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Archive for November, 2015

7-YO’s Death Ruled Homicide

Posted by Sandra On November - 17 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Child Found Murdered 25-minutes After Mother Reported Her Missing

151116-gabriella-doolin-jpo-433a_98d0f705fc54fd1ff08f61dd944256bc.nbcnews-ux-600-700KY – A seven-year-old girl whose body was found in a Kentucky creek on Saturday night was the victim of a homicide, state police confirmed Monday. Gabriella Doolin was discovered in a creek behind a high school in Scottsville, a town near the Tennessee border, at 8:05 p.m. — just 25 minutes after her mother, Amy, reported her missing. READ MORE HERE

Death of 7-year-old Girl Missing at Football Game in Kentucky Ruled a Homicide

7-year-old Kentucky girl Gabriella Doolin found dead

Woman Convicted of Murdering Infant In Microwave

Posted by Sandra On November - 15 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

2E74764E00000578-3317907-image-a-34_1447553133418A California woman has been found guilty of murdering her two-month-old daughter, who was killed after she was placed in a microwave for as long as five minutes. Ka Yang, 34, has been convicted of first-degree murder and assault on a child in the death of her daughter Mirabelle Thao-Lo in their Sacramento home on March 17, 2011. Jurors rejected Yang’s argument that she had been in the middle of an epileptic seizure when she placed her daughter in the microwave. But prosecutors argued that Yang had lied to investigators about Mirabelle’s death before they discovered a pacifier inside the microwave. READ MORE HERE

Man Sentenced to Prison for Kidnapping, Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On November - 15 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

9238577_GNEVADA – The Washoe County District Attorney, Chris Hicks, announced the sentencing of a Reno man to 13 years to life in prison for the kidnapping and repeated abuse of a 7 year old boy. Robert William Downs was sentenced to a term of 8 to 20 years each on three counts of Child Abuse and a term of 5 years to Life for one count of First Degree Kidnapping by District Court Judge Elliott Sattler.  Downs was previously found guilty on June 5, 2015.  Based on the sentence received today, Downs will not be eligible for parole until he has served a minimum of 13 years in prison. READ MORE HERE

Child Trafficker Sentenced to 23-Years In Prison

Posted by Sandra On November - 15 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

capture-20151115-212032VANCOUVER — A British Columbia man convicted of trafficking underage girls for sex has been handed a 23-year prison sentence in a case described by a judge as violent, extremely disturbing and “bordering on psychopathic.” Reza Moazami‘s sentence, delivered by B.C. Supreme Court Justice Catherine Bruce on Tuesday, is nearly three years longer than the prison time sought by the Crown. READ MORE HERE

4 Dead After Murder-Suicide

Posted by Sandra On November - 15 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Murder-suicide left 4 dead, 1 critical

Travis_HiattSix months ago, a pregnant Megan Hiatt posted this message on Facebook about the father of the twins she was about to have: “He’s my rock, my heart, my love, my ride or die, my handsome man, my one and only, my forever.” Her “forever” man was Gawain Rushane Wilson. Police say Wilson, 28, shot Megan, the 5-month-old twin girls, Hayden Rose and Kayden Reese, and their grandfather, Travis James Hiatt, 49, Friday in his Northside home. He then turned the gun on himself. READ MORE HERE

5-month-old twin girls among the four killed in Oceanway murder-suicide

Infant Twins Among Four Killed In Jacksonville Murder-Suicide

Pastor’s Pregnant Wife Shot, Killed In Her Home

Posted by Sandra On November - 13 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

amanda-blackburn-JPG-1The pregnant wife of an Indianapolis pastor was shot and killed this week in what police are calling a home invasion. The victim was 12 weeks pregnant. The couple’s 1-year-old son was home when the shooting occurred Tuesday morning, but was unharmed. Amanda Blackburn, 28, was discovered by her husband, Resonate Church Pastor Davey Blackburn, after he returned from the gym that morning. READ MORE HERE

Amanda Blackburn dies after being shot in the head 

IMPD notes clues in Amanda Blackburn slaying

Suspect in ‘heinous murder’ of pastor’s wife caught on surveillance cameras

Man Raped, Murdered 4-YO Niece

Posted by Sandra On November - 13 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

1922222635Pretoria – The man who murdered and raped his 4-year-old niece Jasmin Pretorius received two life sentences in court on Friday. Judge Mahomed Ismail said Sarel du Toit‘s actions were evil and the rape was an act of brutality. Little Jasmin, 4, dearly loved and trusted her uncle who raped her before strangling her to death with his hands. This is according to Jasmin’s mother, Sasha Bam, who took the stand in the high court in Pretoria on Tuesday. She testified in aggravation of sentence after her child’s rapist and killer Sarel du Toit pleaded guilty to the charges. According to the doctor who did the post-mortem, the child’s injuries showed she had put up quite a struggle. READ MORE HERE

Jasmin Pretorius’s killer gets two life sentences

4-year-old in extreme pain before death, court hears

More details emerge of Jasmin Pretorius’s murder, rape

Jasmin’s Killer – Her Uncle (pictured below):


