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Archive for September, 2013

2-YO Boy Beaten to Death

Posted by Sandra On September - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Mother charged in child-abuse death of her 2-yo son

download (2)A 20-year-old Tulsa woman was arrested and charged with murder Tuesday in the apparent beating death of her 2-year-old son. A charge of child-abuse murder was filed against Andrea Denise Smith in Tulsa County District Court, and detectives arrested her about 2:40 p.m., court and jail records show. Smith is accused of causing blunt trauma resulting in internal bleeding to her son, Xavier Wade, on Sept. 9, detectives said. Court documents filed Tuesday allege she struck the child in the abdomen, lacerating the boy’s liver. READ MORE HERE

How Pedophiles Lure Our Kids

Posted by Sandra On September - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS


Knowing the top lure techniques (as identified by the FBI) that are used by child predators will better prepare you to talk openly to your children and teach them what key phrases to look for and how to stay safe.

The Helpless Lure: This is a person who needs help carrying boxes to his car, or to find a lost dog, or lost child.

Prevention: Tell children that adults don’t ask kids for help in any way. Adults should ask Adults for help or directions or whatever they want.

The Promise Lure: This is when the predator promises to take the child to Mommy and Daddy. Or perhaps promises a surprise or candy in the car.

Prevention: Tell children that they are NEVER to go with anyone unless Mom or Dad has instructed them to.

The Gift Giving Lure: This is the predator who gives the child candy, toys, money, or other gifts.

Prevention: Tell children NEVER to accept gifts from anyone unless they received permission from Mom and Dad. This includes money from other family members (especially when the child is told to keep a secret). Tell children that we don’t keep secrets in our family.

The Messenger: This is the predator who tells the child that “Mommy was in a car accident” and the child is to go with them. Or “Your Mom called and asked me to pick you up today.”

Prevention: Tell children the names of people you have entrusted as emergency back ups. Remind them NEVER to go with anyone unless Mom or Dad instructs them to.

The Leader (Authority Figure): This is the policeman, priest, teacher or other authority figure who uses their position and suggested authority to win the child’s trust.

Prevention: Tell children not to go with anyone no matter what they are wearing or who they are, even if it means that they might get into trouble. (Many authority figures tell kids they will be in trouble, or threaten to hurt Mom and Dad if the child doesn’t cooperate).

Friendly Lure: This is the nice friendly predator who engages the child in conversation.

Prevention: Teach children not to talk to any adults they don’t know unless their parent is with them.

Playing Games: This is the predator that plays “touching games” and makes the child promise not to tell. Or other ‘games’ that the child feels uncomfortable with.

Prevention: Teach children to listen to their instincts. If something makes them feel funny in their stomachs, they are to stop, run and tell.

Too Cool: This is the person who the child looks up to as “cool.” Perhaps a friend’s older sibling, or a relative or a neighbor who has the latest video games.

Prevention: Teach children to listen to their instincts. If someone asks them to do something they know is wrong or feels funny, teach them to stop, run and tell.

The Magician Lure: This is the predator who seemingly magically knows the child’s name or other information about the child.

Prevention: Don’t put nametags on the outside of your children’s clothing, books, book bags, etc.

The Power Predator: This is the scary predator that just grabs the child off his/her bike and throws them into the car.

Prevention: This is the time when a child should fight, scream, kick, bite. Tell children that if they are on their bikes and someone tries to take them off, they should hold the bike as hard as they can while screaming, “You’re not my Mom/Dad!”

Lost Pet: This lure involves the predator asking a child to help them find their lost pet. Sometimes a monetary award may also be offered. If the child agrees, they might wander off by themselves where they are easy prey for the predator. The predator might also convince them to ride around in his car looking around the neighborhood while he drives around. Once he has them in the car, they are in serious trouble.

Mail Lure: In this lure, the predator parks near a mailbox and waits for a child to come along. When they do, he asks them to put some items in the mailbox for him. Once they get close enough to the car to take the items, they are easily grabbed and driven away.

Directions Lure: This lure is similar to the mail lure. The child is asked for directions to an address, street or business. If they don‘t get close enough to be grabbed, the predator acts as though he can’t hear them until they are close enough. By teaching our children to never get within 10 feet of an adult stranger in a car, the effectiveness of these lures can be minimized.

