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Archive for August, 2016

Beaten Infant Removed from Life Support

Posted by Sandra On August - 6 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

11217823_GWALTON COUNTY, Georgia – The jailed parents of a severely injured Georgia infant have both agreed to remove her from life support following a court order.  Jamie and Justin Whited, the parents of Dinah Paige Whited, agreed to take their now 5-month-old daughter off life support as she remains in a vegetative state following injuries related to alleged child abuse. The parents, who have neither been tried or convicted on charges of child abuse, both made the decision during a court appearance on Aug. 3, following a court order by Walton County Juvenile Court Judge David Dickinson. Dickinson issued an order to remove “all life support measures, and to allow Dinah Paige Whited to die,” the newspaper reports. READ MORE HERE

Two Infant Bodies Found In Storage Tote; Woman Arrested

Posted by Sandra On August - 6 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

molly-jojola2PARK CITY, Utah — A 28-year-old woman has been charged after roommates found the bodies of two infants in a closet. Police responded to the home of 1287 Empire Ave. in Park City on September 3, 2015 on reports of a suspicious finding. A roommate of Molly Jojola told police that she and some friends had been cleaning out Jojola’s room when they found a large plastic tote in the closet that smelled bad. READ MORE HERE

Bodies of two babies found in Park City home

Utah woman left stillborn babies in tote, charges state


15-YO Teen Arrested for Distributing 1,000+ Child Porn Images

Posted by Sandra On August - 6 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

6232167_GMUSTANG, Oklahoma — A teen is arrested for distributing over 1,000 sexually explicit images of young children on the internet. “Our preliminary look was over 300 videos and images, but when we really got a look at it there was over 1,000,” Chris West, the Canadian County Undersheriff, said. Those graphic photos and video clips, all of children under 4-years-old, were posted online. READ MORE HERE

5-YO Poisoned by Mother

Posted by Sandra On August - 6 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

mother_1469729163532_1774254_ver1.0GAITHERSBURG, Maryland — A Maryland mother has admitted to poisoning her 5-year-old son to death last year before setting her car on fire with the child inside. Media outlets report 35-year-old Narges Shafeirad pleaded guilty on Thursday to first-degree murder in the death of Daniel Dana. An autopsy revealed Daniel died of a Diphenhydramine overdose in June 2015 after prosecutors say his mother forced him to swallow medicine containing the common antihistamine. READ MORE HERE

Psychological Abuse is Chasing Your Kids Everywhere

Posted by Sandra On August - 6 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Psychological Abuse is Chasing Your Kids Everywhere

imagesPsychological abuse is something that doesn’t get as much attention as it should, especially from parents of teenagers. They just let them do whatever it is the latter-desire, and soon they find out that their kids are feeling depressed, developed a habit to abuse, gotten into drugs, or are bullying someone. All of these actions are often a result of psychological abuse that they may have gone through while their parents dwelled in a state of denial. As a parent, you need to make sure that your teens don’t go down this road because it’s not a pretty one.It can literally scar or even destroy them for life. So do keep an eye on your kids and stop being shy of using iOS or Android parental control apps for their protection. Your only concern should be to ensure that they don’t face any of the following problems because they can lead to psychological abuse.

Bad Relationships

Teenage is the phase where young romances and relationships begin to get serious. If the person your kid is interested in is fine and all, then you have very little to worry about. They both would be influencing each other, and if both of them are emotionally intelligent, then they will make things work. However, things can go from bad to ugly if your kid gets involved with the wrong person. There is a strong likelihood that they would suffer from regular emotional abuse, which is bound to eventually affect them at a psychological and emotional level. This may lead to depression, and in order to cope with it, they might start taking drugs, resort to violence, or bully someone else to vent their frustration. When they are in this kind of rage, they are a danger to themselves and the people around them.

Parents Can be a Problem Too

This problem is not restricted to relationships though as you might equally be contributing to their psychological abuse. Nothing damages a child more than seeing their parents fighting each other. They just can’t accept this thought and it continues to wear them down as the fighting and shouting refuses to die down.

Another way in which parents impact the psychology of their children is by having really high expectations from them. They want them to excel at everything, which is something that they obviously can’t do. Some can’t do it because they just aren’t ready for it, and some can’t do it because don’t understand it. However, parents don’t take that into consideration and just keep on pushing their kids to do better. This causes enormous stress, which may lead to psychological abuse.

In the School

Bullying and cyber-bullying has been a trend that is simply refusing to call it a day. Unfortunately, it too contributes heavily towards psychological abuse. If not dealt with at the right time, bullying can really ruin your kid’s life and push them to a point where they don’t even want to achieve anything. They may have experienced so much psychological abuse that they think they aren’t good for anything. They simply give up.

How to Best Handle These Situations?

It is important for you to help your kids when they are going through any of the aforementioned ordeals, and the only way you can know it for sure is by keeping an eye on their activities. Use available monitoring technology if you have to because the mental well-being of your youngsters is not something you should take chances on.

Fighting Child Abuse with the Help of Parental Controls

Posted by Sandra On August - 6 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Fighting Child Abuse with the Help of Parental Controls

parent-controls-1As a parent, you can leave nothing to chance while engaged in an uphill battle against child abuse. One of the biggest challenges that you are likely to face throughout the battle is timely detection of the threat. While physical abuse is easy to spot, detecting psychological, emotional, and sexual abuse is a different ball game altogether. Fortunately, technology has provided an excellent solution to the problem in the form of parental controls. Often described as an essential parenting tool in today’s day and age by popular tech sites like TechoMag, they allow parents to spot signs of trouble in time and pull their kids out of nightmarish situations. There are several ways in which parental controls have been playing their part in the war against child abuse.

Unblinking Supervision of Online Interactions

The advent of web-connected devices and social networking sites has massively increased kids’ susceptibility to emotional and psychological abuse. The kind of freedom and lack of policing on digital platforms has resulted in kids being subjected to insults, name calling, threats, blackmailing, and rejection on frequent basis. This is precisely why anxiety and depression has grown so common among the younger generation in recent years. Parental tools resolve this issue to a large extent by empowering parents to view everything their kids do and come across online. It not only allows them to quickly become aware of their kids’ ongoing ordeal, but also counters the problem of kids remaining silent about their sufferings and trying to face everything on their own.

Defense Against Dangerous Elements

Internet is a huge and unpredictable beast. Allowing kids to roam it freely is perhaps one of the biggest mistake a parent can make. The cyber space is plagued with threats like online predators, sexual predators, blackmailers, and so much more. Equipped with a cunning mind and the skill to persuade the impressionable minds of their young targets, these dangerous elements are relentless and unforgiving. Parents have a better chance of keeping their kids safe from the clutches of such people by deploying a parental control on guard duty. Aside from supervision, these tools also allow internet filtering in order to erect an impenetrable digital wall separating kids from web areas where dangerous elements are known to exist in abundance. Of course this may not go down well with the kids, but there is no other reliable way to keep them at a safe distance from predators and other threats.

Protection That Extends Beyond the Cyber Realm

When parental controls are mentioned, the first thought that pops into mind is digital protection. Yes, they provide digital protection, but their capability and benefits do not end there. As a matter of fact, parental controls are known to have played a considerable role in helping parents save their kids from becoming victims of sexual abuse by revealing their exact coordinates through GPS tracking and allowing them to reach their kids in time. Location tracking has become a standard feature in parental controls, and has been serving its purpose exceptionally well. If the prevalence of smartphones and popularity of social networking sites among the younger generation gave predators and other dangerous element the idea that they would be able to freely hunt their prey, they are mistaken because as long as parental control tools are around, parents will continue to have the upper hand.


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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