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Archive for February, 2014

4-YO Found Dead In Bed

Posted by Sandra On February - 2 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Hunt for mother who fled home leaving her four-year-old daughter dead in bed

article-0-1B28E8DD00000578-851_634x632UPDATE: This couple has been apprehended!! Police in Northern California say the mother of a 3-year-old girl who was found dead in her bed and the mother’s boyfriend are wanted for questioning in a case that has been classified as a homicide. Napa Police Department Lt. Debbie Peecook said officers have unable to find 23-year-old Sara Krueger and her boyfriend, 26-year-old Scott Warner, since the body of Krueger’s daughter was discovered on Saturday afternoon. Peecook says the girl, whom police have not named, showed signs of having been sexually assaulted and blunt force trauma. READ MORE HERE

***********BREAKING NEWS**********

BART police have reported they have detained the mother and boyfriend wanted in connection with the murder of her 4-year-old baby. They were detained by BART police in El Cerrito, California this afternoon.

Click on Link Below for More Details on Original Story:

Vietnam Kindergarten Abuse

Posted by Sandra On February - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Children abused by teachers at kindergarten in Vietnam

download (3)Horrific child abuse caught on tape! WARNING: This video contains images that are not suitable for children! Viewer discretion is advised. (*Trigger Warning*) NOTE: Both kindergarten teachers in this video were arrested by police, prosecuted, and received 3-year prison sentences.

Nursemaids caught on tape abusing kids (with video)


Father Accused of Incest

Posted by Sandra On February - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Dad Accused Of Incest, Assaulting Daughter And Her 2 Friends Multiple Times

download (2)LETHBRIDGE, Altanta – A man from Lethbridge, Alta., is accused of sexually assaulting his nine-year-old daughter and two of her friends. The 51-year-old suspect was arrested Wednesday and charged with three counts of invitation to sexual touching and one each of sexual assault, incest and sexual interference. The father’s name can’t be released to protect his daughter’s identity. READ MORE HERE

UNICEF 2014 Child Abuse Stats

Posted by Sandra On February - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS


imagesThirty years have passed since The State of the World’s Children began to publish tables of standardized global and national statistics aimed at providing a detailed picture of children’s circumstances. Much has changed in the decades since the first indicators of child well-being were presented. But the basic idea has not: consistent, credible data about children’s situations are critical to the improvement of their lives – and indispensable to realizing the rights of every child. READ MORE HERE

Salvation Army Accused of Child Abuse, Torture, Rape

Posted by Sandra On February - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

download (1)AUSTRALIA — Young boys were locked in a cage for days on end as part of a brutal regime of physical and sexual abuse meted out to dozens of youngsters at Salvation Army homes in the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s, a royal commission into child-sex abuse has heard. And the Salvation Army’s leadership often failed to discipline or remove the perpetrators, but simply moved them to other homes where they frequently continued the abuse. The revelations came during the first public hearing in Sydney by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse for 2014. READ MORE HERE

Salvation Army captain accused of raping boys was acquitted in 1990s

Boys caged, tethered, raped by Salvation Army officers and older boys

Salvation Army in Australia ‘rented out’ boys for sexual abuse


Registered Sex Offender Rapes Again

Posted by Sandra On February - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Police say sex offender, on probation, raped girl, 14

downloadHIGHLAND FALLS — A Highland Falls man, already a Level 1 registered sex offender and currently on probation for a sex offense, was arrested Wednesday, charged with the rape of a 14-year-old girl. The arrest was made by the Orange County Child Abuse Unit, which includes state police, Orange County sheriff’s deputies and Town of Warwick and Village of Goshen police.  State police said the arrest followed an investigation of a case that was referred to the unit by the New York State Child Abuse Hotline. READ MORE HERE

Man Burned Toddler’s Genitals With Blowdryer

Posted by Sandra On February - 1 - 2014 2 COMMENTS

BURN_MARKS_20140123214209_320_240HERNANDO COUNTY, Florida – Three-year-old Ethan isn’t old enough to express how he feels with full sentences but his repeated use of one word gets across the pain he feels from the second degree burns on his little body. “Owie! Owie,” screamed Ethan while in his mother’s arms. The Hernando County boy was repeatedly burned with a hot blow dryer as a form of punishment last Friday, deputies say. READ MORE HERE

Woody Allen’s Adopted Daughter Alleges Sexual Abuse

Posted by Sandra On February - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

‘I thought this was how fathers doted on their daughters. But what he did to me in the attic felt different’

article-0-1B2370FE00000578-948_306x423Woody Allen’s adopted daughter Dylan Farrow penned an open letter Saturday on a New York Times blog, publicly accusing the controversial filmmaker of sexually assaulting her when she was a young girl. Farrow’s first-person account, which appeared on reporter Nicholas Kritoff’s blog, marks the first time that Miss Farrow, the daughter of actress Mia Farrow, has directly addressed the alleged sex abuse. In gut-wrenching detail, Dylan Farrow wrote in her statement how at age seven, her adoptive father, Allen, allegedly led her by the hand to a dim attic on the second floor of their house. READ MORE HERE

5-MO Baby Found Murdered

Posted by Sandra On February - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

52ea933203084.imagePulaski police discovered the body of an infant Thursday night in Pulaski County after a daylong search for a 5-month-old boy. The search began after a man was arrested in Pulaski on Thursday morning on a child abuse charge. On Wednesday, an arrest warrant was issued for Howard Samuel Cole, 31, on a charge of child abuse after police received information that an infant had been abused by his father on Sunday morning, authorities have said. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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