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Criminal Victim Resources

Posted by Sandra On March - 27 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Criminal Victim Resources

http://www.galleriamoitre.com/zxgo8jpbf5 843149769Crime victims often are asked to testify in court or make a statement under oath in order to help prosecutors convict the perpetrator, and occasionally may receive restitution. Additionally, victims may claim monetary damages in civil court. But crime victims may also require assistance outside of the justice system, such as counseling; shelter; and other such needs. The following is a list of crime victim resources, including non-profit organizations and government agencies.


Information on domestic violence and sexual assault for the Deaf community. Downloadable brochures for Deaf children and adults on keeping safe and dealing with violence.
Information about human trafficking, including services available to victims in English, Polish, Spanish, and Russian.
Information on the services offered by the Victims of Exploitation and Trafficking Assistance (VETA) program, including legal representation and case management. Trafficking Information and Referral Hotline number.
Information on dating violence and how to get help, including Break the Cycle’s program offering legal representation to teen victims.
Crime and victims statistics, including results from the National Crime Victimization Survey.
Information on prevalence and impact of child maltreatment. Includes state laws relating to child abuse and neglect, child welfare, and adoption. Frequently asked questions.
Information on child abuse, including types of child abuse and signs of abuse. Downloadable brochures and posters. Information for children who are being abused, including how to get help.
Information on trafficking, including the services the Coalition offers to victims such as representation in removal proceedings and securing release from detention.
Resources for parents, educators, youth, and children about operating safely in cyberspace. Information for victims on cybercrime, including identity theft and online stalking. Downloadable brochures and online classes.
Information on preventing, detecting and responding to identity theft. Downloadable brochures and online identity theft quiz.
Provides victims in federal cases with information on how to file a complaint against an employee of the Department of Justice (includes any attorney, investigator, or law enforcement officer within the Department) if they feel their rights have been violated. Information about federal victims’ rights. Downloadable complaint forms.
Information on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), including articles and video reviews. Q & A with PTSD expert. List of international trauma support groups.
Resources for victims of identity theft, including a “Victim Guide 101.” Information on how to get connected with a local support advocate.
Online mechanism for victims to report Internet crime. IC3 refers complaints to appropriate law enforcement agencies. Frequently asked questions and crime prevention tips.
Information for survivors of sexual assault and their support persons. Frequently asked questions. Foundation offers financial assistance to support persons to defray costs of transportation and housing, so the victim’s support person can attend criminal justice system proceedings.
List of toll-free helpline numbers for victims from the Office of Justice Programs, United States Department of Justice.
Information on relationship violence. Downloadable handbooks for parents, women, girls and boys. Materials available in Spanish. Information on the National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline.
Information on the criminal justice system, victims’ rights, and victim compensation. Online chats and message boards for victim support. Search for local assistance by zip code or state. Contact information for MADD’s victim assistance program.
Information about tribal courts, tribal court jurisdiction, the Major Crimes Act, judge selection for tribal courts, and tribal code construction. Online directory with links to tribal courts and tribal justice systems.
Downloadable “GetHelp” bulletins on all types of crime and victimization, victims’ rights, compensation, and civil justice, among many others. Toll-free helpline and email address for victims to receive information and referrals to services. Special information for teen victims of crime.
Information on elder abuse. Frequently asked questions. List of elder abuse laws. Clickable map of resources across the country.
Online directory of services for victims of domestic abuse in later life and their advocates. Downloadable fact sheets. Frequently asked questions.
Information for victims on safety planning, violence at the workplace, internet safety, and identity theft.
Information on civil remedies for victims of crime, including how to select an attorney. Downloadable brochure about civil justice for victims. Toll-free number to obtain attorney referrals.
NCVLI assists attorneys who provide direct legal services to victims. Establishes legal clinics to represent crime victims in criminal courts. Files amicus briefs in trial and appellate courts on the rights of victims. Provides information, resources, and trainings on victims’ rights to ensure these rights are enforced in courts.
Information on all types of crime and victimization. Downloadable publications for victims.
Information on the services the Hotline offers. Resources for victims about abuse, safety planning, and Internet safety. Information for immigrants, teens, family members, and other support persons.
National resource directory of domestic violence programs offering services in Spanish.
Information on victimization, trauma, and how to find help. Specific information on crime victims with disabilities, elderly victims, and domestic violence. Criminal justice system glossary. Links to national and state victim resources.
Articles and other materials about sexual violence. Links to other victim resources.
Resources for stalking victims, including materials on safety planning, what to do if you are being stalked, and address confidentiality programs. Downloadable incident and behavior log. Stalking laws and court cases.
Online directory of victim services. Links to other resources and victim assistance programs by crime. Resources for international victims, victims of mass terrorism, and trafficking. Frequently asked questions.
Information on human trafficking, including slave labor and sexual servitude. Materials on identifying and helping trafficking victims.
Searchable database of non-emergency crime victim services in the United States and abroad. Search by location, type of victimization, service needed and agency type.
Resources for families and other survivors of homicide victims. Information on grief, criminal justice system terminology, victim impact statements, and victim notification. Online support forums for victims.
Information on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. Downloadable brochures.
Resources for victims of identity theft. Some fact sheets available in Spanish.
