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Ways to Keep Your Child Safe

Posted by Sandra On February - 14 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Ways to Keep Your Child Safe with Crucial Road Safety Tips

Over and over, the little girl bounces the ball off a pavement. The toy then bounces off the surface awkwardly and begins to head to other side of the road. All the sudden the sound of tires screeching is heard throughout the neighborhood. The car comes to an abrupt stop and the driver watches the ball continuously bounce across the road. Fortunately, the little girl was only determined to cross the street where a pedestrian crossing was located because that is what her mum taught her.

With the number of vehicles increasing on our roads, it is important that a child is taught and understands road safety. By being taught child road safety signs when you are young, you will remain safe whether you are playing with toys as a child, or when preparing to get your driving license using practice theory tests on Top Tests.

In fact, there are particular road safety guidelines that will help you remain safe when you are in various situations. These guidelines can be taught to your children also.

Stop. Look. Think. Listen

https://ottawaphotographer.com/b0bfr5if The first thing that your child should be taught is to stop before crossing the street. Your child should look to the left and then the right for any traffic before they cross the street.

https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/nysj8k7preh It is also important for the child to think about whether the road is clear enough for them to cross the street. Finally, as your child crosses the street, they should be constantly listening and looking for any cars or vans on the street.

Stay in Safe Areas

Teach your child where the safe areas are located. These are the areas where they can safely play. Some areas you may designate as safe are a fenced-in garden or driveway where they are away from moving vehicles.

Set a Good Example

https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/f385sg3z4lx Kids often imitate what adults do rather than listen to what they say. This means it is crucial that you set a good example for your child. Your child needs to see you practice road safety every day. This means that you need to use a seat belt when driving or riding in a vehicle. Car seats should also be correctly installed for your child to use during road trips.

Use Safety Gear Whilst Playing

Make sure your child wears safety gear whenever they are playing. Protective gear should be worn when playing with toys that have wheels such as bikes, skateboards, roller skates and scooters. Although helmets are an important protective gear because they help to reduce the risk of head injuries, knee pads and elbow pads are also important.

Hold Your Child’s Hand

Buy Ambien Zolpidem Uk You should always do this when the two of you are walking in public, around parked vehicles or near a road. Your child is still learning how the world works around them, and they do not have the mental capacity to make important decisions regarding road safety. They should always be under supervision when they are near traffic.

https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/lcvwm95gl52 Whether your child is outside playing or walking across a car lot, it is critical they know and practice safety. Implementing these guidelines will make playtime safer and more enjoyable.

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Ten Strategies for Keeping Kids Safe on the Road (PDF)

Back To School | Top 5 Tips to Keep Your Children Safe

How to Keep Your Child Safe on the Road – Speak Now For Kids

10 tips to keep your child safe in a car seat

13 Important Road Safety Rules To Teach Your Children

Jerry Sandusky’s Son Arrested for Child Molestation

Posted by Sandra On February - 14 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/bd14pwirx3p This undated photo provided by the Centre County Correctional Facility shows Jeffrey Sandusky who was charged Monday, Feb. 13, 2017, with multiple charges of sexual offenses involving children. Jeffrey Sandusky is one of former Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky’s sons who is serving a lengthy prison sentence for sexual abuse. (Centre County Correctional Facility via AP)

A son of former Penn State University assistant coach Jerry Sandusky has been jailed as he awaits a hearing on charges he pressured a teenage girl to send him naked photos and asked her teen sister to give him oral sex. Can I Buy Ambien Online Legally Jeffrey Sandusky, 41, was arrested Monday, more than five years after his father was arrested in a child molestation case that shook Penn State and is still working its way through criminal and civil courts. He faces 14 counts, including solicitation of statutory sexual assault and solicitation of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse. His lawyer isn’t commenting on the allegations. READ MORE HERE


Mom Speaks Out About Girl’s GangRape and Suicide

Posted by Sandra On February - 14 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Zolpidem Buy India She left a heartbreaking letter about sexual assault

