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Archive for November, 2014

Aunt Cut Off 3-YO’s Penis

Posted by Sandra On November - 20 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

ad_152072645-e1416311800403A woman cut off her three-year-old nephew’s penis after flying into a rage because he walked in on her using the toilet. Xue Paan, 37, now faces jail time following her sadistic punishment of her nephew Qiang Qiang, who she was looking after while his mother visited a neighbor in the Henan Province in central China. Xue was reportedly using her phone on the toilet when the toddler walked in and asked if he could play a game on the device. READ MORE HERE

2-YO Shaken Into Coma By Stepfather Taken Off Life Support

Posted by Sandra On November - 19 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.varesewedding.com/mvjk9dz54 https://municion.org/20mm6hfe7j Thaiya Spruill-Smith, 2, died on Friday after ‘being violently shaken by father on Wednesday’

1416161772007_wps_7_Brooklyn_girl_2_expected_A brain-dead two-year-old Brooklyn girl’s organs will not be donated after a family dispute kept her on life support. A New York Organ Donor Network spokeswoman tells The New York Times that organ and tissue donation ‘can only occur when there is agreement amongst family members’. The parents of Thaiya Spruill-Smith were in disagreement over whether to donate her organs after the toddler was declared brain dead on Friday. Police say her stepfather violently shook her, resulting in injuries that proved fatal. READ MORE HERE


WANTED: Violent Child Rapist Fugitive

Posted by Sandra On November - 19 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Convicted high-violent child rapist running

https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/0g3l7e3sx jomoWANTED BY DOC IN KING COUNTY – A teen girl cries herself to sleep – terrified that the man who had just raped her was going to come back and kill her. That convicted child rapist, Jomo Johnson, is now missing. He’s a high-violent convicted sex offender who’s gone off the grid in King County. “In addition to this horrific rape of a child, Johnson’s criminal history includes robbery, residential burglary, thefts, lying to the police, resisting arrest, and obstruction,” says Department of Corrections Ofc. Emily Isaacs. “This is an individual who is extremely volatile. He’s an untreated sex offender. He’s on the loose. We don’t know where he is. We need your help to find him as soon as possible and put him in jail where he belongs.”

Jomo Johnson is 44 years old and also goes by the fake name, “Paul Thompson.” He has a pair of 3” scars: One on his right shoulder. The other on upper left arm. If you know where he is, call an anonymous tip into:  Zolpidem Uk Buy CRIME STOPPERS: 1-800-222-TIPS  

https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/ck59wwbfazu READ MORE HERE

Man Found Guilty of Multiple Child Sex Crimes

Posted by Sandra On November - 19 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

doddCHESTERFIELD COUNTY, VIRGINIA — A former Chesterfield baseball coach and business owner was found guilty Wednesday afternoon on a slew of charges involving sex crimes against teens and young adults. A jury of 11 women and one man deliberated for nearly two hours before they found 49-year-old Robert Dodd, who faced 16 child sex-related charges, guilty of:

  • 3 counts of Indecent Liberties with A Minor by Custodian
  • 3 counts of Aggravated Sexual Battery
  • 3 counts of Sodomy


Killer Will NOT Profit Off Publishing Murder of 17-YO Victim

Posted by Sandra On November - 19 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

110614-kabc-missy-book-imgThe story of a family distraught over a convicted murderer, released from prison and trying to profit from the death of their loved one drew outrage from hundreds. Irene Avila and her family want to thank viewers for responding so strongly to the story of her daughter Missy. “I never in my wildest imagination thought we had so many people out there that cared about us so much,” she said. Twenty-nine years ago, Missy Avila, 17, was murdered by her friends Laura Doyle and Karen Severson. Her body was found face down in a creek, pinned beneath a heavy log, deep inside the Angeles National Forest. READ MORE  HERE

Ethan Stacy Murder Update

Posted by Sandra On November - 18 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Stephanie Sloop takes plea deal in Ethan Stacy murder

download (1)FARMINGTON — A woman charged in the death of her 4-year-old son has struck a plea deal with prosecutors. Stephanie Sloop pleaded guilty on Monday to aggravated murder and obstruction of justice in the murder of Ethan Stacy. In exchange, prosecutors removed the possibility and the death penalty and dropped charges of child abuse and desecration of a body. READ MORE HERE

Mother Gets 78-Year Sentence for Waterboarding Her Children

Posted by Sandra On November - 18 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

1416196939197_Image_galleryImage_ST_LOUIS_A_St_Louis_womanA St Louis woman is going to prison after being sentenced Friday to 78 years for the ‘systematic torture’ of her children. Lakechia Schonta Stanley, 34, admitted to whipping, beating and waterboarding her three children and faced 34 felonies, including counts of assault and endangering the welfare of a child. The abuse came to light in October 2011, when Stanley’s then-10-year-old daughter arrived at school with complaints of pain in her arm. READ MORE HERE


3-Month Old Infant Murdered

Posted by Sandra On November - 18 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Father, 21, arrested on charges of murdering his 3-month-old son

2345CDBD00000578-2839447-John_Thomas_Cormier_Jr_pictured_was_arrested_Monday_on_charges_h-27_1416325792931A young 21-year-old father was indicted Monday on charges he murdered his 3-month-old son. John Thomas Cormier Jr’s  arrest comes exactly three months after his infant son was found unresponsive at the Lebanon, Tennessee home he shared with the boy’s mother.  An investigation was launched after the incident, and the case was recently brought in front of a grand jury, which decided to indict Cormier on charges of first-degree murder and aggravated child abuse. READ MORE HERE


Overcoming Toxic Parents

Posted by Sandra On November - 16 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/1xa8rkv What is a toxic parent?

a2910569069_10Toxic means poisonous, noxious, contaminated. The phrase https://chemxtree.com/uay937rjzzo https://ottawaphotographer.com/imqjmppn toxic parent was coined to describe parents whose own negative behaviour grossly inflicts emotional damage which contaminates their children’s sense of self. This means parents who abuse their children verbally, physically and/or sexually, as well as parents who are inadequate or ignore their children’s emotional needs. Sometimes these patterns are so established they continue into adulthood, and often are either not recognized or addressed. READ MORE HERE

Toxic family members and Complex PTSD



Click here to test how toxic your parent is.