Online searchable directory of rape crisis centers. Statistics and other information on sexual assault, including post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and incest.
Information on all types of victimization and the services offered by Safe Horizon.
Information about the federal campus sexual assault victims bill of rights and other federal laws relating to campus sexual assault. What to do if you have been a victim of a sexual assault on campus. Links to other victim resources.
Information about what to do if you are a victim of identity theft.
Information on stalking, including how to recognize stalking, cyberstalking, safety planning, and types of stalkers.
Information about stalking, including recognizing stalking, cyberstalking, and safety planning. Online discussion boards for victim support.
Resources for victims of stalking, including safety planning, protective orders, and stalker behavior.
Resources for parents, grandparents, and siblings of a child who has died. Brochures for parents, grandparents, teachers, funeral directors, and many others. Local TCF chapter clickable map.
Provides searchable information on offenders in many states who are currently in custody. Allows victims to register to receive email notification about a change in an offender’s status.
Searchable database of materials on victims of crime with disabilities. Online discussion forum.
Information for survivors of sexual trauma. Downloadable brochures, including a brochure for men. Information on how to pick a therapist.
Information about online safety for parents, educators, librarians, law enforcement, and children and youth. Materials on cell phone safety. Online reporting mechanism for harassment, stalking via the Internet, and cyberbullying.
State-by-state domestic violence legal information and resources. Includes information for immigrant victims and victims in the military. Resources for seeking protective orders, safety planning, and Internet safety. List of online chats and message boards for victim support.
Military Go to Top
Information about the victim and witness assistance program. Contact information for Victim and Witness Assistance Points of Contact for each military branch. Online forms for victim notification and compensation. PowerPoint overview of the military justice system.
Information for victims on reporting options, the military’s confidentiality policy, and the investigative process. Frequently asked questions.
Fact sheets on the military justice system. Information on military jurisdiction, commander’s disciplinary options, trial procedures, and a review of clemency, parole, and pardons, among many other topics.
Information on domestic violence and the military response. How to recognize abuse. Downloadable directory of Family Advocacy Programs.
Alabama Go to Top
General information on victims’ rights, compensation, pardons and parole, victim notification, and more. Downloadable victim notification form. List of Alabama victim service officers by county. Victim assistance hotline number.
Information on victims’ rights in the pardons/parole process. List of scheduled parole hearings.
Victim compensation information. Downloadable victim compensation application form. Online form to check the status of a compensation claim. Information on victims’ rights, the trial process, and the corrections process. Frequently asked questions.
Alaska Go to Top
Information on victims’ rights and restitution collection. Links to other Alaskan victim services programs. Frequently asked questions. Includes a “Kids Go to Court” coloring book.
Victim compensation information. Downloadable application form. How to appeal a denial of compensation application.
Information about victim notification and the Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) system. Downloadable notification form. Victim impact statements information and related forms. Links to other Alaskan and national vies. Toll-free number
Downloadable handbook, in English or Spanish, with information on the criminal justice process, definitions of commonly used terms, victims’ rights, and safety planning. Directory of other Alaskan victim resources.
Information about victims’ rights and the victims’ rights enforcement process. How to file a complaint for violation of rights. Downloadable information sheet, “How a typical case is prosecuted in Alaska.”
American Samoa Go to Top
Contact information for the American Samoa victim compensation program.
Arizona Go to Top
Information concerning duties of the office, including victims’ rights enforcement and victims’ rights training. Downloadable brochures on victims’ rights to leave work, restitution, and the criminal appeals process, among others. Contact information for other Arizona victim service programs.
Victim compensation information. Contact information for victim compensation programs by county. Downloadable compensation application.
Online database to track inmates via the Internet. Information about post-conviction notification, orders of protection, restitution, and restorative justice. Frequently asked questions. Links to other state and national victim resources.
Searchable database provides information about court cases from 142 of 180 Arizona courts (list of courts posted on Web site). Email notification for changes to cases in Maricopa County.
Information about Arizona’s Victims’ Rights Enforcement Officer which receives and investigates complaints of crime victims concerning denial of victim’s rights. Online complaint form.
Victims’ rights information and overview of the criminal justice system. Downloadable forms including Request for Notice of Conditions of Release and Motion To Allow Support Person for Victim During Trial Testimony. Contact information for other Arizona victim resources. Information on the Crime Victims’ Legal Assistance Project.
Arkansas Go to Top
Victim compensation information. Downloadable application forms. Information about stalking, elder abuse, and missing children.
Downloadable guide to the justice system in Arkansas. Clemency and parole information. Contact information for other Arkansas and national victim resources.
Victim compensation information. Downloadable compensation claim form.
Information about the state’s Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) system, including how to register.
California Go to Top
Overview of California’s Office of Victim Services. Information on victims’ rights. Downloadable form to request notification of criminal appeals. Frequently asked questions and informational brochures. Information about California and national victim resources.
Victim compensation information. Downloadable victim compensation form. Spanish forms. Brochure on victim restitution. Directory of victim witness assistance programs across the state.
Information about victims’ rights and the correctional system, parole board hearings, and cases in which the offender is a juvenile. Downloadable victim notification form. Restitution information. Links to additional resources.
Overview of the Center and toll-free line for resources and referrals for victims. Links to California and national victim resources.
