Dreamcatchers For Abused Children
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Screaming STOP THE ABUSE Found on the netSandra On September - 29 - 2009


More than five children die from abuse and neglect every day in America – some 2,500 a year– reflecting the estimated 50 percent under-counting in the officially estimated figure of 1,560. A child is abused or neglected every 10 seconds in the United States, yet only 40 percent of abused children with substantiated cases receive services, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

– In 2008, one out of every 601.4 children were victims of physical abuse

– 2.34 children out of 100,000 die from injuries relating to their abuse

– For every incident of child abuse or neglect that gets reported, two go unreported

– Neglect is by far the most common form of child abuse: 78% of all cases

– Physical abuse accounts for 17.8% of documented child abuse cases each year

– A third of all girls(1/3) and a sixth of boys(1/6) are sexually abused before age 17

– 8 out of 10 sexual abusers are someone in the family or someone the child knows

– Abused children are more likely to abuse alcohol/drugs

– One third abused children will later abuse their own children

– 84% prison inmates were abused as children



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* https://ottawaphotographer.com/1mlif9mem 1 in every 3 girls will be sexually molested before the age of 18

* https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/1f0a6pi3r0s 1 in every 6 boys will be sexually molested before the age of 18

* https://chemxtree.com/3imic0ix07 Every https://www.scarpellino.com/6dxmpvcijn0 10 SECONDS https://www.fogliandpartners.com/6y22nfdn a child is abused, raped or killed in the U.S.

*Today up to 5 children will die from abuse or neglect

*In 13 seconds, another child will be abused in the U.S

*There were 2.9 million child abuse reports made in 1992

*ONLY 28% of the children identified as harmed by abuse are investigated

*Boys are at a greater risk of serious injury and of emotional neglect than are girls

*85% of the 1.2 – 1.5 million runaways are fleeing abuse at home

*80% of perpetrators are parents

*Children in mother-only households are 4 times more likely to be fatally abused

*The median age was 30 years for women and 33 years for men

*Today 6 children will commit suicide

*Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death (ages 15-24)

*Untreated child abuse increases the likelihood of arrest for a violent crime by 38 percent

*60 MILLION survivors are former victims of child sexual abuse in America today

*71 % of child sex offenders are under the age of 35
*38% of women & 20% of men have been sexually abused during adolescence

*It is estimated that 3%-6% of the clergy population has abused a child

*The typical child sex offender molests an average of 117 children–

most of whom do not report the offense

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https://municion.org/zw1ro0jh5 DRAMATIC INCREASE IN STATISTICS:

**Abuse and Neglect of American Children Has Increased 134% Since 1980

**Physical Abuse Has Increased 84% Since 1980

**Sexual Abuse Has Increased 350% Since 1980

**Emotional Abuse Has Increased 333% Since 1980

**Child Neglect Abuse Has Increased 320% Since 1980


Who Are The Victims?

  • 48.5% of abused children are boys
  • 51.2% of abused children are girls
  • 44.8% of abused children are white race
  • 21.9% of abused children are African American race
  • 21.4% of abused children are Hispanic race


  • 16.4% of reports were from professional sources (teachers, etc)
  • 16.7% of reports were from law enforcement and legal personnel
  • 11.5% of reports were from social services staff
  • 8.2% of reports were from medical personnel
  • 9% anonymous
  • 6.8% parents
  • 4.4% friends/neighbors

https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/uj3zna7 HOW WERE THE REPORTED CASES HANDLED?

  • 3.3 million reports of child abuse in 2010 — estimated to include 5.9 million children
  • 60.7% were investigated by CPS
  • 63.5% of cases investigated were determined unsubstantiated- not enough evidence
  • 36% of victims and 13.7% of non-victims were placed in foster care
  • 14.8% of victims were assigned to Court-appointed representatives.


  • 32.6% child fatalities due to neglect
  • 40.8% child fatalities due to multiple maltreatment
  • 22.9% of fatalities were caused by physical abuse
  • 1.5% of fatalities were caused by Medical neglect
  • 60-85% percent of child deaths resulting from abuse or neglect are not recorded as such do to the lack of comprehensive investigations
  • 80% of child abuse fatalities are children 4 and under.
  • Almost Buy Clonazepam 1Mg 5 children die every day as a result of child abuse– three out of four are under the age of 4.
  • Less than 1% of child abuse fatalities happen in Foster Care.


https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/kggux4b70pu SHOCKING https://www.salernoformazione.com/e54407c FACTS:

**The safest family for a child is a home in which the biological parents are married.

**Cohabitation, an increasing phenomenon, is a major factor in child abuse.

**The incidence of child abuse decreases significantly as family income increases.

**Child abuse frequently is inter-generational.

**Child abuse is prevalent in “communities of abuse” with family breakdown.

**Child abuse is directly associated with serious violent crime.

**The lowest risk ratio for abuse is one in which the biological parents are married and the family has always been intact.

