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Archive for September, 2013

Dad Tried to Kill 4-YO Son

Posted by Sandra On September - 30 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Eric Emil Lehtinen Injected Son With Heroin To Delay Divorce

Ambien Cr Purchase Online 628x471A Washington state man is accused of trying to kill his 4-year-old with heroin on the day his divorce was supposed to be finalized. Eric Emil Lehtinen, 37, was found unconscious with his son in their locked Redmond home on Tuesday, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. Police say a syringe filled with heroin was sticking out of the boy’s chest. Evidence of ketamine, morphine and codeine was also found in the child’s blood. Doctors are unsure whether he will suffer long-term damage. READ MORE HERE

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(Photo above: Crime tape surrounds the home on 14100 block of Northeast 72nd Street in Redmond on Tuesday. KOMO-TV photo)

High Risk Child Rapist Missing

Posted by Sandra On September - 30 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Derek Levasseur: High-risk child rapist missing

https://www.scarpellino.com/t83gkl4 creepWANTED IN MASON COUNTY –High-risk child rapist, Derek Levasseur, is running under the radar in Mason County. He’s been convicted of another child sex crime as well. Both busts were in Kitsap County. He is 24-years old, 6’1″ tall and approximately 195 lbs. He is also a Level III sex offender. Please call  CRIME STOPPERS: 1-800-222-TIPS with any information on this rapist. (NOTE: You must call the Crime Stoppers hotline with your tip to be eligible to receive a cash reward for information leading to a fugitive’s arrest).


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Missing Sex Offender

Level 3 sex offender missing from registered residence in Mason


Deputy Charged With Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On September - 30 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

deputy28-art-gdiosdgi-1deputy28-c-jpgMARION, Ohio — In the courtroom he once guarded as a deputy sheriff, Randy Spencer stood yesterday and told a judge, defiantly and confidently, that he was sending an innocent man to prison. Marion County Common Pleas Judge Jim Slagle was unmoved, however, and sentenced Spencer to 15 years to life in prison on four counts of rape of a young girl. READ MORE HERE

Shock Collar Used On Two Special Needs Adopted Children

Posted by Sandra On September - 29 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

article-2435091-1852B1EA00000578-32_634x630A mother-of-nine has been accused of punishing two of her adopted children who have special needs by shocking them with an electric dog collar. The 52-year-old woman, who has not been identified to protect her children’s identities, was charged on Wednesday in court in Cache County, Utah with abuse of a disabled child and abuse of a vulnerable adult after the allegedly cruel treatment of her daughter, 17, and son, 20. All of the woman’s nine children are adopted, authorities said. READ MORE HERE

Public Warning: Krokodile

Posted by Sandra On September - 29 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Russia’s Flesh-Eating Drug Krokodil Has Arrived In The U.S. And Here’s Why That Should Scare You

This drug is flesh-eating rots your skin while you’re alive  — WARNING: Very graphic images
BVDxTUmCAAM4dSs“Krokodil” is a street version of the drug desomorphine. It is a toxic mix of codeine, iodine and red phosphorus that produces a high similar to that of heroin, but much shorter. The deadly heroin-like drug that rots flesh has been linked to two cases in Arizona in the last week. The powerfully addicting drug originated in 2002 in Siberia and has swept Russia in the past three years. The drug became popular as a cheap substitute for heroin. READ MORE HERE


Flesh-rotting ‘krokodil’ drug emerges in USA – USA Today

Krokodil Russian Flesh-Eating Drug: 5 Facts You Need to Know

What is krokodil? The flesh-rotting drug comes to the U.S. – Yahoo



The Pedophile Hunters

Posted by Sandra On September - 29 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://municion.org/jdb2638r Extraordinary women who work in specialist police unit which tracks down internet predators

article-0-1BDB2609000005DC-621_308x425Rosie Atwal’s desk contains a half-drunk cup of tea, an as-yet (because it is only 10am) unopened packet of biscuits and a Crayola-etched picture with the words ‘I love you Auntie Rosie’ pinned behind her in-tray. It sits among a bank of six in an ordinary open-plan office, but the conversations Rosie conducts here and the material she views on her computer screen are more alarming and distressing than any you are likely to hear or see elsewhere in Britain. Take, for example, the information she found herself digesting within five minutes of arriving for work this morning. READ MORE HERE

Mother Sentenced to Prison After Her 3 Children Died In House Fire

Posted by Sandra On September - 29 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/z3ej7wzk She had left them locked up because she didn’t have a babysitter

article-0-1854084F00000578-170_306x423A 25-year-old Wisconsin mother was sentenced today to 18 years in prison for the tragic deaths of her three young children, who perished in a house fire after being left without supervision.  Last spring, an inferno sparked by faulty wiring in the kitchen of Angelica Belen’s home in the Milwaukee suburb of West Allis killed her 5-year-old daughter, Nayeli Colon, and 4-year-old twin sons, Adrian and Alexis Colon. Their bodies were found huddled under a dresser. Before sentencing Miss Belen to 18 years in prison and 18 years of extended supervision, Judge Jeffrey Wagner said he sympathized with the defendant, who had been struggling to raise four children, three of them with special needs. READ MORE HERE

