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Child Abuse Information

Posted by Sandra On March - 1 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Director of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Carolyn Atwell-Davis talked about child abuse. Topics included where to seek help or assistance for child abuse, and law enforcement funding for child protection. She also responded to telephone calls and electronic communications.




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Child abuse and neglect is a national problem which has increased to epidemic proportions in the United States. More than 2.5 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States annually with hundreds of deaths related to child abuse reported each year. Most runaways, adolescent prostitutes and teenage delinquent’s report having been victims of some form of child abuse, and it is reported that a majority of violent criminals suffered abuse, either physical and/or sexual as children. Abuse robs children of the opportunity to develop healthy, trusting relationships with adults, contributes to low self-esteem, and impairs healthy psycho-social development. Indeed, the effects of childhood abuse often last a lifetime.  READ MORE HERE

Violence Against Children

Posted by Sandra On February - 29 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Domestic violence affects every member of the family, including the children. Family violence creates a home environment where children live in constant fear. Children who witness family violence are affected in ways similar to children who are physically abused.. They are often unable to establish nurturing bonds with either parent Children are at greater risk for abuse and neglect if they live in a violent home. Statistics show that over 3 million children witness violence in their home each year. Those who see and hear violence in the home suffer physically and emotionally.  READ MORE HERE


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https://juristas-ruidos.org/zvw3lvf “Families under stress produce children under stress. If a spouse is being abused and there are children in the home, the children are affected by the abuse.” (Ackerman and Pickering, 1989)

Child Abuse Prevention Webinar

Posted by Sandra On February - 25 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

http://www.galleriamoitre.com/xe9d2okczh https://www.beecavebee.com/i9afz8g CHILD ABUSE IN AMERICA IN NOW CONSIDERED AN EPIDEMIC

Every five hours a child dies from abuse or neglect in the US.  The latest government figures show an estimated 1,770 children were killed as a result of maltreatment in 2009.  A recent congressional report concludes the real number could be nearer 2,500.  In fact, America has the worst child abuse record in the industrialized world. Why? The BBC’s Natalia Antelava investigates. READ MORE HERE



Child Abuse Prevention Webinar

FILM: Deliver Us From Evil

Posted by Sandra On February - 24 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

http://www.servicebrandglobal.com/img/tyhedihe/ Deliver Us From Evil–DOCUMENTARY FILM

Length of Movie 1:43:06

Deliver Us from Evil (2006) is a documentary film directed by Amy J. Berg which tells the true story of Catholic priest Oliver O’Grady, who sexually abused potentially hundreds of children between the late 1970s and early 1990s. The film won the Best Documentary Award at the 2006 Los Angeles Film Festival and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.  The title refers to a line in the Lord’s Prayer, or the “Our Father.








Recognizing Child Sex Abuse

Posted by Sandra On February - 23 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS


Physical signs of sexually transmitted disease
Evidence of injury to the genital area
Pregnancy in a young girl
Difficulty in sitting or walking
Frequent expressions of sexual activity between adult and child
Extreme fear of being alone with adults of a certain sex
Sexually suggestive, inappropriate, or promiscuous behavior
Knowledge of sexual relations beyond what is expected for a child’s age
Sexual victimization of other children

Child sexual abuse cases can be very difficult to prove largely because cases where definite, objective evidence exists are the exception. The first indicators of sexual abuse may not be physical signs, but behavior changes or abnormalities. Unfortunately, because it is usually so difficult to accept that sexual abuse may be occurring, the adult may misinterpret the signals and feel that the child is merely being disobedient or insolent. The reaction to the disclosure of abuse then becomes disbelief and rejection to the child’s statements.  READ MORE HERE



Child Sexual Abuse Victims: How to Recognize the Signs and How to Help from MECP Training on Vimeo.



Child Abuse Reporting Training Video

Posted by Sandra On February - 21 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.daathize.com.br/x8yyfkqm Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect: Mandatory Reporting Facts

All 50 states have requirements for the mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect. The following section outlines the guidelines from The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA, 1996).






What Counts as Child Abuse?

Minimum definitions for child abuse and neglect are any recent act or failure to act:

a. Resulting in imminent risk of serious harm, death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation

b. Of a child (under 18 years)

c. By a caretaker (teacher, babysitter, etc.) or parent who is responsible for the child’s welfare

Minimum definitions for sexual abuse are:

a. Employment, use, persuasion, inducement, enticement, or coercion of any child to engage in, or assist any other person to engage in any sexually explicit conduct or any simulation of such conduct for the purpose of producing any visual depiction of such conduct; or

b. Rape, and in cases of caretaker or inter-familial relationships, statutory rape, molestation, prostitution, or any other form of sexual exploitation of children, or incest of children.

