PUBLIC OUTRAGE as Oakland County (MI) Judge Lisa Gorcyca held the 9, 10 & 14 year old in contempt and sent them to Children’s Village Juvenile Facility

UPDATE (7/11/15) – Judge Orders Release of Kids Sent to Detention Center – Kids now Attending Summer Camp
MICHIGAN – Three Bloomfield Hills kids who refused an order by a judge to go to lunch with their father have been ordered to a juvenile detention facility. “I felt like I was watching them be executed,” said Maya Tsimhoni. The Tsimhoni family was in Oakland County’s family court for a hearing on supervised parenting time when Judge Lisa Gorcyca took matters into her own hands. June 24 court transcripts showed how upset the judge was. She ordered the Tsimhoni kids ages 14,10 and 9 to have a “healthy relationship” with their father. READ MORE HERE
The saga of the Tsimhoni children continued today as dozens of friends rallied to have them released after they were sent to a detention center for disobeying a judge’s orders. Today, Taryn Asher dug up the court transcript that includes the stunning comments the judge made to the kids in court two weeks ago.
Read the court transcript as she sent the three kids to Children’s Village
PUBLIC PROTEST – Three siblings ordered to juvenile detention for refusing to eat lunch with their dad: If that doesn’t seem right to you, you’re not alone. This group of protesters agree and they’re talking to Taryn Asher!
On there is a petition to the Oakland County family court to release the three siblings. It currently has 3,432 supporters who have signed.
A second petition on began to remove Gorcyca from office. That had 2,849 signatures as of Thursday night.
Petitioning Judge Lisa Gorcyca — Release the Tsimhoni children from Children’s Village
NOTE: Dreamcatchers for Abused Children is sharing this story because we are concerned about the children’s well-being. For those asking, we are very well aware of what parental alienation is. We have covered this subject repeatedly on this site; I was also a victim to this as a child. Regardless of what the issues are between the husband and wife, the focus should be on the children and their best interest. Our concern is for the welfare of the children and the fact that they were just sentenced to juvy until the age of 18! What this judge did is immoral and incomprehensible! Imagine if ALL family court judges ordered the children of divorced parents to be incarcerated — what kind of future would those children have? These children need love, security, understanding, and stability. Being separated from their family, and placed into a juvenile detention hall, is going to cause life-long trauma, PTSD, and emotional issues. I pray these children are not harmed while incarcerated! So, please keep the “mother – father” agenda separate from the issue we are focusing on — the children!
If you would like to express your opinion to Judge Lisa Gorcyca, here is her contact information:
Honorable Lisa Gorcyca
Location: Fourth Floor – East Wing, Courtroom 4B
Telephone: 248-858-0360
Presiding Judge – Family Division
- Elected to the Oakland County Circuit Court, November 2008
- Graduate of Michigan State University, 1989, and Michigan State University – Detroit College of Law, with honors, 1993
- Former Oakland County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, 1993-2008
- Founder, Former Chair and Member, Oakland County’s Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team
- Former Co-Chair and Member, Oakland County Coordinating Council Against Domestic Violence
- Former Member, Royal Oak Task Force Against Domestic Violence
- Board Member, Troy Community Coalition for the Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
- Past Instructor, Oakland Police Academy
- Past Lecturer, Prosecuting Attorney Association of Michigan’s statewide Domestic Violence course and Basic Training
- Named “A Crime Fighting Mom” by United States Senator Carl Levin for 2008 for outstanding work in crime prevention and creating a safer community
Judge Gorcyca’s Assignments
Judge Lisa O. Gorcyca
Family Division Assignments
Team 81: FOC Hearing Room 16
- Referee: Kate Weaver, 248-858-0463
- Case Assistant: Diana Meredyk, 248-858-0463
- Family Counselor: Rodney Yeacker, 248-858-0450
- Account Specialist: Michelle Johnson, 248-858-0472
- Support Specialist: Carol Stephens, 248-858-5479
- Medical Support Specialist: Kathy Rivers, 248-858-0528
- Interstate Support Specialist: Robert Bridson, 248-858-1854
Team 82: FOC Hearing Room 14
Referee: Vincent Welicka, 248-858-0438
Case Assistant: Kim Sinsabaugh, 248-858-0438
Family Counselor: Tracey Stieb, 248-858-0526
Account Specialist: Diane Rivard-Sucher, 248-858-0473
Support Specialist: Tracey Carter, 248-452-9267
Medical Support Specialist: Kathy Rivers, 248-858-0528
Interstate Support Specialist: Rita Whiting 248-858-1755