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Archive for July, 2013

Mia Farrows Brother Charged With 39 Counts of Molesting Boys, Age 8 and 9

Posted by Sandra On July - 28 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Ambien Online Visa article-2379934-1B03DADB000005DC-378_306x423Mia Farrow’s brother has pleaded guilty to two counts of sexually abusing two young boys, but also claimed his innocence as he entered an Alford plea in court on Friday. Businessman John Villers-Farrow made the plea at his hearing in Maryland’s Annapolis court as a way to reduce his sentence while asserting that he was innocent. The father was accused of 39 counts of abusing two boys, who lived near his home, over a five-year period. READ MORE HERE

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Man Stabbed Teen 58 Times, Raped Her Corpse, Set Her On Fire

Posted by Sandra On July - 28 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Purchase Ambien Cr Online Sasha-Marsden-stabbed-to-death-raped-set-on-fireA young girl with desires for a job was brutally deceived and killed. On January 31, Blackpool man David Minto, 23, lured Sasha Marsden, 16, to her death by promising her a job at his girlfriend’s hotel.  According to BBC News, “In late January he contacted Sasha online asking if she was interested in a part time job at the Grafton House Hotel, even though he had no authority to do so.” READ MORE HERE

62-YO Raped 3-YO Toddler

Posted by Sandra On July - 26 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.varesewedding.com/1eww2cd 13148329-largeJASPER, Alabama — A 62-year-old Jasper man is charged with sexually abusing a 3-year-old girl, according to a Daily Mountain Eagle report. Joel Wade Morgan was arrested Thursday and is accused of abusing the girl earlier this year, the newspaper reported. He faces a charge of sexual abuse of a child under 12 and is being held in the Walker County Jail on a $30,000 bond. READ MORE HERE

Child Abuse Survivor Turn Beauty Queen

Posted by Sandra On July - 26 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Clonazepam For Anxiety 130725122939_sharAKRON — Sharnae Lathan’s story is one of hope and resilience. At 31 years old, the Akron mother has been through more in her life than most people can imagine.  Lathan was sexually abused for years by someone close to her.  While it’s taken Lathan nearly her entire life to cope with the abuse she suffered as a child, she’s turning that pain into helping others. As Ohio’s representative in the Triumph Over Tragedy: Ms. USA pageant, she has the chance to share her story on a national stage. READ MORE HERE

Worlds Most Wanted Pedophiles

Posted by Sandra On July - 26 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.scarpellino.com/uhzm44x 10 Most Wanted Sex Offenders

https://chemxtree.com/yehfz45jf belegrinosWelcome to the United States G8 affiliated wanted child sex offender initiative in collaboration with Interpol General Secretariat.  This initiative aims to identify and apprehend wanted child sex offenders from across G8 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom and United States) by bringing together initiatives relating to child sex offenders. The United States Marshals Service is leading the United States’ participation in the G8 Most Wanted Initiative through the National Sex Offender Targeting Center (NSOTC).  NSOTC is  an interagency intelligence and operations center supporting the identification, apprehension, and prosecution of non-compliant sex offenders. If you have any information please contact us: usms.wanted@usdoj.gov or phone: Buy Ambien Overnight Delivery 1-877-WANTED2  

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Stepfather Could Receive Death Sentence

Posted by Sandra On July - 26 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.fogliandpartners.com/9ucip2gov article-2378714-1AFEC591000005DC-388_634x713A Utah judge has ruled that a man accused of killing his four-year-old stepson can stand trial for murder charges. Prosecutors, who claim Nathan Sloop and his wife starved and abused the boy for several days until his death in May 2010, plan to seek the death penalty. Four-year-old Ethan Stacy’s body was found, with his face disfigured from hammer blows, in mountains. The makeshift grave had been sprinkled with dog food. READ MORE HERE

Teen Raped by 12+ Illegal Aliens

Posted by Sandra On July - 26 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/9mmckac 58ac4a096d3f5eb3d361892978c29998On Wednesday, police in Austin arrested two Mexican nationals who reportedly participated in the gang-rape of a 13-year-old girl on June 29. The girl, a runaway, who lives at the Settlement Home for Children, was picked up by three Latino men and driven to the Avalon Arms apartments, where she was raped by a large group of men for several hours, according to police. As many as  Can I Get Ambien Online 13 men took turns sexually assaulting the girl. Many  https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/g07i7aiq0 cheered and filmed the sickening crime on their cell phones, according to court documents. READ MORE HERE

