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Archive for December, 2016

Man Faces Rape, Abuse, Incest Charges

Posted by Sandra On December - 30 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

rogergladneyA Tuscaloosa man who was being sought on child sex charges surrendered today to authorities. Roger Laboric Gladney, 34, is charged with first-degree rape, sexual abuse of a child under the age of 12, child abuse and incest. Tuscaloosa police Lt. Teena Richardson said detectives launched a joint investigation with the Department of Human Resources after receiving a complaint of sexual abuse of a minor. READ MORE HERE

Former Youth Soccer Coach Charged with Child Sex Abuse

Posted by Sandra On December - 30 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

ph-ac-cn-child-abuse-hanover-1229-20161228-001A former Maryland City youth league soccer coach has been charged with sexually abusing a player on two occasions 4-8 years ago. Eris Murray, from Hanover, has been charged with two counts of second-degree sexual offense, two counts of a third-degree sexual offense, two-counts of a fourth degree sexual-offense, sexual abuse of a minor, second-degree child abuse, two counts of second-degree assault and two counts of sodomy. READ MORE HERE

Man Wanted for Child Molestation

Posted by Sandra On December - 30 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Police Officer Charged with 1st Degree CSC

Posted by Sandra On December - 30 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Jesus Gonzalez, 42, charged with 1st-degree continuous sexual abuse of a child

3bb4c54600000578-0-image-a-69_1483046372282TEXAS – A veteran police officer has been arrested for molesting his girlfriend’s 13-year-old daughter and asking the child for racy photos of herself. Jesus Gonzalez, 42, a reserve officer with the Elmendorf Police Department, was taken into custody while dressed in full uniform and armed; he was charged with first-degree continuous sexual abuse of a child. According to an arrest warrant, Gonzalez, who has been working in law enforcement for various local agencies for 18 years, began abusing the girl from September until the week before Christmas. READ MORE HERE



5 Keys to Combat Trafficking

Posted by Sandra On December - 30 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Five key tools to combat trafficking in 2017

downloadWith the power of technology and legal clout, many experts agree that 2017 could be the tipping point in the global fight against human trafficking. An estimated 45.8 million people live in some form of slavery across the world, according to the 2016 Global Slavery Index by human rights group Walk Free Foundation. Yet pressure and awareness are now building, big business is starting to lead the way, new laws are being put in place and potentially game-changing technology is available. We asked experts what they see as the five most important tools in the year ahead to tackle the illegal trade in humans that is worth an estimated $150 billion a year – READ MORE HERE

NEED HELP? CALL NOW: 1-(888)-373-7888

National Human Trafficking Resource Center

SMS: 233733 (Text “HELP” or “INFO”)
Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week
Languages: English, Spanish and 200 more languages


Man Stabbed His 5-YO Stepdaughter to Death, Set Body On Fire

Posted by Sandra On December - 30 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

capture-20161230-100051MICHIGAN – A 25-year old Michigan man sat on his 5-year-old stepdaughter’s chest and stabbed her to death before setting her on fire because she wanted him to get her something to eat, a court heard Thursday. Thomas McClellan, 25, of Holt, ‘snapped’ on Novemeber 1 when Luna Michelle Younger refused to leave his room until he gave her food, Detective Chuck Buckland said in a preliminary hearing in the 55th District Court in Mason. McClellan is then alleged to have covered her body with bed sheets, poured vodka on it, and set it ablaze in the bedroom. READ MORE HERE


Devastating Child Abuse Impacts

Posted by Sandra On December - 26 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

images-2Abuse and neglect during childhood are linked to poor mid-adulthood socioeconomic outcomes, with greater risk for those who experienced multiple types of maltreatment, researchers reported. According to findings from a population-based study of 8,076 adults in the U.K., 21% experienced one type of maltreatment and 10% experienced two or more types during childhood, wrote Snehal M. Pinto Pereira, PhD, of the University College London Institute of Child Health, and colleagues in Pediatrics. READ MORE HERE

Child abuse ‘affects health decades later’

New Study Shows Victims Of Child Abuse Have Future Health Issues

Baby Starved to Death After Parents Fatal Overdose

Posted by Sandra On December - 26 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

