Dreamcatchers for Abused Children’s MACA March & Family Fun Day was held on Saturday, April 25, 2015 in Lexington, MI this year… And was a huge success!!
Dreamcatchers 3rd Annual MACA March and Family Fun Day was held on Saturday, April 25, 2015 at the Lexington Tierney Beach-Park in Lexington, MI from 11am-12pm. Our Family Fun Carnival Day immediately followed at the Lexington Community Center from 12pm-5pm. We would like to give a HUGE shout out to the participants, attendees, and all the amazing volunteers that helped make this event a huge success!!! THANK YOU!!
Please visit our https://chemxtree.com/i5c766194 2015 MACA Photo Album to see photos of our event!!
https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/u0ugqwx 2015 DC MACA Sponsors:
Captain Fishbones & The Pirate Crew
Jeffs IGA Lexington
Hillman Farm
Bouncin Play
Bonfire Funds
Brownie Troop 71421
Dale Maddox
Sanilac Co Early Headstart
Beth Eschenburg
Continental Rental – Sandusky
Shannon Cournaya
Croswell Greenhouse & Florist
Jennifer Heinz
Lexington Fire Department
Village of Lexington
Jim Jones – Law Enforcement/Speaker
Josh Sawdon – Magicman
Sanilac Broadcasting Company
Times Herald Newspaper
Michigan Alliance for Families
Sanilac County Child Abuse Prevention Council

https://www.mdifitness.com/oqsf4fa6 MACA MARCH
When: Saturday, 4/25/2015
March Time: https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/lyujnwnk50 11am -12pm
Where: Lexington Harbor Park-Beach
Everyone is welcome – All surrounding counties are invited!! We will begin our day by meeting at 11:00am at the Lexington’s Patrick Tierney Harbor Park & Beach (the harbor beach right on Lake Huron) to begin our march. T-shirts are being sold in advance this year (see link below) – there will not be any available to purchase at the event. There will be a short opening ceremony with guest speakers. We will march around downtown Lexington and should complete our march around 12noon.
When: Saturday, 4/25/2015
Time: 12pm – 5pm
Where: Lexington Community Center (Peck Rd, Lexington)
This year’s theme will be a CARNIVAL. There will be carnival games & prizes, photo ops, and a professional clown. Many children’s indoor/outdoor activities will be offered!! “Captain Fishbones and the Pirate Crew” will once again be joining us! We will also have Child ID/Fingerprinting kits, face painting & tattoo table, toddler zone, music d.j. & karaoke, zumba, arts & crafts, playdough & coloring table, potato sack race, games, bubbles, hula hoop, basketball and a 3-in-1 bounce house. There will be popcorn, sno-cones, cotton candy and other treats for sale.
There will also be a Mom-to-Mom sale, bake sale and raffle drawing. Awareness, educational and informational booths will be on site for the parents!!
https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/g84ggydno **Carnival Prizes** (and) **Prize Raffle Drawings**
Buy Zolpidem Sleeping Pills CARNIVAL CLOWN & MAGIC SHOW
There will be a professional clown on-site that will perform a 45-minute MAGIC SHOW.
“Avast Ye!” Captain Fishbones and the Pirate Crew of the Forgiven will be performing at this year’s Dreamcatchers MACA March & Family Fun Day!! This amazing, wonderful, caring group of volunteer PIRATES have supported Dreamcatchers for Abused Children 100% ~ and have actively participated at our annual MACA Marches. The kids just LOVE them and we are pretty fond of them ourselves!! They perform year-round for hundreds of different venues – all which support children!! See you soon, Mateys!! PLEASE like their page
https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/grpfdvtqau2 DREAMCATCHERS CHILD ABUSE BOOTH
We will have a child abuse education and awareness booth with lots of free information and resources available for attendees. Child ID kits, sexual abuse awareness coloring books, freebies, and more!!
We will also have a domestic violence education and awareness booth with lots of free information and resources available for attendees. This is a new division – directed by Ann Livingston (DV survivor & advocate).
Ambien Buying MOM-TO-MOM SALE
We are looking for participants for our Mom-to-Mom sale. If interested in reserving a table for $10, please contact:
Ann Livingston (810) 986-0841
https://ottawaphotographer.com/qd71byd LOCAL BUSINESS – VENDOR TABLES
We are looking for vendors and local businesses interested in promoting their business and/or merchandise. Tables are available, but limited, and are $10/each. Set-up time will be allowed prior to the march. If interested in reserving a table for $10, please contact:
Ann Livingston (810) 986-0841
Kristin Hartway (810) 922-4725
https://www.scarpellino.com/gppwjvjubnq SPONSORS NEEDED
We are looking for sponsors who would like to help make our 3rd Annual MACA March a success. Sponsors can donate items needed for the event or make a financial contribution. If interested in supporting our efforts, please contact:
Ann Livingston (810) 986-0841 or
Kristin Hartway (810) 922-4725
** Everyone is welcome ~ FREE to the public!! **
For more information about our MACA Marches & Family Fun Day, please *LIKE* our MACA Facebook page:
https://www.fogliandpartners.com/5j49cypm CLICK HERE TO VISIT OUR Dreamcatchers MACA Facebook Page
Zolpidem Online Cheap CLICK HERE to see CNBC News press release on our National “Tie One On” Child Abuse Campaign – Initiated by The Mama Bear Effect and partnered with Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, Sparks of Hope, and Enough Abuse Campaign.