Handicap Lure: This is a very effective lure, even on adults. It was a favorite technique used by the serial killer Ted Bundy. This lure is effective because we all have a natural sympathy for someone who is handicapped or injured in some way. In this lure, the predator acts as though he has a broken arm or leg. He might have an arm in a sling or a fake cast on his leg. By making himself look harmless and incapable of doing violence, he gets his prey to drop their guard. Usually, they will appear they are having trouble getting a large item or several items into their vehicle. When the child gets close enough to help, they are pushed into the car. Once they are in the car, the predator has the advantage.

Pediatric Dentist Abused His Patients

Posted by Sandra On September - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Pediatric dentist ‘Hit children with tools, called them names and stuffed bibs in their mouths to stop them crying’

article-2430794-183B82CF00000578-709_306x423A pediatric dentist who last year pleaded guilty to abusing a four-year-old patient already had a string of accusations on his record spanning eight years, which included hitting children with dental tools, calling them names and performing unnecessary dental work, it emerged today. Thomas Floyd, 62, from Florida, was arrested last September and, under a plea deal, was sentenced to five years probation and agreed to relinquish his dentist license. Under the agreement, the state agreed not to pursue additional charges against Floyd from any other known victims from his former dental practice. READ MORE HERE

Mother Beat Daughter’s Alleged Molester to Death

Posted by Sandra On September - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Mother beat man to death with a baseball bat after her four-year-old daughter said he abused her

article-2431540-183E109300000578-975_306x423A 30-year-old woman has been arrested after she confessed to police she beat a homeless man to death with a baseball bat.  Forsythia Owen claimed she attacked Denzle Rainey in an alleyway where he had been sleeping rough because he allegedly molested her four-year-old daughter. As she was interviewed by police Owens, of Englewood, Colorado, allegedly swung her arms repeatedly as she demonstrated how she delivered the fatal blows.  Mr Rainey was found in the alley with serious injuries. He had a cracked skull, broken ribs and vital organs had been damaged.  A post-mortem examination showed his broken ribs had cut into his liver, Fox 13 reported. READ MORE HERE 

Ex-Army Chief In Child Torture Investigation

Posted by Sandra On September - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

photo_1379963868326-1-HDA Chilean judge ordered a probe Monday into allegations that a former army commander was responsible for the abduction and torture of three children during the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. At the time of the alleged torture in 1973, the children were aged one, three and 12. The defendant, Juan Emilio Cheyre, was then a lieutenant in the army but he later served as army commander in chief, from 2002 to 2006. READ MORE HERE

11-YO Child Molestation Survivor Speaks Out

Posted by Sandra On September - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

girlBreann Hill and her parents are the epitome of courage, transparency and hope.  There are so many families that won’t even address suspected molestation in their families. Who could blame them?  It’s a torturous reality for most who’d rather live in denial. But a year-and-a-half ago, then 10-year old Breann was brave enough to go to her mother and tell her what happened while her grandfather, the man who molested her, sat in the very same room. “Mom, someone touched me inappropriately last night,” she said. Her grandfather immediately walked out of the room. Breann’s mom Cyndi sat stunned, trying to catch her breath and process what her eldest daughter was revealing.  READ MORE HERE

Teen Taken, Strangled, Ran Over

Posted by Sandra On September - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Man kidnapped, ran over teen after she refused to have sex

Adrian_Mendez_generic_mugFLORIDA — A Marion County man has been arrested after deputies say he offered money to a 14-year-old girl for sex, then kidnapped her, strangled her and drove over her with his SUV when she refused. Adrian Mendez was booked into the Marion County Jail on charges of attempted murder and kidnapping. Deputies said they found the girl lying on the side of Wilson Parrish Road near Umatilla on Sunday night.  She was airlifted to the hospital with life-threatening injuries. Investigators say while she was at the hospital, she was able to pick her attacker out of a photo line-up and he was arrested at his Marion County home. READ MORE HERE



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Where is Haleigh Cummings?

