‘They’re coming for you.’

Jessica Chambers: Group Anonymous said to be looking for Mississippi teen’s killer

Jessica Chambers and the “Black Squad”

FBI, ‘Anonymous’ now involved in burned teen case

Jessica Chambers’ ex-boyfriend cleared as a suspect

Detroit: Hundreds of Suspected Child Abusers, Rapists, Murderers Released

Posted by Sandra On December - 16 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Detroit Prosecutor’s office can’t keep up with warrants

2419E68C00000578-2876376-image-a-51_1418759316089A shocking new report shows that dozens of suspected rapists, murderers and child abusers were released back onto the streets of Detroit in the last four years, because county prosecutors didn’t sign warrants in time to keep the accused behind bars. The Detroit News reports that the office’s backlog of outstanding warrants goes back to 2010, and includes 21 for murder, 105 for sexual assault and 126 for child abuse. Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy explained the chilling statistic, saying budget cuts have whittled down her staff who are now struggling to keep up with the cases. READ MORE HERE


James VanCallis Charged in Death

Posted by Sandra On December - 15 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS


James VanCallis Charged in April Millsap’s Death

MACOMB COUNTY, MICHIGAN – Graphic testimony was heard in the preliminary exam Monday for James VanCallis, charged with the murder of Armada teen April Millsap. VanCallis, 32, is charged with first degree murder, felony murder, assault with the intent to commit sexual penetration, but first the judge must decide if the case should go to trial. Prosecutors say that about 15 witnesses are expected to testify. Some who took that stand said there was no doubt in their mind they saw VanCallis on the Macomb Orchard Trail the day she was fatally assaulted. There was also testimony from responding officers who gave graphic testimony. READ MORE HERE

Detention Officer Held for Child Molestation Charges

Posted by Sandra On December - 15 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

12-14-14-SCOTT-DENNISONPHOENIX — A Maricopa County Sheriff’s detention officer is on administrative leave following sex crime charges dating back almost two decades. The Sheriff’s Office says 32-year-old Scott Andrew Dennison, who was charged Thursday, remains jailed on charges of sexual conduct with a minor and molestation of a child. According to court records, two female victims told Peoria police that Dennison molested them when they were children. Another victim alleges that Dennison engaged her in oral sex when she was between 4 and 5 years old. READ MORE HERE

Officer Sentenced to 6-Months for Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On December - 15 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

downloadWOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND — A Woonsocket police officer found guilty of physically abusing his young sister while in his care, was sentenced to 10 years at the ACI with six months to serve on Monday. Patrick Cahill, 26, of Woonsocket, was found guilty on one count of second-degree child abuse. Prosecutors proved that in August of 2012, Cahill physically abused his 9-year-old sister. She immediately told her mother about the abuse, who then reported the incident to Woonsocket police. “We alleged to the court that he in fact choked his sister,” Kilmartin said. “The judge, who conducted a jury-waived trial, did the fact-finding, concurred, and found him guilty.” Cahill has been on unpaid administrative leave since his arrest. READ MORE HERE

Woonsocket police officer found guilty of abusing sister, 9

Suspended cop convicted of abusing kid sister

Father Who Chained Child To Bed Gets 30-Days In Jail

Posted by Sandra On December - 15 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

24136E6300000578-2875153-image-m-12_1418683001055A Utah father will serve 30 days in jail and 30 days of house arrest for chaining his 7-year-old son to a bed while the man was at work. State Judge Brandon Maynard insisted on jail time Monday despite a recommendation from prosecutors that 29-year-old Sammie Hodges from Logan only serve house arrest. Utah father Sammie Hodges, 29, chained his 7-year-old son to a bed while he was at work because he couldn’t afford daycare. The judge said he didn’t want to keep father and son apart, though. ‘My goal is not to undermine reunification efforts with your son, but rather to reinforce making good parenting decisions,’ Maynard said. READ MORE HERE


