— A 17-year-old girl told police she was the one who gave birth to an infant whose remains were found in the trunk of a car Tuesday afternoon by an auto repairman on the city’s north side. Shelby police Chief Charlie Roub said a mechanic at a Shelby repair shop found the remains of an infant in the trunk of a car shortly before 2 p.m. Tuesday. Roub said in an interview Tuesday night with police Capt. Lance Combs, the girl told investigators she didn’t know she was pregnant and had the child at home in late January or early February. The body was inside a copy paper box in the trunk of a white car at Broadway Automotive and Exhaust, 211 N. Gamble St. READ MORE HERE bus driver who caused an accident that sent seven people to the hospital already had two outstanding warrants for driving violations. Idowu Daramola, 48, was on his cellphone while driving a bus in West N.Y. New Jersey, when he lost control of his bus which hit a lamppost that fell on the stroller of 8-month old Angela Paredes, killing the girl.Fast Delivery ClonazepamThe bus driver then hit another lamppost and smashed into a car which was crushed. According toBuy Ambien Canada PIX 11,the baby was pronounced dead in the ambulance on the way to the hospital; her mother was taken to the hospital in shock and five other people were injured in the accident. READ MORE HERE
Authorities Search for Man Wanted on Child Endangerment, Drug Charges
Buy Ambien Cr OnlineMONONA, Iowa – Authorities are asking for the public’s help in finding a Monona man wanted on drug and child endangerment charges. In a press release Tuesday, the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation said they’re looking for Troy Laufenberg, wanted on four charges: child endangerment, possession with intent to deliver, possession of a controlled substance, and possession of drug paraphernalia. The DCI said charges stem from an incident that happened July 15 at Laufenberg’s apartment on East Center Street in Monona. Local police couldn’t give specific details, but say they were called there for a report of an injured 18-month-old. READ MORE HERE– Investigators in Clinton Township late Tuesday were looking for a suspect and motive in a double homicide involving a mentally impaired woman and her 12-year-old daughter who were found dead in their apartment from multiple cuts. The bodies of the 46-year-old woman and her daughter were found inside of Parkway Village Apartments about 3 p.m. Tuesday by a manager who entered their unit after neighbors reported not seeing the pair for several days. There was no sign of forced entry. READ MORE HERE
David Sabedra faces minimum 25 years in prison, maximum over 100 Fast Delivery UsaCLARKSVILLE, TN — A Montgomery County jury took only an hour to decide the guilt of a former Fort Campbell soldier charged with raping a 9-year-old girl in 2011. David Sabedra, 25, was found guilty of especially aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor, aggravated sexual battery, three counts of child rape, attempted child rape, two counts of solicitation of a minor and two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor. READ MORE HERE, TN — A man and woman have been indicted by the grand jury on allegations of injuring two children. A Department of Children Services referral was made about Krystie Chancey’s 4-year-old son between March 27 and April 21. The child was treated for a broken collar bone at Gateway Hospital. When a DCS caseworker located the family and began gathering information, Chancey said the 4-year old hurt himself while playing on a playground. While at the home, the DCS worker noticed a 1-year-old had a black eye. READ MORE HERE Thank you, Sierra Kearns, Dreamcatchers Sierra Sullivan! Dreamcatchers for Abused Children is hoping to be able to help the children whose parents were viciously murdered in Port Huron, MI last week. Officials said Melissa Ichenberg, 26, died after being strangled, and Danny McRoberts, 29, died of multiple stab wounds. Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering and donating to the childrens’ trust fund. The family has formed the Melissa Amellio Ichenberg Memorial Fund through Talmer Bank and Trust for Ichenberg’s daughters. Donations can be made at any bank branch. A 31-yo suspect has been arrested and was arraigned today (Tuesday). Anyone with information about the double slaying should contact the Port Huron police CAPTURE hotline at (810) 987-6688. **UPDATE**
ATTENTION FRIENDS!! We at Dreamcatchers for Abused Children would like to try to do something to help the children of Melissa Ichenberg (Amellio) and Daniel McRoberts. Melissa was active in our cause, and we would love to do anything that we can do to help the families in this heartbreaking time. As many of you know we are a non-profit, and unfortunately can not just write a big check, but we do have enough to pay for supplies for a car wash. We are looking for as many volunteers as possible to make this carwash as big of a success as we possibly can, and then give 100% of the proceeds of the event to the families. Please *SHARE* this status so we can bring as many people together as we possibly can in this short of a time period! Anyone who is interested in volunteering or who has any connections that maybe helpful to us (radio, etc.) please message me!
