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Archive for May, 2014

Police Officer Charged With Child Molestation

Posted by Sandra On May - 27 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

download(Memphis) A Memphis police officer charged with molesting a child is out of jail on bond. Steven Feinberg paid $40,000 to get out of jail Saturday. He’s accused of sexually abusing a girl for the last five years. According to the police report, the Department of Children’s Services got an anonymous tip that Feinberg was sexually abusing this girl. READ MORE HERE

Abandoned Newborn Found In Port Huron, MI

Posted by Sandra On May - 27 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Port Huron Police search for mother after an abandoned newborn baby is found

bildePORT HURON, MI – A newborn infant was left on a porch on 11th Street early Sunday morning and Port Huron Police are asking for your help in locating the missing mother. Police and EMS were contacted around 4:30 a.m. on May 25 after a neighbor found the baby wrapped in a bloody blanket. The infant was found freezing and taken to Port Huron Hospital for treatment. READ MORE HERE

Baby found on Port Huron porch early Sunday morning

California Mass Shooting

Posted by Sandra On May - 26 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

New details emerge about California mass killer and victims

0At the I.V. Deli Mart in southern California, purple flowers now fill a bullet hole in the front of the store. It’s just one of at least 10 crime scenes left behind by a young man bent on wreaking havoc because of his perceived slights and his difficulties with women. In the three days since the stabbing and shooting spree that left six people and the assailant dead, a slew of new information has emerged about the victims, the suspect and what led up to the tragedy. Here’s what we know: READ MORE HERE

Teen Charged With Killing 5-YO Child

Posted by Sandra On May - 23 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

article-2637494-1E24B55200000578-176_634x789A Phoenix teenager is facing charges after a child he was babysitting was injured last weekend and later died. Justin Hoskins, 16, is behind bars and being charged as an adult after the five-year-old he was caring for, Ian Blair, was rushed to hospital with severe brain injuries before dying. Police say the teen originally was arrested Sunday on suspicion of child abuse and may face further charges following the child’s death on Wednesday. READ MORE HERE

Three Kids Killed by Mother

Posted by Sandra On May - 23 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

California mother facing murder charges after daughters ranging in age from 2 months to 3 years old are found dead

images (2)A 30-year-old Southern California mother is facing murder charges after her three young daughters were found dead in their Torrance home, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said. Sheriff’s Deputies from Carson Station responded to the home after receiving a rescue call just after 5:00 p.m. Tuesday. “When they arrived, they were met by family members who told the deputies that a mother had killed her children,” a sheriff’s statement said. READ MORE HERE



Carol Coronado Pics,Kills her 3 children

Male Sex Abuse Survivors Speak Out

Posted by Sandra On May - 23 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS


images (1)It’s a horribly sexist and insensitive thing to say, especially to someone who has been sexually assaulted. Yet, it’s a common response, regardless of how wrong it actually is. It is estimated that one in six males are victims of sexual assault. According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)54% of incidents are not reported to police, so it could even more. Although most sexual assault victims are female, males are much less likely to come forward and seek help and support. Male survivors often feel responsible for their assault / abuse or that they should have been “stronger” and able to stop it. In our society we’re told that “boys don’t cry” and that boys should “man up.” READ MORE HERE

Childbearing Tips for Sexual Abuse Survivors

Posted by Sandra On May - 23 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Dear Sister goes beyond traditional books on healing that use “experts” to explain the experience of sexual abuse survivors and speaks directly to, and for, other survivors. Author and editor Lisa Factora-Borchers has compiled a multi-generational, multi-ethnic collection of letters and essays that create a moving journey through the hearts and minds of over fifty survivors. The following excerpt from “From Trauma to Strength” shares a lesson in childbearing.


Surviving Birth

Cradling a strangely endearing plush toy pelvis in her hands, the childbirth instructor had just asked our group, “What do you expect of your labor?” I hadn’t thought as far ahead as labor. This was my first pregnancy and I was keenly sensitive to every minute change occurring in and on my body. I was all consumed with the actual pregnancy. I was exhausted. And mildly nauseous, and a little hungry—yet always having the presence of some indigestion. I had a wintertime heat rash in New York and another weird rash on my eyelids, which my hip co-workers had mistaken for me trying out some retro new-wave trend with pink shadow. Being fashionable wasn’t a pressing issue for me in those harried months; “pregnant” was all I felt and thought about. READ MORE HERE

Police Search for Missing Teen

Posted by Sandra On May - 23 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Molly Miller, 17, went missing on the night of July 7, 2013

unnamedThe events surrounding the summer night of July 7, 2013, remain a complete mystery. Oklahoma teenager Molly Miller was out with her friends, Colt Haynes and James Conn Nipp, when things turned very wrong. The Honda Accord Nipp was driving allegedly spun out in front of police. Authorities say Nipp then led them on a high speed chase down country roads, flying at over 120 mph, swerving into an oncoming lane, and eventually turning his headlights off, according to court documents. READ MORE HERE