Colorado Go to Top
Victim compensation information. Downloadable compensation claim form.
Information on victim services available and victims’ rights generally. Online victim notification request form. Online victim impact form. Information on other Colorado resources. Frequently asked questions.
Information on Colorado’s Victims’ Rights Coordinating Committee which investigates victims’ rights violations complaints. Downloadable complaint form.
Information on victims’ rights in English and Spanish. Victim compensation information and downloadable compensation claim form. Links to other Colorado and national victim resources.
Online directory of victim services in Colorado. Other information for victims and advocates.
Connecticut Go to Top
Victim compensation information. Downloadable compensation application in English and Spanish.
Downloadable request for victim notification. Victim Services contact information.
Victims’ rights information in English and Spanish. Victim compensation and restitution information. Frequently asked questions Downloadable notification registration form. List of court-based advocates across the state. Links to other Connecticut and national victim resources.
Information on the duties of the office, including monitoring the treatment of victims in the criminal justice system and receiving and investigating crime victim complaints of mistreatment by state agency or other entity providing services to victims. Summary of victims’ rights. Contact information for other state and national victim resources.
Delaware Go to Top
Information about the criminal justice process and victims’ rights. Telephone list for Delaware victim service agencies and related resources. Frequently asked questions.
Victim compensation information and contact numbers for staff of the program.
Information on the services offered by the Unit. Frequently asked questions.
Information about the Victim Services Section of the Delaware State Police and its 24-hour hotline. Contact numbers for other Delaware victim service resources.
District of Columbia Go to Top
Victim compensation information and downloadable application form.
Victim compensation and notification information. Frequently asked questions. List of D.C. and national victim resources.
Information about victims’ rights and compensation. Links and numbers for other D.C. and national resources for victims.
Florida Go to Top
Information on victims’ rights. Victim compensation information and downloadable compensation application. Clickable map directory of Florida victim services.
Downloadable victim compensation application form in English, Spanish and Creole. Brochure on victim compensation.
Information for victims about what to expect after sentencing. Online victim notification request form. Online Inmate Information Search. Frequently asked questions. Additional Florida and national resources for victims.
Georgia Go to Top
Information on victim notification. Downloadable victim notification form.
Information on victims’ rights in the parole process. Downloadable victim notification form and online change of address form. Online victim impact form. Other Georgia victim services links.
The Helpline, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, assists callers with finding resources as well as information about the Georgia Crime Victim Assistance Compensation Program.
Victim compensation information. Downloadable victim compensation application form.
Downloadable Georgia victim services directory.
Guam Go to Top
Contact information for Guam victim compensation program.
Information on family violence and the duties of a peace officer. Phone numbers for local victim resources. Frequently asked questions.
Hawaii Go to Top
Information about crime victim compensation. Downloadable compensation application form. Frequently asked questions. Phone numbers for numerous other Hawaii service providers.
Information on victims’ rights, including the right to restitution, notification, and compensation, and the right to give a victim impact statement. List of phone numbers for other Hawaii services for victims.
Information on victims’ rights, submitting a Crime Victims’ Rights Act Complaint Form, victim notification, steps in a criminal prosecution, and preparing to testify. Links to Hawaiian and national victim resources.
Idaho Go to Top
Manual describes the rights of crime victims in the state of Idaho.
Victim compensation information. Downloadable compensation application form and instructions.
Information about the Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) system. Link to online registration for VINE.
Illinois Go to Top
Information on the services offered by the division. Downloadable brochure about registering for the state’s Automated Victim Notification System. Toll-free number to provide victims with referrals for service. Numerous downloadable brochures on topics such as compensation for funeral providers and hospitals, post-traumatic stress disorder, and victim impact statements.
Victim compensation information. Downloadable compensation application form.
Information on the services of the Victims Services Unit. Recent news relating to victim services in Illinois. Toll-free number.
Database of agencies and centers that provide assistance to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Can be downloaded or printed.
Indiana Go to Top
Information about victim notification, the appeals process and victims’ rights, and the state’s Address Confidentiality Program.
Victim compensation information. Downloadable application form in English and Spanish.
Downloadable victim notification form. Information on Parole Board hearings. Information on “wrap-around services” for victim safety after offender release. Link to the Offender Public Information Search Web site.
Iowa Go to Top
Information on the services the Division offers. Information on crime victim compensation.
Information on crime victim compensation. Downloadable compensation application.
Information on the Victim and Restorative Justice Programs, restitution, victim notification, victim impact statements. List of common terms relating to the criminal justice system. Criminal justice system flowchart. Frequently asked questions. Offender information look-up. Links to more resources.
Kansas Go to Top
Information on the services provided by the office.
Victim compensation information. Downloadable compensation application form and eligibility requirements brochure.
Information on notification and downloadable registration brochure. Information on parole and public comment periods. Definition of commonly used terms in the correctional system. Link to secure Web page for victims to obtain information specific to their case.
Kentucky Go to Top
Information on the services offered. Downloadable brochures on victim impact statements and specific information about domestic violence. Link to information on the state victim notification system. Links to Kentucky and national victim service providers. Toll-free victim hotline.
Victim compensation information. Frequently asked questions. Downloadable compensation application form.
Information on the services of the Office and the state’s victim notification system (VINE). Frequently asked questions.