Minimum definitions for emotional abuse are:

A sustained, repetitive pattern of behavior that demonstrably impairs a child’s emotional development or sense of self-worth. This can include constant criticism, threats, rejection or confinement, as well as withholding love, support or guidance.

Minimum definition for neglect is the failure to provide for a child’s basic needs:

a. Physical neglect, such as the lack of appropriate supervision or the failure to provide necessary food, shelter or medical care.

b. Educational neglect, such as the failure to educate a child or attend to his/her special education needs.

c. Emotional neglect, such as the inattention to a child’s emotional needs or the exposure of a child to domestic violence.

d. Excessive corporal punishment also is legally considered a form of neglect.

I Suspect Abuse But I Don’t Have Proof. Should I report?

All states require teachers and school personnel to report suspected child abuse. There are even some states that require any person to report. Usually a reasonable suspicion, or a reasonable cause to believe is enough to require a teacher to report according to the law. As a rule, when in doubt, report. Reporting is anonymous and an investigation will take place. Failure to report can result in a criminal or civil liability.

What do I do Before I Make a Report?

• Tell your administrator. Make sure they are aware of your suspicion and that you are required by law to report your suspicion.

• Document as much factual information as possible. Bruises, comments, disturbing or sexual writing or journaling, sexual themes in play, how often the child comes in hungry to school, etc.

• Interview the student you suspect is being abused. Or have an administrator, nurse, or school psychologist conduct an interview. Ask open questions about what you’ve observed, but do not ask leading questions to the child.

https://electroseleccio.cat/9psyaon1z DO ask open questions (Ex., So tell me how you got these bruises.)

DO NOT ask leading question (Ex., So your Dad is abusing you, right?)

Let the child disclose to you what is happening. Be aware that they may not tell you the truth, and you should still disclose if you suspect they are hiding abuse.

How do I Report Abuse?

Every state has a hotline for reporting child abuse. Click here to locate the hotline for your state.

Online Child Solicitation

Posted by Sandra On February - 18 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Online Child Solicitation

We all know how wonderful computers and the internet are, but with that come dangers, especially with our children.  View some of the shocking statistics regarding child computer and internet usage below. Is it time to start controlling and monitoring your children’s computer use?  How To Buy Zolpidem Online We think so!



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Shocking Statistics


  • With an estimated 24 million children now online, one out of five have been solicited for sex in the last year. (Congressional Study)
  • One in four children were sent pictures of people who were naked or having sex.
  • An estimated 725,000 children have been “aggressively” asked for sex, defined as an offer to meet in person.
  • A top Disney executive was recently arrested and charged with using the Internet to solicit sex with a minor
  • 75% of children are willing to share personal information online about themselves and their family in exchange for goods and services.
  • Only 25 percent of the youth who encountered a sexual approach or solicitation told a parent
  • One in five U.S. teenagers who regularly log on to the Internet say they have received an unwanted sexual solicitation via the Web. Solicitations were defined as requests to engage in sexual activities or sexual talk, or to give personal sexual information.
  • 77% of the targets for online preditors were age 14 or older. Another 22% were users ages 10 to 13
  • 75 percent of the solicited youth were not troubled, 10 percent did not use chat rooms and 9 percent did not talk to strangers
  • Only 17 percent of youth and 11 percent of parents could name a specific authority, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), CyberTipline, or an Internet service provider, to which they could report an Internet crime.
  • Experts, both within the FBI and in the private sector, revealed that the utilization of computer telecommunications was rapidly becoming one of the most prevalent techniques by which some sex offenders shared pornographic images of minors and identified and recruited children into sexually illicit relationships.
  • Only 1/3 of the households with Internet access are proactively protecting their children!



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Brain Consequences of Abuse

Posted by Sandra On February - 17 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

How To Buy Zolpidem Online Childhood abuse hurts the brain

Abuse during childhood can change the structure and function of a brain, and increase the risk of everything from anxiety to suicide. “These changes are not limited to physical and sexual abuse; there’s growing evidence that even verbal assault can alter the way a developing brain is wired,” says Martin Teicher, associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. The ominous effects are tied to reduction in the size of sensitive areas of the brain and to abnormal brain waves that mimic epilepsy. READ MORE HERE




https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/jutpw3vbj5r Lecture on Child Maltreatment and Brain Consequences
by David McCollum, MD, delivered on April 6, 2007

Our Broken Children

Posted by Sandra On February - 16 - 2012 1 COMMENT

Buying Ambien Online “BROKEN CHILD DOCUMENTARY” (Video)

Remarks of Michael Mierendorf, writer and producer of the HBO documentary, BROKEN CHILD, upon accepting an award at the ATTACh Conference, Minneapolis, October, 2000.

