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Archive for the ‘Abuse Headlines’ Category

Teacher Accused of Molestation

Posted by Sandra On November - 22 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Principal, two administrators arrested for failure to report abuse

https://www.mdifitness.com/7tup7kht 528ff1377734b.preview-300HOUSTON – A Sharpstown high school Spanish teacher was arrested Friday evening and accused of inappropriate behavior with students. A couple of students at Sharpstown who disclosed that they had been alleged victims of Spanish teacher Ysidoro Rosales-Motola, 56, who committed indecency with a child or improper relationship with a student back on October 10, 2013. Motola has now been charged with indecency with a student under 17 years of age and two counts of improper relationship with a student over 16 years old.  Two administrators, and the school principal at Sharpstown High School, have been charged with failing to report child abuse. READ MORE HERE


Teen Charged With Killing His Girlfriend’s Toddler

Posted by Sandra On November - 22 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Peterborough-Magistrates-Court-2840650A teenager has tonight been charged with murdering a two-year-old girl who is believed to be his girlfriend’s daughter. Dean Harris, 19, of, Yaxley, Cambridgeshire, will appear in court tomorrow morning after the death of Amina Agboola. The toddler died yesterday after being taken to hospital with serious injuries. READ MORE HERE


6,000 Suspected Arizona Child Abuse Calls Went Ignored

Posted by Sandra On November - 22 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

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imagesThousands of Arizona children may be suffering abuse despite bravely calling government help hotlines that then ignored their pleas for help.  https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/cazm7vj A shocking 6,000 potential child abuse cases have gone uninvestigated since 2009 because a blunder in the system meant the calls were mis-classified, the state’s director of child welfare revealed today. And the department also admitted it had no idea if those children are still at risk of abuse. Department of Economic Security Director Clarence Carter said all 6,000 cases will be reviewed after they were incorrectly logged as not requiring investigations by a staffer in the agency’s call center. READ MORE HERE

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Disgusting “Sandy Hook” Video Game Shocks Public

Posted by Sandra On November - 20 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

How To Get Zolpidem Online Sandy Hook video game lets players shoot mom, collect ammo and fire into school
Buy Cheap Clonazepam 1Mg sandy21n-10-webAn Australian techie believed to be Ryan Jake Lambourn has deeply angered those who experienced the mass shooting — but he is insisting that the gruesome game has an important gun control message that needs to be heard.


Order Clonazepam 0.25Mg An Australian techie has sparked outrage by creating a sick Sandy Hook video game where players can shoot their mom, collect ammo and go on a terrifying gun rampage in a school. The Sydney gaming geek, believed to be called Ryan Jake Lambourn, has reportedly caused “deep anger and fury” among families of the victims and survivors of the horrific massacre. His simulation — “The Slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary School” — sees players re-enacting the fateful day of Dec. 14, 2012. READ MORE HERE


10-YO Boy Jumps Off 30-Floor Building Over School Punishment

Posted by Sandra On November - 20 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.scarpellino.com/1i78cww boy-jumps-off-30-floor-building-after-school-killed-himself-01-600x812On the afternoon of October 30, Junjun of Grade 5 Class 1 of an elementary school in Chengdu jumped off the 30th floor of the apartment building he lived in, and died instantly at the scene. According to the residential community’s surveillance footage, at 5:53 pm of that afternoon, Junjun walked into the elevator with his head down, wearing a backpack. His home is on the 5th floor, but he didn’t go home and instead reached up and pressed the button of the 30th floor. A little more than 20 minutes later, at 6:15 pm, a Mr. Lin (pseudonym) who was watching his storefront in the residential community where the incident happened heard a loud “bang”. “It was like a car exploding, very loud.” The bang was from Junjun, when the foolish boy fell from the 30-floor building, and died instantly at the scene. READ MORE HERE

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13-YO Boy Sexually Abused Young Girl for Years

Posted by Sandra On November - 20 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Schoolboy, 13, spent years raping little girl aged younger than 8 after watching internet pornography


article-2509889-1687EB47000005DC-182_306x447A ten-year-old boy repeatedly raped and sexually abused a seven-year-old girl over two years after becoming addicted to hardcore pornography, a court has heard. The schoolboy would sit at his home computer for hours scouring the internet for extreme porn, the court was told. After looking at the vile images he would play out his sexual fantasies on the young girl – which later developed into attempted rape and rape. The court heard how he committed sex acts on the girl between the age of ten and 12 when she was aged only seven and eight. Yesterday the boy, now 13, escaped a custodial sentence after a judge heard how he had been physically and emotionally abused as a young child. READ MORE HERE

Child Predator Raped Children As Young As 8-DAYS Old

Posted by Sandra On November - 20 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Offers to be castrated for a lighter sentence

https://hazenfoundation.org/gbkkoahph5 article-2510762-198B10D100000578-47_306x423A convicted pedophile who allegedly sexually abused more than a dozen children, one just eight-days-old, at his wife’s Massachusetts child care center wants to be physically castrated for a reduced sentenced.  John Burbine faces life behind bars for raping and molesting 13 children at the unlicensed Waterfall Education Center between 2010 and 2012. However the 49-year-old’s lawyer today told the court he would seek a maximum sentence of 15 years if the sex offender underwent the pleasure-nullifying procedure. READ MORE HERE

