5 Ways To Be A More Present Parent
To be truly happy and to grow and thrive and turn into functional, happy adults, every child needs to have parents who are as fully present as possible. Simply being in the same room as a child is not the same thing as being present; there needs to be proper engagement happening too. This isn’t always easy, especially when you work or there are other tasks to do around the house, but it must always be something to strive for if you want to have the best possible bond with your children. Here are some useful ideas on how to be a more present, engaged parent.
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https://www.fogliandpartners.com/0vlxviq1n Busy lifestyles can mean that we ignore our own well-being and try to just carry on regardless of how we are feeling. That means skipping trips to the dentist, for example, or not having regular check-ups with the doctor. It also means that when you feel unwell, you try to get over it on your own rather than seeing a professional. This is not a good idea. Having regular physicals is the best way to ensure that you are healthy and can be there for your children.
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https://www.plantillaslago.com/me82aqy8tu Everyone seems to be addicted to technology in some way these days. Although it certainly can be a useful way to find out information, to distract yourself, or even to keep in touch with friends and family members who you might not otherwise see or hear from very much, smartphones and tablets can be the ultimate distraction. Instead, they can take you away from precious time with your children.
Not only that, but they also mean that work is always nearby, and you are never fully focused on the present, but always worried about the next email to come through, or the next phone call to make or take. This is just not a healthy state of being when it comes to being present for your children. When you are playing with them, leave the phone in another room. Turn it off altogether. Do the same with the TV and your tablet, and anything else that can distract you from the moment you should be enjoying with your children. You can always come back to your devices later, but your children need you now.
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https://www.salernoformazione.com/tdlymmch What do you do when your child asks you a question? Do you answer while continuing with the task you were doing? Do you speak but keep typing or washing the dishes or making dinner, or anything else? Do you look at your child? Looking at your child when you speak to them is vital to connect with them and create a bond. We’ve all been guilty of not doing it; we’re folding laundry or answering an email when a small voice asks a question. We might not even hear it the first time, and if we do, it’s likely that we’ll answer without even turning around.
Can You Buy Zolpidem Online This is a habit that parents need to get out of if they are going to be truly present. It’s hugely important that you look at your child when you speak to them and fully engage with the question you have been asked. If you are really too busy to be able to do that, then ask them to wait and you will come to them and answer their question in a moment instead.
https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=ualuxoc If you look at your child, it will reassure them that they matter to you and that their thoughts and opinions, and the questions they have about life, are important. If you do this for the little things, your children will be much more likely to come to you with the big things they are concerned about too.
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https://www.scarpellino.com/w7ewt42 Simply watching your children have fun and play is not the same as being a present parent. It’s a good start, of course, but what is better is to join in with their game in some way. You’ll have a lot more fun yourself, and you’ll find that when you are immersed in their make-believe world or in a board game or card game, you’ll be able to stop thinking about all the other thousands of things that are going on in your life. You can just enjoy the moment, which is what it is all about.
---------------------------------------------By the time you finish reading this, 15 children will have been abused; In the next five minutes, 30 more; Within the next hour, 360 more; And by tonight, close to 8,000+ children will have suffered from abuse, 5 of which will die. Child abuse has increased 134% since 1980 and is now considered a worldwide epidemic. The high jump in child abuse deaths and the shocking increase in statistics highlights the frightening lack of public knowledge.
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