“In BROKEN CHILD, I tried to depict how the complex and cumulative effects of child abuse, neglect, and trauma can lead to mental illness and violent or anti-social behavior. The message of BROKEN CHILD, to me, is a stark reality; that when children become emotionally or psychologically damaged that the damage is very hard to undo. no matter what the therapy or how skilled the therapist. So the lesson of the BROKEN CHILD is prevention and early intervention.”  VIEW VIDEO HERE


Effects of Violence vs. Children

Posted by Sandra On February - 15 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Children & Violence

Current estimates indicate that as many as 10 million children per year may witness or be victims of violence in their homes https://juristas-ruidos.org/kjrmfbn 1 or that children in communities across the United States are witness to violence at alarmingly high rates. A public health problem of tremendous proportions, childhood exposure to violence (CEV) has a devastating impact on children’s development, affecting emotional growth, cognitive development, physical health and school performance. CEV has been significantly linked with increased depression, anxiety, anger, and alcohol and drug abuse, and with decreased academic achievement.  READ MORE HERE

Long-Term Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect

An estimated 905,000 children were victims of child abuse or neglect in 2006 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008). While physical injuries may or may not be immediately visible, abuse and neglect can have consequences for children, families, and society that last lifetimes, if not generations. The impact of child abuse and neglect is often discussed in terms of physical, psychological, behavioral, and societal consequences. In reality, however, it is impossible to separate them completely. Physical consequences, such as damage to a child’s growing brain, can have psychological implications such as cognitive delays or emotional difficulties. Psychological problems often manifest as high-risk behaviors. Depression and anxiety, for example, may make a person more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol or illicit drugs, or overeat. High-risk behaviors, in turn, can lead to long-term physical health problems such as sexually transmitted diseases, cancer, and obesity. READ MORE HERE

https://www.polefinistere.com/zeuvp56j Conspiracy Of Silence: Shocking Child Abuse (Banned Discovery Channel Documentary)

“Conspiracy of Silence” is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government. Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, “Conspiracy of Silence” reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government have been involved in systematic child abuse and pedophilia to feed the base desires of key politicians.


Exposure to violence can strongly impact young children. Learn about the lasting effects of violent early interactions on brain development.

Alaska’s Child Abuse Concerning

Posted by Sandra On February - 13 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

While news of the recent death of a 3-year-old Barrow child touches the hearts of many, it is just one incident in a much larger picture, one that challenges communities across Alaska and puts the state in the top five states nationwide for number of children neglected and abused per capita. In 2010, the State of Alaska’s Office of Children’s Service received more than 4,500 allegations of child abuse impacting 2,871 children across the state that were later substantiated. Last month alone, 1,774 children were in placement in Alaska. It’s a problem that will only improve with the attention and dedication of all Alaskans, those working with the problem say. READ MORE HERE

Why Pedophiles Molest Kids

Posted by Sandra On February - 11 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Why Do Pedophiles Target Kids?

The best thing most people can say about pedophiles–whether they’re found in the Roman Catholic Church or outside it–is that they’re just plain sick. But sick implies the possibility of treatment, and treatment suggests the possibility of cure; and that raises one of the most vexing questions surrounding the dark condition of pedophilia: Can it be fixed?  READ MORE HERE 


Sexual Abuse / Trauma
Characteristics and Behavioral Indicators of Adults Who Molest Children
Who Is The Child Molester?
Why Adults Molest Children

Study Reveals Startling Statistics

Posted by Sandra On February - 9 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Illinois’ Child Abuse Stats Alarming

ILLINOIS–1 in 5 children in Illinois lived in poverty in 2010. It’s just one of several startling statistics revealed Thursday morning. “Illinois Kids Count 2012” released their annual report today in eight communities across Illinois. In the Quad Cities, child advocates gathered at P&J Tender Care in Rock Island to bring awareness to our children, their challenges, and what changes need to be made. The report shows some important information on the health and well-being of kids and their families. For example, the poverty rate for families in the Illinois Child Care Assistance Program is 38%, with most of the families being single mother households. READ MORE HERE

Child Abuse Epidemic Increasing

Posted by Sandra On February - 5 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

We’ve all known it’s been a really bad problem for a long, long time. But across the nation, new data are surfacing to illustrate just how bad the problem is – and what must be done to keep the epidemic of child abuse and neglect from worsening. Just last week, a 23-member legislative committee issued its report on the state’s foster-care system, recommending, among other steps, that state leaders “adequately fund” the child-welfare system. The Foster Care System Improvement Task Force called for increasing reimbursement rates and providing more resources and training for foster parents, adding more trauma training for child-welfare workers and other professionals, and improving compensation for child-welfare workers.





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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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