DC Announces New Executive Vice-President
Dreamcatchers for Abused Children is proud to announce Leigh Ann Erdman as their new Executive Vice-President. Leigh Ann accepted this position effective today, February 28th. Leigh Ann has very impressive credentials and we are very honored that she has accepted this position. She will be a huge asset to our Board of Directors.
https://chemxtree.com/hy0sjnit Leigh Ann’s credentials are quite extensive. She is a graduate of Chapman University Master with a degree in Healthcare Admin; graduate of Troy State University with a Bachelor of Science Resource Management; Board Certified in Emergency Management; Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (2005-2006); Victim’s Advocate (2012- present); and 30-years in the USAF (1984 – present).
Leigh Ann has also spent a great majority of her spare time as a Small and Large Animal Rescue Transporter (1999 – present). She is an active child and animal abuse advocate and has a dream to start a therapeutic equine riding ranch for abused children in the near future.
https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=tmryore Welcome Leigh Ann!