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Archive for May, 2015

Abused 3-YO, 15 Lbs. Dies

Posted by Sandra On May - 31 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

cruzArizona authorities are investigating the death of a 3-year-old girl, who police believe was the victim of prolonged physical and sexual abuse and weighed only 15 pounds when she was hospitalized. On May 23, the El Mirage Fire Department was called to the girl’s home in Surprise to provide emergency medical treatment to the unresponsive child, identified as 3-year-old Alexandra Velazco-Tercerro. Alexandra remained unresponsive and was transported to a hospital, where additional life-saving measures were attempted, according to authorities. READ MORE HERE

Survivor Twins Speak Out About “Children of God” Cult

Posted by Sandra On May - 31 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Twin girl were physically abused, told they would die at 12, and banned from attending school

29360BF900000578-3104015-image-a-18_1433023190903As children growing up in a controversial religious sect, they spent every day ‘paralyzed by fear’. They were physically abused, banned from school and told they would die as martyrs aged 12. But now, twin sisters Flor and Tamar Edwards, 34, have escaped from The Children of God cult and are both living and working in California – one as a freelance writer, the other as a yoga teacher. They have opened up to ABC’s Nightline about their lives inside the sect – which blended free love attitudes with preparing for the second coming of Jesus – and their transition to the outside world. READ MORE HERE

Burned Body of Missing Child Found

Posted by Sandra On May - 31 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Body Identified as Jadianna Larsen; Mother’s Boyfriend Arrested

01jadiannaSACRAMENTO, California – A man has been arrested in the disappearance and death of 6-year-old Jadianna Larsen. Jadianna was first reported missing Thursday morning around 11 a.m. by her mother’s boyfriend, 25-year-old Juan Rivera. Rivera, who was Jadianna’s caretaker, told investigators that he had a “medical emergency” and woke up to find the girl missing. READ MORE HERE

Father Allegedly Beat, Starved and Raped His 12 Children

Posted by Sandra On May - 29 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

melford-warren-435A Washington father of 12 has been arrested for allegedly beating, starving and raping his children as part of a cult.  “These children were held against their will, denied nutrition, denied medical care, and physically and sexually abused,” Scott Wilson, of the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, told Q13 Fox. “It’s one of the worst cases of abuse we’ve ever seen.” READ MORE HERE

$50K Reward In Kyron Horman’s Cold Case

Posted by Sandra On May - 29 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

$50K reward highlighted as Kyron Horman case nears 5-years

7910876_GPORTLAND, OREGON – As it approaches five years since the disappearance of Kyron Horman, who was 7 years old when he was last seen at Skyline Elementary School, a reward of $50,000 is being highlighted in hopes of finally solving the case. Kyron Horman disappeared on June 4, 2010. The case made headlines around the country as crews searched for any sign of the boy. READ MORE HERE

Boyfriend Charged With Killing 18-MO; Suspect in 21-MO Death

Posted by Sandra On May - 27 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Boyfriend charged with killing 18-month-old is also person of interest in 21-month-old’s death

-a49fe556a498ab55JACKSON, Michigan – One day before he was arrested for allegedly killing an 18-month-old in March, Scott Jurewicz became a suspect in the death of a second child, a 21-month-old Summit Township boy. While Prosecutor Jerry Jarzynka was waiting to press any criminal charge until his office received what he said was a critical medical report, Scott Jurewicz, 27, began a relationship with another woman. He was living in her home near Vandercook Lake when her son was found dead Thursday, May 21, according to court records. READ MORE HERE

Manhunt Leads to Arrest, 11 Charges of Child Molestation

Posted by Sandra On May - 27 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

B9317183951Z.1_20150501174041_000_GVCALO7MO.1-0A Republic man was arrested after a manhunt in Mississippi, and he is now facing 11 felony charges in Greene County for allegedly molesting and sodomizing an 8-year-old girl. Donovan B. Lipich, 44, was charged Wednesday with five counts of statutory sodomy, five counts of child molestation and one count of attempted statutory rape. According to court documents, an 8-year-old girl told authorities Lipich had been molesting her since she was 7 — touching her inappropriately, forcing her to touch him and forcing her to perform sex acts on him. READ MORE HERE