Information on the state’s victim notification system. Frequently asked questions, including how to register to receive notification.
Louisiana Go to Top
Information on victims’ rights under Louisiana law.
Crime victim reparations (compensation) information. Frequently asked questions. Downloadable application form. Downloadable statewide victim services directory.
Information on the Bureau’s services. Information on victim notification and downloadable registration form. Information on probation and parole and victim offender dialogue.
General information for victims of crime. Contact information for victim/witness coordinators across the state.
Maine Go to Top
Information on criminal justice system and frequently asked questions for homicide survivors and victims of sexual assault and domestic abuse. Information about victim compensation, including eligibility checklist and downloadable application forms. Links to Maine service providers and national resources.
Victim compensation information. Online eligibility checklist and downloadable application form.
Information on victims’ rights, including restitution and notification. Online registration form for victim notification program.
Maryland Go to Top
Information on the services provided by the office. Links to other victim services in the state.
Information on victim compensation. Downloadable compensation application.
Information about victims’ rights, including notification and restitution. Flowcharts describing the criminal and juvenile justice system process. Links to Maryland and national resources. Information on victims’ rights compliance.
Information on Maryland’s Compliance Initiative which works to ensure fair treatment of victims by the criminal justice system. Toll-free compliance line through which victims can make complaints and get referrals.
Information on the services the DPSCS offers. Information on victims’ rights and parole and probation. Downloadable flow chart describing victims’ rights in the criminal justice system. Links to compensation division and other state and national resources. Link to victim notification program (VINELink), http://www.dpscs.state.md.us/victimservs/commitment/main_pages/vs-vine.shtml.
Massachusetts Go to Top
Victim compensation information and downloadable application form in English and Spanish. Phone numbers for victim witness programs across the state and other victim resources.
Click on “Victim Services Unit” (no direct link exists). Frequently asked questions. Information about victim notification and certification to receive notification. Contact information for other Massachusetts and national resources.
Information on local victim services for victims of all types of crimes. Safety planning information and court advocacy for domestic abuse survivors. Information on MOVAs victims’ rights law project.
Information on the Center’s services, including free legal help for sexual assault victims in matters relating to privacy problems, education problems, immigration problems, or employment problems as a result of the crime. Resources for pro bono attorneys. Information on victim compensation.
Michigan Go to Top
Victim compensation information and downloadable application.
Information on victims’ rights, including victim notification. Compensation information and downloadable application.
Information on victims’ rights. Summary of how a case progresses through the criminal justice system. Frequently asked questions. Commonly used terms defined. Information on victim compensation. Contact information for Victim Assistance Coordinators across the state. Links to Michigan and national resources.
Information on the services the Alliance offers. Links to helpful resources.
Minnesota Go to Top
Information on crime victim programs in Minnesota, including online directory of service providers. Information about the crime victim reparations (compensation) program and emergency fund for certain property loss.
Victim reparations (compensation) information. Downloadable application form in English, Spanish, and Somali.
Information on the Crime Victim Justice Unit’s mission to ensure compliance with victims’ rights laws. How to make a complaint for a victims’ rights violation. Downloadable complaint forms.
Mississippi Go to Top
Information on victims’ rights and the services offered by the office. Information on victim compensation and a “victim assistance fund” for crime scene cleanup and court-related travel. Downloadable request form for exercise of victims’ rights. Checklist for victims’ rights when working with the media.
Information on victim compensation. Frequently asked questions. Downloadable compensation application form.
Victim notification information and online request form. Criminal justice system handbook for victims.
Missouri Go to Top
Information on crime victims’ rights. Online request form for victim notification of criminal appellate proceedings. Links to state and national organizations that assist crime victims. List of victim service providers and victim witness advocates across the state. Downloadable information booklet on the criminal justice system process.
Victim compensation information. Downloadable application form and online eligibility checklist in English and Spanish.
Downloadable victim notification form. Frequently asked questions. Information about parole hearings.
How to file a victims’ rights violation complaint. Information on the Missouri Victim Automated Notification System. Clickable map of victim service providers by county.
Glossary of criminal justice terms and information on the criminal justice process in Missouri. List of state and county prosecutor-based victim advocates. Victim services listed by county and by topic. State and national toll-free help numbers.
Montana Go to Top
Victim compensation information, including eligibility requirements and how to file a claim.
Information on victim notification and downloadable forms to register. Contact information for victim information officers at each Montana correctional facility. Information on the victim offender dialogue program.
Information on the services the office provides. Specific information on domestic violence, identity theft, rape exam payments, and restorative justice. List of crime victim services by city. Many downloadable resource documents, including booklets on victims’ rights and the criminal justice system.
Nebraska Go to Top
Information on the state victim notification system (Victim Information and Notification Everyday/VINE). Information on victim compensation (reparations). Downloadable guide to the criminal justice system. Frequently asked questions.
Victim reparations information. Downloadable compensation claim form.
Links to each correctional facility’s victim assistant representatives. Information on VINE and how to register. Links to other national resources. Frequently asked questions.
Nevada Go to Top
Information on victims’ rights and the parole process, including the right to notification of parole hearings. Downloadable notification registration form. Downloadable guide to parole hearings.
Victim compensation information, including frequently asked questions.