Girl Charged With Torture, Murder In Death Of Niece

Posted by Sandra On September - 29 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

n-GOMEZ-large570Authorities in California said a 2-year-old girl was abused and tortured by her aunt for months before the child died. The aunt, Wendy Guadalupe Gomez, 20, of Bakersfield, is being held in the Kern County Jail on $1.5 million bail on charges of second-degree murder, torture and willful cruelty to a child in the death of Karla Isidro. The injuries the child sustained were inflicted “with the intent to cause cruel or extreme pain and suffering, and for the purpose of revenge, extortion, persuasion, or for any sadistic purpose.” READ MORE HERE

Thank You F. Lax Construction!

Posted by Sandra On September - 27 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

F. Lax Construction 1st Annual Charity Golf Outing

https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/in4m773mhu UPDATE: 9/26/2013: We are pleased to announce that today’s 1st Annual F. Lax Construction Charity Golf Outing was a HUGE success! We would like to thank Ty Blanchett and the owner of F. Lax Construction, https://www.mdifitness.com/h9htt6jr8ea Mr. Allen Jawad,  for supporting Dreamcatchers for Abused Children ~ Because of their generosity, they were able to raise $10, 893.00 for DFAC! Many thanks to the participants, contributors and supporters that made this event such a success!! Special thanks to Roger and Maryann Larson, Dan Larso, and Bryan Lapko for representing DFAC at this amazing event!!


Dreamcatchers for Abused Children is pleased  to announce that we have been chosen to receive the proceeds of F. Lax Construction’s 1st Annual Charity Golf Outing. The event will be held at Fox Hills Country Club on the course The Golden Fox in Plymouth, MI on Sept. 26, 2013. Registration is from 8-9am and 10am shotgun start.



https://chemxtree.com/makhybkqusk For more information, please contact:

Ty Blanchett
F.Lax Construction
Purchasing Director
Business Development
Cell: 248-918-9978



10-MO Abused by Teen Pedophile

Posted by Sandra On September - 26 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

article-2432957-1847550400000578-474_306x423A teenage pedophile almost killed a 10-month-old baby boy by abusing him with cutlery. The infant had to undergo emergency surgery and was close to death after the abuse by Paul Ward. The 19-year-old, from Leeds, was jailed for 14 years after being convicted of three counts of assault by penetration of a child under 13 and one charge of wounding with intent at Leeds Crown Court. Judge Neil Clarke told Ward it was ‘perhaps the most unpleasant’ case of abuse he had come across. READ MORE HERE

15-YO Bullied Boy Commits Suicide

Posted by Sandra On September - 26 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

article-2433073-18499CD900000578-391_306x423A 15-year-old boy who committed suicide after he was targeted by bullies, was set to leave town with his parents in a bid to escape his tormentors. Todd Loik took his own life after enduring a constant stream of abuse from other kids both at his school and online, his heartbroken mom Kim Loik, said. She told how her son had become a victim of cruel taunts ever since they moved to North Battleford in Saskatchewan, Canada five years ago. READ MORE HERE

Bus Driver Charged With 36-Counts of Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On September - 26 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

20130926__burton_carpenter~p1_200school bus driver suspected of drinking and driving faces 36 counts of child abuse, among other charges. Burton Carpenter, 57, a driver with Adams 12 Five Star Schools, has been charged with driving under the influence, careless driving, failing to drive in a single lane and failing to stop a school bus at a railroad crossing, according to an Adams County District Attorney’s Office media release. READ MORE HERE

Couple Charged with Torture

Posted by Sandra On September - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

gunn28n-1-webA Silverdale couple has been arrested and charged in a child abuse and torture case that gives even seasoned law enforcement officers pause. “This is the kind of case, when you read the probable cause statement, that makes you queasy,” said Deputy Scott Wilson, a Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office spokesman. Brandon Pernell Gunn, 27, and Viviana Alma Gunn, 34, who share a home in the 1100 block of NW Cloninger Court in Silverdale, have both been charged in Kitsap County Court with assault of a child in the first degree. READ MORE HERE


Washington couple tortured teen brother, hammered nail through boy’s hand: cops

Bremerton police discovered the 13-year-old boy asleep on a park bench, suffering from open wounds. The boy’s brother, Brandon Gunn, and sister-in-law, Vivian Gunn, were arrested after Kitsap County Sheriff’s deputies discovered stains in their garage and a bloody bat. The teen victim claims they repeatedly bound him with duct tape before beating, burning and cutting him. READ MORE HERE

Child Rapist Sentenced to 20-Years

Posted by Sandra On September - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

download (3)A Franklin man’s guilty pleas to child-sex charges will mean he’ll have to serve 20 years in prison and live out his life as a Tier III sexual offender when he’s released. James Redman, 57, entered the pleas Tuesday on charges of rape of a victim younger than 13 and gross sexual imposition as well as Importuning involving the same victim, Warren County Prosecutor David Fornshell’s office said Wednesday. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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