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Archive for March, 2015

Convicted Sex Offender Arrested for Boy’s Cold-Case Murder

Posted by Sandra On March - 31 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Clonazepam 0.25Mg 10917682_01_00_01_17_56666Thirty-three years after the lifeless body of a 6-year-old California boy was found at a construction site, authorities have arrested a convicted sex offender for the child’s murder. Jeffrey Vargo was last seen alive on July 2, 1981. He left his home on his bike to go to a fireworks stand in the city of Anaheim. His parents found his bike abandoned in an alley a few hours after he was last seen. The next day, two construction workers found his body at a construction site in the city of Pomona. READ MORE HERE

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Boy Was Abused for Months Before Being Killed

Posted by Sandra On March - 31 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.salernoformazione.com/4hnf37c7 1427842390364Within weeks of a Sydney mother starting a relationship with a Christian hip-hop producer, her seven-year-old son was allegedly being punished. He was forced to wear his soiled underpants on his head, stand on a coffee tin for hours and undergo “boot-camp” style punishment. Three months later, she believed the devil was working through him. A month after that, he was dead. READ MORE HERE

https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/3jalzmtoei8 BOY WAS SAVAGELY ABUSED


What Is Child “Grooming?”

Posted by Sandra On March - 31 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

downloadPerpetrators of child sexual abuse (CSA) may gain the trust of potential child victims and their caregivers by methodically “grooming” them. This process begins with identifying potential victims, gaining their trust, and breaking down their defenses. These grooming tactics are often directed at potential youth victims as well as the adult caregivers—parents, other youth-serving professionals, and the community-at-large. After gaining access to children and youth by achieving this trust, the perpetrator initiates some kind of contact that s/he finds sexually gratifying. This sexual contact may range from voyeurism to rape and other forms of child sexual abuse. Grooming helps the offender gain access to the victim, and sets up a relationship grounded in secrecy so that the crime is less likely to be discovered. READ MORE HERE


Child Sexual Abuse – 6 Stages of Grooming – Oprah.com

Grooming Children for Sexual Molestation

The Grooming Process | Department for Children and Families

Child Sexual Abuse & Grooming

Sexual Offender Tactics and Grooming

101 Ways to Move From Victim-Survivor-Thriver

Posted by Sandra On March - 30 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.plantillaslago.com/s1mbzlco1 imagesThe cold hard fact is that far too many of us are going through pain. I know, I’ve spoken to enough of you about it. But if you know me, even after you’ve seen my documentary and read my book about it and heard me speak – you know that I am all about moving on. Yes, life is hard and the worst nightmare – child sexual abuse – is so prevalent it can make you ill. But I believe that the more survivors and loved ones of survivors heal and move forward, the more we will end the epidemic by not repeating it.

https://hazenfoundation.org/kka4rv1gww The majority of people who read my blog and know me from speaking gigs have told me that me speaking about moving on (and doing it with cursing and laughter) is way they love me. Ah, I love you too! Those who hate what I talk about will always be haters and should read this list too. A DM from a Twitter friend promoted this list by asking me, surprised, if I really had moved on from my story and how in the world I did it. Here you go! READ MORE HERE


Child Rape Fugitive Caught

Posted by Sandra On March - 30 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

U.S. Marshals Arrest Fugitive Accused of Raping Child 

https://municion.org/mii7jert percy-james-jrjpg-27d052a394380ca0CLEVELAND, Ohio — A Cleveland man accused of raping a child was arrested Monday evening on the city’s East Side. U.S. marshals arrested Percy James Jr., 21, at about 6 p.m. at the corner of St. Clair Avenue and and East 140th Street, a spokesperson with the U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force. He had been featured as the “Fugitive of the Week” earlier Monday. Law-enforcement officials say James raped his victim while awaiting sentencing in a separate rape case. READ MORE HERE

Former Federal Worker Gets 50-Years for Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On March - 30 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.varesewedding.com/mx90dfavu dt.common.streams.StreamServerA Gentilly man was sentenced Monday to 50 years in prison after pleading guilty to 14 counts of forcible rape and nine counts of child pornography involving a juvenile — a small fraction of the nearly 900 counts he faced for raping girls and recording the acts as a self-styled pornographer. A bespectacled Edward Bush, 48, stood silently as Criminal District Court Judge Keva Landrum-Johnson sentenced him to a pair of consecutive 25-year terms on two counts of forcible rape; concurrent 40-year sentences on another dozen rape counts; and 20 years each on nine counts of pornography involving juveniles. READ MORE HERE