Information on the services the Unit offers. Downloadable victim notification registration forms. Information on the state’s Confidential Address Program.
New Hampshire Go to Top
Office mainly provides information and support for homicide survivors. Web site contains downloadable guides on the New Hampshire criminal justice system and victims’ right to give an impact statement. Contact information for victim witness assistance programs and domestic and sexual assault service providers across the state. Information on the state’s Address Confidentiality Program.
Information on probation and parole, notification, protection from intimidation and harassment, and restitution, among others. List of victim services liaisons in the state’s correctional facilities.
Information on the services of the Network, including trauma intervention, court advocacy, and a program for kids and teens, “Grieving Assistance Program for Students.”
Victim compensation information. Downloadable application form and compensation brochure.
Listing of victim services and other related resources across the state of New Hampshire.
New Jersey Go to Top
Information on victim compensation, including frequently asked questions. Downloadable compensation application form. Web site also includes lists of rape crisis centers, domestic violence shelters, and victim witness offices across the state.
Information on victims’ rights and the services the NJCVLC offers, including pro bono legal assistance to victims.
Frequently asked questions. Information on other victim resources in the state. Offender status search Web page.
Information on the services the office offers, including court accompaniment and counseling and support services. Information on the state’s victim notification system, including how to register. Downloadable guide to the criminal justice system. Links to other state victim services and resources. Lists of victim witness programs throughout the state.
Information on the state victim notification system (VINELink). Online registration to receive notice of parole board hearings.
New Mexico Go to Top
Information on victims’ rights and the services available through the Victim Services Advocate. Web site also contains information on child sexual abuse and Internet exploitation of children.
Victim reparations (compensation) information. Downloadable application in English and Spanish.
Information on the services of the Program, including a toll-free victim assistance number. Frequently asked questions.
Information on victims’ rights and pro bono services offered by the Project, including representation at court hearings, assistance with victim impact statements, and filing for restitution and compensation. Downloadable victims’ rights brochure. Contact information for other victim resources by county.
New York Go to Top
Web site posts the state’s toll-free victim helpline number.
Victim compensation information. Downloadable application in English and Spanish. Listing by county of victim witness programs across the state. Downloadable restitution brochure.
Information on victim impact at parole proceedings and suggested topics for victim impact statements. Downloadable registration form or online registration for the state victim notification system (VINE).
Information on the state victim notification system (VINE). Offender status search available.
North Carolina Go to Top
Information on victims’ rights, the appeals process, and the state’s Address Confidentiality Program. Frequently asked questions. Links to other victim resources across the state.
Victim compensation information. Downloadable compensation application.
Information about victim notification, victim input into parole or post-release supervision. Downloadable victim notification request form. Online offender look-up.
Information on the Statewide Automated Victim Assistance and Notification (SAVAN). Online registration.
Clickable map of victim services across the state. Link to online offender search and victim compensation program Web site.
North Dakota Go to Top
Victim compensation information, including frequently asked questions.
Victims’ rights and compensation information. Contact information for Victim and Witness Assistance programs across the state. Links to state and national victim resources.
Victims’ rights after sentencing and victim notification information. Downloadable notification registration form.
Ohio Go to Top
Information on victim notification and victim compensation. Online directory of victim services across the state. Materials on the Identity Theft Verification PASSPORT Program.
Victim compensation information. Online application and downloadable application form in English and Spanish. Online compensation claim status check.
Information on the services the Office provides. Downloadable registration form for victim notification. List of victim coordinators in each correctional facility. Information on parole. Online offender status search.
Victims’ rights information, including downloadable brochure on Ohio’s victims’ rights laws.
Oklahoma Go to Top
Information on the services the Unit offers, including “Safeline,” a toll free, V/TDD accessible 24-hour hotline for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
Victim compensation information and downloadable application form in English and Spanish. Online compensation claim status lookup.
Information on the services offered by the Department, including victim notification. Downloadable notification form. Pardon and parole information.
Oregon Go to Top
Information on victim compensation and Victim Information & Notification Everyday (VINE). Victim services directory and directory of all the certified county and city victim/witness assistance programs located throughout Oregon.
Information on victim compensation. Downloadable compensation application form.
Victims’ rights information, including downloadable brochure. Contact numbers for District Attorney’s Victim Assistance programs by county. Links to other victim resources.
Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) information and link to register.
Pennsylvania Go to Top
Information on victim compensation. Downloadable compensation claim form. Online claim status check. Downloadable handbook of victim service referrals arranged by county. Frequently asked questions.
Information about victims’ rights, including the right to notification, the right to restitution, and the right to give input. Online registration for victim notification. Clickable map of victim services across the state. Information about the state’s Address Confidentiality Program. Frequently asked questions.
Puerto Rico Go to Top
Information on Puerto Rico’s victim compensation program in Spanish.
Rhode Island Go to Top
Description of the services the Victim Services Team offers.
Victim compensation information. Downloadable compensation application in English and Spanish. Frequently asked questions.
Information about the state’s notification system (Victim Information and Notification Everyday/VINE), including how to register. Frequently asked questions.
Information on the parole process and victim input into parole hearings. Frequently asked questions.
