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Bill Cosby Loses Appeal

Posted by Sandra On April - 26 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Bill Cosby Loses Appeal In Playboy Mansion Rape Case












Cosby loses appeal, will face sexual assault charge – Bill Cosby’s attempt to avoid facing a sexual assault charge was ended Monday by a Pennsylvania appeals court. The entertainer, who claimed that an old deal with prosecutors not to charge him in the 2004 case should be honored, will now be criminally prosecuted. Cosby, 78, is facing trial over a 2004 encounter at his home with a then Temple University employee who says she was drugged and molested by the comedian. Cosby says they engaged in consensual sex acts. READ MORE HERE

Bill Cosby loses appeal as court rules criminal prosecution can proceed

Cosby loses key appeal, sex assault case to continue

Cosby loses appeal bid, criminal case to resume


Child Allegedly Raped By Parents

Posted by Sandra On April - 26 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Child allegedly raped by his father and forced to have sex with mother

Criminal Courts of JusticeA child who was allegedly raped by his father and forced to have sex with his mother showed disturbing behavior in school such as biting and spitting, a trial has heard. The 12-year-old boy has now concluded his evidence at the Central Criminal Court after spending nearly two weeks testifying via video-link about various abuses he allegedly suffered in the family home in Waterford including being raped with a hot poker and having a gun held to his head. READ MORE HERE

Teacher’s Aide Videotaped Violently Attacking Student

Posted by Sandra On April - 24 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

3377179500000578-3555198-image-m-6_1461418019116WISCONSIN – A teacher’s aide in Milwaukee was charged with the physical abuse of a child after he was captured on camera attacking a high school student while calling him a ‘n***er’ and ‘little motherf***er’. Jasmine Pennix, 39, was fired from Bay View High School in Wisconsin, where several boys were ‘ripping on each other’ in biology class on Wednesday morning, according to a criminal complaint. Pennix got into an argument with a 14-year-old boy, and now faces up to six years in jail along with a $10,000 fine if he is found guilty. READ MORE HERE


Men Charged With Raping 12-YO

Posted by Sandra On April - 24 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Two men allegedly approached the girl at Freshwater Beach about 3pm on Thursday

337B4F1B00000578-0-image-a-3_1461453496825SYDNEY – A 12-year-old girl has been raped by two men who took her from one of Sydney’s northern beaches, police say. It’s alleged the girl was approached at Freshwater Beach on Thursday afternoon by the 25- and 22-year-olds. The pair were then said to have driven her five minutes up the road to Brookvale, where they both allegedly sexually assaulted her. READ MORE HERE


WI Prom Night Shooting

Posted by Sandra On April - 24 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Ex-student arrived at school prom with rifle and opened fire before being killed by cops

337F9BD000000578-3556019-Jackob_E_Wagner_18_arrived_at_Antigo_High_School_in_Wisconsin_ar-a-40_1461519018351WISCONSIN – A teenage gunman was shot dead by police officers after he opened fire with a high-powered rifle outside a high school prom, injuring a couple of students, authorities said. Jackob E. Wagner, 18, arrived at Antigo High School in Antigo, Wisconsin, at around 11pm on Saturday night and started firing at the pair, a male and a female, at the school’s entrance as they left the building. Antigo Police Chief Eric Roller said several police officers were at the scene providing security for the event and quickly stopped the threat by shooting the suspect. READ MORE HERE

The Latest: Police ID teen accused of Wisconsin prom attack

Jakob E. Wagner Identified as Suspect in Wisconsin Prom Shooting

BREAKING: Antigo prom shooting suspect, 18, fatally shot



JonBenet Murder Investigator Claims to ID Real Killer

Posted by Sandra On April - 24 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

The PI hired by John and Patsy Ramsey claims it was Michael Helgoth 

d12ddf0bea3614349feab91382a69cc6It has been almost 20-years since the body of JonBenet Ramsey was found in the basement of her family home in Boulder, Colorado, and the private investigator hired by her parents to find the person or persons responsible for her death is now revealing who he believes killed the child beauty queen. Ollie Gray, who continued to investigate the murder case even after he stopped working for the Ramseys, claims that the child’s killer was a local 26-year-old male whose family owned a junkyard – Michael Helgoth. ‘Based on what we know now, I believe Helgoth and his accomplices committed the crime.’ said Gray.  That opinion was backed up by John Kenady, a man who used to work for Helgoth, stating ‘There was a tape recording made by Helgoth. And in it, he said he killed JonBenet.’ Kenady also claims that someone close to Helgoth still has the tape, which was overlooked by police during the investigation. READ MORE HERE

JonBenet Ramsey’s REAL murderer is Michael Helgoth

JonBenet Ramsay’s Murderer Revealed


Couple Faces 1st Degree Murder

Posted by Sandra On April - 17 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

SEMINOLE, Oklahoma — A missing child alert was issued in late April 2006 for colton-clark-jpgColton Clark of Seminole. He was 9 at the time of his disappearance. A man and woman, Colton’s aunt and uncle, who were arrested last Friday in connection with the disappearance of a Seminole boy in 2006 are expected to face multiple charges, including first-degree murder. Court documents show that James Rex Clark and Rebecca Faith Clark are expected to be charged with first-degree murder/death of a child by injuring, torturing or maiming, abuse of a minor child, child neglect and conspiracy to commit a felony. READ MORE HERE