California Teacher Arrested For Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On March - 30 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

thelmo13-14-665x385A California teacher has been arrested for alleged child abuse. Thelmo Garcia, a fourth grade teacher at Rosewood Elementary School on Croft Avenue in Los Angeles, was arrested on Wednesday, March 11, and is being held on $100,000 bail. The Los Angeles Unified School District released a statement on Thursday, stating that Garcia had been arrested off campus on suspicion of abuse towards his students. Details regarding his arrest have been limited, however it was reported that he was removed from campus last month. READ MORE HERE


14-MO Baby Dies of Alleged Abuse

Posted by Sandra On March - 30 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.fogliandpartners.com/nu8a4ynm img-Three-Arrested-for-Child-AbuseBERNALILLO COUNTY, N.M. —A little boy who was allegedly the victim of child abuse has died. 14-month-old Issac Arevalos was rushed to UNMH Wednesday after he sustained injures. Authorities haven’t decided if new charges will be filed against the suspected abusers. Investigators said Issac was a victim of child abuse after doctors found “bruising to the face and chest.” READ MORE HERE

Convicted Child Molester Hired Hitman To Kill Pregnant Prosector

Posted by Sandra On March - 30 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

27272D5A00000578-3018890-image-m-50_1427762033178A man sent to prison for 25 years for sexually assaulting a child has been sentenced to another 40 for hiring a hit man to kill the prosecutor in his case. Edward Carreon, 32, of Chicago, was convicted earlier this year for solicitation of murder for hire after he planned to kill the pregnant lawyer who has handling the child molestation case against him. Carreon, who planned to pay hit man ‘Marcus’ when he got out of prison, had received the name of an alleged assassin from a fellow prison inmate while awaiting sentencing for his 2011 assault. READ MORE HERE

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April: Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Posted by Sandra On March - 29 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Purchase Clonazepam Online imagesSince 1985, April has been nationally recognized as Child Abuse Prevention Month. Each year, there are nearly 3 million reports of child abuse and neglect. And we know that child abuse cases are vastly under-reported, as adults often fail to recognize or respond to warning signs of child abuse, and abused children suffer in fear and silence.  Buy Zolpidem Uk Online National Child Abuse Prevention Month offers a powerful opportunity to highlight child abuse facts, explain the importance of reporting child abuse, encourage community involvement, and support abused children.

https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/lbbd15br Dreamcatchers for Abused Children has joined forces with THE MAMA BEAR EFFECT to help bring attention to child sexual abuse. You can participate in our “ Take The Ugly Tie Challenge” to bring awareness to child abuse!! We are also petitioning the White House to have a child sex abuse ribbon nationally recognized. https://municion.org/lrrvyyo We need 100,000 signatures in 30 days. Could you help us spread the world and recruit friends to sign? Please click  Order Ambien Online Cheap HERE to sign the petition!

CLICK HERE to see CNBC News press release on our National “Tie One On” Child Abuse Campaign – Initiated by The Mama Bear Effect and partnered with Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, Sparks of Hope, and Enough Abuse Campaign!!!!

