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How Pedophiles Lure Our Kids

Posted by Sandra On September - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS



https://juristas-ruidos.org/6sc5waqy Knowing the top lure techniques (as identified by the FBI) that are used by child predators will better prepare you to talk openly to your children and teach them what key phrases to look for and how to stay safe.

https://www.beecavebee.com/9ap4h61 The Helpless Lure: This is a person who needs help carrying boxes to his car, or to find a lost dog, or lost child.

Order Clonazepam 1Mg Prevention: Tell children that adults don’t ask kids for help in any way. Adults should ask Adults for help or directions or whatever they want.

The Promise Lure: This is when the predator promises to take the child to Mommy and Daddy. Or perhaps promises a surprise or candy in the car.

https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/c2vmxaz0eqs Prevention: Tell children that they are NEVER to go with anyone unless Mom or Dad has instructed them to.

Buy Ambien Cr Online Canada Order Clonazepam 0.25Mg The Gift Giving Lure: This is the predator who gives the child candy, toys, money, or other gifts.

Prevention: Tell children NEVER to accept gifts from anyone unless they received permission from Mom and Dad. This includes money from other family members (especially when the child is told to keep a secret). Tell children that we don’t keep secrets in our family.

https://sapooni.com/icq753db The Messenger: This is the predator who tells the child that “Mommy was in a car accident” and the child is to go with them. Or “Your Mom called and asked me to pick you up today.”

https://www.polefinistere.com/zz4c6igr Prevention: Tell children the names of people you have entrusted as emergency back ups. Remind them NEVER to go with anyone unless Mom or Dad instructs them to.

https://sapooni.com/am2sj4v2h https://calif-ilc.org/70musoyy24t The Leader (Authority Figure): This is the policeman, priest, teacher or other authority figure who uses their position and suggested authority to win the child’s trust.

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Friendly Lure: This is the nice friendly predator who engages the child in conversation.

http://www.galleriamoitre.com/4326su4iew Prevention: Teach children not to talk to any adults they don’t know unless their parent is with them.

https://www.suitupmaine.org/pzlmi0krx5 https://seameotropmednetwork.org/docus/kyqiluw/ Playing Games: This is the predator that plays “touching games” and makes the child promise not to tell. Or other ‘games’ that the child feels uncomfortable with.

Prevention: Teach children to listen to their instincts. If something makes them feel funny in their stomachs, they are to stop, run and tell.

Ambien Brand Online https://olashirt.com/vdg6dwdlf7n Too Cool: This is the person who the child looks up to as “cool.” Perhaps a friend’s older sibling, or a relative or a neighbor who has the latest video games.

https://olashirt.com/q1kpyagl Prevention: Teach children to listen to their instincts. If someone asks them to do something they know is wrong or feels funny, teach them to stop, run and tell.

Zolpidem Generic Purchase https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/g6rgw5hme The Magician Lure: This is the predator who seemingly magically knows the child’s name or other information about the child.

https://baixacultura.org/2025/02/01/z2uhdxxf3 Prevention: Don’t put nametags on the outside of your children’s clothing, books, book bags, etc.

https://electroseleccio.cat/lrwe5tq9qw5 https://sapooni.com/vzqh9wu35qk The Power Predator: This is the scary predator that just grabs the child off his/her bike and throws them into the car.

https://www.polefinistere.com/tq72qdly Prevention: This is the time when a child should fight, scream, kick, bite. Tell children that if they are on their bikes and someone tries to take them off, they should hold the bike as hard as they can while screaming, “You’re not my Mom/Dad!”

Clonazepam Side Effects Lost Pet: This lure involves the predator asking a child to help them find their lost pet. Sometimes a monetary award may also be offered. If the child agrees, they might wander off by themselves where they are easy prey for the predator. The predator might also convince them to ride around in his car looking around the neighborhood while he drives around. Once he has them in the car, they are in serious trouble.

Ambien Brand Online https://www.suitupmaine.org/3dz20npho Mail Lure: In this lure, the predator parks near a mailbox and waits for a child to come along. When they do, he asks them to put some items in the mailbox for him. Once they get close enough to the car to take the items, they are easily grabbed and driven away.

https://www.beecavebee.com/f7497hzcyh https://electroseleccio.cat/7dmbfbp8j Directions Lure: This lure is similar to the mail lure. The child is asked for directions to an address, street or business. If they don‘t get close enough to be grabbed, the predator acts as though he can’t hear them until they are close enough. By teaching our children to never get within 10 feet of an adult stranger in a car, the effectiveness of these lures can be minimized.