Math Tutor Who Raped Children Sentenced to 24-Years

Posted by Sandra On April - 17 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

333549F300000578-3541469-image-a-1_1460712665492Mathematics tutor Quy Huy Hoang enjoyed such confidence from the Sydney families who hired him that they referred their friends for lessons, and installed locks and blinds at his urging. But out of sight, the ‘monster’ was haunting the children he was entrusted with teaching. The 68-year-old showed no visible emotion in the dock of Sydney District Court on Friday as he was handed a 24-year jail term for sexual crimes against five children to whom he gave private lessons between 2007 and 2014. His victims were aged as young as three and were subjected to a barrage of meticulously planned sexual and indecent assaults. READ MORE HERE


Man Raped 6-YO Relative

Posted by Sandra On April - 17 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

33369BBD00000578-3541983-image-m-24_1460729071744TEXAS – A Texas man is accused of raping a six-year-old female relative and videotaping the sexual abuse while his wife failed to report the incidents, police said. Jeramy Inez Sanchez, 28, was arrested on Tuesday in Odessa and charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child, a first degree felony. His wife, Ruth Campos Sanchez, 30, was charged with endangering a child, a state jail felony, after allegedly not reporting the abuse, police said. Police first learned of the alleged abuse on Tuesday after the six-year-old girl started asking students in her class if they ‘wanted to have sex like boyfriends and girlfriends’. READ MORE HERE


5-YO Paddled At School Causes Controversy

Posted by Sandra On April - 14 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

paddleGEORGIA – A Jasper County mother says if she didn’t allow her 5-year-old’s principal to paddle him, the school would have suspended him. That suspension would have put Shana Marie Perez back in jail for truancy, she said Wednesday. Perez said she was arrested two weeks ago on truancy charges, booked into jail and then released. If her son missed any more school, she said she thought she’d go to jail. On Wednesday, Perez posted a video to Facebook showing Edge and Assistant Principal Lynn McElheney preparing to paddle the boy. READ MORE HERE

Video of Georgia educators about to paddle young child


Kids: Surviving An Abduction Attempt

Posted by Sandra On April - 12 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Teach your child how to survive an abduction

Protection expert gives tips on best way to fight, stay alive

download (1)Montgomery Texas Police Chief Jim Napolitano, a former Secret Service agent to four different presidents, is an expert in protection and security.  With his advice and the help of child and adult actors, News 6 set out to teach parents exactly, step by step, what you need to do to escape from a child abductor in four typical scenarios.

Scenario No. 1: A predator approaches a child at the playground. There are others around, but the attacker snatches the child quickly.

What do you do?

Napolitano says two things:

1. Scream as loud and fast as you can to attract attention
2. Fight, punch, kick and claw
“They have to fight,” he said. “Fight with everything they have inside of them to get away from this person that wants to do them harm.”


How to Thwart an Abduction Attempt: 11 Steps

How to Survive an Abduction or Hostage Situation

How to Teach a Child to Escape or Prevent an Abduction

Articles: How to Survive a Kidnapping

Child Safety Tips – Kidnapping Escape

Mom Sentenced to LIFE for Daughter’s Murder

Posted by Sandra On April - 12 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

downloadA British woman has been sentenced to life in prison for murdering her 21-month-old daughter.  “My daughter’s not breathing …” Kathryn Smith told emergency services. “Right, OK. How old is your daughter?” an emergency responder asked. “She’s nearly 2,” Smith said. READ MORE HERE

Ayeeshia Jane Smith: Mother Kathryn Smith gets life for stamping 21-month old daughter to death

Serial Rapist Gets 100 Years

Posted by Sandra On April - 10 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Serial child rapist sentenced to 100 years in prison

5706dfdbf01e7.imageFlathead District Court Judge Robert Allison on Thursday granted a serial child rapist’s request to be sent to prison for the rest of his life. Jason Dean Franks, 46, of Kalispell was sentenced to 100 years in prison for raping an 11-year-old girl in March 2007 at her father’s home. Franks can only be paroled if he agrees to complete two sex offender treatment programs that require him to admit guilt and agrees to take drugs that reduce his sex drive. READ MORE HERE

Deadly Keyless Car Ignition Warning

Posted by Sandra On April - 10 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

102261405-467783561.530x298A Florida mom and her infant son nearly died because she forgot to push a button. “To see my son in my arms, passed out from the lack of oxygen was a moment that I would never wish on anyone,” said Constance Petot. First responders told her that another 20 minutes of carbon monoxide poisoning and she and 13-month-old Parker and “it would have been over.” Petot is one of at least 60 U.S. drivers who have parked cars with keyless ignitions in their garages, only to forget to push a button and turn the vehicles off. She survived the effects of car exhaust seeping into her home, but not everyone is so lucky. At least 21 people have died. READ MORE HERE

Keyless ignition deaths mount

Hidden Dangers of Push-Button Start – Consumer Reports

Keyless Automobile Ignition Systems Are Fatally Flawed

Warning about keyless car ignitions



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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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