13-YO Daughter Molested by Long-Lost Father

Posted by Sandra On December - 15 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Dad repeatedly has sex with long-lost daughter, 13, after she finds him through Facebook

istock.nica32553171.13122014_32857_pmGrowing up, she wondered what her father was like. So the schoolgirl, then 13, was thrilled when she eventually tracked him down through “friends and Facebook” postings. He was living in South Yorkshire, England. But it turned out the teen was better off not making contact – as she was repeatedly forced to have sex with him  “on a regular basis” over a six-month period, Sheffield Crown Court heard. READ MORE HERE


ISIS Publishes Guide Condoning Rape of Women, Children

Posted by Sandra On December - 13 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Says it is ‘permissible’ to have ‘intercourse with female slave who hasn’t reached puberty’

24080B9400000578-2872884-image-a-6_1418500022651Islamic State (IS) has published a shocking guidebook for its fighters on how to rape slave girls – even if they have not reached puberty. The Arabic manual, titled Questions And Answers On Taking Captives And Slaves, instructs IS fighters on how to buy and sell women and girls who have been captured in war as booty. The document, published by the Research and Fatwa Department of IS, gives its fighters the green light to turn captured women into slaves and concubines, and even give them as gifts to one another. READ MORE HERE


Father and Girlfriend Found Guilty of Child Torture

Posted by Sandra On December - 12 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

23F9DCBD00000578-2870133-image-m-17_1418310349462A Southern California father and his girlfriend have been found guilty of torture and child abuse for starving two of his children and beating a third. A San Bernardino County jury convicted 30-year-old Erik Austin Flores and 23-year-old Mariah Rita Sugg, of Hesperia, Wednesday. Each faces 20 years to life in prison when they’re sentenced January 8. Prosecutors say the 4-year-old and 5-year-old children suffered permanent height loss because of their malnutrition and resembled concentration camp survivors and zombies when they were found and taken in by authorities earlier this year. READ MORE HERE

Ex-Christian Radio Host Sentenced to 40-Years for Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On December - 12 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

1407160662751_wps_1_a_undated_photo_of_John_BA former Christian radio host was called a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ on Thursday as he was sentenced to 40 years for raping an 11-year-old boy. John Balyo, 36, of Caledonia, Michigan, was arrested in a June as part of a sex trafficking ring bust, and in September, pleaded guilty to sexually abusing the child in a hotel room. At the sentencing hearing, Judge Robert Holmes Bell said it was difficult to reconcile Balyo’s public image as a newlywed expectant father, who was a camp counselor and missionary volunteer, with that of the sadistic pedophile which came to light in the police investigation. Police found Balyo’s lock-up where he stashed child pornography and practiced a sexual kidnapping fantasy with a child-sized mannequin. READ MORE HERE


Mother Charged With Sexual Exploitation of Her Child

Posted by Sandra On December - 12 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

2401A8AB00000578-0-image-m-52_1418404336697A Utah mother has been arrested for allegedly taking pictures of her half-naked 5-year-old daughter and selling them to men. Starla Rae McCabe, 45, from Perry, Utah, has been charged with 10 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor. According to a probable cause statement obtained by Deseret News, police armed with a warrant searchd a Nintendo DSi video game system featuring a camera and discovered a cache of 19 photo s depicting McCabe’s 5-year-old daughter. READ MORE HERE


Father’s Girlfriend Killed 4-YO Boy

Posted by Sandra On December - 10 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

StoryMCNAIRY COUNTY, TN – A McNairy County woman has been charged with first degree murder after the death of 4-year-old boy.  Asher Drake died Saturday at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital from a traumatic brain injury. His dad’s girlfriend, Kyrie Kyle, is charged with first degree murder, aggravated assault, and child abuse. Asher’s father, Anthony Dilworth, is also charged with child abuse. Asher died from a severe head injury. He had bleeding on his brain, an injury that happened last Wednesday night. READ MORE HERE


Judge rules statements from two suspects are admissible, sends case to grand jury; Trial scheduled for February


Girlfriend Charged With Murder After Child Dies

Alleged child abuse suspect pregnant

Anthony Dilworth & Kyrie Kyle Beat 4yo

DOCUMENTS | Hospital reports child was bruised all over his body

Lawyers argue Miranda violations in child death

First degree murder charge in death of 4-year-old





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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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