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Archive for June, 2013

UK Pedophile Ring Members Jailed

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Seven members of the Oxford gang guilty of child sexual exploitationSeven men jailed over Oxford child abuse ring

Members of a sadistic pedophile ring, found guilty of extreme abuse of schoolgirls as young as 11, have been jailed at the Old Bailey. Five of the seven gang members were given life sentences and will serve a minimum of between 12 to 20 years for abusing and trafficking young girls. The five were sentenced for a catalogue of offences by Judge Peter Rook, who spoke of how “police and social services missed telltale signs” about the abuse that was taking place in Oxford, southern England. READ MORE HERE

Man Sentenced to 40-Yrs On Plea Bargain In U.S. Federal Court

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

https://hazenfoundation.org/phy2y80kl34 article-2351457-1A916927000005DC-289_634x424‘Too horrific’: The judge overseeing the case said she accepted the plea agreement only because the videos were too horrific to show a jury

An Australian man accused of making child pornography with a boy he purchased in a foreign country and allowing other men to sexually abuse the child was sentenced Friday in U.S. federal court in Indiana, where the videos were found downloaded on a home computer. The 42-year-old man, who investigators say used falsified documents to adopt the boy after bringing him to the U.S., was sentenced to 40 years in prison after pleading guilty to conspiracy charges involving child exploitation. The judge overseeing the case said she accepted the plea agreement only because the videos were too horrific to show a jury. READ MORE HERE


Breaking: Michael Jackson Alleged to Have Paid $35M In “Hush Money”

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

52698570JS003_jacksonMichael Jackson paid $35 million in hush money to at least two dozen young boys he sexually abused over 15 years, it has been alleged.   Sunday People has published explosive ‘ https://chemxtree.com/n8qqyay secret FBI files’ suggesting the King of Pop groomed and molested children from at least 1989, despite his insistence he was just spending time with them. The damning files claim the deceased pop-star was a ‘pedophile’ who watched porn while assaulting a boy, molested a famous child star, fondled a child’s genitals in his private cinema and groped another child whose mother wasn’t ‘bothered’ by it. READ MORE HERE

Father Arrested for Incest

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

father-brigham-city-forced-daughter-to-pay-with-sex-to-visit-friendsA daughter had to “pay” her father with sex. A 46-year old man from Brigham City, Utah has been arrested for allegedly having demanded throughout the last 7 years that his now 16-year old  daughter pay for regular activities — going to after school, having friends over, attending school and church functions — by having sex with him. READ MORE HERE

8-YO Child Found Beaten and Bound

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

WFTS<_John_Paul_Miller_Mug_640x480_20130628115732_320_240TAMPA – An 8-year-old boy was found beaten and tied to a table with zip ties in a Tampa home, police say. A suspect is in custody. The discovery was made after the Department of Children and Families received a complaint of possible child abuse. Police officers and DCF personnel went to a home on Coral Bay Road where, according to a statement,  they found the 8-year-old “with injuries consistent with being struck numerous times with a belt and extension cord.” READ MORE HERE

Cherish Perrywinkle Funeral Service

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

CherishSS30--jpgUncut: Funeral service for Cherish Perrywinkle

Hundreds attended what Paxon Revival Central Church Senior Pastor Steve Dobbs called Friday’s home-going service for the 8-year-old girl abducted one week earlier.  VIEW VIDEO HERE



Cherish Perrywinkle mourners blast legal system

When a fellow shopper at a dollar store offered to take Rayne Perrywinkle and her three children to Walmart to buy them McDonald’s and buy a dress for her 8-year-old daughter, she graciously accepted. But police say that 56-year-old man was a sexual predator, not a Good Samaritan, who seized the opportunity to snatch the woman’s daughter and kill her. The slaying marked a tragic end to Cherish Perrywinkle’s short life, most of which she spent with a mother who fought with the girl’s father over child support and custody. Funeral services for Cherish were held Friday afternoon at the Paxon Revival Center Church in Jacksonville. Pastor Steve Dobbs tried to comfort the hundreds of mourners present,but also had a message about the man accused of killing the 8-year-old, Donald Smith. READ MORE HERE

Quick Clicks

https://www.fogliandpartners.com/cwsrwck3ne View funeral

Buy Zolpidem Online India Family photos of Cherish

https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/qt7cu6nc2 Donald Smith’s criminal history

Update: Violent Home Invader Suspect Apprehended

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

SHOCKING BRUTAL HOME INVASION: Mother Brutally Beaten In Front of Child



MILLBURN — The man wanted in connection with the recent home invasion and savage beating of a Millburn mother that was captured on a nanny cam and broadcast nationwide was arrested Friday in Manhattan, authorities said. READ MORE HERE


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The Millburn, New Jersey Police Department is asking for the public’s help in identifying the suspect in this video of a brutal home invasion. Detectives report that this suspect forced his way into the victim’s home and brutally beat the female victim in front of her 3 year old child.



Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448)

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Summer Camps and Pedophiles

Posted by Sandra On June - 28 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Buy Generic Zolpidem Tartrate kids-summer-camp-trampolineParents warned to check summer camps for possible pedophiles

With summer camp registration in full swing, parents should be wary of the individual counselors assigned to care for their offspring on a day-to-day basis, according to Yitzhak Kadman, director of the National Council for the Child. “Pedophiles often search out work with children,” Kadman warned on Monday. While there is a law stating that all institutions working with children must require their workers to provide a letter from the police stating whether they have a background in sexual crimes, many summer camps and companies that transport the children to them do not do background checks on their workers and the police do not enforce the law, said Kadman. “The problem here is twofold: first, there are no checks, and second, there is simply not enough awareness of the requirements,” he said. “Last year we took a list of summer camps and called their directors,” continued Kadman. “What we found was that 95 percent of them either did not have the required letters or they did not even know that they were required to produce such documentation. “It is very easy, all the employee needs to do is take the name and ID number of a worker and run it by the police,” said Kadman. “The police need to do what we did, go into the camps, ask for a list of workers and ask for the letters. If there are no letters then the camp [directors] must be prosecuted.” READ MORE HERE


Summer Camp Counselors: Just Who Exactly is Looking After Our Kids?

Breaking and Entering, Grand Theft Auto, Drunk in Public, Sex Offender. These charges seem like they belong to a career criminal. However, someone with this sort of rap sheet could be responsible for looking after your son or daughter overnight. Sounds scary? What if your child’s counselor was a pedophile? While summer camps provide an opportunity for children to meet new friends and gain new experiences, their counselors may also pose a danger to the well-being of your child. Let’s be honest, summer camps won’t hire just anybody. If a potential counselor looks like they may be a bad fit to be around kids, they probably won’t be working with your children. Conversely, potential counselors who are either impressive in person or appear well qualified usually get hired. Most of the time, the counselors who are hired are a great influence on children and do their jobs well. However, as the old expression says “a few bad apples will spoil the whole darn bunch.” Thus, no matter how many great counselors there are, it only takes a few undesirables to harm your child or disrupt his or her life. READ MORE HERE


Where Can I Buy Ambien Uk Summer is Child Molesting Time: Beware of Summer Camps

Summertime is child molesting time. Summer camps are the worst. Boys alone, without parent supervision, invariably present a problem of homosexual behavior. Day camps, summer camps and any place where children are attract child molesters. Pedophiles are especially active in those jobs where little children are brought to the bathroom. Pedarests like to watch children swimming at the community pool. Summer, when children are outdoors and away from home, is a child molester’s delight. What can a parent do? First of all, you must tell your child about the problem. When you do, be careful not to make it sound too frightening or too interesting. In my house, I tell my kids about the “piggy men.” One day, a piggy man went near my son, and my son fled and   ran right to me. I was five steps from that piggy men when he escaped in his car. The great strength of the piggie men is that we are ashamed and too modest to tell our children about them. Once a child realizes that “we don’t talk about such things,” the piggy man uses this to keep the child quiet. Children can be involved with piggy men for a long time because of this. A parent must therefore always be on the watch. If a child acts withdrawn or as if something is wrong, the parent has to find out. Child molesting is extremely prevalent even in deeply religious communities. READ MORE HERE


The Pedophile Effect

https://www.mdifitness.com/tfc042x1j2u Summer’s here, and that means keeping your kids indoors, where it’s safe!

I really hate child molesters. Despise ’em, even. I’d love nothing more than to see them all neutered and worse. I could rant on and on about how depraved and horribly selfish it is to destroy a kid’s developing psyche for the sake of some twisted fetish, but condemning perverts does not a daring commentary make. There’s no local wing of the pro-pedophile camp that would want to write next week’s rebuttal. At least, I hope there isn’t. (If you do take personal offense to anything in the above statements, please feel free to send New Times an angry letter, I guess.)  READ MORE HERE


Experts: Pedophilia cases follow predictable patterns

Ken Lanning’s college-age daughter recently suggested to him that something good may come out of the Penn State University scandal in that more people will be made aware of how acquaintance child molesters operate. He told her he was a bit too jaded to believe that. Mr. Lanning, a retired FBI profiler who wrote the analysis many police use in investigating child sex offenders, has seen all the big cases come and go. Yet each time a new one surfaces, it floods the media for a while and everyone seems shocked. READ MORE HERE


https://municion.org/omcgedtvy Preventing Sexual Abuse At Summer Camp: Five Tips for Parents

