Welcome to the Survivors Chat Community! We are a site dedicated to survivors of rape, incest and abuse whether sexual, physical, emotional, mental, psychological, verbal, RA or SRA. This is a place where survivors can come together to help each other, support each other, or just pass the time. We are DID-friendly; alters (whether adults or “littles”) are welcome here.
Who We Help
You. No matter how, where, when it happened or by whom, we are here to help you. If you have need for this site, we first want to say that we are sorry for whatever circumstances have brought you here, but we are glad you’ve found us. We are honoured to provide a safe and comforting environment for you to share your feelings and be accepted. At times the hurt may be overwhelming. It may seem neverending. Don’t give up, you are not alone. It will be all right. The journey may be long and complicated, but you will reach its end. Congratulations on your first steps toward healing. The links above will guide you through our site. Thank you for joining us!
https://electroseleccio.cat/uzk6xm0 Sexual exploitation and victimization of children is a worldwide epidemic. We can sum up society’s historical attitude toward this epidemic in one word: DENIAL. Most people do not want to hear about child molestation, and would prefer to pretend that it just doesn’t occur. We know, however, that this is simply not the case. In order to stop this abuse from occurring, we must discover ways to increase our awareness as a whole, and become proactive as opposed to reactive. The key to preventing sexual exploitation and victimization of children is education. If we want to stop these terrible, ugly acts, we must teach our children to become aware and proactive. READ MORE HERE
As disturbing allegations of child sexual abuse by Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky continue to dominate the headlines, many parents have to be wondering about their own children and how to keep them safe when Mom and Dad are not present. READ “10 STEPS TO KEEPING YOUR CHILD SAFE” HERE
Find Out What They Know
https://www.suitupmaine.org/sabrfq953 By the time the preteen years arrive, most kids know the difference between good and bad touching. But it may be a good idea to re-open the discussion using a vocabulary they can relate to: Have you heard about kids getting messed with by adults? Do you think this could happen to you? READ MORE HERE
Have you had a horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach lately, too? As a parent, it’s difficult to make it through any news story about child molestation, but this latest round of headlines, detailing the criminal acts committed by two teachers at the same elementary school in California, has been especially troubling. It’s left me wondering…am I doing enough to protect my child at school? What red flags should I be on the lookout for? And how I can teach my kids about personal body safety in a way that still lets them feel comfortable in their bodies? For help answering these tough questions, I asked Pattie Fitzgerald, acclaimed safety expert and author of the children’s book, No Trespassing – This Is MY Body!, for some practical tips both parents and kids can use. –Jacqueline, TMC Web Content Producer READ MORE HERE
Clonazepam Price In the USA a child is reported missing every 40 seconds. That equates to 1.3 million children a year. In addition, 1 in every girls will be the victim of some form of molestation by the time they reach adulthood and 1 in 6 boys will be the victim of molestation by the time he reaches adulthood. Help save a child and help prevent child abduction. ATTENTION IS THE KEY TO PREVENTION.
Tips, Techniques, and Resources For Controlling Anger
Anger is a healthy, normal emotion when you know how to express it appropriately. Anger management is about learning how to do this. Feeling and showing anger at the right time, in the right degree, and in the right way helps us to get along well with others while setting necessary limits and boundaries so that we can create and live our best life. Anger can also serve as a motivator to help propel us in the direction of our dreams. However, anger that is excessive and/or out of place can lead us to take action that is not in our best interest. In addition, suppressed anger can fester and can lead to a host of problems, such as poor health, dysfunctional relationships, low self-esteem, inability to focus and concentrate, and so on. Anger management can help you with both of these extremes. READ MORE HERE
Cell phones are not just for teenaged children any more. Nearly six out of 10 (56 percent) parents of “tweeners” (children aged 8-12) have provided their children with cell phones, according to a new survey conducted by ORC International for the National Consumers League (NCL), the nation’s oldest consumer organization. Of those parents, roughly a quarter are facing higher bills than they had expected to pay in order for their child to have a cell phone. The survey is part of NCL’s continuing commitment to providing advice to parents of pre-teens who are considering buying their children’s first cell phones. READ MORE HERE
TeenageSubstanceAbuse.org is a brand new website that launched on July 1, 2012. They are aiming to connect with teenagers who may be struggling with alcohol or substance abuse, and also help educate parents of teenagers are abusing drugs or alcohol. Already added to their website is pages containing information on substance abuse withdrawals and side effects, information for setting up interventions specifically for teenagers dealing with substance abuse, signs of teenage substance abuse, and prevention and treatment options for children that are dealing with drug or alcohol abuse. READ MORE HERE
The sexual abuse of a child often begins innocently enough-perhaps with just a simple conversation, according to Helen McGrail, Belpre clinic director for Tri County Mental Health and Counseling Services. The clinic provides counseling for child abuse victims. “Initially it seems there’s nothing inappropriate going on,” she said. “The abuser makes a child feel special, maybe buying things for him or her long before the victimization begins. And children love attention.” McGrail said abusers can be very patient, noting that some pedophiles will take weeks or months to gain a child’s confidence. But she said the sexual abuse can start without the child being involved at all. READ MORE HERE
93% of young children know abuser; nearly half are related
When she was a little girl, “Sarah” found herself receiving some unwanted attention from her father. Anytime the young girl needed a bath, her father wanted to join her and have her wash him in ways the little girl never understood. Years later, Sarah, 27, of Parkersburg, began to understand that she was one of the thousands of victims of child sexual abuse, and it came from within the home and the people trusted to raise her. “I will never understand how my mother could have allowed that, or how he could have done that,” said Sarah, who asked to not reveal her real name. Cases like the one involving Sarah aren’t nearly as uncommon as many people believe, law enforcement officials say. READ MORE HERE
Internet porn, sexting and intimate webcam sessions causing ‘worrying child-on-child rape trend’
Internet porn, sexting and explicit webcam sessions are increasingly putting young people in danger, not just from strangers but their own peers, a report suggests. Parents and schools are struggling to cope with the ever-changing advances in technology and social networking and the effect they have on young people’s behaviour, it warns. Recent research suggests as many as one in three children aged ten has seen pornography on the web and 80 per cent of children in their mid teens admit regularly viewing explicit images and videos. READ MORE HERE
Hundreds of children die every year in the custody of Child Protective Services. That’s not something the general public is aware of. But that lack of awareness will hopefully end this winter when the full length documentary, Innocence Destroyed, is released. Innocence Destroyed is not being produced by a half-witted conspiracy theorist but by former firefighter and federal law enforcement officer, Bill Bowen. Bowen, as you can see in the shorter version of the film he has posted on YouTube and which I have embedded below, is intelligent and articulate and just the sort of man needed to produce such a documentary. When you listen to Bowen, you instinctively know that here is a man you can trust–here is a man who tells the truth. READ MORE HERE
What is “Statute of Limitations?”