PENNSYLVANIA – An infant died of starvation days after her parents died from apparent heroin overdoses. Jason Chambers, 27, his girlfriend Chelsea Cardaro, 19, and their five-month-old baby Summer were all found dead in their Kernville, Pennsylvania home on Thursday. Coroner Jeffrey Lees said the parents died about a week before their bodies were found Thursday. He said autopsies Friday confirmed that the infant died several days later from dehycapture-20161226-215901dration and starvation. READ MORE HERE


Kids Killed In Murder-Suicide

Posted by Sandra On December - 26 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

dougco-missingCOLORADO – The death of a Colorado woman and her two young sons found with gunshot wounds inside a van in a Lone Tree parking lot last month was officially declared a murder-suicide late last week. The designation was made by Douglas County Coroner Jill Romann, who determined Adam and Ethan Laber died of homicide by gunshot wounds and their mother, Jennifer Laber, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. READ MORE HERE

Mother Stabbed Self, Infant

Posted by Sandra On December - 19 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

636173148910504695-stabbing-mom-download-1481723299093-7339537-ver1-0MANISTEE, Michigan — A 42-year-old woman is in jail on several charges ranging from illegal entry to assault with the intent to commit murder. Angela Marie Montney was arrested on Tuesday, 10 days after police were called to her apartment on the report of a woman covered in blood outside of 188 Lincoln Street in Manistee. Once on scene, police found Montney with multiple self-inflicted injuries from a sharp object and her 8-month-old daughter who was covered in blood. She had also sustained injuries from a sharp object. READ MORE HERE

Man Accused of Killing Newborn

Posted by Sandra On December - 19 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

john-peterson-baby-death-1280_1481816479436_7351972_ver1-0PALISADE, Minnesota – A man is accused of killing his infant daughter by throwing her 12-feet into the air and across his kitchen. 33-year-old John Peterson of Palisade, Minnesota is charged with second-degree murder in the November 18th death of his 5-week-old newborn baby girl, who authorities say suffered head injuries including a skull fracture. According to the criminal charges, authorities were called to the child’s home on the 500 block of Main Street (Aitkin County) after the mother said the girl was having trouble breathing. READ MORE HERE

FBI Entraps Pedophile Via the Dark Web

Posted by Sandra On December - 19 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

3b849a0a00000578-0-alex_glover_25<a-107_1482161603884A sneaky pedophile who posed as a 15-year-old girl to have cyber sex with children was caught after the FBI took control of his favorite abuse website on the dark web, a court heard. Recluse Alex Glover, 25, posed as ‘Jess‘ to access an international online chat-room used by youngsters where he engaged in explicit sexual chats at least ten times. He also downloaded sickening images and videos of children as young as two being abused, the Old Bailey heard. Glover’s interest in innocent children was exposed when the FBI took control of the hidden website, which was used to distribute child pornography around the world. READ MORE HERE


Death Penalty Info Center

Posted by Sandra On December - 13 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

capture-20161213-210815Vindication for victims and closure for victims’ families are often held out as primary reasons for supporting the death penalty.  However, many people in this community believe that another killing would not bring closure and that the death penalty is a disservice to victims. READ MORE HERE

What crimes are punishable by death in the US?
The United States federal government (in comparison to the separate states) applies the death penalty for crimes: treason, terrorism, espionage, federal murder, large-scale drug trafficking, and attempting to kill a witness, juror, or court officer in certain cases.
How many states still have the death penalty?
Only 31 states currently allow for the death penalty, and seven states have repealed the punishment since 2004. Today, there are about 600 fewer prisoners on death row than there were at the end of 2000.

Studies Say Death Penalty Deters Crime – Washington Post

Capital Punishment: Deterrent Effects & Capital Costs

The Death Penalty Deters Crime and Saves Lives – Heritage Foundation

Death Penalty for Child Molesters? – TIME

States Weigh Punishing Child Rapists With Death | Fox News


Admitted Child Rapist’s Case Goes To Missouri Supreme Court

Posted by Sandra On December - 12 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

583f352044ee6-imageKANSAS CITY, Missouri — The Missouri Supreme Court will decide on whether the case against Aaron Fisher, who admitted to raping his infant daughter in Miller County, was rightfully dismissed. Cole County Circuit Judge Patricia Joyce ruled in late-2015 that Fisher’s constitutional right to a speedy trial had been violated, following approximately six years of legal wrangling. Joyce dismissed the rape charges against Fisher, whose daughter was only 6-months old when he confessed to raping and assaulting her. READ MORE HERE



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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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