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Archive for March, 2013

5-YO Boy Who Was Burned and Disfigured Is Improving

Posted by Sandra On March - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Youssif-burned-baghdad-gasoline-menThis boy should be an inspiration to everyone.  Youssif was just 5 years old when masked men doused him in gasoline and set him on fire outside his home in Iraq, but now five years later, he is a beaming happy child living the American Dream in California.  In 2007, outside his home in Baghdad, a group of masked men covered Youssif with gasoline and set his face on fire while he was trying to play, reports CNN.  READ MORE  HERE

Another Murder-Suicide Claims Life of 2-YO Toddler

Posted by Sandra On March - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Kenneth-Ayers-tragic-man-killed-himself-injured-wife-and-killed-sonFather Murders Son, Injures Ex-Wife Before Killing Himself 

A routine custody visit escalated into an “indescribable” tragedy. Kenneth Ayers, 52, of Petersburg, PA, took his own life Saturday morning after killing his two-year-old son and seriously wounding his estranged wife Holly Jo Ayers in her home about 20 miles southwest of State College.  READ MORE HERE

Father, Daughter Commit Suicide

Posted by Sandra On March - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Missouri-Bridge Jump.JPEG-0c21fKANSAS CITY, Mo. — Why a father and daughter jumped to their deaths off a bridge Thursday morning is still a mystery — and probably will remain one. Witnesses reported seeing the two climb over the railing on the Christopher S. Bond Bridge and then hug before holding hands as they jumped 120 feet into the icy cold water of the Missouri River below. Adding to the drama: Some thought the woman was holding a baby, wrapped in a blanket. Rescue workers searched the muddy water of the Missouri with no luck. But the pickup truck left at the scene was registered to a 29-year-old woman from the small town of Peculiar, Mo. (population under 5,000) 30 miles south of Kansas City. Her father’s cell phone was in the truck. There was no suicide note. Not in the truck. Nor in the single-wide mobile home they shared in Peculiar. READ MORE HERE

New Law Prohibits Teens From Talking On Cell While Driving

Posted by Sandra On March - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS


SOUTHFIELD, MI — A new law banning young drivers from talking on the phone while behind-the-wheel goes into effect on Thursday.  However, it is a good idea for drivers of all ages to follow the new rule. This month, Kelsey’s law will be enforced for young drivers. “Kelsey’s law, which takes effect, kind of affects graduated drivers, I think it’s Level 1 and 2, where they’re actually not allowed to talk on the cell phone, either,” Shaw said. READ MORE HERE


Kelsey’s Law – Pass SB 756 and save lives


21 Ways to Spot A Child Molester

Posted by Sandra On March - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

eye-magnifying-glass21 Ways To Spot A Child Molester

1. Before they turn 18, one in every four girls will have been sexually abused. Before they turn 18, one in every eight boys will have been sexually abused.

2. Most sexual abuse against children is committed by someone the child knows.

3. Child molesters are skillful. Children often like child molesters because they so often seem to enjoy the same things children do: games, movies, toys. Child molesters tell us, “It’s easy to slip into a child’s life. All you gotta do is show them any attention.”

4. Some children are more vulnerable to abuse than others, and child molesters know how to spot them.

5. You can protect your child by looking for the warning signs that they are having problems: e.g. refusing to partake in an activity they used to enjoy; a sudden change in their emotional well being.

6. You can protect your child by watching out for certain warning signs in adults.

7. Watch out for the adult who show too much or inappropriate physical contact with children (tickling, wrestling, hugging for too long, kissing).

8. Watch out for adults who prefer to spend time with children rather than other adults to the exclusion of healthy adult interactions.

9. Watch out for adults who break the rules or encourage children to break the family’s or the organization’s rules.

10. Watch out for adults who give children gifts without parents’ permission.

11. Watch out for adults who want to become too involved in your child’s life.

12. Although the protection of children is the responsibility of adults, you can help your children by teaching them self-protection skills.

13. For little kids, start by teaching them about their body parts, including their private parts; about the rules for their bodies (that only parents, doctors may touch their private parts); what to do if someone breaks the rules about their bodies.

14. For older kids, teach the concept of boundaries and what to do if someone tries to break their physical, emotional, or behavioral boundaries.

15. You can learn more about your child’s life, who his/her friends are and how they spend their time together. Children tell us that sometimes they didn’t tell about being abused because no one asked.