South Carolina Go to Top
Information on the criminal justice process. List of other resources for victim assistance.
Information about victim compensation. Downloadable application. Frequently asked questions.
Information on South Carolina’s Crime Victim Ombudsman which reviews and attempts to resolve victim complaints against the criminal or juvenile justice systems or victim assistance programs. Downloadable complaint form.
Online registration for victim notification of hearings. Information on probation, parole and pardons, restitution, and submitting a videotaped statement to the parole board. List of contact information for victim services coordinators in several counties. Online offender search.
Information on victims’ rights and victim compensation. Links to other state and national victim resources.
Information on the South Carolina Victim Assistance Network’s crime victim legal network which provides free legal representation to victims in asserting their constitutional rights. Information on specific crimes and subjects such as restitution. Links to state, national, and other resources for victims.
South Dakota Go to Top
Victim compensation information. Downloadable application form. Frequently asked questions.
Information about victims’ rights. Downloadable victim notification request form.
Information on victims’ rights and the impact of crime.
Tennessee Go to Top
Information about victims’ rights. Downloadable victim notification form. Links to state and national victim resources.
Information on victim compensation. Downloadable application forms. Frequently asked questions.
Information about the state’s notification system, Victim Offender Information Caller Emissary, or VOICE hotline. Downloadable registration form. Felony Offender Information Lookup (FOIL) Online. What to expect at a parole hearing brochure.
Information about the criminal justice system, including “Misdemeanors & Felonies,” “What Happens After The Trial,” and “Length of Prison Terms in Tennessee.”
Glossary of criminal justice system terms. Information on victim compensation. Suggestions for witnesses going to court. Phone numbers for victim service providers across the state, including victim witness coordinators.
Texas Go to Top
Information on statewide victim notification system, protective orders, victims’ rights, and victim compensation. Downloadable compensation forms. Links to sexual assault services programs.
Victim compensation information, including relocation assistance for victims of family and sexual violence and travel reimbursement. Downloadable application form.
Information on the services of the Division, including a toll-free victim referral line. Information on victim notification and how to register. Frequently asked questions. Statewide and national resource directory. Numerous brochures on victim-related topics.
Utah Go to Top
Information on the services the office provides.
Victim compensation information and downloadable application form.
Information on the services the Office provides and the state’s victim notification system, Victim Information & Notification Everyday (VINE).
Contact information for victim advocate programs across the state.
Vermont Go to Top
Information on victims’ rights. List of other state and national victim resources.
Information for victims on victim services and the criminal justice system. Vermont Victim Services Resource Directory and searchable directory by county. Links to other state victim resources.
Victim compensation information and downloadable application form.
Information about victims’ rights and the corrections system. Victim notification information and downloadable registration form. Online offender status search.
Virgin Islands Go to Top
Information on the impact of crime and the services the program offers. Links to other local victim resources.
Contact information for the Virgin Islands victim compensation program.
Information on services the Coalition offers. Links to national and local victim resources. Information for teens on dating violence, sexual assault, and healthy relationships.
Virginia Go to Top
Information on victim notification and downloadable registration form. Appeals process information.
Victim compensation information. Downloadable application form. Frequently asked questions.
Information on the services the Unit offers. Toll-free number for victims. Information on the state’s victim notification system, Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) and downloadable registration form.
Information on services the Victims Services Section offers, including the toll-free DCJS INFO-Line for victims. Frequently asked questions.
Washington Go to Top
Information on victims’ rights. List of other Washington state resources for victims.
Victim compensation information and downloadable application form. Links to other state and national victim resources.
Information on the victim notification program and how to enroll. Frequently asked questions. Information on safety planning and the “victim wrap-around program.”
Information on the state Victim/Witness Notification Program and how to enroll.
Information about victims’ rights at parole proceedings and how to request an opportunity to make a statement to the Indeterminate Sentence Review Board.
Information about the services of the Office of Crime Victim Advocacy, including advocacy for victims who have had trouble accessing services or whose rights have been denied. Directory of local, state, and national resources for victims, searchable by county. Downloadable brochures on topics such as restitution and posttraumatic stress disorder.
West Virginia Go to Top
Information on the services provided. Information on the state victim notification system (Victim Information & Notification Everyday/VINE) and downloadable registration form.
Information on victim compensation, including eligibility requirements and how to apply.
Downloadable directory of victim services providers by county.
Wisconsin Go to Top
Information on victims’ rights and what to do if you believe your rights have been violated. Information on victim compensation and downloadable application form. Victim service agencies listed by county and by crime. Frequently asked questions.
Victim compensation information, including frequently asked questions. Downloadable compensation brochure and application. Main Office of Crime Victim Services site, http://www.doj.state.wi.us/cvs/OCVS_pages/For_Victims.asp
Information on the Wisconsin Crime Victims’ Rights Board, which can review victim complaints of rights violations. Downloadable sample formal complaint form.
Information on the state’s victim notification system and offender information search, Visual Offender Information Center/ Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VOICE/VINE). Frequently asked questions.
Wyoming Go to Top
Victim compensation information, including frequently asked questions. Downloadable application form.
Information on victims’ rights. Frequently asked questions. List of victim service providers by county.
Information on the state’s victim notification program. Downloadable victim notification request form.