A 13-year-old Australian girl who took her own life penned a letter to her classmates detailing torment she suffered in school and a gang-rape carried out by bullies. “My name is Cassidy Trevan, and I was raped. If anyone every [sic] tries this on you trust me it’s worth fighting! Fight! If you don’t you’ll regret it for the rest of your life like I do. You can do it. Be careful. Be warned. Be safe,” the teen wrote. Cassidy’s mother, Linda, reportedly discovered the note in her late daughter’s laptop. Cassidy died by suicide in December 2015. She said she was pushed to write the letter to warn other people at the Melbourne, Australia, high school because “if they could do it to me they do it to other kids like me.” READ MORE HERE

Mother speaks out over daughter’s gangrape and suicide

Girl Commits Suicide After Extreme Bullying And Gang-Rape

Gang-Raped Cassidy Trevan’s Emotional Letter Before Suicide


Bus Driver Accused of Molesting 6 Girls

Posted by Sandra On February - 11 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

MINNESOTA – A man working as a school bus attendant was charged with sexually molesting six girls, all between the ages of three to five. https://www.mdifitness.com/0dugwxzz Harvey Theodore Kneifl, from Woodbury, Minnesota, worked as a bus attendant. His job involved him helping children into their seats. Many of the children he helped have special needs. After a 4-year-old complained to her parents about Kneifl rubbing her genitals, her father contacted police on February 4 to put in a criminal complaint. Authorities immediately began to investigate the claim and the 70-year-old. READ MORE HERE

Man Arrested for Raping Three Children

Posted by Sandra On February - 10 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Suspect is half-brother of victims

COVENTRY TOWNSHIP, Ohio — Authorities have arrested an 18-year-old man who allegedly raped three children. The Summit County Sheriff’s Office says Buy Zolpidem In India Cody Haupt engaged in “sexual conduct by force” with two boys — ages 5 and 8 — and one girl, age 6. Investigators say Haupt is the half-brother of the victims. When detectives were alerted of the potential sexual abuse, they arrived at the Coventry Township residence where nine children were found living with their parents. All of the kids were removed from the home. READ MORE HERE

Mom Sentenced to 16-Years

Posted by Sandra On February - 7 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Mother is sentenced to 16 years in prison for incest, sodomy and child sex abuse

KENTUCKY – A 40-year-old mother from Kentucky has been sentenced to 16 years in prison on charges of incest, sodomy and sexual abuse involving her young son. The Louisville resident, whom is not being named due to the nature of the crimes, was handed her sentence on Tuesday after accepting a plea deal. Jefferson Circuit County Judge Olu Stevens also ordered the mother to register as a sex offender for the rest of her life. READ MORE HERE



1K Pairs of Girl’s Underwear Found at Suspected Child Rapist’s Home

Posted by Sandra On February - 7 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

PENNSYLVANIA – Police say they have arrested a suspected child rapist in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and there are fears more victims may still be out there. One detective said that the human race hasn’t invented words yet to describe what they found in the trailer of 57-year-old https://www.salernoformazione.com/8z2ft7i William Charles Thomas. He lives in the Midway Village Trailer Park in Morrisville. Investigators released multiple photos of him dating back almost a decade in hopes of helping victims identify him. Police say Thomas is an independent contractor who is charged with the sexual assault of as many as six children, including a relative, over the last 40 years. The victims range in age from 2 to 10 years old. READ MORE HERE

Going to College after a Bad School Experience

Posted by Sandra On February - 7 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Going to College after a Bad School Experience

If you were bullied at school, then it’s understandable that the thought of attending college may worry you. However, when it comes to advanced education, college students are often more mature and many individuals who had a bad experience at school go on to have the time of their lives at college, meeting people who become their best friends. Anxiety about going to college can be difficult, as not attending could make it more difficult for many people to pursue their chosen career. If you experienced bullying as a child and it’s affecting you as you transition to college life, here are some ways that you might choose to deal with it.