**Abuse is 6x’s higher in the second-safest environment: the blended family in which the divorced mother has remarried.

**Abuse is 14x’s higher if the child is living with a biological mother who lives alone.

**Abuse is 20x’s higher if the child is living with a biological father who lives alone.

**Abuse is 20x’s higher if the child is with biological parents who are not married but are cohabiting.

**Abuse is 33x’s higher if the child is living with a mother who is living with a man.

** 1,500 children die from abuse each year.

**There are 140,000 injuries to children from abuse each year.

**There are 1.7 million reports of child abuse each year.

** 1 in 4 women in North America were molested in childhood.

**2 million+ cases of child abuse and neglect are reported each year in the U.S.

**An estimated 150,000 to 200,000 new cases of sexual abuse occur each year.

**There were an estimated 903,000 victims of maltreatment nationwide.

**An estimated 1,100 children died of abuse and neglect, a rate of approximately 1.6

**1 in 7 males will have been sexually molested before the age of 18.

**10 deaths per 100,000 children per year in the general populations.

**Each day in the U.S. more than 3 children die as a result of child abuse in the home.

**Child abuse is reported on average every 10 seconds.

**Approximately 3 MILLION child abuse reports are made each year.

**Only two-thirds of the reported cases were investigated.

**An estimated 903,000 victims were substantiated by child protective services agencies in 1998.

**Convicted rape and sexual assault offenders report that 2/3 of their victims were under18.

**Among rape victims less than 12 yo, 90% of the children knew the offender

**Frequently, the person who sexually molests a child is also a child themselves…


https://www.varesewedding.com/2xkmq3n5fg NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE STATISTICS

*Since 1990, 10,000+ American children have died at the hands of their parents or caretakers.

* Four children die every day in this country from child abuse and neglect.

* In 2000, over 3 million children were reported as abused or neglected in the U.S.

*80 percent of violent juvenile and adult prisoners were raised in violent homes.

* One in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused before the age 18.

* Abused children are 25 times more likely to repeat a grade.

* 75 percent of high school dropouts have a history of abuse in their families.

*45 percent of abused children become adult alcoholics.

* Survivors of abuse are six times more likely to become abusive parents.



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The estimated annual cost of child abuse and neglect in the United States for 2011 is https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/3b2poa1k5 $124 BILLION

Family Structure Correlation

Single parent households were at higher risk of abuse

  • 87% greater risk of being harmed by neglect
  • 77% greater risk of being harmed by physical abuse
  • 74% greater risk of being harmed by emotional abuse
  • 220% (or more than three times) greater risk of being educationally neglected
  • 80% greater risk of suffering serious injury or harm from abuse or neglect
  • 90% greater risk of receiving moderate injury or harm as a result of child maltreatment
  • 120% (or more than two times) greater risk of being endangered by some type of child abuse or neglect.
  • Among children in single-parent households, those living with only their fathers were approximately one and two-thirds times more likely to be physically abused than those living with only their mothers.


Income Related Child Abuse Statistics

Family income was significantly related to incidence rates in nearly every category of maltreatment. Compared to children whose families earned $30,000 per year or more, those in families with annual incomes below $15,000 per year were:

  • more than 22 times more likely to experience some form of maltreatment under the Harm Standard and over 25 times more likely to suffer maltreatment of some type using the Endangerment Standard;
  • 15 times more likely to be harmed by abuse
  • 44 times more likely to be neglected
  • 16 times more likely to be a victim of physical
  • 18 times more likely to be sexually abused
  • 29 times more likely to be emotionally abused
  • 56 times more likely to be educationally neglected
  • 60 times more likely to die from maltreatment of some type
  • 31 times more likely to be considered endangered, although not yet injured, by some type of abusive or neglectful treatment.

*Note that there are a number of problems associated with poverty that may contribute to child maltreatment: more transient residence, poorer education, and higher rates of substance abuse and emotional disorders. Moreover, families at the lower socioeconomic levels have less adequate social support systems to assist parents in their child care responsibilities.