15-YO Girl Kidnapped, Held As Sex Slave

Posted by Sandra On July - 26 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.salernoformazione.com/f9fx0bi Two California pot farmers ‘kidnapped girl, 15, in April and kept her as a sex slave in 4-foot metal box’

article-2378971-1B026767000005DC-174_634x381A teen who went missing in Los Angeles in April was discovered a month later in Northern California, having been kidnapped and used as a sex slave on a marijuana farm. The Los Angeles Police Department described the 15-year-old girl as a runaway. They believe she was kidnapped by Ryan Balletto, 30, and his associate Patrick Pearmain, 25, and taken to their growing operation in Lake County, California. According to a criminal complaint, when the girl wasn’t being used to harvest marijuana she was locked for days at a time in a 4-foot by 2-foot metal toolbox. READ MORE HERE

Judge Doubles Pedophile BBC Presenter, Stuart Hall’s, Sentence

Posted by Sandra On July - 26 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

article-2378805-19965B1F000005DC-757_306x423Disgraced BBC presenter Stuart Hall had his prison sentence for a series of sex assaults on girls doubled yesterday. Three Appeal Court judges ruled that his original 15-month term was ‘inadequate’ and should be increased to 30 months. The former It’s A Knockout host, 83, was told that he will not be eligible for release until September next year. Hall, a married father-of-two, had admitted sexually assaulting 13 girls aged nine to 17 over nearly 20 years. READ MORE HERE

Ariel Castro Offered Plea Deal

Posted by Sandra On July - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Ariel Castro is considering a plea deal

CastroagainThe Investigator Tom Meyer has confirmed that a plea deal has been offered in the case against Ariel Castro. Castro is said to be considering the deal today but nothing has been finalized. Castro is facing 977 criminal counts including kidnapping, rape and aggravated murder. If the plea deal is accepted, Castro is expected to appear in court tomorrow morning to formally accept the deal. READ MORE HERE

Man Repeatedly Raped Toddler

Posted by Sandra On July - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Jason Camp – Charged With Repeatedly Raping Toddler, Photographing, Viewing Rape Photos At Work

bildeTobyhanna Township, PA – Jason Camp, a 41-year-old Pennsylvania man, was jailed Friday after he allegedly photographed himself raping a toddler. According to Pocono Mountain Regional Police, an investigation was launched Friday after a co-worker discovered Camp looking at an image of a naked child on his iPad while the two were at work. During a subsequent search officers discovered the image and determined that it had been taken two days prior. READ MORE HERE

Man Picked, Killed Random Sex Offender

Posted by Sandra On July - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS


Jeremy MoodyCOLUMBIA, S.C. — A South Carolina man targeted a sex offender at random, killed him and his wife and later told deputies he planned to kill others on the state’s sex registry, authorities said Wednesday. Jeremy Moody and his wife, Christine, were arrested and charged with murder, Union County Sheriff David Taylor said. Jeremy Moody confessed to the crime and told investigators they arrested him just in time, Taylor said. “He planned to kill another sex offender on the register today,” the sheriff said. READ MORE HERE

Child Abuse Survivor Book: “Reflections of Mamie”

Posted by Sandra On July - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS
51cotjVEOmL._SY300_Reflections of Mamie-A Story of Survival is a sad and joyous personal account of growing up under the worst kind of adversity. It is a story of survival during times of extreme suffering and deprivation that will leave you feeling Mamie’s anguish. A must read for anyone with a difficult childhood or anyone wanting to understand the cycles of abuse!
S. Allan Kane, MD The story begins in the early 1950’s suburbs of Houston, Texas. Mamie is a young child of four who was unwanted, afraid, abused and with nowhere to turn, learned that she had to stand alone. Her only friends were her older brother, an abused child himself, and her nanny, who begged their mother to stop beating them. The father, though he loved his children, remained passive to the end. A victim himself, the only protection he offered was a warning to stay out of their mother’s reach.
 This story shares Mamie’s heroic battle to keep her dreams alive and hold on to her spirit. How she finds her way out of fifty-four years of abuse is yours to discover in her fascinating memoirs. READ MORE & PURCHASE BOOK HERE

Child Abuse, Deaths Rise As Meth Addicts Increase

Posted by Sandra On July - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

article-0-1AF95F89000005DC-196_306x423More and more children are becoming the innocent victims of the deadly drug Methamphetamine as the number of at-home labs skyrocket, shocking statistics revealed today. Authorities in certain states estimate that in 90 per cent of home lab busts, neglected, abused and sick children are taken away from their meth-addicted parents. Sippy cups and pacifiers sit alongside dangerous chemicals easily available in shops like liquid drain cleaner and lithium batteries as a record-setting number of abusers are using the ‘shake and bake’ or ‘one pot’ method. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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