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Woman Kills 5-YO Son, Self In Hospital Room

Posted by Sandra On November - 8 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

ohoenix-hospital-deathsPHOENIX, Arizona — A mother killed her 5-year-old son before shooting herself to death early on Saturday in an apparent murder-suicide inside the child’s hospital room in suburban Phoenix, police said. The bodies of the mother and son were found by hospital staff during a routine check at about 2 a.m.(GMT) at Cardon Children’s Medical Center, said Detective Steve Berry, a spokesman for the Mesa Police Department. He declined to disclose how the child had died. READ MORE HERE

Who Is A Child Predator: Beyond the “Creepy” Stereotypes

Posted by Sandra On November - 8 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

ECONOvanNot everyone is a predator—but anyone can be a predator. It’s a tough reality to accept, but as a parent you must accept it in order to keep your child safe.

This article is not about panic-mongering, however. It’s not about teaching you to look at every person with suspicion. So stop watching the news. Stop cruising the Internet. Get off the Megan’s Law websites and sex offender registries. Take a deep breath. The fact that you are reading this book puts you in the top percentage of empowered and educated parents. Your child is already safer.

Chances are that your child will not be sexually abused by an adult in a position of power. But chances are that your child knows someone who already has been abused. And chances are that the person came from the most unlikely of places. That’s the key takeaway for this chapter: Most predators come from the places we least expect.

Predators Rely on Stereotypes: Predators want you to believe that it’s only the dirty old man in the trench coat who molests children. They don’t want you to realize that predators can be handsome and successful. They don’t want you to know that predators can be men or women. They want to keep you in the dark about the fact that teens—and even younger children—can abuse, and that successful predators have hidden behind their roles as loving parents, engaged community leaders, winning coaches, and inspirational holy leaders.

Uncovering abuse and the predators who commit abuse means breaking down assumptions and removing stereotypes. Keeping your child safe means understanding that abusers can take any shape or form—even that of a beloved friend, neighbor, or family member. In fact, even if you or someone you love is not a victim of abuse, you may face another heartbreaking problem: what to do when someone you know, love, or respect is accused of abuse.

The Opposite of Creepy: I have already told you who the predator most likely isn’t: the creepy guy in the trench coat. In fact, most often, we aren’t talking about anyone creepy at all. Children don’t like creepy people and will not spend time with them. We are talking about someone who attractschildren and who knows exactly what they want and need to feel special. Predators want their victims to love them, and for that to happen, they must be lovable. Even if the predator isn’t the warm, fuzzy type, he or she needs to have ways to relate to kids. Because if a predator cannot attract and relate to children, a predator can’t find victims.

Think about the last time you heard about someone being accused of abuse, whether it was a celebrity, a sports figure, a community member, or a teacher. If the story was covered in the media, what was the most common quote you heard? Probably something like, Oh, Mr. So-and-so wouldnever hurt a child. He is a wonderful man and very well-respected. Everyone loves him, and the children admire him. I would trust my children with him anytime. Anyone accusing him of abuse just wants attention and money.

It’s a familiar refrain that many victims hear when they come forward and report abuse. Charming and well-respected community members, celebrities, and sports heroes are exactly the kinds of people who can entice and groom children. And of course, when anticipating the kinds of reactions like the one I just outlined, these children are unlikely to come forward unless another victim leads the way.

Nobody wanted to believe that the beloved, iconic Cosby could commit such widespread abuse. But that is the case all too often— the predator turns out to be the “cool teacher,” the “awesome youth director,” the “engaging minister,” or the “best troop leader our boys have ever had.” That’s why it is so important not to allow yourself to be groomed into ignoring your gut. And that’s why you should never dismiss your child’s instincts, even when someone you really like makes your child feel odd or strange, or does things that your child does not like. If it took adult women decades to talk publicly about what happened to them by Cosby, think about how a child must feel when in the same position.

Women Who Abuse Children:   Women are stereotypical caregivers and nurturers. They love and raise children, protect them from harm, and soothe them when they are sick or in pain. The idea of women hurting children is hard for many people to stomach. We want to believe that sexual abuse goes against a woman’s DNA.But we need to face it: Women can also abuse.

