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Archive for January, 2017

Boy Raped by Five Men Dressed in Animal Costumes

Posted by Sandra On January - 31 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

BUCKS COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA – A young boy told state prosecutors that he was forced to dress as “Tony the Tiger” at perverse fetish parties in which he was repeatedly sexually abused by men dressed in animal costumes. Prosecutors said the 14-year-old’s allegations paint a horrifying portrait of members of a child predator ring that took turns raping him at “furry” parties held in Bucks County beginning in 2009. Police have arrested five people who they say were involved in the ring, a multi-state sweep that began when a federal agent lured the first defendant to what he thought was a meeting with a 13-year-old for sex. READ MORE HERE

How To Beat The Bullies

Posted by Sandra On January - 31 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Some 3.2 million children globally have been bullied within the past year. If you’re a parent of a teased child, it’s easy to feel helpless and at a loss to know how to help. But there are some scientifically proven methods to improve the situation. Psychologists have revealed five steps parents should take to beat the bullies. READ MORE HERE

What You Can Do | StopBullying.gov

Here are some more ways to beat bullying at your school:
  1. Stand up for people who are bullied. Bullies often want an audience and approval. …
  2. Take an anti-bullying pledge. …
  3. Take action. …
  4. Talk to other kids. …
  5. Talk to your teachers or principal. …
  6. Talk to your parents or guardians. …
  7. Speak (and write) up! …
  8. Get creative.


“Evil 8” – Men Sentenced for Raping 11-YO Child, Including Her Father

Posted by Sandra On January - 31 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

A pedophile who repeatedly raped an 11-year-old girl as her father watched has wept in court as a judge jailed him for more than 12 years.  Ryan Trevor Clegg, 43, pleaded guilty to 15 charges, including four counts of sexual penetration against the 11-year-old, who was also raped by her father and abused by other men dubbed by the media as the Evil 8. Clegg’s offences against her occurred between January 2013 and November 2014 after he met her father through Craigslist, but his overall offending continued until March 2015, the WA District Court heard on Tuesday. READ MORE HERE


Mother Allowed BF to Repeatedly Rape Her Daughter

Posted by Sandra On January - 31 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

A mother, who was unable to have a child, allegedly covered up her boyfriend’s repeated rape of her 14-year-old daughter in a bid to get her pregnant. The pensioner, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is accused of sexually assaulting his step-daughter and putting his hand in her underwear during a drive home from a KFC fast food restaurant in Slough. His reign of terror over the girl during the 1970s continued into her young teenage years when he began raping her in his downstairs ‘den.’ The court heard that she later became pregnant with his son. The jury was told that the victim’s mother, who died in 1995, did nothing to stop the abuse and colluded with her then partner to fabricate a story about her daughter being impregnated by a boy she met at a party. READ MORE HERE


TX Most Wanted Child Rapist

Posted by Sandra On January - 26 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Reward Offered for Most Wanted Sex Offender from San Antonio, Jose Julio Arce Jr.

AUSTIN, TEXAS- The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) has added Jose Julio Arce Jr., 56, to the Texas 10 Most Wanted Sex Offenders list, and a cash reward up to $3,000 is now being offered for information leading to his capture. Arce is wanted for failure to register as a sex offender. All tips are guaranteed to be anonymous.

Arce has ties to San Antonio (his last known address) and Laredo. In 1999, Arce was convicted of aggravated sexual assault of a 9-year-old girl in Bexar County and sentenced to 10 years in prison. For more information or updates in the event of his arrest, see his wanted bulletin at: http://www.dps.texas.gov/Texas10MostWanted/SexOffenderDetails.aspx?id=350.

Arce is 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs approximately 250 pounds. He has a mole on the right side of his forehead and multiple tattoos, including on his shoulders, arms, right hand and right wrist. He has prior work history in automotive services as well as landscaping and irrigation services. Arce was previously affiliated with the Texas Mexican Mafia gang and may be known as “Laredo.” READ MORE HERE

The Cost of Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On January - 26 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Study Says $400K Over a Lifetime

Child maltreatment is often measured by lives forever scarred by trauma and families torn apart, but a new study estimates that each case of abuse also carries a hefty price tag. According to researchers with the San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center in collaboration and the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, each incidence of child abuse costs the public $400,533 over the course of a victim’s lifetime.

