Dad Tried to Kill 4-YO Son
Eric Emil Lehtinen Injected Son With Heroin To Delay Divorce
Ambien Cr Purchase Online A Washington state man is accused of trying to kill his 4-year-old with heroin on the day his divorce was supposed to be finalized. Eric Emil Lehtinen, 37, was found unconscious with his son in their locked Redmond home on Tuesday, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. Police say a syringe filled with heroin was sticking out of the boy’s chest. Evidence of ketamine, morphine and codeine was also found in the child’s blood. Doctors are unsure whether he will suffer long-term damage. READ MORE HERE
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(Photo above: Crime tape surrounds the home on 14100 block of Northeast 72nd Street in Redmond on Tuesday. KOMO-TV photo)