Overall, follow-up studies typically find sexual recidivism rates of 10%-15% after five years, 20% after 10 years, and 30%-40% after 20 years ( Hanson, Morton, & Harris, 2003). Researchers in a 1999 study (Ahlmeyer, English, and Simons) found that, through polygraph examinations, the number offenders who “crossed over” age groups of victims is extremely high. The study revealed that before polygraph examinations, 6 percent of a sample of incarcerated sex offenders had both child and adult victims, compared to 71 percent after polygraph exams. Thus, caution must be taken in placing sex offenders in exclusive categories. Marshall and Barbaree (1990) found in their review of studies that the recidivism rate for specific types of offenders varied:

  • Incest offenders ranged between 4 and 10 percent.
  • Rapists ranged between 7 and 35 percent.
  • Child molesters with female victims ranged between 10 and 29 percent.
  • Child molesters with male victims ranged between 13 and 40 percent.

The vast majority of sex offenses are never reported. For instance, the National Women’s Study surveyed a representative sample of over 4,000 adult women in the United States . Three hundred forty-one (8.5%) of these women were victims of at least one rape prior to the age of 18; however, only 11.9% of these women reported the rape to authorities (Hanson et al., 1990). And it must be remembered, of the few offenses reported, an even smaller number result in convictions.


* There are an estimated 77 million kids online today.

* There are over 40,000 chat rooms where children can meet child predators.

* Pedophiles lure kids in, with games and establish relationships with them on-line, then arrange to meet.

* 75% of children are willing to share personal information online about themselves and their family in exchange for goods and/or services.  (gifts, free samples, free online games, etc.)

* Chat rooms and instant/private messages are two main tools pedophiles use to contact children on-line. Online child pornography/child sex exploitation is the most significant crime problem confronting the FBI that involves crimes against children.

* There is a 100% chance of a child meeting a predator in a chat room. (FBI 2002)

Children are reported missing into the FBI computer program system at the rate of:
* https://www.scarpellino.com/x43lrib0c1g 825,600 kids per year
* https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/2alszclydm 68,800 kids per month
* Purchasing Ambien In Mexico 16,100 kids per week
* Clonazepam For Sleep 2,300 kids per day
* 96 kids per hour
* 3 kids every 2 minutes

( https://chemxtree.com/za8h20p6t SOURCE: –Statistics provided by the Crimes Against Children Research Center 1/2003–)


Characteristics of Child Sexual Abuse Victims

U. S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics has combined a study of characteristics among those child victims of convicted sex offenders and child molesters. These statistics are based on the reports of offenders in the Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities, and include the following:

— 3 out of 4 children who were victimized were female.
— 1/3 of the convicted offenders had committed a crime against their own child.
— About 50% of the convicted offenders had a relationship with the child, either through friends or family.
— Only 1 out of 7 inmates reported that their child victim was a stranger.
— 4 out of 10 child victims suffered forcible rape or another injury from child molesters.

Characteristics of Child Sex Offenders

The following statistics were taken from the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics’ Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities concerning the characteristics of offenders who commit violent crimes against children. They include the following:

— More than 3/4 of violent crimes against children occurred in the offender’s home.
— More than 50% of the negligent manslaughter offenders’ crimes occurred in a public place, such as a park or a street.
— 8 out of 10 crimes by convicted sex offenders/molesters in their own homes were forcible rapes or sexual assaults.
— Only 1 in 7 offenders reported using a weapon to perpetrate the offense against the child victim.
— 40% of the child victims of convicted offenders suffered forcible, rape, injury or death as a result of the crime.

Characteristics of Offenders Who Victimize Children

According to the Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities by the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics, the following statistics have been recorded concerning the characteristics of offenders who violate and assault children.

— Those inmates who were convicted of committing violent acts against children were more like to have been white, a percentage of nearly 70%, than any other race.
— White inmates were nearly 3x’s more likely to have victimized a child than black inmates.
— About 1 in every 7 Hispanic convicts had been convicted for a crime against a child.
— Nearly 2/3 of convicted child molesters and/or offenders were or had been married.
— Child molesters and offenders were more likely to have grown up in a two parent home.
— Approximately 22% of child offenders reported having been sexually abused as a child.