*1 in every 3 girls will be sexually molested before the age of 18
*1 in every 5 boys will be sexually molested before the age of 18
*Every 10 SECONDS a child is raped or killed in the U.S.
*Today up to 5 children will die from abuse or neglect
*In 13 seconds, another child will be abused in the U.S
*There were 2.9 million child abuse reports made in 1992
*ONLY 28% of the children identified as harmed by abuse are investigated
*Boys are at a greater risk of serious injury and of emotional neglect than are girls
*85% of the 1.2 – 1.5 million runaways are fleeing abuse at home
*80% of perpetrators are biological parents
*60 % of male survivors report at least one of their perpetrators to be female
*Children in mother-only households are 4 times more likely to be fatally abused
*Female abusers are typically younger than male abusers.
*The median age was 30 years for women and 33 years for men
*Today 6 children will commit suicide
*Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death (ages 15-24)
*Untreated child abuse increases the likelihood of arrest for a violent crime by 38 percent
*60 MILLION survivors are former victims of child sexual abuse in America today
*71 % of child sex offenders are under the age of 35
*38% of women & 20% of men have been sexually abused during adolescence
*It is estimated that 3%-6% of the clergy population has abused a child
*Natural mothers are the perpetrators of 93% of physical neglect, 86% educational neglect, 78% emotional neglect, 60% physical abuse, 55% emotional abuse.
*The typical pedophile molests an average of 117 children–most of whom do not report the offense
~Imagine the outcry if these statistics represented a disease, which was wiping out 5 children per day, victimizing millions, and who’s by-products where disabilities & expanding violence. Youth rights are really about human rights, and simple empathy is a giant first step to the benefits of increased awareness. The high jump in child abuse statistics shows the importance of youth rights by showing cases of frightening lack of knowledge!!~
Go ahead….


Take Action

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https://hazenfoundation.org/4jsvamls6 Take action to support healthy child development and help prevent child abuse and neglect in both big ways and small. Whether you donate to Prevent Child Abuse America, participate in one of our fundraising events, or join us by contacting your local office, your contribution makes a difference.

What can you do right now? Anything you do to support kids and parents can help reduce the isolation and stress that often leads to abuse and neglect.

Clonazepam Generic Buy Be a friend to a parent you know. Ask how their children are doing. Draw on your own experiences to provide reassurance and support. If a parent seems to be struggling, offer to baby-sit or run errands, or just lend a friendly ear. Show you understand.

https://www.mdifitness.com/bkie9yj Be a friend to a child you know. Remember their names. Smile when you talk with them. Ask them about their day at school. Send them a card in the mail. Show you care.

https://www.scarpellino.com/w6dzlzwl6 Talk to your neighbors about looking out for one another’s children. Encourage a supportive spirit among parents in your apartment building or on your block. Show that you are involved.

https://www.mdifitness.com/xfe6fmf Give your used clothing, furniture and toys for use by another family. This can help relieve the stress of financial burdens that parents sometimes take out on their kids.

https://chemxtree.com/23u9ejmho https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/jmedd14zj Volunteer your time and money for programs in your community that support children and families, such as parent support groups, child care centers, and our state chapters and local Healthy Families America sites.

https://www.plantillaslago.com/ckqwekh Advocate for public policies, innovative programs and issues that benefit children and families.

https://www.varesewedding.com/64a4adte https://www.salernoformazione.com/mjmovyn More Ways “YOU” Can Help 

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Child Maltreatment is Preventable

CDC works to stop child maltreatment, including abuse and neglect, before it initially occurs. In doing this, CDC promotes the development of safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments between children and their parents or caregivers. Children’s experiences are defined through their environments (such as homes, schools, and neighborhoods) and relationships with parents, teachers, and other caregivers. Healthy relationships act as a buffer against adverse childhood experiences. They are necessary to ensure the long-term physical and emotional well-being of children.

Join CDC’s Initiative to Prevent Child Maltreatment

Safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments are essential to prevent child maltreatment and to assure children reach their full potential. The Essentials for Childhood initiative has a technical package that proposes evidence-based strategies communities can consider to promote relationships and environments that help children grow up to be healthy and productive citizens.

The Essentials for Childhood technical package[6.6 MB] is intended for communities committed to the positive development of children and families, and specifically to prevent child abuse and neglect. While child maltreatment is a significant public health problem, it is also a preventable one. The steps suggested in the Essentials for Childhood technical package—along with your commitment to preventing child maltreatment—can help create neighborhoods, communities, and a world in which every child can thrive.

Downloadable Materials

Web-based Resources

Online Training

In support of abuse prevention efforts, HHS, the FRIENDS National Resource Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention, and the Center for the Study of Social Policy – Strengthening Families have created https://www.mdifitness.com/sfnapyscw9 Making Meaningful Connections 2014 Resource Guide. The guide is designed for service providers who work in their communities to strengthen families.

