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Archive for the ‘Abuse Headlines’ Category

Hospital Apologizes for Baby’s Death

Posted by Sandra On December - 1 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.fogliandpartners.com/11m4o0j NHS staff failed to report ‘suspicious bruising’ to police or social services

article-0-19BAAA7E00000578-616_634x653A hospital has finally admitted that it failed a baby boy by making ‘catastrophic mistakes’ – more than seven years after the child was shaken to death. Kyle Keen was killed by his stepfather in 2006 after NHS staff failed to report his ‘suspicious bruising’ to police or social services. At the time, the hospital said there ‘appeared to be no direct evidence of abuse’ – but seven years later a report into his death has still never been published in full. READ MORE HERE

Two Boys Found Dead Ruled Murder-Suicide

Posted by Sandra On December - 1 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.salernoformazione.com/9vmsn545l 1256031SOUTH JORDAN — Two young boys found dead in the basement of a home in the Daybreak neighborhood a week ago died in a murder-suicide, police said Friday. An autopsy determined that Taylor Wheeler, 12, died of a single gunshot wound and Dayton Gessell, 15, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. But what South Jordan police still could not answer Friday, was whether the shooting of Taylor was an intentional act. READ MORE HERE

Officer Raped 19-YO Handcuffed Female

Posted by Sandra On December - 1 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.scarpellino.com/q8r1arkc kens_neal_131124a-615x345SAN ANTONIO, TX —  An eleven-year veteran of the San Antonio Police Department is free on bond after being arrested, charged with sexual assault of a 19-year-old woman during a traffic stop. Officer Jackie Len Neal, 40, was arrested while off-duty early Saturday morning, after the alleged victim notified SAPD within hours of the incident Friday. The arrest warrant affidavit states the young woman said she was handcuffed during the alleged sexual assault, outside by the trunk of Neal’s vehicle. READ MORE HERE

Police Rescue 3 Sisters Held Captive for 2-Years

Posted by Sandra On December - 1 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/abaax5r downloadThree teenage sisters have been rescued from an Arizona home after being held captive for two years, police say. The mother of the three children, who were allegedly imprisoned in filthy conditions in the home, lied about the family’s whereabouts and wouldn’t let an aunt speak with her nieces on the phone, the aunt said during an interview Wednesday. Chame Bueno told The Associated Press that the 32-year-old mother said that the family was living in San Diego when they actually were in Tucson. READ MORE HERE



Tucson Sisters Imprisoned in Home for Years

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Lostprophets Singer, Ian Watkins, Arrested for Child Sex Abuse, Porn

Posted by Sandra On December - 1 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://chemxtree.com/bbask4f1c95 article-2513820-19A8BF7300000578-201_306x423The police faced serious questions last night over why they failed to act sooner to stop Lostprophets singer Ian Watkins after it emerged fans had warned for nearly four years that he was obsessed with child porn. From early 2010 horrified fans who had become friends with Watkins went online to beg for help after discovering vile images on his computer. Friends claim they called police to tell them the 36-year-old was a pedophile but officers did nothing, allowing him to go on to subject babies to the most horrific abuse. A disturbing child porn profile created in that time by Watkins was viewed by more than 40,000 people on the internet and yet appears never to have been monitored by authorities. READ MORE HERE

Baby Forcibly Removed from Womb by Social Services

Posted by Sandra On December - 1 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Baby taken from womb by social services

Order Ambien From Canada easy-pregnancyA pregnant woman has had her baby forcibly removed by Cesarean section by social workers. Essex social services obtained a High Court order against the woman that allowed her to be forcibly sedated and her child to be taken from her womb. The council said it was acting in the best interests of the woman, an Italian who was in Britain on a work trip, because she had suffered a mental breakdown. The baby girl, now 15 months old, is still in the care of social services, who are refusing to give her back to the mother, even though she claims to have made a full recovery. The case has developed into an international legal row, with lawyers for the woman describing it as “unprecedented”. READ MORE HERE

“Unprecedented:” Baby Forcibly Taken From Mom By Cesarean

Man Sentenced for Incest

Posted by Sandra On November - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/oopt45xec C1473E0B6F51D05ACA12DDB91AE01C03_292_292A Pulaski County man who admitted to fathering a child with an underage family member was given 15 years for the crime. According to the Commonwealth Journal, Ronnie Logan had already pleaded guilty to one count of incest. According to the paper, authorities started investigating Logan around this time last year after receiving a tip about possible sexual abuse. READ MORE HERE