For the city of San Francisco, the total cost of child maltreatment was $301.6 million, a number that factors in the 753 cases of substantiated child abuse in 2015. In the “The Economics of Child Abuse: A Study of San Francisco,” a study released on Thursday by the San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center, the economic burden of child maltreatment is examined long after the child abuse has occurred. READ MORE HERE

Family Sues School After Bullied Son Commits Suicide

Posted by Sandra On January - 26 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

NEW YORK – The family of a 13-year-old boy who took his own life after months of bullying is now suing the Brooklyn Catholic school they said did nothing to save him. Daniel Fitzpatrick committed suicide at his Staten Island home on August 11, 2016, after writing a heartbreaking letter, suggesting he was relentlessly tormented by his classmates and teachers. His family have been outspoken about their pain since losing their son, and on Thursday filed a lawsuit against the Holy Angels Catholic Academy. READ MORE HERE


Mother Indicted for Killing Her Four Children

Posted by Sandra On January - 26 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

TENNESSEE – A woman has been indicted on murder and child abuse charges in the stabbing deaths of her four young children. The Shelby County district attorney’s office says 29-year-old Shanynthia Gardner was indicted Thursday. She is being held in jail without bond. Sheriff’s officials say Gardner cut her children’s throats at her apartment in unincorporated Shelby County on July 1. Authorities found the bodies of three daughters and a son, all younger than 5. READ MORE HERE


Man Sought for Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On January - 23 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

PIERCE TOWNSHIP, Ohio — A man being sought in a child rape case in Pierce Township has previous addresses in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, police said Monday. Officials are searching for Luis Gonzalez, 34. Clermont County officials said Gonzalez carried on a 4-month relationship with a child under the age of 13. The relationship began in September, officials said. Gonzalez faces one count of rape and one count of disseminating matter harmful to a juvenile. Investigators said he has previous addresses in Cincinnati, Newport and Covington. He has also live in New York and Florida, and there are open warrants for his arrest in Florida. Anyone with information on his whereabouts is asked to contact police. READ MORE HERE

2-MO Infant Abused, Drugged

Posted by Sandra On January - 23 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

BRADLEY COUNTY, TN – A mother and father have been indicted on child abuse of a 2-month old infant who also tested positive for methamphetamine. Cleveland Police Department and the Department of Children Services (DCS) began a joint investigation on an aggravated child neglect/abuse case, on January 4th. DCS and CPD responded to the Crown Inn Motel to check on the welfare of a 2-month old baby. During an investigation, DCS workers noticed a large bruise on the baby’s head. The baby was transported to a hospital for a medical evaluation. During the course of the exam, it was discovered that the baby had multiple skull fractures, multiple broken bones, and a brain bleed, which required brain surgery. Medical exams also revealed that the baby had methamphetamine in its system. READ MORE HERE

Mother Plotted To Let Man Rape Her Daughter

Posted by Sandra On January - 23 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

A woman who plotted to let a pedophile rape her seven-year-old daughter has been jailed for nine years. The mother, who cannot be named for legal reason, planned a sex attack on the girl with Stuart Bailey in a series of ‘depraved’ text messages, Cardiff Crown Court heard. She also sent the 54-year-old a naked picture of the youngster and bought sleeping pills to drug her. READ MORE HERE


How To Deal With CPS

Posted by Sandra On January - 22 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Making the decision to call Child Protective Services because you believe a child has been abused is never an easy decision to make. You don’t want to accuse an innocent parent, but if you really believe that the child has been mistreated then you really should do something to help that child.

Here are some tips to help you deal with Child Protective Services.

What Are The Signs To Look Out For?

Firstly, you want to make sure that you have some sort of evidence to back up your suspicion. Tell-tale signs that a child is being abused or neglected include:

  • You have seen constant bruising on the child
  • The child cringes, hides or raises an arm defensively for no good reason
  • The child becomes withdrawn
  • The child experiences a loss of appetite or looks malnourished
  • The child’s school work begins to suffer or they become uncontrollable in the classroom
  • You are aware that the child is left at home alone or unsupervised for a long period of time
  • You have evidence of drug or alcohol use by the parents (especially in front of the children)
  • An unsafe or extremely dirty home environment

What Does Not Constitute Child Abuse?

The following situations are not reason enough to call Child Protective Services:

  • A parent not vaccinating their child
  • Home-schooling
  • Custody battles
  • A child playing unsupervised in their own yard
  • A parent spanking a child (within reason)
  • Parents yelling at children
  • A one-time accident that causes injury to the child

What Happens After Child Protective Services Receive a Call?

You can make a call anonymously, but even if you give your name and contact information, this is never released to the family involved. After you make the call, Child Protective Services must follow up on it.

They will organize a social worker to visit the family and talk to the parents. This may be done on two separate occasions. After the visit, they will need to review the case and call references. They must then decide whether there is any need for further action.

If not, there will be no record of the call kept on file. If further action is needed, an investigation will be opened. In most cases, Child Protective Services do not wish to remove the children from their home. This is usually only done in extreme cases, where the child’s safety is in jeopardy.

If protecting children is something that you are very passionate about you may like to consider studying for a masters in political science online at a prestigious institution such as George Washington University. An online masters in political science will allow you to get involved with the rules and regulations that govern organizations such as Child Protective Services.

Another option that you have if you suspect a child is being abused is to simply call the police. They will then go and investigate and decide whether Child Protective Services need to be involved.

If you truly believe that a child is being abused or neglected, don’t hesitate to contact either the police or Child Protective Services.


Best interests – If needed, you can phone Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline, 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) before filing a report. These counselors can help with the situation you’re experiencing and provide resources. Keep in mind that CPS is designed to operate with the child’s best interests in mind.