Stereotypes of the loving mother have allowed women predators to thrive—and even be celebrated—in popular culture. Unfortunately, their victims still suffer. Look at movies like Porky’s and songs like Van Halen’s “Hot for Teacher,” which celebrate the young boy who is “broken in” by the hot, oversexed adult woman. What they don’t explore, however, is how damaging this abuse is to the male victims, who are isolated from their peers, thrust into adulthood, manipulated, groomed, and then left with nowhere to turn for help.

Abuse by women is hardly new, but only in recent years have reports been on the rise. This is probably due to a number of factors, including public outrage at the crimes of thirty-five-year-old wife and mother of four Mary Kay Letourneau. Her victim was not a thirty-year-old actor playing a seventeen-year-old boy looking to break into manhood, as in a movie like Porky’s. He was a sixth-grader who was repeatedly molested by his teacher. She was jailed twice for molesting the boy. Although the couple is now married with children, one can hardly view their relationship as healthy.

Letourneau is a shining example of a predator masquerading as a trustworthy adult. Not only was she a teacher, but she was married with children who were close in age to the boy she was sexually molesting. We can only assume that she knew what she was doing was wrong, though she justified her actions—as all predators do—by calling it “love” or “fate.” In a 2011 interview with ABC’s Barbara Walters, Letourneau said she would not approve of her twelve-year-old daughters dating their teachers.

When you look at arrest statistics, the vast majority of predators are still men. But women are being arrested and punished at much higher rates as time passes. This is good news. Remember, women have been abusing all along—they didn’t just suddenly get the notion that abuse would be a good idea. But now that the police are taking victims seriously and victims feel empowered to come forward, these women are being punished at much higher rates.

Family Members Who Abuse Children: A family is supposed to provide a safe haven for its members, but sometimes home is the last place a child feels secure about turning to. It’s sad but true that a great amount of sexual abuse happens in the family. In some instances, a custody battle leads to parents throwing around abuse accusations for the sake of revenge. Nevertheless, incest is a real threat and a real crisis for many children. Don’t dismiss your child’s concerns when he or she says that your favorite uncle in the whole world makes your child sit on his lap far too long. Even if it’s not abuse, you need to give your child permission to set his or her own body boundaries. And if it is abuse, you’re better off facing the double tragedy of incest sooner rather than later.

Abuse in Your Community: Child sex abuse affects communities. Every predator comes from someone’s community. In fact, predators often play an important role in the community—beloved, respected, and trusted, perhaps for many years. So not only is the victim destroyed, but the community that loved and supported the abuser is betrayed and devastated. Friends may have been sworn to secrecy about the abuse. Others may have known about it, but perhaps they didn’t know how to report or even if reporting was safe. In other cases, adults and child peers may have seen the victim with the perpetrator and failed to recognize the danger; they may have even condoned what they thought was a positive relationship.

The community often experiences both confusion and betrayal. A child who is carefully groomed—especially a teen—will support and defend an abuser, even while knowing that something terrible has been happening. For some victims, the abuse is tantamount to love, and to betray the abuser would be to betray the only person left in the victim’s life. But peers don’t understand this concept. As result, they too are left hurt, victimized by a predatory adult who may not have abused them, but who hoodwinked and exploited them to sexually molest other children.

Child sexual abuse acts like a nuclear bomb in a community: While not everyone is immediately injured, the effects and pain for everyone involved can last for decades. No one teaches people how to react when someone they know is accused of abuse. The result? People react emotionally. Many times they side with the predator. Sometimes they even attack the victim. Either way, community reaction is seldom helpful.

