Why Nursing is a Good Career for Those Who Want to Help Children
https://chemxtree.com/2p2y99fm When it comes to choosing where you want to go with your nursing career, there are several different jobs and specialties out there to choose from. If you want to use your nursing career in order to help children in your local area and further afield, the good news is that there are many options that you might want to consider to reach this career goal. We’ve listed some of the best nursing job titles that are the perfect choice for anybody who wants a rewarding career with children.
#1. Registered Pediatric Nurse
https://hazenfoundation.org/dm64jzpm A pediatric RN will generally work with children at hospitals or doctor’s offices. They provide routine checkups to children of all ages, and many will work in children’s hospitals or on children’s wards. As a pediatric RN, your job will include a number of tasks, such as providing developmental screening and immunizations, routine checkups, and treating common childhood illnesses such as chicken pox. You may also be required to work caring for children who are more seriously ill or injured. You’ll also need to work closely with parents and families and have excellent communication skills to help families get through difficult times.
#2. Labor and Delivery Nurse
Labor and delivery nurses work with OB/GYNs to help bring new life into the world on a daily basis. Both Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and Registered Nurses (RNs) can go on to study to become a Labor and Delivery Nurse. You may be able to complete an additional study program once you have gained your online nursing degree, or get training on the job. Your tasks will include monitoring vital signs for mothers and babies, checking for and being aware of potential complications to inform the doctor when necessary, assisting new mothers with breastfeeding and other tasks, and adapting to a very fast-paced environment.
#3. School Nurse
https://www.salernoformazione.com/irnjdsjlo4o If you want to work with children but would rather work with older kids, then a school nurse could be the perfect job for you. School nurses are there to make sure that children are safe and happy whilst attending school, and provide basic care to them on a day to day basis. As a school nurse, you may be asked to help with administering prescription medications to children, dealing with wounds and injuries that occur whilst in school, making sure that health requirements are met, give immunizations, and lead health education programs. As a school nurse, you will also be very active in safeguarding children and ensuring that their home life is safe.
https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/381malfw8o#4. Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Nurse
https://www.plantillaslago.com/vfq7clyvw As a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) nurse, you will generally be dealing with children who are suffering from life-threatening injuries or illnesses. You will be expected to monitor the vital signs of critically ill children and work with doctors, healthcare providers and patients to aid a child’s recovery. PICU nurses will first be required to be an RN and it may help to have a master of science in nursing for some hospitals.
https://chemxtree.com/daka1kt4Are you considering any of these nursing careers? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.