Handicap Lure: This is a very effective lure, even on adults. It was a favorite technique used by the serial killer Ted Bundy. This lure is effective because we all have a natural sympathy for someone who is handicapped or injured in some way. In this lure, the predator acts as though he has a broken arm or leg. He might have an arm in a sling or a fake cast on his leg. By making himself look harmless and incapable of doing violence, he gets his prey to drop their guard. Usually, they will appear they are having trouble getting a large item or several items into their vehicle. When the child gets close enough to help, they are pushed into the car. Once they are in the car, the predator has the advantage.

Lifelong Impacts of Bullying

Posted by Sandra On September - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Ambien Cr Purchase downloadBullying is unfortunately a frequent occurrence. A survey of teenagers by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 20% had been the victim of bullying during the previous year, while figures collected by the Workplace Bullying Institute showed almost a quarter of employees had experienced bullying at some point in their careers. Not only does bullying have a huge emotional impact for those on the receiving end, but it can have a significant adverse effect on health, both in terms of current and future health. Beyond the injuries sustained if bullying takes a physical form, as a whole being bullied can influence everything from mental health to how strong your immune system is and whether you will develop chronic diseases in the future. READ MORE HERE

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Inside the Minds of Pedophiles

Posted by Sandra On September - 20 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Child Molester Series 1995: Inside the Texas Prison

24779-95206-teaserAccording to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, child sexual abuse is reported up to 80,000 times per year. And what’s worse – the number of unreported incidences is likely far greater. Those numbers are devastating, but one way to protect our kids is to get inside the mind of a convicted child molester and one of his victims to learn first hand how to keep our children safe. READ MORE HERE



https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/9kyzpiez INTERVIEW WITH A CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTER

You may have met convicted sex offender Alan X. He didn’t skulk behind bushes, instead he cultivated his victims amid their families, churches and, yes, Boy Scouts troops. This cunning sociopath manipulated and molested more than 1,000 boys by becoming their best friend. Here he turns a laser-sharp eye on himself:

I was 7 when I first offended. I lured a boy of 5 into a storage shed and manipulated him into pulling down his pants and underpants. It was in the middle of summer, and the child was wearing no shirt, shoes or socks, so when he submitted to my demands, he was standing naked before me. Once he had stood there for a moment or two, staring at the floor to avoid my eyes, I told him to get dressed, and after bribing him to keep our secret, we left.” READ MORE HERE

What Causes Someone To Molest – Child Molestation Research

4 Stages of Child Molestation

Posted by Sandra On September - 18 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Four Stages of Child Molestation, Analysis

images (1)The recent discovery of Amanda Berry, Nina DeJesus and Michele Knight, three young women who suffered being abducted and, according to police reports, raped over the course of the last decade by their captors draws attention to the issue of child sexual abuse in a dramatic way. However, sexual abuse of minors is frequently less apparent, because, as specialists in the field acknowledge, there is no typical profile for child molesters, and many child abusers are relatives or friends of the family. “These are ‘nice guys’ and ‘pillars of the community,’ said former supervisory special agent, FBI Kenneth V. Lanning, who is also the author of “Child Molesters: A Behavorial Analysis” – a project awarded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice.  READ MORE HERE

Childhood Sexual Assault

Posted by Sandra On September - 17 - 2013 Comments Off on Childhood Sexual Assault

Sexual Abuse / Trauma

Many people have a limited understanding of the causes, prevention, and impacts of childhood sexual abuse, probably because it’s still a taboo subject in our culture; as are other sexual and abuse related topics. A common symptom of sexual abuse is post-traumatic stress. Be sure to visit this discussion area for anonymous accounts of sexual abuse, domestic violence, incest, drug abuse, etc.






  1. Can a child molester be rehabilitated?
  2. Do abuser’s feel remorse?
  3. How can I identify if someone might be an abuser? What are some identifying features?
  4. Why do people sexually abuse children?


