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How to Combat the Effects of Child Abuse in Adults

Posted by Sandra On March - 29 - 2018 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.fogliandpartners.com/rvzli44 Growing up in an unsafe environment as a child can lead to many issues in adult life. The early developmental stages during infancy and childhood are vital for a child’s mental, physical and emotional well-being. Without a stable home environment, this can cause difficulties later in life. If a child experiences abuse during school years, it can have a severely negative effect on their education which can under-prepare them for working life as well as the ability to create healthy and meaningful relationships. The effects of child abuse can manifest in various ways, including a refusal to allow others to see their vulnerability and therefore impact on their trust in themselves and others. These traits have insidious ways of affecting all aspects of life which is why it is so important to overcome them in order to improve the overall quality of life for someone who grew up in an abusive environment. Here are some of the effects that child abuse can have in later life and how you can deal with them.


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https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=1jbycjrz A common result of an abusive childhood is low self-esteem and a poor image of oneself. If people in a child’s home are unable to teach the child that they have worth as a human being, then they can fail to see themselves as deserving of compassion, love and respect. Low self-esteem can lead to depression, social anxiety and destructive behaviors such as self-harm. If you require assistance with any of these here are contact details for people who can help you. Self-esteem is something that you can relearn in adulthood with careful guidance from a professional. Techniques such as cognitive behavior therapy can help to untangle the links between childhood trauma and present-day low self-esteem, resulting in a better understanding of the situation and a clearer view of how to address it.

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Two: Mistrust


During the early years of life, children learn that their surroundings, whatever they may be, are the norm for them. When a child is raised in an abusive home, they can grow up believing that people are inherently unkind or violent to one another, not understanding that theirs was an unfortunate yet uncommon upbringing. When a child-rearing environment demonstrates deceit and lies, it can teach a person that these are acceptable techniques used by everyone. With this belief, it is easy to see why adults who have grown up in an abusive and manipulative environment can be led to the conclusion that no one is to be trusted. Like self-esteem, however, trust can be rebuilt and nourished to let victims of child abuse live a more fulfilling life with close relationships. It might take some time for this ability to regrow, but the value of learning to trust gives people an opportunity to experience stronger bonds with friends and loved ones.


Three: Drug and Alcohol Abuse

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Ambien Cr Online India When experiencing traumatic memories in everyday life, it can be tempting for victims of child abuse to find solace in unhealthy ways. These are often selected for their fast-acting distraction from the pain despite the negative health consequences. If you are struggling with addiction, get local help for drug rehab to provide you with assistance in the process recovery. The link between emotional well-being and physical health is a close one that many people overlook. While children tend not to have access to alcohol and drugs, victims of child abuse may use these as a temporary respite for adults. The risks far outweigh the short period of relief, however, as addiction can destroy an entire life. Alcohol can cause liver disease among many other kinds of physical illness. Addiction also affects the relationships around you and can drive a wedge between the addict and the people closest to them. Finding other ways of coping is vital as it trains the mind to grow stronger instead of becoming dependent on temporary and unhealthy solutions.

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Four: Repeating Unhealthy Patterns


https://www.mdifitness.com/0s6ny0je As mentioned before, the development of a young mind in an abusive home builds a warped sense of ordinary life. As a result, adults who experienced a traumatic childhood can become uncomfortable in healthy relationships as they may perceive them to be unnatural or untrue. These people can also find themselves in abusive relationships because it is what they were taught was normal. Healthy or not, the first few years of life dictate what a child considers to be acceptable behavior in the world and thus an abusive relationship will not raise the same concern as it might in someone who did not experience an abusive childhood. Some people have reflected on their need to be with an abusive partner as a remnant from their childhood acclimatization to disorder and unhappiness, creating an unhealthy sense of comfort when surrounded by violence or manipulative behavior. Of course, this might also link in with low self-esteem as it tricks the mind into believing that the victim is undeserving of a healthy romantic relationship. Finding a qualified professional will help to retrain the mind into noticing the difference between positive and negative signs in a relationship, romantic or otherwise.


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https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/punehkhy If a child is raised unaware of the uncommon nature of their situation, when they grow up and have children of their own it poses the risk of their kids being mistreated in the same way. Of course, many parents who were abused as children can be extremely loving and nurturing to their children, but there are also people who have not learned that their childhood was abnormal and unhealthy. Perhaps they believe that their parents did nothing wrong and therefore hope to raise their child in the same way to bring them up to be a similar kind of person, or perhaps they feel justified in finding an outlet for their trauma by passing it on to the next generation. Either way, victims of child abuse can become excellent parents by learning what a child needs, even if they were deprived of it themselves. With counseling and guidance, an abusive childhood does not need to impair the rest of a person’s life.