5-YO Abused, Starved to Death

Posted by Sandra On May - 27 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

POLICE: Dad, Stepmom in Custody

capture-20150527-214142PORT HURON, MI — In the early hours of Wednesday morning, Frank Hawkins got news no relative wants to hear. The Port Huron man sat on a stoop in front of 829 Oak St. after hearing that his five-year-old granddaughter — a child he described as “a beautiful little girl” — had died. “I’m just in total shock,” Hawkins said. “I need to go wake up my wife and tell her our granddaughter died.” Across the street, a boy wearing a backpack sat on his front porch and watched police come and go at the Oak Street home. And children walking to school or waiting for the bus looked around barricades to catch a glimpse of the home roped off with police tape. READ MORE HERE

2 adults in custody for 5-yo child’s death

PicMonkey Collage


UPDATE: 5/29/2015

Hundreds mourn Mackenzie Maison at vigil

A crowd numbering in the hundreds of people spilled across two lanes of Oak Street Friday evening in Port Huron to mourn a little girl most of them didn’t know. Some wept openly as they held lighted candles for Mackenzie Maison, the 5-year-old found dead Tuesday at 829 Oak St. in Port Huron. Others held their children, maybe just a little closer than usual, as they watched pink and blue balloons float into the sky. Pink and blue were Mackenzie’s favorite colors. READ MORE HERE


Andrew Maison arraignment on child abuse, torture and murder charges


Brothers Face Hundreds of Child Rape Charges

Posted by Sandra On May - 25 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

ramosFLORIDA – Two brothers stand accused of repeatedly raping a girl living in their West Palm Beach home for at least the last three years. Facing hundreds of charges of sexual assault against the girl who is now 13, the two are being held without bail in the county jail. West Palm Beach police say Noe Ramos, 28, and Uriel Ramos, 26, confessed to the crimes, which amounted to each man raping the girl multiple times a week. READ MORE HERE

U.K. – 250 Celebs Accused of Child Sex Abuse

Posted by Sandra On May - 25 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

1432148107203.cachedLONDON — The extraordinary scale of sexual abuse perpetrated against children by British VIPs was laid bare on Wednesday when officials disclosed that they were investigating allegations against 76 politicians and almost 250 “persons of public prominence.” Thousands of victims have come forward since police forces launched a series of investigations into child abuse that went unpunished for decades. In total, police are investigating 1,433 suspects as part of inquiries into abuse within institutions or committed by prominent men. READ MORE HERE

More than 260 celebrities and politicians among 1,400 child sex-abuse suspects in U.K. investigation

UPDATE: Body Found In Missing Child Case May Be Laynee Wallace

Posted by Sandra On May - 25 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Police believe body may be 2-yo Laynee Wallace

download (3)TOMPKINSVILLE, Kentucky –  BREAKING: KSP has confirmed that the body of Laynee Wallace has been found in a well in Barren County. The body is being take to Louisville for a thorough autopsy. The place Laynee Wallace was found is only a few miles from where she was living with her mother and Anthony Barbour, the prime suspect. Police say the property where the 2 year old was found belongs to the Barbour family. Anthony Barbour was arrested today at approximately 1:16 PM CST at the Temple Hill Volunteer Fire Department during a traffic stop. READ MORE HERE

Block Child Molester’s Parole

Posted by Sandra On May - 25 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS


