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Archive for June, 2017

Ending Child Abuse And Maltreatment In The U.S

Posted by Sandra On June - 19 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Klonopin 1Mg For Sale According to recent data from the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, one in 34 children is confirmed as abused or neglected in Massachusetts each year. That’s one case confirmed every 15 minutes. To get a better picture of the issue, I sat down with Suzin Bartley, executive director of The Children’s Trust, an organization with a mission to stop child abuse in Massachusetts. Bartley also serves as a co-chair of the Massachusetts Legislative Task Force on the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse. In our interview, we discuss some of the systemic contributors to child abuse, the costs that abuse incurs for the individual and the community, and the most effective ways to end the epidemic. READ MORE HERE

Abused Baby On Ventilator

Posted by Sandra On June - 18 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS


https://www.fogliandpartners.com/qp4v7s63 GREENVILLE, S.C. – A man and woman are accused of child abuse after a 5-month-old was taken to the hospital with severe oral trauma, according to the sheriff’s office. Celeste Paulina Marroquin, 20 – Charged with 2 counts of Unlawful Neglect of a child – $20,000 bond. Ricardo Perez Salas, 23 – Charged with Child abuse and Unlawful Neglect of a Child – No bond. Investigators say Salas was in a home with the child despite a recent DSS order prohibiting contact with the child. At some point between June 10 and 11 – the child starting crying and Salas put his finger down the throat of the child for an extended period of time, causing the damage, according to the report. READ MORE HERE

Man Arrested for Conspiring to Abuse Newborn Baby

Posted by Sandra On June - 14 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.plantillaslago.com/fkzu0bbudte YUKON, Oklahoma – A man was arrested after he allegedly conspired to sexually abuse a newborn baby. On June 8, the Midwest City Police Department contacted the Canadian County Sheriff’s Office after gathering evidence Daniel Thomas J. Deffner, 39, of Yukon, traded child pornography and was engaged in a discussion involving child exploitation with a person in Midwest City. Officials say the Midwest City Police found Deffner was messaging a pregnant woman, who lives in Midwest City, through Facebook. READ MORE HERE

Anesthesiologist Being Investigated In Child’s Death

Posted by Sandra On June - 13 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS
Anesthesiologist accused of administering drugs that sped up his death to harvest his organs

https://ottawaphotographer.com/arr1xtn3 CALIFORNIA – Police are investigating a claim by a Los Angeles County coroner’s investigator that an anesthesiologist used a painkiller to hasten the death of a gravely injured boy to increase the likelihood his organs could be harvested without deterioration. Buy Zolpidem Er Dr. Judith Brill, 65, has been accused of administering a high dose of painkillers to Cole Hartman, eight, before he was taken off life support. Hartman had gone into cardiac arrest after nearly drowning in a washing machine. At the time of the autopsy, coroner’s investigator Denise Bertone raised questions about the dose of the painkiller fentanyl given to the boy and pressed for re-examination of the case until a subsequent medical examiner added fentanyl toxicity as a significant cause of death. READ MORE HERE


10-YO Boy Was Tied Up, Burned and Beaten Into Coma

Posted by Sandra On June - 12 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Order Clonazepam 0.25Mg ARIZONA – A woman and her boyfriend are facing murder charges after police say her 10-year-old son was tied up, beaten and burned to death. Lt. Vincent Schaan, with the Chino Valley Police, says Christian Pearson died Sunday from the injuries he suffered before being found Thursday. He had been was hospitalized in critical condition. Schaan says with the boy’s death police will ask prosecutors to charge Christina’s mother, 34-year-old Julianna Moreno, and 36-year-old Daniel Terry with first-degree murder. READ MORE HERE

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Child’s Body Found; Father Being Investigated

Posted by Sandra On June - 9 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.scarpellino.com/ckaxa6j7k The father being investigated in the death of his six-year-old daughter, whose decomposing body was found in an Illinois garage, claims her death was an accident. https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/ftat1jntqri Jason Quate claims the girl, who has been missing for two years, choked to death on a steak after he spanked her. Quate, 34, who in a Las Vegas jail on unrelated prostitution charges, claims her mother then hid the body in a dilapidated and vacant home in Centreville, near St Louis. Quate faces a court hearing Friday on charges of felony sex trafficking and living from the earnings of a prostitute – though no charges have yet been filed over his daughter’s death. READ MORE HERE