What Happens After I Call? — Child Abuse Reporting

What to do if CPS or DHS won’t help an abused child you’ve reported?

First and foremost, take photos and/or video of the abuse you have witnessed or seen. This will be valuable evidence to substantiate the abuse you are reporting. Also, the more reports that are submitted about the same abused child, the more chances something will be done quicker. Have the child’s teacher, neighbors, friends, church folks or whoever has any contact with the child, start complaining LOUDLY and OFTEN.

1) Contact LEGAL AIDE and find legal representation — your case should be tried in a court of law to petition the court for an abuse or neglect investigation, temporary guardianship, and/or full custody.

2) Contact the NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE HOTLINE — make a national abuse report. The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-4-A-CHILD

3) Call the police or dial 911 directly – especially if the child is in immediate danger! If the child has current immediate/obvious bruising, abuse, neglect or any signs that the police or EMS workers can visibly see, I guarantee CPS will be forced to step in after they contact them. (Having police reports to coincide with CPS reports helps to bring the case immediate attention!!)

4) Contact the CPS office and ask to speak the the SUPERVISOR—report the worker behind the recommendation. You probably initially spoke to an intake worker. Next time ask to speak to the Intake Worker’s supervisor (they are who decides whether a case is accepted or not). There are two types of investigations: a GPS case/investigation- General Protection Services (and) a CPS case/investigation – Child Protection Services.

5) Contact the child’s school and speak directly to his teacher, principal, coach or school counselor. They are mandated reporters and can help to bring attention to the child’s abuse.

6) Document, document, document. Take pictures. Tell the children that if they are hit they are to call the police IMMEDIATELY and reassure them that you will never get angry at them for calling the police. Tell them that if they become that afraid, they are to run to a neighbor’s house and call the police. Police take that kind of stuff very seriously BECAUSE of the number of children who have been seriously injured or worse because of neglect and abuse that went unpunished. Record and document everything—-keep a journal with dates, times, notes. Write down in detail what the child did to be “punished” for, when and where thy were hit and with what object, etc… Remember to take pictures and/or video of any/all abuse. This is crucial!! If possible, install a “nanny or spy cam” to catch the abuse on tape.

7) If all else fails, please contact your state governor’s office and speak to the commission’s office!!! They will record an “in-take” report and investigate. Contact your state legislature/governor’s office/District Attorney and ask for assistance. Report the CPS office that is behind this unacceptable recommendation. Do not take no for an answer…be persistent. Call them, write them, go in person to their offices and tell them you need help.

NOTE: The laws state that parents are allowed to parent as they see fit provided the child isn’t being physically/emotionally/mentally abused nor neglected to the point that it puts the child’s life in danger. Physical abuse is the easiest to prove in a court of law. Emotional/Mental Abuse is about impossible to prove with a younger child, especially if there aren’t other kids in the home displaying the same behaviors and if the behaviors aren’t extreme. Spanking isn’t illegal, spanking with an implement is highly frowned upon, but if it isn’t causing severe pain, bruising or impairment, it’s not (technically) illegal….Just morally and ethically wrong.

Lastly, CPS or DHS should be utilized only to protect children in danger. It should never be used for individuals who do not agree with the way a family or other parent is raising the child. DHS is always going to try to rehabilitate the parent. Jurisdictions vary, but you need to keep reporting to DHS (CPS or whatever it is called where you live) EVERY TIME. They have to come out and investigate each report by law. Stay in close touch with the school counselor and make sure the children know that the counselor is someone to be trusted and they will NEVER be in trouble for telling the counselor the truth.

Here are more articles on steps you can take to protect your child:

UK: http://www.nspcc.org.uk/help-and-advice/for-parents-and-carers/guides-for-parents/sexual-abuse/sexual-abuse-2-pdf_wdf92436.pdf

The Shame of Governmental Child Protection — with “Melody,” a former CPS worker






Father Accused of Raping Daughters

Posted by Sandra On January - 17 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Quebec, Canada – A 79-year-old man is accused of repeatedly raping his three daughters over the course of three decades, took the stand in his incest trial on Friday, admitting to abusing one of the women but denying the other allegations against him. Jacques Lesage, a local businessman and father-of-eight, has been charged with three counts of incest, two counts of sexual assault and one count of indecent assault as part of the high-profile case that rattled the Canadian province. Lesage is accused of sexually assaulting his three daughters between 1971 and 2004, and even having multiple children with one of the victims, who is now a middle-aged woman. READ MORE HERE


Child Rape Victim: ‘He was my best friend by day and my abuser at night’

Posted by Sandra On January - 17 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

A woman has revealed how she was abused as a child by the man she thought was her father – only to find out that he wasn’t her biological dad when she finally told her mother and the police about the attacks at the age of 22. Natasha Fennemore, now 24, from Bury, was abused by stepdad Steven Green between the ages of seven and 18. Green, now 46, of Derby, assaulted Fennemore in the bedroom of the family home, while her mum Tracey Green, 48, slept nearby, unaware of what was happening to her daughter. READ MORE HERE



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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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