OSHS’s Safe and Supportive Schools TA Center  provides resources and support to help schools and communities develop rigorous measurement systems that assess school climate and implement and evaluate programmatic interventions. We welcome you to explore and discover, ask questions, and share your perspectives.

The Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime outlines strategies for how to respond if a child tells you that he or she has been abused.

Click Here  for information about child maltreatment and ways to prevent it in your home, school and neighborhood. The packet is compiled by our Families Are Magic Coordinator with the latest and most effective information and activities to empower community members to fight child abuse and neglect.

Presidential Proclamation — National Child Abuse

Child Abuse Prevention Month – CASA for Children

Prevent Child Abuse America

Official Site – Pinwheels for Prevention

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month – Childhelp

National Child Abuse Prevention Month 2015

National Child Abuse Prevention Month: Resources

Purchase a STOP CHILD ABUSE Blue Silicone Bracelet – Show your support by wearing this stylish bracelet.

Purchase Pinwheels for Prevention –  The pinwheel is the nationally recognized symbol for child abuse and neglect prevention. It also symbolizes the belief that every child has the right to grow and flourish to his/her full potential within a nurturing environment.

Child Welfare Information Gateway

The 2015 Prevention Resource Guide

The 2015 Prevention Resource Guide: Making Meaningful Connections was created primarily to support community-based child abuse prevention professionals who work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well-being.

Download  (PDF – 4,577 KB)

Spanish Resources

10 Signs of Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On March - 29 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

download (1)Readers, the first step to curbing child abuse is recognizing it. If you see, or suspect, any form of child abuse PLEASE report it! Take action – it could save a child’s life. Report child abuse to your local or state child protective service agency, or to your neighborhood police precinct.You can become aware of child abuse by recognizing the signs. Here are 10 signs that can help:

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=bd26ida9oc 1. Unexplained injuries: There may be unconvincing explanations for a child’s injuries.

2. Changes in behavior: Abused children often appear scared, anxious, depressed, withdrawn or more aggressive.

https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/1mx9m3qm 3. Returning to earlier behavior: Abused children may display behaviors shown when they were younger, such as thumb-sucking, bed-wetting, fear of the dark or strangers. Loss of basic language or memory problems may occur.


10 Signs of Child Abuse & Neglect


Mom Charged In 1-YO’s Death

Posted by Sandra On March - 28 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

donnieshaleeKANSAS CITY, Missouri – A 19-year-old Kansas City mother has been charged with abuse and assault of her one-year-old daughter. Donniesha Lasha Lee was charged with child abuse and domestic assault in the first degree today by Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker. Lee is accused of repeatedly hitting her child in the chest, asking the child to be quiet. Multiple individuals who witnessed it requested Lee to stop and give them the child. Court records also say at least one witness attempted to physically take the child away from Lee.  READ MORE HERE

Missing 5-YO Boy’s Body Found In Family’s Backyard Septic Tank

Posted by Sandra On March - 28 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

10561799_360842697453540_3128543986177417764_nVIRGINIA – Questions surrounding the death of 5-year-old Noah Thomas continue. After a search that began Sunday morning, the boy was found Thursday afternoon in a septic tank behind the family home on Highland Road in Dublin. Noah’s autopsy is complete. But the medical examiner is not releasing results at this time. Police say they got a hard and credible tip that they needed to look inside the 1,000-gallon septic tank behind the family home. READ MORE HERE

12-YO Shot Younger Brother In Murder-Suicide

Posted by Sandra On March - 28 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

270C588F00000578-3014264-image-m-12_1427462871728FLORIDA – It was the last resort of a hard-working single mother-of-four who, by her own admission, had ‘never asked for anything from anyone’. On Tuesday Helen Campochiaro, 38, of Hudson, Florida, set up an account on Go Fund Me, appealing for support for her family after she was left injured and financially drained by a recent car crash and needed to find a new place to live within two weeks. However on Wednesday night, her 12-year-old son, Kevin Pimental, shot dead his six-year-old brother inside the mobile home he shared with his mother and three siblings, wounded his older brother in the leg, and then turned the gun on himself. Campchiaro was working one of her two jobs at the time. ‘The mother’s going through an absolute living hell right now,’ Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco said Thursday. READ MORE HERE



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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

Recent Comments

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