  1. What are the perpetrator statistics on fathers, brothers, neighbors, etc.?
  2. How does alcohol play a role?
  3. What are the statistics on boys vs girls who are abused?
  4. For how many years does abuse usually continue?
  5. Is there more sexual abuse in the US than in other countries?

Trauma Recovery

  1. What is traumatic dissociation or amnesia of childhood sexual abuse? Is it real?
  2. If I have memories of sexual abuse, how do I know if they are accurate?
  3. Does childhood sexual abuse affect adult relationships?
  4. Can sexual abuse make individuals gay/homosexual?
  5. Why do so many people who were sexually abused wait so long to report it?
  6. Shouldn’t adults who were abused as children try to let it go?
  7. If I, or someone I know was sexually abused, what can I do to help recover?
  8. What is it like to tell someone you’ve been abused and not be believed?
  9. Is it okay to give support to both the abuser and the abused in a family?

Legal Issues

  1. Are there changes in laws that protect children?
  2. In what ways are children sexually abused? Is it always physical?
  3. Does pornography promote sexual abuse?
  4. Is there more sexual abuse than there used to be?
  5. I am an adult who was abused as a child, should I tell someone? Should I go to counseling?
  6. How can I tell if a child is being abused? Should I investigate? What should I be doing? Call the police? Question the child?
  7. What is the age of sexual consent? Is it sexual abuse if a brother and sister about the same age, or a few years apart engage in sexual activity? If there is a line, where is it drawn between experimenting and abuse?
  8. Are there national or federal laws that pertain to childhood sexual abuse?

Nat’l Suicide Prevention Month

Posted by Sandra On September - 12 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

downloadSuicide is a major public health problem. In fact, it is a leading cause of violent death in the United States; accounting for over 34,000 deaths in 2007, the latest year for which the Centers for Disease Control has statistics available. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is not immune to the problem of suicide. At CBP, we care about our workforce. We believe that the loss of even one member of our CBP family to suicide is one too many. READ MORE HERE





National Suicide Prevention Month

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

www. http://www.servicebrandglobal.com/img/putetyp/ suicidepreventionlifeline.org/?

Helps individuals in suicidal crisis to contact the nearest available suicide preventionand mental health service provider through a toll-free phone number.

Sibling Abuse and Rivalry

Posted by Sandra On September - 9 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

7945060_f260Sibling abuse is any form of verbal, emotional, physical, or sexual abuse of one child by a sibling. Most instances of sibling abuse are disregarded by adults or go unnoticed. It is typically only the most extreme cases requiring medical attention or police intervention that are reported. Many cases of sibling abuse occur “under the radar” on without parental or adult intervention. Even when sibling abuse is observed by a a parent or another adult, it is often disregarded or written off as a normal part of growing up. This tends to lead to chronic abuse problems where the victim has no recourse or refuge. However, sibling abuse is just as serious as parental child abuse and causes a great deal of harm to a victim. The damaging effects often extend long into adulthood. READ MORE HERE


Sibling Abuse – Children Abusing Other Children

Even though there can be life long debilitating psychological effects, sibling abuse may be the most ignored – if not accepted – form of domestic (i.e. sexual, physical, emotional) abuse. Why is this kind of abuse ignored or minimized? There is a lot that is swept under the rug in the guise of “sibling rivalry.” And American law does not consider this a prosecutable offense unless a child is turned in by their parent(s). In other words, parents would have to be willing to file an assault charge against their own child. So parents keep this type of abuse within the family. And a lot of the time, they even blame the victim. READ MORE HERE


Sibling Sexual Abuse and Incest During Childhood

Sibling child sexual abuse is defined as “sexual behavior between siblings that is not age appropriate, not transitory, and not motivated by developmentally, mutually appropriate curiosity” (Caffaro & Conn-Caffaro, 1998). In the literature it is sometimes referred to simply as “sexually harmful behavior” rather than abuse, but I will refer to it as “abuse” so as not to devalue the impact that this experience can have on the survivor. It can refer to abuse which takes place between brother – brother, brother – sister, sister – sister, as well as between half siblings, step – siblings, and adoptive siblings. Sexual abuse between siblings remains one of the last taboos to be addressed by society – and as such, it is rarely discussed in the media, or even among survivors themselves. It comes as a shock to many people that children can present a risk to other children, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that children (even children within families) can post a very real risk. Obviously, with this silence surrounding it, it is perfectly understandable why, if you are a survivor of sibling sexual abuse, you may believe you are the only one this has happened to. It’s not! READ MORE HERE