Please sign the PETITION to keep Alan Powers in prison where he belongs! Below is the story from the victim’s mother:
capture-20150525-211110In 2005 my daughter was 8 yrs old. I had taken her to meet my sister and her husband every other weekend so they can babysit for her while my husband and I worked 3 jobs. While in his care my brother -in -law molested my daughter. Through a program at school [good touch/bad touch] my daughter told the school Alan had touched her inappropriately. This happened on the day of her 8th birthday. The school contacted me and that is when I was told he had molested her. We went to court and he was given 10-life. My daughter wasn’t the only child he molested but because the other girl told when she was also 8 and nothing was done about it she never received  justice. At my daughters trial the other girl did tell the judge in closed chambers what Alan had done to her for many years he had shown this child porn, showed her how to masturbate him, telling her he would show her how big people have sex and so many other things starting when she was 1 years old, but because too many years had passed and she had already told they couldn’t let her go on the record saying the full extent of what he had done to her. He had oral sex and fondled her as he did my daughter and that is all the courts would allow her to say in court records. That girl has been through pure HELL through her life and she only needed someone to listen. This is her and my daughters chance to have someone listen. After several months later and lots of counseling my daughter faced her molester as did this other girl who at this time was 21 years old. Alan should have received time for the other girl but didn’t. Alan was sentenced on Dec of that year to 10-life. On Feb 20, 2007 my sister died of a major heart attack due to the stress of this offenders crime. My sister and I were best friends, we spent every holiday together if I wasn’t working and called each other every night. When my daughter told us what happened everyone told me not to talk to my sister again, Lawyers, police, counselors because they knew we were close and I would slip and tell her what was going on. I never got a chance to talk to my sister again, she died without us making amends. After this began I stayed as strong as I could but several years later while I was at work I had a panic attack and quit my job that day, I went into a deep depression and tried to commit suicide. I had so much guilt thinking if I hadn’t taken my daughter to him he wouldn’t have hurt her, why I didn’t believe the other girl all those years before, why didn’t I just call my sister and so many other reasons i felt guilty for.In closing I would like to ask that Alan not be released from prison he is a danger to all children. He has hit children, fed my great nephew vomit after he made him eat till he was sick, made a boy stand in a corner for 6 hours in a dress for urinating on himself, kicked another child (this was my other daughter at that time she was 2). He is an evil man and everyone just lied to protect him at every turn. My sister protected him because she felt she had nowhere else to go. Please do not release this criminal now or ever. He should die in prison like the scum that he is. Thank you for taking the time to consider this petition.


Film: A Place for Pedophiles

Posted by Sandra On May - 25 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

download (2)British documentary film maker Louis Theroux has a unique style. Like no other he manages to strike the balance between getting involved with and close to his topics and making sure he keeps enough distance to guarantee his neutrality and independence. His open approach, integrity and diplomacy win people over, even those living in some of the world’s most closed communities. Theroux’s work method has resulted in quite a few memorable scenes and movies. In his own words and with the aid of video fragments he will shed a light on his style, technique and vision.

Louis has gained access to Coalinga Mental Hospital in California, which houses more than 500 of the most disturbed criminals in America, convicted pedophiles. Most have already served lengthy prison sentences, but have been deemed unsafe for release. Instead, they have been sent here for an indefinite time. Spending time with those undergoing treatment, Louis wrestles with whether he can ever allow himself to believe men whose whole history is defined by deception and deceit.

All right reserved to BBC. This is a non-profit contribution for education.


Father Charged In 5-YO Son’s Death

Posted by Sandra On May - 23 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

bartonAn autopsy to be performed on Thursday may help Bellefontaine authorities determine how a 5-year-old boy died early Wednesday. Just after noon on Monday, a woman called 911 seeking medical attention for her boyfriend’s son, Michael G. Barton. “He’s 5 years old. He is not breathing and we’re not feeling a heartbeat,” Skybree Schindler said from her home in Bellefontaine. Dispatchers instructed Schindler and the boy’s father, Anthony Barton, 24, also of Bellfontaine St., to perform CPR until medics arrived. As Schindler talks to dispatchers, Barton can be heard in the background saying, “Come on buddy. We’ve done this before. Come on.” The boy was taken to Nationwide Children’s Hospital where he was pronounced dead just before 1 a.m. Wednesday. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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