The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) addresses this issue head-on through an excellent handout that can help some communities. Although titled “What to Do When Your Priest Is Accused of Abuse,”6 it can apply to abuse in any situation. Here are some of the relevant points, adapted for this discussion:

  • Be Open-Minded: It’s human nature to recoil in horror when hearing about abuse. It’s even natural to assume (and hope) that the allegations are false. Since child sex abuse is grossly underreported, however, it’s more than likely that the allegations are true, even if they can’t lead to an arrest due to the statute of limitations. Don’t jump to conclusions or be quick to judge. Wait until you have all the information.
  • Allow Yourself to Feel Emotional: If someone you respect, admire, or love is accused of abuse, it’s okay to feel hurt, angry, or betrayed. It’s also healthy to allow those emotions to surface, so don’t stuff them away. Just don’t get carried away by emotions or do something drastic in the heat of the moment. In fact, if you think it will be helpful, go and talk to a professional who can help you try to sort through your feelings and respond in a healthy way.
  • Don’t Try to Guess Who the Accuser Is: Crime victims are allowed to remain anonymous in the justice system. This is especially true for victims of sex abuse, who feel ashamed and isolated. Don’t go on a witch hunt.
  • Understand That Abuse Victims Have Troubled Backgrounds: We know that predators target vulnerable and troubled children. As child sex abuse victims grow into adults, many suffer from addiction and anger issues. Criminal histories, depression, drug addiction, and mental illness are not uncommon. Don’t judge a victim because they were horribly damaged by the abuse.
  • Don’t Discredit a Victim Who Comes Forward Years Later: The survivors I have worked with seldom, if ever, came forward at the time of the abuse. Studies by the US Department of Justice and my own experience show that it takes many sex abuse victims decades to come forward, if they come forward at all. That should not excuse a predator, who has more than likely spent the intervening years abusing other children.
  • Don’t Allow Friends or Family to Make Disparaging Remarks about the Victim: Critical comments further victimize the abused and only discourage other victims from reaching out for help. Show compassion, and ask others in the community not to make hurtful comments. A six-year old incest victim who is told that she’s the “bad cousin” will only learn to be ashamed of her abuse. She will also (wrongly) blame herself for hurting the family by reporting a molesting grandfather.
  • If You Support the Accused, Do So Privately: If people in the community—other abused children, in particular— see that adults they love and respect are publicly supporting accused perpetrators, they will be less likely to report their own victimization. So if you really must stand behind the accused, do so privately.
  • Talk to Your Friends and Family about Abuse: Be frank. Encourage victims to come forward and get help—no matter who the abuser is.
  • Don’t Be Blinded by Anger: Accusations of abuse lead to anger in the community, whether toward the perpetrator or the victim. Don’t allow your anger to take over. Instead, channel your emotions into action or talk to a therapist. The rage you feel is valid, but acting on it is not.

I hope you are never in this situation, with a predator who tears your community apart by committing child sex abuse. But if you are affected by child sexual abuse, or if you know someone who is, therapists and support groups are available to help you through the crisis without causing additional pain to yourself, the victims, or the community.

As a society, we have come to accept that church and community leaders are capable of committing terrible abuse. It is perhaps even more difficult to acknowledge that women and even our own family members can be predators. But there’s no need to be paranoid. Just look out for the warning signs and follow your gut. Of all the people you know, 99.9 percent are not predators. The key is learning to protect yourself, your child, your family, and your community from the one tenth of one percent who are.


SOURCE: Joelle Casteix 

A former journalist, educator, and public relations professional, Joelle Casteix has taken her own experience as a victim of child sex crimes and devoted her career to exposing abuse, advocating on behalf of survivors, and spreading abuse prevention strategies for parents and communities. She has presented to hundreds of audiences all over the world, including on the TEDx stage, on subjects such as abuse prevention, victim outreach, victims’ rights in the civil justice system, and parenting safer children. She is a regular speaker for the National Center for Victims of Crime, the Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma and The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.

Casteix’s blog, The Worthy Adversary, is one of the leading sources for information and commentary on child sexual abuse prevention and exposure. She graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and completed graduate work in education at the University of Colorado, Denver. A wanna-be ski bum, she lives in southern California with her husband and young son.

Her new book The Well-Armored Child: A Parents Guile to Preventing Sexual Abuse will be available on Amazon.com on September 15, 2015 as well as at other fine booksellers.  To learn more visit: www.WellArmoredChild.com, or visit her on Facebook.