Child Killer To Be Released From Prison

Posted by Sandra On November - 20 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.plantillaslago.com/3zmmvrp Jeffrey Martinson will be freed from prison at noon on Nov. 26

Buy Ambien Online Legally article-2510851-198B5BAC00000578-544_634x730An Arizona judge has freed a man who was charged with the first degree murder of his son nine years ago. Judge Sally Duncan cited ‘a pattern and practice of misconduct’ by prosecutors during the controversial trial of Jeffrey Martinson, 43, who was being held on a charge killing his five-year-old son, Josh, in 2004 while in the midst of a custody battle. Duncan dropped all charges against Martinson and ordered he be released at noon on November 26, saying the prosecution team acted with a ruthless ‘win-by-any-means strategy’. READ MORE HERE

Father Posts Photos of Him and Toddler on Facebook, Then Kills Her

Posted by Sandra On November - 20 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Man posts Facebook photos before killing toddler daughter

_h0_w295_m6_otrue_lfalseDENVER — A 22-year-old Colorado man posted photos of himself and his 19-month-old daughter, and messages to the toddler’s mother, on Facebook before he shot the girl dead and turned the gun on himself, police said on Wednesday. Police in the Denver suburb of Westminster are investigating whether Merrick McKoy made the postings on the social media network minutes before Monday’s shooting, as local news outlets have reported, said police spokeswoman Cheri Spottke. READ MORE HERE

Parents, Twin Boys, Found Dead In Home

Posted by Sandra On November - 19 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Mother and twin sons found stabbed to death in their suburban home alongside estranged husband

https://www.varesewedding.com/ug2zvy6g article-2509518-197F650B00000578-577_634x732The married couple found dead at their Massachusetts home along with their twin boys have been named as Scott Jones and Mei Kum Jones, both 43, and relatives have said that they were in the middle of a ‘nasty divorce’. The couple, who lived on a quiet street in Arlington with their sons, Colt and Cameron- who would have celebrated their first birthday on November 26th- were discovered on Monday afternoon and police sources said they appear to have been killed with ‘some kind of cutting tool.’ The Arlington Chief of Police added that there is no risk to the public safety and that police aren’t looking for a suspect. They were called to the scene by another tenant in the building who requested a well-being check.  It has now been revealed that police had previously been called to the home on two different occasions before the twins were born last year. READ MORE HERE

Child Porn Suspect Offered Babysitting Services

Posted by Sandra On November - 19 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://hazenfoundation.org/h80fxa1mi3 Texas man suspected of sexually assaulting 15 young girls, taking photos of abuse

https://www.scarpellino.com/c6v9s8ww1y costinTexas officials are investigating a new lead in the case of a Pearland man suspected of sexually assaulting as many as 15 young girls and taking photos of the abuse. Tad Costin, 42, was arrested November 1 after police say they received several computer SD cards that contained thousands of graphic photos, many with Costin allegedly sexually assaulting young female children between the ages of 4 and 7, Jeff McShan of the Harris County District Attorney’s Office told HLN on Thursday. READ MORE HERE

Google Now Blocking Search for Child Abuse Websites

Posted by Sandra On November - 19 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Google blocks searches for child abuse sites

Ordering Zolpidem Tartrate downloadLONDON — Google and Microsoft have introduced software that makes it harder for users to search for child abuse material online, the companies said in a joint announcement Monday. Writing ahead of a British summit on Internet safety, Google’s executive chairman Eric Schmidt said his company has fine-tuned Google Search to clean up results for over 100,000 search terms. When users type in queries that may be related to child sexual abuse, they will find no results that link to illegal content. READ MORE HERE

Children Were Raped, Forced to Eat Vomit

Posted by Sandra On November - 19 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Zolpidem Generic Purchase Ambien Cheapest About 200 children estimated to have been physically and sexually abused at North Coast Children’s Home in Lismore

https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/jv4bi163y0j article-2509224-08BD35EC000005DC-130_306x423Children were forced to eat their own vomit and have sex with staff at an Australian orphanage run by the Anglican church, an inquiry has heard. A former child resident told the royal commission into the alleged abuse that young children were viciously beaten over decades of systematic abuse at the North Coast Children’s Home in Lismore, New South Wales. The witness, known only as CK, said today that some children suffered ritual sexual abuse at the hands of staff. READ MORE HERE

Another Child Dies After Parents Follow Book “To Train Up a Child”

Posted by Sandra On November - 19 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/nveh49dhp c64e0e7914abce161ff8c6caf84a7973Two parents in Washington state have been found guilty of murder after following the abusive parenting techniques advocated in the parenting book “To Train Up a Child” by Michael and Debi Pearl. Larry and Carri Williams received the maximum prison sentences allowable under the law after being found guilty of beating and starving their adopted daughter Hana to death. The methods they used to “discipline” their daughter were advocated in the controversial Christian book. READ MORE HERE

https://chemxtree.com/b6r2f0ql NOTE: PLEASE BOYCOTT THIS BOOK!!

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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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Mother Arrested After Teen Dies Weighing Only 28-Lbs

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