Man Hid In Girl’s Closet, Raped Her At Night

Posted by Sandra On May - 22 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

n-TRAPPEDINTHECLOSET-largeA North Carolina man has been arrested after police say he spent five days hiding in a 14-year-old girl’s closet and sexually assaulting her at night. Jarred Ashley Workman, 27, of Iredell County, was charged with 11 counts of statutory rape and five counts of statutory sex offense, according to WCNC. Authorities said Workman chatted with the teen on social media for about a month before deciding to meet up in the woods near the girl’s home. READ MORE HERE

Dreamcatchers 2nd Annual MACA March

Posted by Sandra On May - 21 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Dreamcatchers for Abused Children 2nd Annual March Against Child Abuse
Saturday, May 10th in Port Huron, MI

10345779_10152044539897407_1276767677956207478_nWhat an amazing day!! Dreamcatchers March Against Child Abuse- Port Huron, MI 2nd Annual MACA March was a huge success!! Approximately 500 attendees were present to participate in the march against child abuse. The anti-abuse activists gathered at Pine Grove Park in Port Huron, MI and marched to the court house and back to the park, where they participated in several family fun activities at the park. Bounce houses, face painting, strolling pirates, live music and a live theater group were on hand.

We would like to publicly thank the entire Dreamcatchers for Abused Children team, Terrance Burney, Jim Jones, The Native Howl, The Gasoline Gypsies, Emily Torres and Kelly Coutelle Torres, Randy Willis,Blue Water Safe Horizons, The Harbour Shelter, Linda Turner Michilli and Michael Fishbones Michilli and the entire PIRATE team, Parents for Safer Daycare, Pam Oziah, Heather Bearden, Ann Cuthbert Livingston, Jessica Livingston, Caitilyn Livingston, Erin Rusch, Jessica Sayers and the TEAM MELISSA group, Christian Jones, Matt Kearns, Roger Larson, Philip Potter, Kristin Larson Hartway and family, Tiffany Rheaume and family, Alexx Jenkins, Ashlee Jenkins and Justin Sproles, Caleb J. Potter and Callie Potter, Mariah Larson, Kelsey Hartway, Destin Hartway, Jacko Suisse, the family of Damien Sutton, the supporters of Prhaze Galvan, Fairfield Inn, Times Herald newspaper in Port Huron, Michigan, Urban Bulldog Against Kid Abuse, Chesterfield Party Rental, Pine Grove Park, Kearns Agency, St. Clair Democratic Committee, Port Huron Fire Department, Port Huron Education Association, all of our wonderful sponsors, organizations and local advocacy agencies, and EVERYONE who attended the event.

FBI Searching for More Child Victims of Rapist

Posted by Sandra On May - 21 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Conn2014U.S. – The FBI is asking for the public’s help to identify victims of a suspected serial child predator who has been living in the Southeast United States. The female victims—some as young as 8 years old—may be unaware of what happened to them. Matthew John Coniglio, a 46-year-old U.S. citizen who was jailed in Savannah on April 10 for possession of child pornography, committed suicide on April 20 while incarcerated. At the time of his arrest, Coniglio worked as a sales representative for a food distribution company headquartered in Florida. READ MORE HERE

Child Rapist States “I Have A Demon In Me”

Posted by Sandra On May - 21 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

25546825_BG3TULSA, Oklahoma – Police say several witnesses are able to link a registered sex offender to the rape of a 5-year-old child that took place Saturday morning in East Tulsa. The child’s mother walked in on the sexual assault after hearing her daughter crying, according to police. She found a man, who police say is Kyle Duane Hancock, sexually assaulting the child. The man escaped through a window, but police say they captured him later in the day. READ MORE HERE

Disturbing Video: Father Throws 2-YO Into Pool

Posted by Sandra On May - 20 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Video footage shows him throw his 23-month-old daughter Mia head first into a swimming pool

article-2631979-1DF9CBE700000578-703_634x286A father has been charged with child abuse after he threw his two-year-old daughter into a swimming pool to teach her a lesson. Shocking surveillance video captured the toddler being tossed into the water. Another woman, already in the water, races across to pluck the girl to safety before she sinks to the bottom. Corey McCarthy told police he threw the girl into the water because she had dropped a five-week-old puppy in the pool and it died. He said he wanted to teach her a lesson about playing around water. READ MORE HERE

Abuse Victim Awarded $1M

Posted by Sandra On May - 20 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

T.J. White, 20, awarded the million-dollar settlement from Alaska Office of Child Services

article-2632309-1DFC391600000578-388_634x475An Alaskan abuse victim who was beaten with a shovel and left to sleep outside by his adoptive parents more than a decade ago has won a $1 million settlement from state social services. T.J White, 20, was awarded the sum on Friday following Alaska’s Office of Child Services decision to place him with Anchorage couple Patrick and Sherry Kelley in 2001 – despite repeated complaints from his immediate family about abuse. The Kelley’s were jailed in 2004 for 17 months for the treatment they dished out to T.J over three years, which included breaking his arm and keeping him outside for so long he had to endure maggots infesting open wounds. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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