Every summer approximately 10 million children will pack up their clothes, bedding and favorite pillows and head off to summer camp. Most will return home with wonderful memories of new friends and fun filled days. Some will return home with devastating memories that will last a lifetime – memories of being sexually abused. According to Psychology Today, adolescents account for approximately 50% of all sexual abuse.  Unfortunately, summer camp is an ideal place for abusers; in recent years, sexual abuse has occured at Christian camps, publicly funded camps, Boy Scout camps, and even the camp run by the school President Obama’s daughters attend. While no camp is immune from the possibility of sexual abuse, there are five important steps parents can take to prevent their child from becoming a victim of abuse. READ MORE HERE


Sexual Abuse at Summer Camp: What Can Parents Do?

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention: A Critical Role of Parents

2-YO Child Injured On Train In Racial Attack

Posted by Sandra On June - 28 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS



Detectives have released new images of the man they believe broke a toddler’s collarbone in an unprovoked racist attack at a busy London station – and have appealed for help identifying him. The child’s mother also spoke for the first time about the terrifying incident, which took place in broad daylight as she got off a train with her son in a pushchair. A black man hurled racist abuse at the woman, who is also black, because her two-year-old child appeared to be mixed-race. READ MORE HERE

Self-Confessed “Sextortionist” Sentenced to 40-Yrs In Prison

Posted by Sandra On June - 28 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

AP120409014012_244x183INDIANAPOLIS – A self-confessed “sextortionist” from Indiana was sentenced Wednesday to 40 years in prison and fined $70,000 for coercing more than a dozen teenagers into performing sex acts online. Richard Finkbiner, 40, admitted that he tricked the young people into stripping or performing sexual acts for him via webcam, then he used recordings of those sessions to coerce them into making yet more explicit videos. Finkbiner, of Brazil, Ind., agreed in January to plead guilty to child exploitation, extortion and possession of child pornography in exchange for a recommended sentence of 30 to 50 years in prison. READ MORE HERE

Convicted Sex Offender Gets Sole Custody of Daughter

Posted by Sandra On June - 28 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

imagesOKLAHOMA CITY — In California, just six years ago, Nicholas Elizondo was convicted for raping his then six-year-old daughter. He took a deal and served six years in jail. During that time his ex-wife, Lisa Knight, has been raising their daughter Sarah in Norman. After six years of little contact with Sarah, he started fighting for sole custody. Yesterday, he won. Little Sarah’s family is shocked by the Oklahoma County judge’s decision. “Then he comes out with this solemn face and ‘Oh this is a really hard one for me’,” said Sarah’s cousin, Jodi Coomer. “And I`m thinking hard?” They thought it was a no-brainer. Both Sarah’s mother and cousin think there is more to Judge Howard Haralson’s decision than what was presented in the courtroom. READ MORE HERE

Police Search for Serial Rapist

Posted by Sandra On June - 28 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Reward Offered in Search for “Teardrop Rapist”

teardrop-rapistLOS ANGELES, CA — Police on Thursday announced a $100,000 reward for information leading to prosecution of the so-called “teardrop” rapist, suspected in a series of assaults between 1996 and 2012.  At a news conference at LAPD headquarters, authorities displayed 11 composite sketches of the man. He was believed to be responsible for attacking 35 women between the ages of 15 and 35. “This suspect is very unique in that he attacks women sometime between 5 and 8 in the morning, all females walking to work or school,” LAPD Captain William Hayes said. “He takes them into an alley, accosts them and leaves very quickly,” Hayes said. READ MORE HERE

Sandy Hook Video Tribute

Posted by Sandra On June - 28 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS


This tragedy hit home to families all across the world. December 14th 2012 will always be remembered and honored to some the countries bravest heroes. Our hearts go out to ALL of the families that were effected by this horrific tragedy. This song and video has been created to honor EVERYONE that is going through this difficult time. We can only hope that the families and all that were effected will be proud of this tribute.

Children Dead In Murder-Suicide

Posted by Sandra On June - 28 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Austin-Wiseman-and-Blake-Campbell-shot-dead-grandparents-homeGrandparents came home to find their two grandsons dead.  Half brothers, 12 -year old Austin Wiseman and 9-year old Blake Campbel,l were found shot to death at their grandparents home in Jackson, Ohio; they appear to have been alone in the house when they were killed. https://ottawaphotographer.com/l19n3ed  The mother, Kelly Lenoir Harris, 32,  lives in a garage apartment behind the grandmother’s house. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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