Joelle Casteix, LA-based author of the new book, The Well-Armored Child: A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Sexual Abuse (September 2015), has offered the following comments about the new Mark Ruffalo film, SPOTLIGHT, below.  She has seen the film and can discuss this film as well as the Vatican’s efforts to end and punish sexual abuse.  Further, she offers tips on spotting a predator below.

In short, Casteix will tell you that, “The film SPOTLIGHT can’t come at a better time for victims of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. Because of the “Francis Effect”—that is, Pope Francis’ overwhelming popularity and spirit of hopefulness—people have become complacent when it comes to demanding accountability the cover-up of sex crimes against children. While the public’s view on the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church has become more supportive of victims, the Vatican’s handling of these cases has not changed.”  She continued, “A smile and an encouraging word from Pope Francis do not help victims heal or keep children safer. Only complete transparency will work. That means that diocese worldwide must stop long, unnecessary legal fights against victims, all documents outlining abuse must be turned over to law enforcement, and the Vatican must open the doors to its file cabinet and make public any and all documents that outline the sexual abuse of minors or the cover-ups of those crimes.”

A survivor of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, Joelle has spent the past 14 years as a leading expert and go-to media source for information on the Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse Crisis in the United States and abroad. As an advocate and the Western Regional Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, Joelle has appeared in more than 500 print, TV, internet and radio interviews. She is a sought-after spokesperson due to her unrivaled, in-depth knowledge of the crisis and the Vatican’s role in the cover-up of sexual abuse. .

Tips on how to identify a predator are below.  Please let me know if you’d like to speak with Joelle or if you’d like a copy of her new book.

Here are a few past clips where Joelle discusses the Vatican’s efforts to end sexual abuse by priests and a segment this week on San Diego Living:

San Diego Living (Nov 2): http://www.sandiego6.com/san-diego-living/family/Protecting-Your-Child-From-Sexual-Abuse-339566082.html

NBC News: http://www.nbcnews.com/video/craig-melvin/54111935#54111935

CNN: http://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2014/02/06/intv-casteix-un-report-priest-sex-abuse.cnn

Mission Daring To Care: Fundraiser for Dreamcatchers

Posted by Sandra On November - 8 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Fundraiser for Dreamcatchers for Abused Children
capture-20151108-200237Learn about what Jamberry has to offer. All orders for this event need to be placed no later than Nov. 20th. I, Viola Sullins, will be donating my full commission from this event to Dreamcatchers for Abused Children. To order visit www.ViolaSullins.jamberry.com

Join this event on Facebook HERE

A huge thank you to Viola Sullins and Patti McArdle for creating this event. To learn more about “Mission Daring to Care” and the work they do to support important causes, please click HERE.

Sexual Assault Prevention: A Guide for Students, Teachers, Admins

Posted by Sandra On November - 8 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Teal_RibbonAs reported by both the American Association of Universities and the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault, with few exceptions, educators and school administrators are falling short in the struggle to make our campuses safe places for women and men alike. An recent investigation by the Pulitzer Prize winning Center for Public Integrity concluded, “Students found ‘responsible’ for sexual assaults on campus often face little or no punishment from school judicial systems, while their victims’ lives are frequently turned upside down.”

As part of the heightened effort to respond to the crisis of campus-based sexual assault, the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault outlines a number of critical steps that institutions must take to lower and eventually eliminate sexual assault on campus. Among the Task Force’s key recommendations are the following: READ MORE HERE


In late 2014, Emma Sulkowicz gained international attention when she started to carry a 50-pound mattress everywhere she went on the Columbia University campus in an effort to draw attention to the problem of sexual assault. Her action was part of a senior thesis project and protest piece called Mattress Performance (Carry that Weight). Sulkowicz initiated the performance after experiencing a sexual assault on campus and being forced to continue studying at the same institution as her assailant. Although her action did not lead to the assailant’s expulsion as hoped, it did raise awareness about the ongoing problem of campus sexual assault and how these assaults are frequently not taken seriously by school officials.