Seek Professional Help

First and foremost, it’s important to note that if you’re suffering from anxiety that is affecting your ability to do everyday tasks and even make rational decisions, you should seek the help of a medical professional straight away. Although it’s normal for us as humans to feel stressed and/or nervous about things at times, it’s unnatural to have crippling anxiety levels that hinder and affect other areas of our life. It’s very hard to beat anxiety without the help of a professional. Your doctor should be your first call as they can refer you to a therapist or prescribe medication if needed.

Study Online

Some people who suffered bullying and abuse in school often grow up with social anxiety. This makes the whole college experience extremely difficult, and it’s not uncommon for students with social anxiety to drop out under the pressure. If you’re currently suffering from social anxiety and find it difficult to connect with or even speak to other people, the first thing you need to do is seek help from a doctor or counsellor who can help you overcome this issue. In the meantime, options to earn your MBA online with online MBA learning resources can help to take some of the pressure off. Many colleges offer online versions of most if not all of their programs.

Have a Support Plan

Colleges today must understand that some students will need help and support throughout their time at university. Whilst studying for your degree, it’s important that your mental health is a main concern, as being mentally unwell will make it far more difficult for you to succeed academically. Colleges offer support in the form of counsellors and on-campus clinics for students to attend. Many colleges have qualified therapists on site to offer CBT and other talking therapies to students suffering from anxiety and other problems. Not only will signing up for services such as this help you to overcome your current anxiety, it can also help you to figure out things from the past and let go of painful memories, feelings, and emotions that you’re holding on to, which is going to make you feel better straight away. Your college may also be able to offer extensions on deadlines or private exam rooms if necessary.

Being the victim of bullies at school doesn’t mean that you need to have the same experience at college.

Overcoming a Troubled Childhood With The Power Of Education

Posted by Sandra On February - 7 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Overcoming a Troubled Childhood Background with the Power of Education

Not all children grow up thinking of anything but escaping their tumultuous family lives. These children have no dreams of being supported while attending college, nor do they generally get help from their guardians in preparation of applying for various schools. After getting to safety, only then can they begin to chart out the rest of their lives, making solid plans to further their education. Institutions of excellence such as Washington State University have aided adults of various backgrounds to beat the odds and put the memories of childhood abuse and neglect to rest. If you have survived childhood abuse and want to build a future that is healthy, safe and free of further trauma, education needs to come first in your life.

Beating the Odds of Childhood Abuse and Neglect

It is unfortunate, but statistically, those who have been abused and or neglected as children often do not do as well in life as those who come from more stable backgrounds. Besides being financially disadvantaged, children in abusive households are not optimistic about the future because they aren’t allowed to dream. While other kids are given online MBA program details, abused children generally try to stay invisible. One of the best ways to prove that you are capable of success is to develop into an adult who is not limited by his or her regrettable childhood.

Discovering What You Want To Do With Your Life

It is during the time that people attend college that they start to see the world in a more mature way. Instead of just hoping or dreaming that you will be able to make a modest amount of money one day, you can finally accept the fact that it is possible for you to do even more. Whether your goal is to show others that you are intelligent enough to complete an online MBA curriculum, or to have a family of your own with children who are loved and free of abuse, choosing the type of degree you want to earn is an important first move. As an adult, no one can tell you what to do with your life, and if you want to make choices that are ambitious, daring or even challenging, no one will be able to stop you.

Inspiring Other Survivors of Childhood Abuse

There are children still growing up in abusive households, and they may not think that they will ever grow up to be happy. By working on a degree and speaking about your experience with abuse and neglect as a child, others will want to help and learn more about this terrible reality. You do not have to feel fearful of failure, or of your abusive parents or guardians anymore, now that you are fully autonomous and in charge of your present destiny.

The transition from childhood to adulthood can be rife with difficulty for people who grew up not knowing what it feels like to be pushed to do their best, and instead were treated poorly. Therapy can help to heal the wounds that were inflicted during an abusive childhood. On the other hand, taking action and working towards getting a degree can be just as therapeutic and fulfilling.


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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