Child Rape-Watcher Also Charged With Incest

Posted by Sandra On November - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=b9ms1ecn7 download (1)The Blancheter man who was arrested on Friday for asking a stranger online to rape a 4-year-old family member while he watched has also engaged in incest activity. A Fayette Advocate investigation revealed that Stewart Matthew Kidwell, 36, arrested on Friday and charged with one count of coercion and enticement to engage in illegal sexual contact with a minor and one count of child pornography distribution, solicited online, including social networking sites such as Facebook, to engage with others in incest activity. READ MORE HERE

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Pastor Sentenced to 10-Years for Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On November - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

downloadNelspruit – A pastor in Mpumalanga was jailed for 10 years by the Nelspruit Regional Court on Friday for sodomizing an eight-year-old boy. The pastor, from Tonga near Komatipoort, was arrested in March 2010 after his neighbor’s child was assaulted, a Sapa correspondent reported. The married father of five had pleaded not guilty to a charge of rape. His wife testified in mitigation of sentence and claimed neighbors falsely accused him after he asked them to join his church. READ MORE HERE

Police Arrest Man Who Violently Raped 9-YO Child A Decade Ago

Posted by Sandra On November - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Ambien Online From Canada 131122_rape_bigTACOMA, Washington — A 9-year-old girl was viciously raped more than a decade ago in Parkland, and police believe they’ve finally solved the notorious cold case. The suspect, Antonio Nieves, was just 17-years old at the time of the rape. Nieves has spent his adult life in and out of jail and was part of the state’s criminal database, but it was only recently that investigators were able to match his DNA to the rape. READ MORE HERE

16-YO Girl’s Father Starved Her, Mother Beat Her, Brother Raped Her

Posted by Sandra On November - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Abuse occurred during six years she was imprisoned in the basement

article-2512599-199B1A6600000578-696_306x423A Wisconsin man who locked his daughter in the basement and starved her down to only 68 pounds is headed to prison. Chad Chritten, 42, kept his daughter locked in the basement for six years while her stepmother beat her and her stepbrother sexually assaulted her until she escaped in February 2012 and was rescued by a good Samaritan. Mr Chritten was found guilty Friday of three felonies – second-degree reckless endangerment, child abuse and causing mental harm to a child, according to reports. He was found not guilty of false imprisonment. READ MORE HERE

Man Had Over 640,000 Child Porn Images

Posted by Sandra On November - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Police stopped counting at 640,000 … and was watching indecent video when they arrived to arrest him

article-2513353-19A3111000000578-740_306x483A pensioner who was caught with more than a million pornographic images of children was jailed for 19 years today after admitting abusing young girls. John Bidmead, 65, a lorry driver, was watching a video of child abuse when police knocked on his front door with a warrant to arrest him.  When police searched his property, huge amounts of indecent material was found on his computers. Officers, who said they stopped counting when they reached 640,000, believe he had more than a million indecent images in his possession. READ MORE HERE

Two Daycare Workers Arrested for Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On November - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

compos-daycare1385402041Prince William County police charged two women who worked at a Woodbridge day-care center with assaulting and abusing at least three young children who had been in their care. Kierra N. Spriggs, 24, and Sarah A. Jordan, 29, both of Woodbridge, were charged with two counts each of assault and battery and cruelty or injury to a child. READ MORE HERE

Parents Claim Daughter Was ‘Kidnapped’ by Doctors

Posted by Sandra On November - 24 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

15-year-old girl ‘kidnapped’ by doctors nine months ago who her parents claim are using her as a ‘guinea pig for medical experiments’

article-2513257-198DA81C00000578-483_306x423Like something out of a Kafka novel, Justina Pelletier has been ‘disappeared’. The 15-year-old was admitted to hospital nine months ago suffering from a bout of the flu and has been locked away in a stark psychiatric unit at Boston Children’s Hospital ever since with sex abuse victims and children who have self-harmed themselves. For her devastated parents and her three sisters, her plight is almost too heartbreaking to bear. Unable to contact her beloved family or friends, her every move is monitored. Everything sacred to a teenager: her phone, iPad, music and collection of pink fluffy toys – has been taken away from her. She can only see her family for one hour a week and calls home are listened in on. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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