Addictive Behaviors (most common in toxic parents with BPD or NPD traits)
Breaking Trust
Competing (most common in toxic parents with NPD traits)
Criticizing (most common in toxic parents with NPD or BPD traits)
Cruelty (most common in toxic parents with NPD or AsPD traits)
Demanding (most common in toxic parents with NPD or AsPD traits)
Dictating (most common in toxic parents with NPD or AsPD traits)
Disapproval (most common in toxic parents with NPD traits)
Egotism (most common in toxic parents with NPD or AsPD traits)
Emotional abuse
Engulfing (most common in toxic parents with NPD or BPD traits)
Envying (most common in toxic parents with NPD traits)
Gaslighting (Denying something happened.)
Guilt Trips
Holds grudges
Infantilizing (most common in toxic parents with NPD or OCPD traits)
Martyrdom (most common in toxic parents with HPD or NPD traits)
Minimizing (most common in toxic parents with AsPD or NPD traits)
Not empathizing
Physical Abuse (most common in toxic parents with AsPD or BPD traits)
Playing children off one another
Playing Victim
Power Trips
Prejudices (most common in toxic parents with NPD traits)
Refusing Responsibility
Religious Abuse (most common in toxic parents with NPD traits)
Role playing
Severe punishment
Sexual Abuse
Smear Campaigns
Sneakiness (most common in toxic parents with AsPD traits)
Substance abuse
Temper Tantrums
Threatening suicide (most common in toxic parents with BPD traits)
Toxic Shaming
Tricking (most common in toxic parents with AsPD traits)
Using (most common in toxic parents with AsPD traits)
Verbally Abusing
Wheedling (most common in toxic parents with BPD or NPD traits)

Police Uncover Incest, Children Starved

Posted by Sandra On November - 16 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

17695237_BG1PEACHTREE CORNERS, Georgia — A man and his 23-year-old daughter have been arrested outside Atlanta after the man’s infant daughter starved to death and three other children and a disabled adult were found to be severely malnourished, police said Friday. The man brought his 15-month-old daughter to a hospital late Tuesday night, but she was already dead, Gwinnett County police said in a news release. The girl’s appearance led medical personnel to believe she was mistreated. READ MORE HERE

Shaken Infant Now A Quadriplegic

Posted by Sandra On November - 16 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Kevin Peaslee Sentenced For Shaking Daughter

download (2)AUGUSTA, Maine — A Maine man insisted he is not a violent person, as he was sentenced Friday to seven years in prison for shaking his 6-month-old daughter so forcefully it left her brain damaged, a quadriplegic and unable to see or hear. The baby, now in foster care, must be fed through a tube and is expected to die prematurely. Kevin Peaslee, 22, told the judge his daughter had been extra fussy that December day because she had received shots the previous day. He was home alone with her and playing a video game, according to court documents. READ MORE HERE

Online Bullying Doubling

Posted by Sandra On November - 15 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Online bullying doubles in a year

download (1)The number of children being bullied on the internet has doubled this year, with more than one in three now victims, research suggests. In a poll of 11 to 17-year-olds, 35% reported that they have experienced cyber-bullying – compared with 16% last year. Four in 10 said they had witnessed others being picked on online – almost double the 22% recorded last year. READ MORE HERE

How to Check if Your Child is Bullied Online

Signs Your Child Is Being Bullied Online


190 Pedophiles Exposed by ‘Anonymous’ Hacker Group

Posted by Sandra On November - 15 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

download190 alleged pedophiles and their IP addresses have been revealed by Anonymous. The pedophiles were gathered from a site that is invisible to everyday web users. The site is called ‘Darknet’. Regular posters were tricked into downloading tracker software, enabling Anonymous to ‘out’ the criminal activity involving child pornography. Anonymous activated https://www.scarpellino.com/myzfm9e88m0 ‘Operation Darknet’ to campaign against the child porn groups; gaining a large community support in light of law enforcement criticism. It was also commented upon that ‘…there also was a large amount of resistance from the pedophile community claiming that Tor was their safe haven with messages such as: “We are here to stay. It is our god given right that we can choose to have our sexual preferences for youth….It is the same for the any other porn community. It is not what we choose to become, it is who we are. You do not have the right to censor us.’ READ MORE HERE

Social Media=Anti-Social Kids

Posted by Sandra On November - 12 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Social Media = Anti-Social Kids?

images (2)Computer technology reaches the hands of kids earlier and earlier, which means they’re also stepping into the world of social media. One survey found 95 percent of teenagers ages 12-17 use the Internet. And 81 percent of those use social networks. By law, children to be at least 13 years old to join many of them, too. Those early years are key to development as kids learn how to interact with each other and the world. So what is all of that social media time doing for them socially?

“I have Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.”

“I have Instagram and Snapchat.”

“I use mostly Snapchat and Instagram and Facebook.”

“Facebook, Instagram, normal stuff.”



https://www.salernoformazione.com/d0y84wgx7k PART 2


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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