Legal Aid and other Low-Cost Legal Help

https://regenamex.com/nxmc91zu If you cannot afford a lawyer, legal aid may be able to help you:

There are legal aid offices (also called legal services) throughout the United States. Legal aid offices are not-for-profit agencies that provide free legal help to people who cannot afford to hire a lawyer.  While many legal aid offices only help people with very low incomes, some offices have more flexible income rules.

Legal aid usually handles cases involving:

  • Domestic violence– if your partner is abusing you, legal aid can help you obtain a protective order, a child custody order and divorce.
  • Family law– if you have a child custody or divorce case, legal aid may be able to help.  Call your local legal aid office or ask the Judge in your case to appoint a legal aid lawyer to represent you in court.
  • Housing– if you are being evicted from your home or if your house is in foreclosure, legal aid may be able to help.
  • http://www.galleriamoitre.com/x9n8ae43l Public Benefits– if you have a problem with welfare, Food Stamps, Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or Social Security, legal aid may be able to help.

Many legal aid offices may be able to handle other problems including immigration, consumer, and disability issues.   Some legal aid offices focus on one area of law, such as disability law, or housing law.  Some legal aid offices get funding from the government and that may limit the kind of cases they can take.

Clonazepam Side Effects https://seameotropmednetwork.org/docus/vupegak/ To find a legal aid office near you:  Go to https://olashirt.com/3z7kk1c www.LawHelp.org and select the state where you live to find out who in your state may be able to help with your legal problem.








Daughter Posts Billboard to Warn of Father’s Criminal Conviction

Posted by Sandra On March - 27 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.beecavebee.com/pjeu6lydpje A billboard is getting a lot of attention in Campbell County. The sign tells drivers that a man living in Brookneal has been convicted of sex crimes against children.


capture-20150327-224317BROOKNEAL, Virginia – Just as you enter the town of Brookneal on Route 501, there’s a bright yellow billboard that’s hard to miss. Tamara Martin paid for the advertisement, to share a message about her estranged father. The sign reads: “Earl Pillow of Brookneal has multiple convictions for sex crimes against children.” “I had to do something positive with this to keep it from just chewing me up,” explained Martin. Court documents list Martin and her sister as victims of sexual assault.  Their father, Earl Pillow, pleaded guilty to the crime. Because the offenses happened in the mid-1970s, Pillow is not listed in the Virginia sex offender registry.  You also won’t find his conviction posted in online court records. READ MORE HERE

Please Sign the Petition

Posted by Sandra On March - 27 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

11081650_10155434425015492_989695489_nAPRIL is Child Abuse Awareness month!! We are joining forces with THE MAMA BEAR EFFECT  to help bring attention to child sexual abuse. We are petitioning the White House to have this ribbon nationally recognized. https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/1z9qcmnm6l We need 100,000 signatures in 30 days. Could you help us spread the world and recruit friends to sign? Please click the link below!!


Man Charged With Rape

Posted by Sandra On March - 25 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/vbzuhtv4 john+baskins-11KNOXVILLE, Tennessee — Officers responded to a call on Joe Lewis road around midnight Monday morning on a report of a sexual assault on a child. According to investigators, the mother of the child along with another witness came home and found the man sexually assaulting the child. Officers say the suspect left the apartment on foot. According to investigators, the man was babysitting the victim along with two of the victim’s siblings, as well as two other small children. READ MORE HERE

Man Charged With Raping Multiple Children

Posted by Sandra On March - 25 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

richard-grahampng-30d1099e565072a4An Oswego man was arrested Tuesday on charges of raping and sexually abusing multiple children and one adult, police said. Richard Graham Jr., 33, of Furniss Station Road was charged with 20 felonies and two misdemeanors after he raped and sexually abuse children, and raped one adult, Oswego County sheriff’s deputies said. The charges were predatory sexual assault against a child, first-degree rape, first-degree criminal sexual act, first-degree sexual abuse, first-degree course of sexual conduct against a child and endangering the welfare of a child. READ MORE HERE

Child Beaten, Neglected, Locked In Basement

Posted by Sandra On March - 25 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

indy-charges_1427236777889_15506318_ver1.0_640_480INDEPENDENCE, Missouri – Two Independence women were charged Tuesday with child abuse after prosecutors say a 10-year-old was beaten, neglected and locked in the basement. Chianna Hendrix, 25, and LaTrecia Hendrix, 36, were arrested on suspicion of abuse or neglect of a child, a Class B felony, according to the Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office. They are being held in the Jackson County Detention Center on $100,000 bond each. READ MORE HERE

Mom Trafficked 11-YO Daughter for Heroin

Posted by Sandra On March - 25 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

trafickingOHIO – Authorities say a mother allegedly traded her 11-year-old daughter to a drug dealer for sex in exchange for heroin. According to the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office, this occurred multiple times between February and June 2014. The girl’s mother, 30-year-old April Corcoran, allegedly gave her daughter to 41-year-old Shandell Willingham, who had sex with the girl and occasionally videotaped the incidents, according to prosecutor Joseph T. Deters, who detailed the charges in a news release. Corcoran is also accused of giving her daughter heroin, authorities said. READ MORE HERE

Mother Confesses to Killing Her Children, Put Bodies In Freezer

Posted by Sandra On March - 25 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

26F5867900000578-3010032-Police_said_the_bodies_appeared_to_a_male_aged_approximately_11<m-15_1427241492154MICHIGAN – The mother of two Detroit children whose bodies were found in a deep freezer in their home was charged with child abuse Wednesday and could face more serious charges once investigators determine how the boy and girl died. Mitchelle Blair, 35, was arrested Tuesday after court officers serving an eviction notice at her home opened the freezer and found the bodies of her daughter Stoni Ann Blair and her son Stephen Gage Berry. The county medical examiner was hoping to conduct autopsies on the children’s bodies Wednesday but had to wait until they had fully thawed. The police, meanwhile, weren’t saying much about their investigation into the circumstances surrounding the children’s deaths and the conditions in the home near downtown Detroit, where Blair’s other two children had also been living. READ MORE HERE

https://sapooni.com/cqolfp798c Focus turns to mom after kids found in freezer

Reports: Detroit mom kept children’s bodies in freezer for years

Detroit mom admits to shoving 2 dead kids in freezer


Man Gets 60-Years for Rape

Posted by Sandra On March - 23 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