16. Sometimes children are sexually molested by other children, and the emotional damage can be severe. We have seen a 300 percent increase in peer to peer abuse over the last three years.

17. Before allowing your child to participate in an organization, do your homework. Find out what sort of policies and practices they have in place to protect your child from sexual abuse.

18. You can familiarize yourself with the computer, the Internet, and all other forms of electronic communication. You should know at least as much about these things as your children do.

19. More than one-third of youth Internet users have had an unwanted exposure to sexual material in the last year.

20. Ninety percent of youth who experienced unwanted solicitations were 13 and older.

21. If your child discloses abuse to you, remain calm, listen, reassure them that the abuse is not their fault and that you are glad they told you. Report the abuse to the police.


NFL Star Arrested for Abuse

Posted by Sandra On March - 24 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

article-0-18D8CF4B000005DC-311_306x423Miami Dolphins legend arrested for felony child abuse

American football star Mark Duper has been released from jail on bond after allegedly beating up his 17-year-old son in a domestic row. The former Miami Dolphins player faces a felony child abuse charge after assaulting his teenage son and knocking him out during a series of fights at their Florida home. The wide receiver, who starred for the Dolphins from 1982 to 1992, spent a night in jail after his arrest on Wednesday following the assault the day before. Authorities say Duper attacked his son Marcus three times and knocked him out twice. Duper has reportedly admitted there was an altercation but said he was acting in self-defense. READ MORE  HERE

11-YO Rape Victim Gives Birth

Posted by Sandra On March - 24 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

article-2297188-18DDA789000005DC-944_306x423The 21-year-old man who is accused of raping the 11-year-old daughter of his girlfriend had his bail amount tripled today from $50,000 to $150,000. The bail increase comes the same day that the victim gave birth to the rapist’s baby. The child’s sex has not been revealed but it is said to be healthy. Investigators say the sexual abuse occurred over the course of a year when the accused man, Deandre Devon Davis-Williams, would sneak into the girl’s Houston apartment and rape her while her mother was away at work. READ MORE HERE

Megachurch Family Admits to Cover-up Of Girl’s Rape

Posted by Sandra On March - 24 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

article-2297887-18DF4E82000005DC-968_634x347Employees at a megachurch in Oklahoma have come under legal scrutiny for waiting two weeks to report the rape of a teenage girl. John and Charica Daugherty, youth pastors at the Victory Christian Center, were arrested in September for ‘failing to promptly report child abuse’ after a 13-year-old girl was raped in a church stairwell by an employee of the church, Chris Denman, 20.  According to the Associated Press, the two had declined a plea deal and were set to appear before a jury trial in May before Judge Bill Hiddle intervened and gave them five-year deferred sentences with no jail time. READ MORE HERE


Mom Accused of Burning Toddler’s Hand On Stove

Posted by Sandra On March - 24 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

PONCE-BABY_BURNED_HANDThere is a growing outrage as more people hear about a Weslaco-area mother accused of holding her 2-year-old son’s hand on a hot stove.  The child’s hand was burned so badly he had to be treated at a hospital burn center in Galveston.  The mother, Claudia Ponce, claimed the boy burned his hand on a pot of hot soup, but investigators say the severity of the injuries were not consistent with an accidental burn.  READ MORE HERE

Child Abuse Prevention Month

Posted by Sandra On March - 24 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

g0a00000000000000008204eef80080a8f2bad9608edc45819f5435f654APRIL is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time to recognize that we each can play a part in promoting the social and emotional well-being of children and families in our communities. Child maltreatment is defined as “any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation, or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.” The four major types of child maltreatment, neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse, affect millions of children each year. They often take place in the home and come from a person the child knows well – a parent, relative, babysitter or friend of the family.

What causes these devastating acts to occur? Research has identified certain factors relating to the child, family, community, and society that are associated with an increased risk of abuse and neglect. When multiple risk factors are present, the risk is greater. Examples include young mothers and fathers unprepared for the responsibilities of raising a child, overwhelmed single parents with little support, and families placed under stress by poverty, divorce or a child’s disability. Families can also be stressed by worries about employment, finances, health, substance abuse, mental health, domestic violence, other problems, or are simply unaware of how to care for their children’s basic needs. Research has also shown that child maltreatment results in negative long-term health and mental health outcomes, including: mental illness, substance abuse, developmental disabilities, social problems with adults and other children, teen pregnancy, lack of success in school, alcohol and drug use, and domestic violence.