Mother Jailed For Failing to Protect Daughter from Repeated Rape

Posted by Sandra On November - 10 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

imagesA Queensland mother didn’t seek help for her three-year-old daughter despite knowing she suffered horrific injuries from being repeatedly sexually abused by the woman’s ex-partner. The 28-year-old woman, who can’t be named, was sentenced to four years’ jail in the Brisbane District Court on Tuesday after pleading guilty to one charge of cruelty to a child under 16. However, the mother’s sentence was suspended as she has spent 522 days in custody, but she must remain on good behavior for the rest of the sentencing period. READ MORE HERE


Pregnant Woman Beaten to Death by Ex-Fiance

Posted by Sandra On November - 10 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

capture-20151110-210055A pregnant woman who was beaten to death by her former fiancé was graded as a ‘medium risk’ domestic violence victim by police just months before she died, an inquest has heard. Eystna Blunnie, 20, was killed by Tony McLernon,24, in the middle of a road in Harlow, Essex. The pair’s unborn daughter, who was to be named Rose, was due to be born within days and did not survive the attack. READ MORE HERE


Michigan: Family Hires PI To Prove Young Man’s Innocence

Posted by Sandra On November - 10 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS


INJUSTICE! Kenneth Carl Grondin III (Lapeer, MI) was wrongfully convicted of a crime he couldn’t have committed. The Judge knows it. The Prosecuting Attorney knows it. Everyone in the courtroom knows it.

LAPEER COUNTY, MI – A private investigator is helping a local family in their attempt to prove a wrongful murder conviction. Kenneth Grondin was convicted of killing his girlfriend and will spend the rest of his life in prison, but his family says he’s innocent. “I will go to my grave proving this. I don’t care how much it costs,” said Carl Grondin, Kenneth Grondin’s grandfather. They’ve enlisted the help of private investigator Al Norris and his team of seasoned detectives. They started searching the Lapeer State Game Area on Tuesday, where Andrea Eilber’s car was found abandoned four years ago. Eilber was shot to death while house sitting for her aunt in Lapeer County’s Mayfield Township in 2011. While they’re searching, Kenneth is in the first weeks of a mandatory sentence. READ MORE HERE


JUSTICE FOR KC – Official Website for KC

Read Official Court Transcripts –  Straight from the courtroom and unmodified. You decide!

Sign the Petition! – Our goal is 5,000 signatures. Please sign & share.

Write a Letter – Let’s flood some mailboxes with letters that demand justice for KC.

KC Blog – Updates on the case and news pertaining to the case.

Support KC – Donate Now – Help support the #Justice4KC Defense Fund.

Tipline & Reward – If you have any info that can help find the real criminal, please let us know!


October 28 at 10:05am · Lapeer, MI  ·

 So, the brutal murder of a beautiful young girl has been avenged, the murderer in jail, justice is served. Hallelujah, amen…

Not so fast. Not. So. Fast…

The County Press 10-28-2015 edition finally brings up some of the questions that almost everyone on the defendant’s side were asking, and so do two letters to the editor. And I’ve got a few questions myself for the state, the judge, the prosecutor, and the jury:

And the major, number 1 question: Where is the evidence? I’ve been around the edges of this whole mess for 4 years, heard all the theories, all the rumors, all the charges, all the lies, and screw ups by the police – and yet, in 4 years I had not heard ONE piece of evidence against the defendant, not one thing that said “Yes, by God, he did it”. All I’ve heard is that there was a statement that the cops coerced out of the kid, a statement the judge originally threw out, a statement that the appeals process (the state) in its infinite wisdom reversed and said no, the state can do what it wants, a statement he wrote while being harassed, screamed at, and deprived of his attorney for hours, a statement that after he signed he told the cops “this is bullshit and not true”, a statement where he says he didn’t kill her.

Ok, so they start the trial, and the thought goes through my head that maybe there is something that will come out then? Something that nobody had heard yet? A bombshell?

Nope. Even after the trial there still isn’t anything pointing to the defendant as guilty. People coming out of the trial at the end of each day are saying stuff like “clearly he is innocent” and “its going so good its scary, too good”. The defense doesn’t even call any witnesses because it is absolutely clear to everyone in there that he didn’t do it. So WTF?

So lets ask a few things: who’s DNA is under the poor girl’s fingernails? Not the defendant’s. There was the defendant’s DNA on the passenger side of the car (they were dating after all and she drove) but why isn’t there any DNA of the defendant on the driver’s side of the car? Or the back of her chair, where there is someone’s DNA. Not the defendant’s. On the other chair? Not the defendant’s. ANYWHERE? Not the defendant’s. THERE IS NO DNA pointing to the defendant, yet there is OTHER DNA ALL OVER THE PLACE. Whose? And fingerprints. Not the defendant’s. And why didn’t these facts alone get the case thrown out of court?

The cops stepped in the blood and in general made a mess of the crime scene but where’s the blood on the defendant? The defendant should have had blood on him if he’s at the crime scene. There wasn’t any. The cops messed up the chain of evidence and the one hair they found, according to their own witness so we’re told, could not have come as a result of the defendant being at the scene when she was killed. WTF?