**We have booked the Arby’s (North end) parking lot for all day Sunday August 18th** Port Huron police are working to solve the deaths of two young parents. The bodies of 26-year-old Melissa Ichenberg and 29-year-old Daniel McRoberts were discovered around 7:30 Tuesday evening in an apartment on Riverview Street. Friends say McRoberts had recently moved in with her when he became homeless. Ichenberg’s six-year-old daughter was apparently in the house when the killings occurred, but was not aware of what happened. Neighbors say she was playing in the neighborhood, and asking for food earlier Tuesday. She said she thought her mother was sleeping. Finally, a neighbor checked inside the apartment and made the discovery. READ MORE HERE Couple ‘killed daughter, 1, after strapping her in a car seat for 15 hours with a blanket stuffed in her mouth to keep her from crying’
The parents of a 17-month-old girl have been arrested after she was allegedly strapped in a car seat for 15 hours without food or water and suffocated to death after a blanket was stuffed into her mouth. Toni Maurie Gwynn was found unresponsive at her parents’ home in Eden, North Carolina on July 11 after her father, Antonio Gwynn, 22, allegedly forced the blanket into the child’s mouth to stop her from crying. Her father, Antonio Gwynn, 22, has been charged with felony child abuse and second-degree murder and her mother, Heather Gwynn, 22, has been charged with felony child abuse. READ MORE HERE
Nearly 30,000 children have suffered abuse or neglect in Army homes over the past decade, an Army Times investigation shows. Beatings, torture and starvation claimed the lives of 118 Army children. More than 1,400 children were subjected to sexual abuse. “The Army put a lot of focus on domestic violence because there’s been a lot of political pressure,” said Dr. Rene Robichaux, social work programs manager at Army Medical Command. “There hasn’t been a concurrent interest in child abuse.” READ MORE HERE
FBI reveals teen sex slaves worked Super Bowl after biggest child prostitution bust EVER nets 150 pimps and saves 105 victims
Following Monday’s record-breaking child prostitution sweep, the FBI revealed that earlier stings had targeted huge sporting events and major tourist attractions. Ronald Hosko, assistant director of the agency’s criminal investigative division, said that teen sex slaves had also been recovered at occasions such as NCAA Final Four and the Super Bowl. In the 1990s, gangs took control of street prostitution across America; that forced pimps to move girls into sporting events where security existed, said Dr. Lois Lee. Lee is founder and president of Children of the Night, a nonprofit group that has rescued 10,000 children from prostitution since 1979. READ MORE HERE
LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas – A man who skipped out on his court date has been captured in Michigan. Captain Ken Mitchell with the West Memphis Police Dept. says Stanley Carter was apprehended in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He says as news stories aired about him, Crittenden County Crime Stoppers began receiving tips on Carter’s possible whereabouts including a tip where he had fled to and where he was hiding. Local law enforcement took Carter into custody without incident. READ MORE HERE
Most adults who were abused as children were harmed by those in their immediate family rather than by those in religious, educational or health institutions, new research shows. The findings, based on statistics from more than 3500 telephone calls to the Adults Surviving Child Abuse helpline in the past four years, quashes the perception that most abuse happens inside institutions.
They show that 63 per cent of callers said they had been abused by an immediate family member, compared to 18 per cent who said they had been abused by perpetrators in institutions. Twenty per cent of callers said they had been abused by a member of their extended family; 10 per cent by family friends and 2 per cent by strangers. Nineteen per cent said they had been abused by multiple perpetrators. READ MORE HERE
Physical Injury, such as beatings, burns or bites.
Constant criticism, insults, the withholding of love.
Rape, fondling of the genitals, incest.
The failure to provide food, clothing , shelter or medical care.
Who abuses children – and where?
Most child abuse occurs in the family home. Parents, siblings and visitors can all inflict abuse.
Children who are physically abused may:
Be nervous around adults.
Be watchful, as though preparing for something bad to happen.
Have difficulty playing.
Act aggressive to adults and other children.
Be unable to concentrate at school.
Suddenly underachieve – or overachieve – at school.
Find it difficult to trust other people and make friends.
Arrive at school too early, or leave after the other children
Children who are sexually abused may:
Behave differently when the abuse starts.
Care less about their appearance, or their health.
Talk or act sexually at too early an age.
Be secretive and stop talking about home -life.
Start soiling themselves.
Be unable to sleep.
Suddenly find physical contact frightening.
Run away from home.
Children who are neglected or emotionally abused may:
Have difficulty learning to talk.
Find it hard to develop close relationships.
Be over-friendly with strangers.
Be unable to play imaginatively.
Think badly of themselves.
Underachieve at school.
Ambien Pills Online Remember: None of these signs prove that child abuse is present, since any of them may be noticeable at one time or another. But when they occur repeatedly or in combination with one another, the child may be suffering abuse.
What can you do to help?
If you suspect a child is being abused, the child must be protected from further abuse.
Call your local Child Protective Service Agency. You’ll find the number in the front of your phone book.
To Help prevent child abuse, you can:
Be a nurturing parent!
Help a friend, neighbor or relative if they are having difficulty with their children.
Get involved – advocate for services to help families.
Volunteer at a local child abuse program.
Help to develop parenting resources at your local library.
A list believed to detail the names of child abuse victims has been found behind a secret wall by police investigating crimes uncovered as a result of the inquiry into disgraced DJ Jimmy Savile. Officers swooped on a flat above a record shop in Greater Manchester following a tip-off and discovered the appalling roll call scrawled behind layers of wallpaper and plaster, it has emerged. The list includes the names and ages of hundreds of boys and girls, next to a disgusting ratings system that apparently related to their sexual performance. Some of the names were reportedly boys and girls the pedophiles were planning to target. READ MORE HERE
Teen Punches, Kills Newborn In Head After Secretly Giving Birth
MICHIGAN — Alyce Morales,18, (pictured) allegedly freaked out and punched her newborn baby in the head after giving birth to it; she has now been charged with murder, according to the Traverse City Record Eagle. Police records state that the Cicero, Ill., teen had gone on a camping vacation with her parents at a Benzie County, Mich., campsite, but they were unaware of her pregnancy at the time. At some point during the trip, Morales told her folks she was not feeling well and retreated to her tent. READ MORE HERE
DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.