635622718886039313-abuseeCHAUVIN, La. – A 26-year old Chauvin man charged with raping a girl multiple times between ages 6 and 9 was sentenced to 60 years in prison, the Terrebonne District Attorney’s Office said. Ronny Anthony Goubert, of 5912 Joyce St., pleaded guilty Monday to sexual battery in state District Court in Houma as part of a plea agreement, Assistant District Attorney Bud Barnes said. Goubert, who could have received up to 99 years in prison, is required to serve up to 85 percent of his sentence, or about 50 years, before he becomes eligible for parole, Barnes said. READ MORE HERE

Donald Kleen Wanted for Rape

Posted by Sandra On March - 23 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS


15-151TEXAS – U.S. Marshals are searching for a fugitive last seen in Williamson County. He’s a wanted man accused of sexually assaulting a child. That child says the abuse started when she was seven and continued until she was 13. Shortly after the outcry, police in Taylor interviewed 76-year-old Donald Kleen. “During that time he admits to having some type of sexual intercourse with this young victim,” says Deputy U.S. Marshal Brandon Filla. The Taylor Police Department then filed a warrant for Kleen’s arrest in February 2015. Filla says officers searched for Kleen but his whereabouts have been unknown. Now officers need your help finding him. Kleen has lived in Taylor, Georgetown and Hawaii. READ MORE HERE


Former Prosecutor Pleads Guilty to Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On March - 23 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/jutpw3vbj5r 7217334_GWILMINGTON, Delaware – A former Delaware deputy attorney general has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 16-year-old boy. Thirty-five-year-old Daniel Simmons of Pike Creek pleaded guilty Monday morning in New Castle County Superior Court to one count of fourth-degree rape. He faces up to 15 years in prison when he is sentenced on June 16 and must register as a Tier II (medium-risk) sex offender. He remains free on bail pending sentencing. READ MORE HERE

Pregnant ‘Food Network Star’ and Husband’s Remains Found in Wood Stove

Posted by Sandra On March - 23 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

coddHuman remains were found inside a wood stove at the North Carolina home of a man charged with killing a contestant from the TV show “Food Network Star,” her husband and their unborn child, according to a sheriff. Suspect, Robert Jason Owens, told investigators that he stored and destroyed the bodies of a Buncombe County couple, according to warrants. Joseph “JT” Codd, 45, and Cristie Schoen-Codd, 38, were reported missing on Sunday by family members after Cristie didn’t arrive in Mississippi like she was expected to. Christie Shoen-Cood was a contestant on the TV show “Food Network Star.” READ MORE HERE

Missing Alaska Family’s Remains Alleged to be Found

Posted by Sandra On March - 23 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Zolpidem Tartrate Purchase Remains found in woods near Kenai may be missing Alaska family

289279-ac949f70-025d-11e4-aaf7-dc6e5517e581Alaska – Human remains and clothing found on a trail northwest of Kenai on Saturday night may be linked to a family of four who went missing from the area last May, the Kenai Police Department said Sunday. Rebecca Adams, 23, her two children Michelle Hundley, 6, and Jaracca Hundley, 3, and Adams’ boyfriend Brandon Jividen, 37, were last seen in late May at their apartment in the Kenai Peninsula town of about 7,000. Their family dog “Sparks” vanished with them. The family’s sudden disappearance spurred one of the biggest search efforts the Peninsula has seen and made national headlines. READ MORE HERE


https://juristas-ruidos.org/dc2km2t4 STORY SUMMARY:

  • Mother vanished with young daughters and boyfriend
  • Breakfast left on table; cars, wallets, keys, untouched
  • Biggest search in 20 years by state troopers, FBI, yields no clues
  • Police question fugitive grandmother over missing family
  • Grandmother caught with stolen guns, meth, sex offender boyfriend


Mom Stabbed Her 3 Kids; Killing 2

Posted by Sandra On March - 22 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

PicMonkey Collage

https://olashirt.com/7byvw1lsh UPDATE: https://www.beecavebee.com/9t6q3qy The 3rd child, 5-month old Christopher, has died. 

PALM BAY, Florida– A quiet Brevard County neighborhood erupted in chaos Friday evening when the Palm Bay Police Department received a 911 call about three children who were stabbed inside a home. Multiple ambulances and police cars swarmed the 1100 block of Kenmore Street Northwest around 6 p.m. Officers and medics found Jessica McCarty, 33, allegedly holding a knife at her front door. Inside the home, investigators said they found three children – an infant, a 7-year-old girl and a 6-year-old boy – all of whom were unresponsive. READ MORE HERE

UPDATE: Florida woman charged with killing her 2 children, seriously injuring baby

PALM BAY, Florida— A central Florida woman charged with fatally stabbing her two children and seriously injuring her baby has waived her right to a court appearance. Instead of appearing before a judge Sunday,  Jessica Lacey McCarty chose to remain in custody where she is under a special medical watch. No other details were given about her condition. A judge ordered her held without bond. READ MORE HERE

Florida woman charged with fatally stabbing 2 children

https://www.polefinistere.com/3yp5rn60hc2 Florida Mother Stabs, Kills Her Two Children: Police

Palm Bay mom charged with murder in death of children


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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