Where was the gunpowder residue? In fact, WHERE’S THE DAMN GUN? Where is the stolen merchandise? Where is the stolen ATM card? Who actually used the stolen ATM card? Who is the guy in the ATM video using the card? Where is the black jeep or SUV seen in the ATM cameras and whose is it? Not the defendant’s. The prosecution had no answers to any of this, just conjecture and theories, no proof. Conjecture and theories get you convicted these days?

If he in fact DID do the crime, there STILL ISN’T ANY EVIDENCE. WHAT? We are supposed to believe that the kid is a master criminal and got rid of all the evidence, all the blood, all the DNA, wiped down the car, got rid of the gun, got rid of all the stolen merchandise, and did it all so perfectly he didn’t leave a trace? Really?

Jurors: apparently you’re ok with the cops getting a statement out of someone the way you saw them do it in the video? BTW, why is there no sound on the video for the last 10 minutes, when the defendant told the cops the statement they had just wrung out of him is bullshit?

Or was it something else? Please don’t tell me this is just you folks can’t stand a defense attorney who is very good at his job, maybe even “slick”? Please tell me this isn’t jealousy or “putting it to the rich kid” bullshit. Please tell me you didn’t take the prosecution’s narrative and deem it to be evidence. Please tell me that they didn’t get the most ignorant or biased of the jury pool to sit on this case.

Rumor is now getting out that 11 of the jurors were ready to convict 5 minutes into deliberations and other interesting tidbits of what happened in that jury room, and now afterwards other news as well. And they convicted him BASED ON WHAT? The evidence that ISN’T THERE? So just what the hell did you convict this kid on? What the hell could you possibly have heard or seen that hundreds of people in and out of the court room didn’t? You believed everything the cops said, even after it was proven that they intimidated and used controversial tactics short of beating a statement out of the kid – which most of the statement was not even consistent with the actual crime scene – screwed up the evidence bags and in general were incompetent and screwed up in their investigation?

Anyone got the answers?

The murder of this young girl was a tragedy beyond comprehension. It has stunned two families, countless friends, and an entire community, even county. However, locking up the wrong guy for her murder is even worse and only compounds the tragedy. This verdict is wrong and needs to be put right – now!














WMU-Cooley Innocence Project – Thomas M. Cooley Law


Boy Targeted, Lured, Executed

Posted by Sandra On November - 8 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

capture-20151108-213558CHICAGO – Nine-year-old Tyshawn Lee was targeted because of his father’s gang ties, lured into a South Side alley Monday afternoon and executed, Chicago police officials said Thursday. Speaking at the edge of the Gresham alley where Tyshawn was shot multiple times, Chicago police Superintendent Garry McCarthy called the slaying “probably the most abhorrent, cowardly, unfathomable crime” he had seen in his 35 years in law enforcement. McCarthy said police believe Tyshawn was killed because of his father’s gang ties and a recent series of shootings between rival gangs. READ MORE HERE

Man Who Raped His 5-Month Old Daughter Released, Charges Dropped

Posted by Sandra On November - 8 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

2E3882CB00000578-0-image-a-14_1446949589501The parents of an adopted girl who was allegedly sodomized by her biological father in 2009 when she was five months old are speaking out after a Missouri judge set him free because of a Sixth Amendment argument.  Aaron Michael Fisher, 27, was arrested and charged with sodomy after signs of sexual abuse were found when his infant daughter spent more than a week at University Hospital in Columbia in 2009. After multiple delays in the case, a public defender filed a motion stating Fisher’s constitutional right to a timely trial had been violated and Cole County Judge Patricia Joyce granted his release last month. The adoptive parents of the six-year-old girl, who adopted her brother as well, began seeking an order of protection against Fisher after hearing about his release but have had difficulty getting one without disclosing the names of their children. READ MORE HERE


Aryan Nation Leader Sentenced to 50-Years for Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On November - 8 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

kreisAugust Byron Kreis III, a one-time pre-eminent racist leader with ties to the Ku Klux Klan, Posse Comitatus and the Aryan Nations, will spend the rest of his life in prison for child molestation. The 61-year-old Kreis — who lost both legs to diabetes and is now wheel-chair bound — was sentenced Thursday to 50 years in prison after being found guilty by a jury in Lexington, S.C., of one count of criminal sexual conduct involving a child and two counts of committing lewd acts on a child. READ MORE HERE

August Kreis III – Wikipedia

August Kreis, Racist ‘Jerry Springer’ Guest, Charged

White Supremacist, Sexually Assaulted Girl, 12-yrs Old


Brothers Charged With 19 Felonies of Repeated Rape, Sodomy

Posted by Sandra On November - 8 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

capture-20151108-204454Two Birmingham brothers, ages 53 and 60, are being held on a combined 19 felony charges after authorities say they repeatedly sexually assaulted a young girl. One of the brothers – 53-year-old Steven Lewis Cotton – was released from prison last year after serving nearly 20 years in prison for a different rape conviction of a 12-year-old girl. Larry Cotton, 60, also had a previous arrest on a first-degree sex abuse charge but pleaded that case down to a misdemeanor with no jail time. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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