Posted by Sandra On September - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

haleigh_1<_qp11Haleigh Cummings, 5, vanished from her own bed while her father was at work & his teen girlfriend was supposed to be babysitting. The babysitter, Misty Croslin, claimed she woke up at 3 a.m. and discovered Haleigh missing, the back door propped open with a cinder block. After intense and exhaustive searches for the little girl, interviews with key players, & even arrests, we are still no closer to finding out what happened to Haleigh Cummings. Could little Haleigh still be alive? Will a new age progressed photo help generate leads? Friday night, a deeper look inside the mysterious disappearance of Haleigh Cummings on Nancy Grace Mysteries at 8 & 11 p.m. ET on HLN. READ MORE HERE

Prhaze Galvan’s Murderers To Remain In Prison

Posted by Sandra On September - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

bildePORT HURON, MI — Joe Guy and Jennifer Galvan, convicted of beating their 3-year-old daughter to death in 2010, are staying in prison. The Michigan Court of Appeals upheld their convictions Tuesday, rejecting their appeals of life sentences for felony murder, first-degree child abuse, torture and possession of marijuana. READ MORE HERE







Prhaze Rosemary Galvan



Amber Alert In Delaware

Posted by Sandra On September - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

download (1)AMBER ALERT – The New Castle County Police Department is investigating the possible abduction of a juvenile, described as a white female 10-12 years of age, which occurred at approximately 6:30 p.m. at Albion Drive in the areas Elliott Street, in the community of Whispering Pines Townhomes, Newark, DE. Witnesses have reported that the juvenile female was abducted while walking and pulled into an older unknown make or model SUV, white in color, with rear dark tinted windows, and a roof rack. Suspect is described as a male approximately 30 years of age. The suspect vehicle was last seen making a right onto Old Newark Road.  There is no further physical or clothing description for the victim or suspect at this time.  The New Castle County Police Department will be the point of contact for any further media inquiries and can be reached at 302-395-8173.  To offer information regarding this abduction or sightings of the vehicle, please call 911 immediately. READ MORE HERE

If you have information, contact:

New Castle County Police Department
Call: 302-395-8173

Missing child

Name Unknown

  • Age now: 10-12 years old
  • Sex: Female
  • Skin: White


Name Unknown

  • Age now: 30 years old
  • Sex: Male

Lifelong Impacts of Bullying

Posted by Sandra On September - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

downloadBullying is unfortunately a frequent occurrence. A survey of teenagers by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 20% had been the victim of bullying during the previous year, while figures collected by the Workplace Bullying Institute showed almost a quarter of employees had experienced bullying at some point in their careers. Not only does bullying have a huge emotional impact for those on the receiving end, but it can have a significant adverse effect on health, both in terms of current and future health. Beyond the injuries sustained if bullying takes a physical form, as a whole being bullied can influence everything from mental health to how strong your immune system is and whether you will develop chronic diseases in the future. READ MORE HERE


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4-YO Raped During Prison Visit

Posted by Sandra On September - 23 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Sabrina Bonner Helped Partner Rape Son in Prison

690098-prisonA FRENCH mother who allegedly held down her four-year-old son while he was raped by his step-father in a prison visiting room has gone on trial in Strasbourg. In a case which could lead to the prison itself also facing legal action, Sabrina Bonner, 25, and the step-father, her partner Lionel Barthelemy, 31, are charged with multiple sexual assaults on the boy, who is now eight and in the care of social services. Barthelemy admits raping the child in the visiting room at the Toul detention centre in eastern France in February 2010, but claims it was an isolated act initiated by Ms Bonner. READ MORE HERE

Priest Found Guilty of Child Sex Abuse

Posted by Sandra On September - 23 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

downloadCINCINNATI, W.VA — A priest charged with taking a 10-year-old boy to West Virginia for sex more than two decades ago was found guilty on Friday. Federal jurors in Cincinnati found Robert Poandl guilty of one count of transporting a minor in interstate commerce with the intent of engaging him in sex, a charge that carries a possible sentence of up to 10 years in prison. Poandl, from the suburban Cincinnati-based Glenmary Home Missioners, took the boy to Spencer on Aug. 3, 1991, and raped him while visiting a church there, prosecutors said. Poandl’s attorney, Stephen Wenke, told jurors the allegations were false and denied the boy was even on the trip. READ MORE HERE

Rolf Harris Faces 9 Counts of Child Rape, Porn Charges

Posted by Sandra On September - 23 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

article-2429816-183161FB00000578-565_634x839Flanked by his family and a team of security guards, Rolf Harris cut a frail figure yesterday as he appeared in court for the first time to face sex abuse and child porn charges. He is facing nine charges of indecent assault relating to attacks on two girls aged 14 and 15 in the 1980s and claims that he made four indecent images of children last year. His counsel, Sonia Woodley QC, indicated that he would fight the charges. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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I Am a Child Abuse Survivor

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