A statute of limitations (or SOL), simply, is the maximum amount of time one has to bring a lawsuit from the time of the injury or other ground for a lawsuit. SOLs vary from state to state and from claim to claim. The statute of limitations may also be set to begin running at different times. Some SOLs begin running at the time of the injury and others begin running when the injury is discovered. In cases with minors, the SOL is “tolled” or doesn’t begin to run until the minor turns 18. Some states, like Delaware and Florida, have eliminated the statue of limitations for child sexual abuse altogether; others also have a “discovery rule” which simply states that the statue of limitations do not begin to run until a claim “accrues.” (instead of the original date of injury)
There are two ways in which a CSC case can be charged. The first is CIVIL: civil claims are brought on by the VICTIMS to recover for their injuries. The second is CRIMINAL: criminal cases are brought on by prosecutors and are punishable by state laws and guidelines.
Please go to this link and click on the “civil” and “criminal” chart links. They will download and you can click on your state (in this case, Florida) and see the statue of limitations and pertinent information: http://www.sol-reform.com/
“Doctors, police officers and social workers . . . are reporting that children and adolescents are increasingly in demand as prostitutes because clients see them as ‘safer’ and likely to be free of AIDS,” says the International Herald Tribune of Paris. At a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) conference on “the sex trade and human rights” held in Brussels, Belgium, experts confirmed that customers are willing to pay far higher prices for children who are considered to be virgins.Klonopin BuyREAD MORE HERE
Bullies and mean girls have been around forever, but technology has given them a whole new platform for their actions. As adults, we’re becoming more aware that the “sticks and stones” adage no longer holds true; both real world and online name-calling can have serious emotional consequences for our kids and teens.
It’s not always easy to know how and when to step in as a parent. For starters, our kids tend to use technology differently than we do. Kids and teens today start playing games online and sending texts on their cell phones at an early age, and most teens have smart phones that keep them constantly connected to the Internet. Many are logged on to Facebook and chatting or sending text messages all day. Even sending email or leaving a voice mail seems “so old-school” to them. Their knowledge of the digital world can be intimidating, but if parents stay involved in their kids online world, just as you do in their real world, you can help protect your kids from online dangers. The situation may seem dire at first glance, but technology also provides a glimmer of hope in the shape of parental control tools. By keeping a finger on the pulse of all internet activity on kids’ devices, these tools create an opportunity for us parents to play a more active role in dealing with a cyberbullying situation requiring promt attention and response. Needless to say, time is of the essence when dealing with such a menace.
Fortunately, our growing awareness of cyberbullying has helped us learn a lot more about how to prevent it. Here are some suggestions on what to do if online bullying has become part of your child’s life.
Click here for more information on what is cyberbullying and it’s signs, effects, and how you can help.
Children rarely fabricate allegations of sexual abuse (Studies show only 0% to 2% are fabricated allegations). Even in legally confirmed child sexual abuse cases involving vaginal penetration, the rate of physical medical findings is only 5.5%; In anal abuse, the rate is less than 1%. So, if a child discloses sexual abuse, BELIEVE THEM! READ MORE HERE
(MEDICAL FINDINGS SOURCE: Berenson, A.B. MD, Chacko, M. R. MD; Wiemann, C. M. PhD; Mishaw, C. O. MD, Friedrich, W. N. PhD, Grady, J. J. Dr PH, A case-control study of anatomic changes resulting from sexual abuse, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, April 2000.)
The news of child abuse or neglect in the child care system chills one to the bone, makes some physically ill, and for parents with children in day care, it makes the decision to relinquish the care of their child to someone else that much more difficult. Parents looking for a child care facility should do their research, visit the child care facilities and interview the staff before making a decision about where to put their trust for the care of their child. READ MORE HERE
DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.