Evangelist Convicted for Raping Multiple Children

Posted by Sandra On June - 8 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

A victim of a Pentecostal evangelist who sexually abused vulnerable children threw away the $20 he had given her to buy her silence after he had raped her. Another victim and her family were excluded from the Brisbane church after raising the allegations with its leaders, including the 42-year-old evangelist and treasurer. On Thursday evening, he was sentenced to 13 years’ jail after being convicted of 21 child sex offences, including seven counts of rape. The man, who can’t be identified, had between 2011 and 2013 sexually abused four girls and had repeatedly raped one over a period of 18 months, the Brisbane District Court heard. READ MORE HERE


Child Rapist Sentenced to 50-Years

Posted by Sandra On June - 3 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

KNOXVILLE – A child rapist was sentenced to 50 years behind bars on Thursday. Jonathan Mitchell Cooper, 31, was convicted in March on three counts of incest, three counts of child rape and one count of aggravated sexual battery, according to a release from the Knox County District Attorney General’s Office. “Parents are supposed to protect their children, not prey upon them,” General Charme Allen said in the release. READ MORE HERE

Do You Recognize These Images?

Posted by Sandra On June - 3 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Europol releases images from child abuse videos to track offenders

Clonazepam For Muscle Spasms The most innocent clues can sometimes help crack a case. The objects are all taken from the background of an image with sexually explicit material involving minors. For all images below, every other investigative avenue has already been examined. Therefore we are requesting  your assistance in identifying the origin of some of these objects. We are convinced that more eyes will lead to more leads and will ultimately help to save these children.

https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/rxknln3vlm Can you help us recognize the objects? We specifically want to trace their origin (location/country). You can help by clicking on an object you recognize and providing Europol with the information you have on the object. This can be done anonymously. Once the origin of an object is identified, we will inform the competent law enforcement authority of the involved country to further investigate this lead and hopefully speed up the identification of both the offender and the victim. SOURCE

30 Individuals Charged With Over 300 Child Sex Offences

Posted by Sandra On June - 3 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

AUSTRALIA – More than 30 alleged pedophiles have been charged after a crackdown on child sex abuse in regional Western Australia. The arrests were made after a nine month investigation, with the alleged perpetrators charged with almost 300 offences including sexual penetration and interfering with children as young as nine years old. Most of the accused men are Aboriginal and are from towns including Roeburn, Wickham and Karratha and surrounding areas, with many of them regarded as elders in their communities. READ MORE HERE


Online Kid Safety: Parent’s Guide

Posted by Sandra On June - 3 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Online Kid Safety: A Parent’s Guide To Protecting Children’s Privacy

Do you wonder what dangers our children face online? Do you read news reports about online predators and scammers and want to teach your kids to protect themselves? Looking to gain control over what your child can and can’t view online?

I’m sure you will agree with us when we say protecting children’s privacy online can often be overwhelming.

The internet is constantly changing and new dangers pop up every month. Criminals change tactics frequently and last year’s defenses sometimes just don’t work anymore.

In this guide, we outline some of the issues facing modern parents today and provide step-by-step instructions on how to protect your loved ones. SOURCE 

Table of Contents

  1. Is Children’s Cybersecurity and Privacy An Issue?
  2. What Are Governments Doing?
  3. Is It Effective?
  4. How To Teach Kids Online Vigilance
  5. What Can Parents Do To Reduce The Risk To Their Child?
  6. How Can Parents Monitor Home Internet Access & Protect Children Online?
  7. Conclusion

Man Charged With Punching 3-MO Infant

Posted by Sandra On June - 2 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

UTAH – A Utah man who allegedly punched his 3-month-old son in the face after the infant spit up on him last weekend has been charged with second-degree felony child abuse. Mason Allen Blair, 22, of Ogden, was charged Friday in Provo’s 4th District Court, accused of leaving the baby suffering from “severe head trauma, including multiple brain bleed.” Police said earlier this week that the child was initially in critical condition, but had been stabilized and was thought to be gradually improving. A condition update was not immediately available Friday. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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