The Most Common Respiratory Problems in Children

Posted by Sandra On March - 19 - 2018 ADD COMMENTS

https://hazenfoundation.org/bd0dclu5rx Respiratory problems in children can cause symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Often, the most common respiratory problems can be treated easily with the right medication and care, however, as a parent, watching your child struggling with respiratory problems can be terrifying. Understanding the most common respiratory issues in children and how to treat them will help you stay in control and get your little one feeling back to normal in no time. Here are some of the most common respiratory problems in children and how to treat them.

#1. Asthma:

Cheap Ambien From India Asthma is a common respiratory issue that approximately twenty million Americans deal with on a daily basis. Some children will grow out of their asthma symptoms, whilst others will need to stay on top of it for life. Asthma causes the airways of the lungs to become inflamed, making it difficult to breathe. Mild asthma symptoms can include coughing and shortness of breath, but severe asthma can lead to asthma attacks that can be deadly or fatal if left untreated. If you suspect that your child may be suffering from asthma, you should take them to the doctor as soon as possible and get the right inhalers for their condition. If your child is having an asthma attack and there’s no inhaler available, you should take them to the ER or call an ambulance straight away. Respiratory therapy can also help – see the best respiratory therapy programs if you want to learn more.

#2. Respiratory Infections:

https://municion.org/oy5vi7o Infections are another common cause of respiratory problems in children. Infections can occur in the upper respiratory system including the mouth, nose, throat, and sinuses, or in the lower respiratory system, which includes the lungs and bronchial tubes. In general, symptoms of a lower respiratory infection tend to be more severe and include shallow coughing, running a fever, difficulty breathing, grunting, and wheezing. However, lower respiratory infections are less common. If your child is displaying symptoms such as a blocked or runny nose, a fever that occurs suddenly, or coughing when lying down, an upper respiratory infection is likely to be the problem. These are usually caused by a viral infection such as a cold or flu, which will usually go away on its own. If you’re concerned, seek medical advice.

#3. Allergies:

Ambien Sleeping Pill Online Allergies are a common cause of respiratory problems in both children and adults. Common signs of an allergy in children include sneezing, eyes that are itchy, puffy or watery, and a blocked or runny nose. Allergies can also lead to irritability and a loss of appetite. In some cases, severe allergic reactions can lead to anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal if left untreated. If you suspect that your child is suffering from an allergy, it’s best to have them tested as quickly as possible so that you know exactly what is triggering their symptoms. Some children with allergies will need to carry an epi-pen with them at all times, and you should inform their school and other social groups, such as after-school clubs, of the situation.

https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/qt9q94mpdiw Does your child suffer from any of these common respiratory problems? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

How To Make Sure Kids Are Safe At School

Posted by Sandra On March - 12 - 2018 ADD COMMENTS

As parents, it is our responsibility to make sure that our kids are in safe hands at all times. However, due to the high amount of tasks that one has to deal with on a daily basis, it is quite hard to keep an eye on our kids all round the clock. Furthermore, parents expect their kids to be in a safe place while they are at school. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Parents need to pay attention to their kid’s behavior and know how to take necessary measures if it’s the case.

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=eg6oaa5h On the other hand, parents need to ensure that their kids are out of danger on their way to school. To do that, they need to teach their children how to cross the street and pay attention to traffic. Last but not least, it is important to make kids understand the possible dangers that are out there. Below there are few useful tips for parents that want safe and happy kids.

https://www.plantillaslago.com/oa3qdfqyg https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/9cx085dg591 Encourage Open Conversation

Maintaining good conversation with your kids helps build mutual respect and confidence. Aim to create a safe environment at home and let your kids know that they can talk to you about anything. Encourage emotional response that promotes opening up about more “personal” matters. Lastly, always trust your gut. If you feel like something is not quite right about their behavior, take immediate measures. Speak to their teachers and even schedule a few therapy sessions with the school psychologist.

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https://chemxtree.com/96axn7g Although many parents are reluctant when it comes to offering gadgets to their children, sometimes it is good to provide them with technology that keeps them safe. Certain applications can monitor their internet use or current location. These devices are good for preventing cyber-bullying or even abduction. No matter how good these devices are, there are certain instances when kids need to use their own rationing to escape from certain situations. Prevent personal injuries caused by car accidents by instructing them on certain rules. Make sure you’re prepared for any situation by getting in touch with a personal injury attorney firm such as Zanes Law.

https://www.mdifitness.com/7scb5eitm Prevent Bullying

A good way of preventing this matter is by learning the school’s policy related to it. Find out where you can get help if your child is bullied at school. Write down the details because this record can be helpful for either the police or the school administration. If you can count on technology to prevent cyber-bullying, you need to be able to count on teachers to eliminate this problem from the classroom environment. Speak to them on a regular basis and ask them to contact you immediately if something bad happens.