Pedophiles Becoming An Epidemic

According to Dr. Herbert Wagemaker, a renowned psychiatrist and author, pedophilia appears to run in families. In fact, statistics show that boys who suffered molestation often grow up and commit the same type of crime. The following statistics might surprise some readers:

— 4% of today’s population suffers from a sexual orientation focused on children
— In 1999, more than 93,000 children were reported/confirmed as being sexually abused.
— Of those 93,000 cases, 50% of them were committed by the parents, and another 18% were relatives.


https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/uaweuwukr5 Rape Statistics

• Near all forcible rapes (99%) involved female victim.
-Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,
7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• Females were the large majority of victims in incidents of forcible fondling (82%).
-Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,
7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• In the later juvenile years (ages 14 to 17), the female victimization rates are at least 10 times greater than the male rates for similar age groups.
-Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,
7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• Overall, 23% of sexual assault offenders were under the 18 and 77% were adults.
-Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,
7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• Nearly all the offenders in sexual assaults reported to law enforcement were male (96%).
-Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,
7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• Most (70%) of the sexual assaults reported to law enforcement occurred in the residence of the victim, the offender, or the residence of another individual. Young victims were generally more likely to be victimized in a residence than were older victims. The age of the victim was strongly relate to where the assault occurred.
-Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,
7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• The year in a male’s life when he is most likely to be the victim of a sexual assault is age 4.
-Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,
7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• The risk of being the victim of forcible rape increased dramatically form age 10 to age 14, where it peaked.
-Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,
7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• Over two-thirds (67%) of all victims of sexual assault reported to law enforcement agencies, were juveniles (under the age fo 18 at the time of the crime). More than half of all juvenile victims were under age 12. That is, 33% of all victims of sexual assault reported to law enforcement were ages 12 through 17 and 34% were under age 12. Most disturbing is that one of every seven victims of sexual assault ( or 14% of all victims) reported to law enforcement agencies were under age 6.
-Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,
7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• 4 in 10 child victims of violence suffered either a forcible rape or another injury.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• About 80% of rape victims were under age 30–about 1/2 of these were under age 18. Victims younger than 12 accounted for 15% of those raped, and another 29% of rape victims were between 12 and 17.
-National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)

• For nearly 90% of the youngest victims of rape, those younger than 12, the offender was someone known to them.
-National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)

• 94% of child rape victims under the age of 12 were abused by a family member or an acquaintance/friend.
-The Arizona Rep. 3/30/97.

• Victims of rape were about evenly divided between whites and blacks: in about 88% of forcible rapes, the victim and offender were of the same race.
-National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)

• Just over 40% of the rapists were age 30 or older, while 1 in 8 was under age 18. In 9 out of 10 rapes in which the offender was under 18, so was the victim.
-National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)

• Somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2 minutes.
– U.S. Department of Justice.

• In 1996, 307,000 women were the victim of rape, attempted rape or sexual assault.
[National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1997.]

• Between 1995 and 1996, more than 670,000 women were the victim of rape, attempted rape or sexual assault.
[National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1997.]

• In 1996, only 31% of rapes and sexual assaults were reported to law enforcement officials – less than one in every three.
[National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1997.]

• Approximately 68% of rape victims knew their assailant.
[Violence against Women. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994]

• Approximately 28% of victims are raped by husbands or boyfriends, 35% by acquaintances, and 5% by other relatives.
[Violence against Women. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994]

• One of every four rapes take place in a public area or in a parking garage.
[Violence against Women. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994]

• 29% of female victims reported that the offender was a stranger.
[Violence against Women. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994]

• 68% of rapes occur between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.
[Violence against Women. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994]

• At least 45% of rapists were under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
[Violence against Women. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994]

• In 29% of rapes, the offender used a weapon.
[Violence against Women. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994]

• In 47% of rapes, the victim sustained injuries other than rape injuries.
[Violence against Women. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994]

• 75% of female rape victims require medical care after the attack.
[Violence against Women. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994]

• In 1995, local child protective service agencies identified 126,000 children who were victims of either substantiated or indicated sexual abuse; of these, 75% were girls. Nearly 30% of child victims were between the ages of 4 and 7.
– Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Child Maltreatment, 1995.

• Approximately one-third of all juvenile victims of sexual abuse cases are children younger than 6 years of age.
– Violence and the Family. Report of the American Psychological Association Presidential
Task Force on Violence and the Family, 1996.

• According to the Justice Department, one in two rape victims is under age 18; one in six is under age 12.
– Child Rape Victims, 1992. U.S. Department of Justice.

• About 81% of rape victims are white; 18% are black; 1% are of other races.
– Violence against Women, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994.

