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Archive for the ‘Abuse Headlines’ Category

8-YO Home-Schooled Boy Died of Scurvy

Posted by Sandra On July - 9 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

His parents home-schooled him and denied access to health authorities


Zolpidem For Sale Online 3612A9F300000578-0-image-a-50_1468059258360Pembrokeshire, Wales – An eight-year-old boy who died of scurvy was ‘invisible’ to the authorities after his parents refused to allow officials to see him from the age of 13 months.  Order Klonopin Overnight Shipping Dylan Seabridge died at age eight at his family’s isolated farmhouse in and had no direct contact with doctors, nurses or teachers for seven years. His parents Glynn, 47, and Julie, 46, who home-schooled him, initially believed he was suffering from growing pains but the true cause was revealed after he collapsed in December 2011 and later died in hospital. READ MORE HERE




Convicted Child Rapist Held On $500,000 Bond

Posted by Sandra On July - 7 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Man now faces charges that he smothered a 5-month-old baby boy

https://juristas-ruidos.org/tjc5nfjgem 577d3eefc6a4e.imageA convicted child rapist has been ordered held on a $500,000 bond on charges that he smothered a five-month-old baby boy in Missoula.  Buy Ambien From Usa Marc Allen Palmer, 25, faces felony deliberate homicide for allegedly suffocating infant Brayden Beal while the child’s mother and Palmer’s mother were sleeping, according to a court affidavit. Allen is a registered sexual offender after being convicted of child rape and three counts of child molestation in Washington in 2007. READ MORE HERE

Stepmom Sentenced to 99-Years for Child Abuse, Death

Posted by Sandra On July - 3 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

e0f22e51-99a6-4721-a72a-152fd7fefcb1-large16x9_josiahwilliamscollageJustice will be served for Crystal Williams, stepmom of a 5-year-old boy who was starved and beaten to death. The stepmom will serve a 99-year sentence for the horrific child abuse that led to Josiah Williams’ death just two days after Christmas in 2012. As testified by the Bexar County Medical Examiner, Josiah’s cause of death is listed as “dehydration in a battered, underweight child.” Crystal Williams told the jury that Josiah was a very picky eater, trying to account for him being so underweight. READ MORE HERE

Female Teacher Arrested for Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On July - 3 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.suitupmaine.org/wyp5fsdqwzx capture-20160703-174810AUBURN, ALABAMA – Investigators with the Auburn Police Department have confirmed that 43-year-old https://calif-ilc.org/i6169uj Brandee Morgan, a middle school teacher in Chambers County, has been arrested and charged with second-degree rape and facilitating the travel of a child for an unlawful sex act. Morgan, who lives in Auburn, was arrested on June 30 at the police department. READ MORE HERE

46-YO Pastor Raped, Impregnated 10-YO Girl

Posted by Sandra On July - 2 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.polefinistere.com/1hs6zc5 https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/p7n0lao1drk capture-20160702-201828FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida – When a 10-year-old girl ended up in the hospital with stomach pain, doctors learned she was pregnant. Fort Lauderdale police detectives from the special victims unit met the girl at Broward Health Medical Center earlier this year. The man accused of getting the child pregnant, police said, was https://sapooni.com/oyfwo7bzvi Raymond Vincent, a youth pastor who used to live in Fort Lauderdale. READ MORE HERE

Man Sentenced to 13-Years After ‘Waterboarding’ Child

Posted by Sandra On June - 26 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

https://calif-ilc.org/ie9nsg7 _90056453_romansA man who almost killed a child in what a judge described as a “waterboarding” episode has been jailed.  Clonazepam Overdose Earl Jason Romans, 29, forced his victim to consume “in excess of five pints of water in a short period of time”, medical reports showed. Romans, accused of grievous bodily harm with intent against an infant child, changed his plea to guilty during his trial at Nottingham Crown Court. Romans was jailed for 13 years and three months, by Judge Timothy Spencer. READ MORE HERE

Mother Helped Nephew Rape Her 12-YO Daughter

Posted by Sandra On June - 24 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

downloadA Melbourne mother who helped her nephew rape her 12-year-old daughter by holding her legs may be out of jail in less than a year. The woman, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim, was sentenced in the Victorian County Court on Friday to a maximum of four years jail, with a minimum of two years. The mother and nephew were in an incestuous sexual relationship when the offending started in 2011, the court heard. READ MORE HERE