While Sulkowicz’s individual plight may be easy to ignore, recent statistics suggest that Sulkowicz is not alone. A 2015 study by theAmerican Association of Universities, which surveyed over 150,000 students at 27 colleges and universities—making it the largest study of its kind to date—discovered that 27.2% of female college students have experienced unwanted sexual contact on campus by their senior year and nearly half have experienced unwanted penetration, attempted penetration or oral sex. Equally shocking is the study’s finding that only half the students surveyed believe that their school officials are “very or extremely likely” to conduct a “fair investigation” when complaints about unwanted sexual contact and sexual assault on campus are brought forward.

Given the high frequency of sexual violence on college and university campuses and lack of confidence in school officials, what can be done to prevent sexual assault on our campuses and what specific roles can students, educators, administrators and parents play in sexual assault prevention?


  • Dr. Alan Berkowitz

    Dr. Alan Berkowitz is an independent consultant, licensed psychologist, educator, author, and nationally recognized expert on dating violence and bystander behavior. As a central figure in the development of Social Norms Theory, Dr. Berkowitz’s work as a researcher, psychologist and educator continues to draw attention to the problem of sexual assault and to empower men to take action against sexual violence.

  • Dr. Jill Hoxmeier

    Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Public Health at Central Washington University. She holds a PhD in Public Health from Oregon State University and is a Certified Health Education Specialist. Dr. Hoxmeier has published widely on the topics of sexual assault and dating violence.

  • Cait Etherington

    Cait holds a PhD in Education (York). Her essays, articles and reviews have been published in research journals across the United States and internationally. She also has over two decades of experience working as an educator. Cait has worked as a community educator, adult educator at the college level, and as a university professor, teaching courses and seminars at the undergraduate and graduate levels in education and the humanities.

Town Supports Pedophile, Shuns Victim

Posted by Sandra On November - 7 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Pedophile jailed for 50-years after admitting to abusing girl over 300 times

2E1F3ACF00000578-3304723-image-m-26_1446699768244MISSOURI – Town chiefs from a small Missouri suburb have rallied to support a pedophile father-of-seven despite him confessing to abusing a young girl 300 times. Darren Paden, 52, from Dearborn, was jailed for 50 years on Friday after he admitted a string of sex attacks on the girl, starting when she was just five years old. But residents in Dearborn, which has a population of 500, have refused to accept his appalling crime despite his confession, pleading with the judge to be lenient and shunning his victim in the street. Paden, a former volunteer firefighting chief and member of the Air National Guard, was first accused of the crimes after his victim went to police three years ago. Now 18, the girl told officers that Paden abused her over the course of a decade, watching pornographic films with her, and forcing them to perform sex acts on one another. According to prosecutors, Paden told his victim that the abuse was ‘our little secret’. READ MORE HERE


Pastor Sentenced for Drugging, Raping Blindfolded Teen Girl

Posted by Sandra On November - 7 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

2E2792E400000578-3304895-image-a-2_1446771235785A court has heard horrific details of how a ‘deviant’ Christian pastor and father-of-two drugged and rubbed his genitals on a teenage girl as she laid naked, blindfolded and in tears on a bed – as her father is alleged to have watched on. David Volmer, 41, from Perth’s northern suburbs, was sentenced to 10-and-a-half years prison on Thursday after pleading guilty to 12 offences against a minor including sexual penetration of a child, and stupefying with intent to commit an indictable offence. In a statement of facts read by the prosecution and not disputed by Volmer, the West Australian District Court heard the pastor’s crimes against the girl – who was aged 12 and 13 at the time – occurred after the victim’s father replied to an advertisement Volmer put on Craiglist promoting his ‘sexual massage services’. READ MORE HERE


Mother Confesses to Killing Newborn

Posted by Sandra On November - 6 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