Medical Emergency

Kids are prone to small accidents or allergic reactions while at school. As a parent, you need to find out what happens if they have to deal with these situations. Pick a school that has at least a medical nurse that looks after the kids and is trained in CPR. Find out whether your kids will be accompanied to the hospital if they suffer from a serious accident or need further medical investigations. This information allows you to rest assured that they are out of danger while at school.

https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/a6j722e These unwritten rules tend to be overlooked by parents these days. After all, it is good to remember that their safety is a lot more important than any other matter.

5 Ways to Protect Vulnerable Children From Abuse

Posted by Sandra On March - 12 - 2018 ADD COMMENTS

Abuse is something that no child should have to endure. It robs them of a normal childhood and can be disruptive to their mental state and emotions. Seeing as all children are vulnerable to some extent, it becomes the role of the parents or guardians to ensure they are well protected. With the way most people’s daily lives are set up, it’s almost impossible to be with your child and watch over them every second of the day. You, however, can take a number of precautions to ensure that they’re safe and not in harm’s way. This article is going to explore some of the ways that you can protect vulnerable children from abuse.

Monitor Their Movements at All Times

Depending on their age, children can tend to move around a lot. If they aren’t zooming up and down the house, then they may be likely to be having a conversation with a familiar person or sometimes a stranger. It is, therefore important that you try your best to monitor their movements constantly. You should always know where they are and who they’re talking to, whether they’re with you or not.

In this technological age, it seems that younger children are getting access to the internet. This opens up doors and gives child abusers and sex offenders access to children of younger ages. You should make it a priority to monitor who your kids are talking to and interacting with via the internet. This means that if they have tablets connected to the internet, for instance, you should make it a priority to regularly go through their search history and check who they’re messaging through their games as well. Child violence, exploitation and abuse are said to often practiced by someone the child knows like a teacher, parent, caretaker, relative or law enforcement authorities. For this reason, you should monitor everyone who is around your child even if they don’t seem as though they’re a threat.

Teach Them About Abuse

Children are often both innocent and naïve, so teaching them about what abuse is can never be done too early. You could start by telling them what behavior is appropriate and which isn’t and why. There are a number of ways to go about this which include using demonstrations, pictures, and personal references. The important thing is that you help them understand what abuse is and how to respond if they feel it may be happening to them. By teaching kids about abuse and sexual harassment, you’ll help them be able to both identify it and come forward if, at all, it ever does happen. Some key things you can teach them include knowing what their private parts are and that they shouldn’t be touched by anyone, giving them tips for safe places and letting them know that it is okay to say no. It may take a boost of confidence to get them to the point that they’re comfortable enough to confidently say no, however, with time and teaching them to constantly communicate how they feel, you can build such confidence.

Spend Quality Time with Them

The importance of spending quality with your children cannot be emphasized enough. There are studies that show that there are links between quality parent time and positive outcomes for kids. Quality time could include taking walks, having dinner with the kids, playing games with them, and indulging in dessert. When you do this, you may find that they begin to talk to you more and feel far more comfortable around you. As a result, you may find that they’re ready to open up about sensitive issues that are making them feel vulnerable and you can find ways to help them address it.

https://www.plantillaslago.com/vxaaa998mt1 Be Responsible for Transporting Them Around

Abuse can happen in moments you least expect it, so being vigilant and not leaving any opportunity for it to happen is key. One of the ways that you can do this is by being responsible for transporting them around. Where possible, try and reduce the occurrences where other people pick your child up or drop them off at places as it’s a perfect opportunity for them to take advantage. Some of the children who are most vulnerable to abuse are said to be those who are disabled, orphans, and those from marginalized groups.  If, for instance, you have a disabled child, you should consider finding handicap vehicles for sale and buying one that you can use to take your child around as opposed to leaving it to other people or sources.

https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/3h02xmyinp Listen to What They Say

Kids are usually brutally honest, so listening to what they have to say is key in knowing what’s going on with them. You should try and avoid invalidating the thoughts and concerns that they share otherwise, they may be reluctant to share with you again. Building trust in children is just as important as it is to build it with adults. By making them feel secure, they will be more comfortable talking to you in both exciting and more challenging times. Many children suffer ongoing abuse because they reported it and nobody took it seriously. Telling a child that they’re lying or making stories up when they’re sharing a moment as intimate as abuse could make them feel alone and rejected. You should, therefore, always try and hear what they have to say and make it your duty to get to the bottom of it.

The world that we live in is often unfair, and unfortunately, people don’t always get justice when bad things happen to them. However, in order to prevent the prevalence of bad things such as abuse in the first place, you should try and make educating your kids and protecting them to the best of your abilities of utmost importance. There are many ways to approach this objective and at the foundation of all of them is building an open line of communication between yourself and your child. When you do so, you may find that your kids are more open and as a result, you’re able to stop abuse before it begins.


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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