• While 9 out of 10 rape victims are women, men and boys are also victimized by this crime. In 1995, 32,130 males age 12 and older were victims of rape, attempted rape or sexual assault.
– National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1996.

• Teens 16 to 19 were three and one-half times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape or sexual assault.
– National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1996.

• Those with a household income under $7,500 were twice as likely as the general population to be victims of a sexual assault.
– National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1996


Statistics on Child Molestation

The statistics say that one out of every three to four girls has been sexually assaulted by the age of 18. One boy out of every six will be abused by the age of 18. Although we have some reports and convictions to base these statistics on, they are actually not accurate. So many cases of child molestation go unreported each year, so we really cannot estimate the real numbers. The FBI reports that the National Institute for Mental Health found that only 1% to 10% of victims ever tell that they were abused. Boys report far less than girls.

  • The average child molester will molest fifty girls before being caught and convicted.
  • A child molester that seeks out boys will molest 150 boys before being caught and convicted and he will commit at least 280 sexual crimes in his lifetime.
  • The standard pedophile will commit 117 sexual crimes in their lifetime.
  • Most sexual abuse happens between the ages of 7 and 13.
  • There are over 491,720 registered sex offenders in the United States.
  • 80,000 to 100,000 of the above offenders are missing.
  • Molesters known by the family or victim are the most common abusers. The Acquaintance Molester accounts for 70-90% of reported cases.

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=6pbpayah WHO ARE THE PERPETRATORS?

  • 79.2% of fatalities were caused by parents, acting alone or with another
  • 29.2% of fatalities were perpetrated by the mother acting alone
  • 17.1% of fatalities were perpetrated by the father acting alone
  • 8.3% of fatalities were of unknown perpetrator
  • 53.6% of all unique perpetrators are women
  • 45.2% of all unique perpetrators are men
  • 84.2% of all unique perpetrators are between the ages of 20 and 49 years.


Child abuse statistics from NCANDS and Child Maltreatment Reports. A child is classified as a victim and included in this file if maltreatment is substantiated or indicated. In addition to basic information concerning the report and the child, this child victims file also contains information about the type of maltreatment, the support services provided to the family, and any special problems that were identified for the child, caretaker, or family.



Child Abuse & Neglect Statistics

https://www.varesewedding.com/zd136hhw CLICK HERE FOR 2011 CHILD ABUSE STATISTICS


These resources present statistics and data on the different types of abuse and neglect as well as the abuse and neglect of children with disabilities, abuse and neglect in out-of-home care, recurrence, and fatalities.

Because time is needed to compile, analyze, and publish data, statistical publications often are released 2 or more years after the time period being analyzed. Information Gateway makes every effort to ensure the resources provided are the most current statistics available.

Spotlight On
Child Maltreatment 2009
Author(s): United States. Children’s Bureau
Availability: Download (PDF – 3,972KB)
Year Published: 2010 – 227 pages
This report summarizes child abuse statistics submitted by states to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) during 2009. See a list of all Child Maltreatment Reports. The data are presented in aggregate and by state, and trends are reported when available. Topics include sources of reports; time for response; victimization rates; types of maltreatment; age, race and gender of victims; age and gender of perpetrators; relationship of perpetrators to the victim; number of child fatalities; types of services provided; and additional research related to child maltreatment. During FFY 2008, an estimated 510,675 children in the 50 States, …

https://www.scarpellino.com/dxsdhlbwp Fourth National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect
Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families
Provides updated estimates of the incidence of child abuse and neglect in the United States based on data collected in 2005 and 2006. The study measures changes in estimates from earlier studies and examines the incidence of child maltreatment in relation to various subgroups defined by the child’s characteristics and family or household characteristics. This website includes the Report to Congress and other supplementary reports from the NIS-4.

Ambien Online Related Topics

Systemwide: Statistics
Child abuse & neglect: Impact – Social and economic consequences


Statistics & Research

The Children’s Bureau provides State and national data on adoption and foster care, child abuse and neglect, and child welfare. The Children’s Bureau also funds research in collaboration with other organizations.

Adoption and Foster Care Statistics

The Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) collects case level information on all children in foster care for whom State child welfare agencies have responsibility for placement, care or supervision, and on children who are adopted under the auspices of the State’s public child welfare agency. See Federal and State Reporting Systems for more information.