2E2468A200000578-3305615-image-m-68_1446745998492TEXAS – A mother in north Texas is facing a capital murder charge for allegedly killing her one-day-old baby girl that she was ‘trying to keep from crying.’ According to the Weatherford Police Department, a man called Tuesday requesting a welfare check at the home of his estranged, pregnant wife. He said Ashley Nicole Blades, 22, contacted him via text to tell him that she’d given birth, but the baby had died. Once officers arrived to Blades’ home, she told them in an interview that the infant was in the trunk of her car, a silver Ford Focus. READ MORE HERE


60% Increase of Reported Abuse

Posted by Sandra On November - 4 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Reported child sexual abuse has risen 60% in last four years

images (1)ENGLAND/WALES – There has been a 60% increase in child sexual abuse reported to the police over the past four years, according to official figures which make public for the first time the scale of the problem in England and Wales. A House of Commons library analysis based on freedom of information releases by individual forces shows that the number of offences of child sexual abuse reported to the police has soared from 5,557 cases in 2011 to 8,892 last year.  Child sexual abuse includes grooming, facilitating abuse and child rape. READ MORE HERE


Statistics on child abuse | NSPCC

Child abuse and neglect – World Health Organization

The national incidence study of child abuse and neglect

National Council On Child Abuse And Family Violence


Mother Accused Of Poisoning Her Son Faces Attempted Capital Murder Charge

Posted by Sandra On November - 4 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

paw-ehDALLAS — A Northeast Dallas community is trying to understand the unthinkable – a mother accused of poisoning her young son. Paw Eh, 31, faces an attempted capital murder charge. On Saturday, police got a 911 call to the Newport Landing apartments from a relative of Eh. First responders rushed a 4-year-old boy to the hospital in critical condition. Dallas police say Eh forced her son to ingest poison. Police also say she tried, unsuccessfully, to force her 7-year-old and 12-year-old to do the same. READ MORE HERE

Pakistan Seeks Death Penalty for All Child Sex Abusers

Posted by Sandra On November - 4 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

360_texas_death_0507Pakistan has taken a step towards punishing the sexual abuse of girls with life imprisonment or even death after an influential parliamentary committee voted to amend current laws. The National Assembly’s standing committee approved the proposal by lawmaker Shaista Perveiz Malik on Tuesday, according to a statement on parliament’s website. “After detailed discussions, the committee unanimously passed the bill,” it said. The amendment only appears to address the sexual abuse of girls aged under 14, not boys. Under the existing penal code, the punishment for rape ranges from a minimum of ten years’ incarceration to the death penalty, but it does not specify the victim’s age or gender. READ MORE HERE

Death Penalty Proposed for Repeat Sex Offenders

Child sexual abuse laws in the United States

Sex Offender Laws, Second Edition: Failed Policies


Stabbing Rampage at CA College

Posted by Sandra On November - 4 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Five wounded in stabbing rampage at California college

BBmPLTEFive students were stabbed Wednesday at the University of California, Merced, and the suspect was fatally shot by police, the school said. “Update: 5 students stabbed; 2 sent out via medical helicopter; 3 treated on campus. All conscious.” the school tweeted. The school later tweeted that the suspect had been killed by officers at the scene. The campus was closed and classes were canceled for the day. The stabbing attack took place in front of a classroom, officials said. READ MORE HERE

Five wounded in stabbing rampage at California college

5 Students Stabbed, Suspect Killed on California College Campus

The Latest: 5 Stabbed, Suspect Killed at California College

GPS Monitors Are Not Working for Sex Offenders

Posted by Sandra On November - 1 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Sex offenders bolting despite high-tech GPS bracelets

gps-tracking-device-ankleNew data show that up to 18 arrest warrants are issued across the Bay State every day after court-ordered GPS monitors are cut off, smashed or somehow trigger an alarm — a disturbing trend that has one sheriff questioning the use of the bracelets. “The GPS only tells you where they’re not — not where they are. If they cut the bracelet off, they’re likely off into the sunset doing who knows what,” said Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson. “I’m concerned about the risks … and all the ways people can get these off.” READ MORE HERE

GPS – Sex Offender Information

High court orders review of sex offender GPS monitoring

GPS monitoring of sex offenders for life? Supreme Court


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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