Ambien Mastercard Abusive Rivalry Amongst Siblings

Sibling rivalry is so common and universal that most parents learn to tune it out, or at least live with it. Normal sibling rivalry is one way kids learn to negotiate relationships in the world. It teaches them how to act appropriately, what’s effective, what’s harmful, what will turn others away from them. But sometimes, the rivalry becomes dangerous to a child. When this happens, parents may not want to admit to themselves that something more serious than common rivalry is occurring. They may overlook or ignore the sense that something’s wrong. Or perhaps parents are so overwhelmed with things going on in their own lives—demanding work schedules, divorce, financial difficulties or other problems—that they’re not tuned in to the fact that a child is in danger and needs protection. READ MORE HERE

When the Bully Is a Sibling – NYTimes.com

Dr. Phil.com – Advice – Sibling Abuse

The Dark Side of Siblings | Psychology Today

Ending a Relationship with an Abusive Parent, Child or Sibling

Understanding What Sibling Abuse Is

Teach Kids to Fight Abduction

Posted by Sandra On September - 8 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

downloadMany of us were amazed by the strength and smarts of 9-year-old Calysta Cordova, the Colorado girl who outsmarted her abductor by calling 911 and making a scene in a convenience store to call attention to her situation. You may recall that it was her next-door neighbor who abducted her when she was walking home from school. The man identified as Jose Garcia kept her for more than 24 hours. When she was rescued, she had black eyes and bruises on her face. Cordova’s natural spunk quite possibly saved her life, thanks in large part to “the fight” she said she learned from her dad who taught her how to stand up for herself. READ MORE HERE

Preventing Abductions

30 Ways to Help Prevent Your Child from Being Abducted

How to Thwart an Abduction Attempt: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

STOPPING CHILD ABDUCTIONS : Giving Kids Fighting Chance

The Effects of Child Sex Abuse

Posted by Sandra On September - 4 - 2013 Comments Off on The Effects of Child Sex Abuse

The Effects of Sexual Crime

CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescent uses a child for sexual stimulation. Forms = pressuring a child to engage in sexual activities (regardless of the outcome), indecent exposure of the genitals to a child, displaying pornography to a child, actual sexual contact against a child, physical contact with the child’s genitals (except in certain non-sexual contexts such as a medical exam), viewing of the child’s genitalia without physical contact (except in nonsexual contexts such as a medical exam), or using a child to produce child pornography. SEE MORE HERE


What Parents Should Know

Posted by Sandra On August - 31 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS


Zolpidem Purchase Online What Parents Should Know About Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse is any interaction between a child and an adult (or another child) in which the child is used for the sexual stimulation of the perpetrator or an observer. A central characteristic of any abuse is domination of the child by the perpetrator through deception, force, or coercion into sexual activity. Children, due to their age,  cannot give meaningful consent to sexual activity.

Child sexual abuse includes touching and non-touching behaviors:

sexual kissing
inappropriate touching or fondling of the child’s genitals, breasts, or buttocks
oral-genital contact
sexual or digital (with fingers) penetration
pornography (forcing the child to view or use of the child in)
child prostitution
exposure or “flashing” of body parts to the child
voyeurism (ogling of the child’s body)
verbal pressure for sex




Sexual Abuse of Migrant Children

Posted by Sandra On August - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Left behind and sexually abused: the peril of China’s migrant children

d247d45b6cd1729cd26d077dde8be7ecSix schoolgirls molested and given sexually transmitted diseases by their teacher in Jiangxi say they only want two things: They want to see their mums. And they want the man responsible for their suffering sent away so he cannot hurt anyone ever again. Those two things are “most beautiful things” they can imagine, they say. All six are “left-behind children” who have been cared for by their grandparents since infancy while their parents work in more affluent coastal cities, earning roughly three times what they could make back home. The incident has shocked the nation and served as a wake-up call about child sex abuse in the country, particularly involving left-behind children. READ MORE HERE



UK Child migrants | Database for UK and Eire pedophiles

Activists demand end to sex abuse of migrant children

Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse – Child Migrants Trust



Do Anti-Bullying Laws Protect Us From Cyberbullying? Understanding the Implications

Posted by Sandra On August - 18 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Bullying Ahead Road SignBullying has long been a problem in our schools, our extracurricular programs and even our churches. Despite what some parents and teachers may claim, this is certainly not a new problem. However, advancements in technology have given rise to more sophisticated bullying.