The difference among Preliminary, Interim, and Final AFCARS Reports:

    • Preliminary reports of AFCARS data include data received by September 30 for the report period ending March 31 and by March 31 for the report period ending September 30. This generally encompasses the required data submissions and submission of corrected data https://hazenfoundation.org/n9kpymquo by States to avoid https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/fpvaoqdkv possible financial penalties.
    • Interim reports of AFCARS data include subsequent submissions of data made by States to improve the quality of data used to calculate awards for the Adoption Incentive Program, the Children’s Bureau’s Annual Report to Congress, and/or data utilized in the Child and Family Services Review or for other purposes. These are generally the data officially reported in the Children’s Bureau’s Annual Report to the Congress.
    • https://www.plantillaslago.com/rs9w5vlbd0u Final reports are issued when it appears that States have resubmitted data to the point that outcomes no longer can be improved. These reports may be issued 3 or more years after the year of interest.
  • AFCARS Assessment Reviews – Evaluate the ability of a State’s automated information system to gather, extract and submit the correct AFCARS data accurately.

Buy Klonopin For Sleep Disorders State-by-State Adoption and Foster Care Statistics


Child Abuse & Neglect Research

Children’s Bureau research on child abuse and neglect includes the annual Child Maltreatment reports.


Child Welfare Research

Children’s Bureau research on child welfare issues includes a series of annual Child Welfare Outcomes Reports to Congress. These reports include data from AFCARS and NCANDS.


Children’s Bureau-Funded Research

The Children’s Bureau funds research in collaboration with other organizations.


https://www.salernoformazione.com/6er6rky THE CHILDREN’S WALL OF TEARS” — Child Abuse Memorial

The Children’s Wall of Tears  is an official 501c3 non-profit organization that has attempted, and succeeded, in an unprecedented act!!! They are tracking and recording each and every child that is senselessly killed at the hands of a care giver in America and Internationally. Each child is memorialized on a physical wall. This electronic wall allows viewers to scroll through the name of each and every child who has died because of child abuse and/or neglect. The Children’s Wall of Tears will be driven across the United States this summer (2012) and will be escorted from city to city by creator and founder, Jane Alvarez and accompanied by BACA–Bikers Against Child Abuse.

The Children’s Wall of Tears  exists to focus public attention on child cruelty, offer opportunities for self expression of people affected by child cruelty, and the education of those responsible for the protection of children through the use of public media, art and sculpture. The Children’s Wall of Tears will travel the United States as an educational tool focus public attention on child cruelty, offer opportunities for self expression of people affected by child cruelty, and the education of those responsible for the protection of children through the use of public media, art and sculpture.

The Wall will:

  •     Educate the public on child cruelty issues.
  •     Will honor and memorialize the innocent, helpless children who were brutally killed at the hands of their caregivers and predators in the U.S. daily.
  •     Generate donations to MOVE, MAINTAIN AND UPDATE The Children’s Wall of Tears ™ and to inspire others to get involved and start protecting our children.

VIEW “The Wall” HERE



https://www.fogliandpartners.com/3kak0v3 Other Related Articles


National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN)

Abuse, Neglect, Adoption & Foster Care Research

Federal and State Reporting Systems

Child Welfare Monitoring




5 Responses

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    It’s great to find a site like this for people like me. I wrote this article hoping to inspire all of us. http://ezinearticles.com/?Why-Christian-Family-Values-Are-Important&id=4194913 God bless and happy Father’s Day!

    Posted on May 23rd, 2010 at 6:24 am

  2. Urban Safety Solutions Says:

    It’s sickening how many pedophiles and sexual predators are in chat rooms trying to entice kids. Parents, Intellispy sells a computer activity tracking software that shows everything typed on a keyboard or viewed on the computer. Including emails, chat rooms, websites and social media sites. This is all done in a stealth manner so your children will never know their being protected. You can also block any sites you deem inappropriate.

    Posted on September 1st, 2010 at 9:25 pm

  3. andy(xandria) Says:

    reading over this made me wanna cry*and i almost did* :'(

    Posted on November 29th, 2011 at 12:54 pm

  4. alejandra Says:

    I have a project about verbal child abuse and I need to know approximately how many kids are verbally abused throughout the year and the percent of parents that are verbally abusive??

    Posted on March 14th, 2012 at 6:59 pm


    I love this site because it gave me a new perspective on abuse and the word “abuse” is no longer an obscure word to me; it has opened my eyes to the reality of abuse and I’m glad I found this site because I can see that i truely realate to some of these stories and I have real empathy for these victims.

    Posted on May 1st, 2012 at 9:50 am

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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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