As National Child Abuse Prevention Month is observed, it is important to know that family members, educators, public officials, faith-based, and community organizations all play important roles in helping to ensure that the children are safe and can grow surrounded by love and stability.

Please check your local areas for Child Abuse Prevention Events and learn how you can help!! You can also check our 2013 CALENDAR for our upcoming events and to learn about the 1st National MILLION MARCH AGAINST CHILD ABUSE planned for Monday, April 22, 2013.


March Against Child Abuse to be held in Port Huron


Ex-Teacher Receives 45-Yr Prison Sentence for Child Porn

Posted by Sandra On March - 23 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

s-KIMBERLY-CRAIN-TEACHER-MENOPAUSE-largeSHAWNEE, OK — A former Oklahoma schoolteacher who pleaded no contest to child pornography and exploitation charges changed her plea to guilty Friday and agreed to accept a 45-year prison sentence. Former third-grade teacher Kimberly Crain, 50, pleaded guilty midway through a sentencing hearing in which she could have been sentenced to life in prison on multiple counts of sexual exploitation of a child under 12 and possession of juvenile pornography, plus separate counts of conspiracy to commit sexual exploitation and lewd molestation. READ MORE HERE

Gay British Teen Died After Being Set On Fire

Posted by Sandra On March - 23 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS



A young British man has been convicted of manslaughter after killing a gay teen by setting him on fire. The BBC reports that 20-year-old Jordan Sheard has been sentenced to three and a half years in jail for the death of Steven Simpson after pleading guilty to manslaughter charges. Simpson, 18, died one day after sustaining “significant burns” in June 2012, according to the report. READ MORE HERE

Dog Brought Home Deceased Newborn Wrapped In Plastic

Posted by Sandra On March - 23 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

luke-dog-baby-in-mouthA canine’s disturbing find launched an urgent police investigation.  A house-sitter was shocked to find her friend’s mixed-breed dog, “Luke,” bring the corpse of a newborn baby girl wrapped in plastic to his owner’s doorstep in Oklahoma City, OK. According to News Channel 4, Oklahoma City police and Cleveland County deputies have since been combing the area, searching for clues as to where the baby may have died. READ MORE HERE

Child Porn on Facebook

Posted by Sandra On March - 23 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

562065_503488656354315_950397352_nChild Porn Goes Viral On Facebook

There are several reports of child pornography going viral on Facebook Thursday. A source told BuzzFeed that, by 9 p.m. Thursday night, a pornographic video of an infant had over 16,000 shares.  Gawker reports that the video, which apparently showed “a grown man sexually abusing an infant girl” got 32,000 shares and 5,000 likes before Facebook wiped it off the site after eight hours. READ MORE HERE

3/23/2013: Many of you know about the child porn video uploaded to Facebook being shared on Facebook during the past few days. Some of you said you shared it on your wall and asked your friends to report it. This guy was ARRESTED for simply sharing, NOT uploading, that video on Facebook! It does not matter WHY you share, it is still distributing child pornography! Do NOT ever share child porn for reporting purposes on Facebook or anywhere on the Internet! See notations after article.

Article: Louisiana: The Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office has given more information on the man arrested on pornography charges. Detectives say 22 year old Robbie Fusilier found a pornographic video on Facebook, later reposting it on his personal Facebook page. Detectives have since spoken the Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who say the video is being sent out across facebook, and the center is working to try to combat the issue. Fusilier is charged with Distribution of Pornography Involving Juveniles.

Source: http://www.katc.com/news/update-to-iberia-man-arrested-on-pornography-charges/#_

Administrator’s note: I suggest in the future you DO NOT share any child pornography on the Internet for reporting purposes but go tohttp://missingkids.com/ and click on the “MAKE A CYBERTIPLINE REPORT” link!

This is the online reporting form you will reach. You should bookmark it for future use: https://report.cybertip.org/index.htm;jsessionid=D8CF6C86578E9F69CFA874F9C29BDD7F.iwt1

To share a flyer in attempting to identify the man in the child porn video click here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=503488656354315&set=a.442980149071833.90070.222558184447365&type=1&relevant_count=1


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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