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China: Child Killer Sentenced to Only 11-Years

Posted by Sandra On June - 24 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.daathize.com.br/5y0bl4pu 359E3F0B00000578-3658279-image-a-86_1466770877576A man in China has been sentenced to 11 years in jail after he was found guilty of beating his girlfriend’s son to death. The boy was just five years old when he was abused by his mother’s boyfriend in Jiangsu province. Hu is said to have hit the boy on multiple occasions in the lead up to the fatal beating. Chinese media reported that the 5-year-old boy’s parents were divorced and had been living with his father. READ MORE HERE


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JonBenet Ramsey Murder Suspect Charged with Child Porn

Posted by Sandra On June - 21 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Clonazepam Discount Price gary_olivaAs more than half a dozen national television productions prepare to mark the nearly two decades that have passed since the murder of JonBenet Ramsey, a suspect in the notorious unsolved slaying is in the Boulder County Jail on charges of sexually exploiting a child.  https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/6cdwprj364p Gary Howard Oliva, 52, was booked without bond into the jail Friday on a case brought by the Boulder Police Department, the same agency that has labored for two decades to bring resolution to the notorious Christmas night 1996 slaying of the 6-year-old child beauty queen. READ MORE HERE

Felony Child Abuse Charges

Posted by Sandra On June - 21 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Parents facing felony child abuse charges involving twin infants

https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/64p8f891a – A Bucks County couple was expected in court on charges of abusing their two-month-old twin daughters. They were due for their preliminary hearing in Levittown at 9:30am, but the case has been continued. The case has shocked many over the past month. The parents are Melissa Shales, 25, and her husband Michael, 30. READ MORE HERE

Parents Arrested: 4-MO with 3 Broken Ribs

Posted by Sandra On June - 21 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

https://electroseleccio.cat/68fhp0mw img-Goffstown-child-abuseGOFFSTOWN, New Hampshire —The parents of a 4-month-old child were arrested following an investigation into allegations of abuse. Goffstown police said the infant was evaluated at Elliot Hospital, where it was determined that the child had sustained three broken ribs. Police arrested Clonazepam Withdrawal Help Brandon Perry, 23, of Goffstown, and charged him with first-degree assault, reckless conduct and two counts of endangering the welfare of the child. READ MORE HERE

England Child Abuse Cases Show 75% Increase

Posted by Sandra On June - 21 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Child cruelty and neglect cases up 75%

35889F4F00000578-0-image-m-12_1466557224091 (1)ENGLAND – Child cruelty and neglect cases recorded by police have soared by 75 percent in just under a decade. Parents or carers were reported to officers in connection with 8,506 offences in England in 2014-15, compared with 4,855 in 2005-06. Adults contacted the authorities with fears about children who were beaten, starving, dirty or living in rat-plagued homes. Others reported parents who were drunk or leaving youngsters to fend for themselves. READ MORE HERE


Woman Sentenced to 70-Years for Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On June - 19 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Brand Ambien Online Linda-Richmond-e1466105034994MADISON COUNTY, Kentucky – A Madison County woman who was found guilty on multiple counts of criminal abuse against her 9-year-old daughter was sentenced to 70 years on Thursday. In 2014 officials say Linda Richmond and her boyfriend Clonazepam Generic For Sale Julio Valladares spent a year torturing the child. Court documents say Richmond and Valladares would withhold food from the child for wetting the bed. The jury recommended Richmond serve a 90 year sentence, but the judge said that the max sentence for criminal abuse was 70 years. Valladares took a 20 year plea deal. READ MORE HERE

Child Rapist Sentenced to 20-Years

Posted by Sandra On June - 16 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

downloadA Cape Town man who preyed on young girls and boys through social media was on Wednesday sentenced to 20 years behind bars by the Western Cape High Court.  https://juristas-ruidos.org/o4e6q10qs Nizaam Ajam entered a plea and sentencing agreement after being charged with 148 counts of sex crimes against children. These included rape, extortion, sexual grooming of children, creation of child pornography and the distribution of child pornography between 2012 and 2014. READ MORE HERE

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https://olashirt.com/zapg7sk DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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Mother Tortured, Scalded Child

On May-13-2011
Reported by Sandra

Police arrest alleged child rapist near Kings Island

On Aug-4-2010
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Five Janitors Sentenced for Raping Kindergartner

On Dec-27-2014
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U.S. Horrible Place for Children

On Aug-30-2011
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