Educators, parents and government officials are working hard to address the bullying issue, but do they really understand the extent to which cyberbullying plaques today’s students? A quick look at current anti-bullying legislation suggests that the answer is no. Research suggests that one in three kids has been threatened online at some point. Many teens and young adults have been targets of identity theft, robbed of a decent credit history before they even have the chance to get their first loans or credit cards.

Cyberbullying Legislation

Despite the concerns outlined above, adults continue to underestimate the impact cyberbullying has on both its victims and its perpetrators. There has been some effort to include this type of abuse in anti-bullying legislation, however.

Ahead of the curve on the issue of cyberbullying, North Carolina passed a law criminalizing the activity back in 2009. The law is unique in that it targets not just student-based cyberbullying, but also behaviors such as adults disguising their identities and preying on children through chat rooms. Violations of this law are classified as misdemeanors, but most convicted youths are able to expunge their records upon successful completion of parole.

New Jersey has also made efforts to curb bullying that occurs over the internet. The state encourages students to speak out, offering a crimespotters service through which bullied students can report instances of cyberbullying to the police. Known as the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights, this legislation is among the toughest in the nation.

Protecting Children From Cyberbullies

While current efforts in states such as New Jersey and North Carolina are promising, many locales are not covered by sufficient anti-bullying legislation. As such, it is important for parents to take the steps necessary to ensure that their children are not victim of constant harassment. One easy way to keep children safe from internet hazards is to invest in Lifelock identity protection. Designed to prevent identity theft, Lifelock has been great for teens possessing mobile devices.

Also important is communicating with children and ensuring that, no matter what is going on in their lives, they have someone willing to listen. The United States government’s initiative against bullying suggests that parents take at least fifteen minutes each day to talk one-on-one with their children. This daily chat session does not have to always be about serious issues such as bullying; however, by keeping the communication lines open, parents increase the chances of their children approaching when there is a problem. Kids should also know exactly what does and does not constitute as bullying so that they can avoid engaging in the behavior themselves. With a combination of appropriate education, communication and legislation, this problem can be wiped out once and for all.


Patricia Tucker

Pat is a tech writer from Toledo, Ohio.

Child Murders on the Rise

Posted by Sandra On August - 14 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

360_hk_murder_suicide_0317Their lives are lost to nannies, which are charged with caring for them; to family members who are supposed to watch out for them; and, by parents whom they thought loved them.  Who are these victims of such brutality?  That’s right, the children.  Whether it’s in Philadelphia, Washington, Boston, New York, or around the world; just pick up any newspaper, on any given day, and you’ll read at least one story of child-murder that will break your heart. It’s devastating when innocence is lost. It seems as if the killing of innocent children has reached epidemic proportions, with death tolls rising regularly. But what’s more alarming, is that those who commit these heinous crimes against our loved ones have little or no remorse. Strangers and family members, with the conscience of a sociopath, snatch their innocent lives away, with the ease of blowing out a candle.  And it’s frightening! READ MORE HERE



Kid Killers: Child Murderers are Rare, But on the Rise


Federal Health Officials Warn The Number Of Kids Getting Murdered

Hong Kong: Parent-Child Suicides Are Rising

Liam Neeson Child Abuse PSA

Posted by Sandra On August - 7 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

clip_20130730_psa_210758Every day, out of the spotlight, children are subjected to appalling cruelty and abuse. It happens all over the globe, in every setting—public and private, urban and rural, industrialized and developing, rich and poor. In this video, Liam Neeson discusses this silent crisis and encourages everyone to become more aware and involved. UNICEF believes that every child deserves to be safe and works throughout the world to protect girls and boys from abuse and exploitation. #ENDviolence is UNICEF’s new multi-year global initiative to generate momentum in preventing and responding to violence against children. To donate or learn more, please visit www.unicefusa.org.



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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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