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Archive for December, 2012

Police Search for Child Rapist

Posted by Sandra On December - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on Police Search for Child Rapist


Police searching for child rape suspect in Lancaster County

Police are searching for a 34-year-old man who is accused of raping a child in Lancaster County. Investigators from the Southern Regional Police Department have obtained an arrest warrant for Phillip Lee Langley, of New Providence. He is accused of sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl over the course of 6 months, police said. The incidents began in November 2011 and continued through May of 2012 at Langley’s former home in Conestoga Township. READ MORE HERE

School Principal Accused of Child Sex Abuse

Posted by Sandra On December - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on School Principal Accused of Child Sex Abuse


BURLEY • Tara Leigh Bagley, 41, a vice principal at Burley High School, was arrested Friday on charges of sexually abusing a minor. According to a press release issued by the Cassia County Sheriff’s Office, Bagley was arrested without incident on a warrant by police near St. George, Utah. She is charged with seven counts of sexual abuse of a minor 16 to 17 years old, and is being held in the Mini-Cassia Criminal Justice Center on $250,000 bond. READ MORE HERE

School Employee Arrested for Child Cruelty

Posted by Sandra On December - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on School Employee Arrested for Child Cruelty

Ensley_Elementary_employee_arrested_on_c_404550000_20121221174625_320_240PENSACOLA, FL – Escambia County Deputies said Dorothea Vega, 59, is suspected of severe child abuse that may have been going on for months. Authorities said the alleged abuse came to light after the victim told a school resource officer. When investigators responded to Vega’s home, they say they found alarms on the door of a young child’s room. READ MORE HERE

Former Police Office Indicted for Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On December - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on Former Police Office Indicted for Child Abuse

20412719_BG1MOULTON, AL – A Lawrence County Grand Jury formally indicted a former Moulton police officer on child abuse charges. Mitchell Breland was indicted for allegedly beating two 8-year-old girls. Breland was arrested in September after investigation by the Alabama Bureau of Investigation. The arrest came after complaints from hospital workers who treated one of the alleged victims. READ MORE HERE

Police Raid TV Weatherman Fred Talbot’s Home

Posted by Sandra On December - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on Police Raid TV Weatherman Fred Talbot’s Home

Fred+Talbot+on+This+Morning+in+1991 The allegations date from the 1970s when the alleged victims were pupils at a school where Mr Talbot taught

Detectives probing child abuse allegations have searched the home of TV weatherman Fred Talbot. Officers swooped on the property in Bowdon, Greater Manchester, eleven days ago, it was revealed today. The allegations date from the 1970s when the alleged victims were pupils at Altrincham Grammar School for Boys. Mr Talbot, 63, who is currently abroad, taught biology there. No arrests have been made. The inquiry originally began into another school, St Ambrose RC College in Hale. READ MORE HERE


3-YO Toddler Needs Skin Grafts After Father Burnt Her

Posted by Sandra On December - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on 3-YO Toddler Needs Skin Grafts After Father Burnt Her

article-2251012-1697E493000005DC-974_306x423A three-year-old girl was left needing a skin graft after she was held under scalding water for wetting her pants. Police arrested her father, Terrell Williams, 28, his girlfriend, Kenyatta Gill, 31, and Gill’s brother, Aaron Alston, 25.  All three live in the Phoenix home where the incident happened along with Gill’s three-month-old daughter, documents stated. The unidentified child was taken to a Valley hospital on December 12. READ MORE HERE

3-YO Toddler Beaten to Death While In Daycare

Posted by Sandra On December - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on 3-YO Toddler Beaten to Death While In Daycare

article-2247567-16800ABF000005DC-888_634x571Savannah Cross, 3, died after Reed allegedly stomped on her stomach

A Colorado father set off on a somber 15-hour journey this week to bring home the brutalized body of his three-year-old daughter who was beaten to death while left in the care of babysitters for weeks on end. Stephen Cross arrived at a funeral home in Scottsdale, Arizona, on Tuesday to claim the body of little Savannah resting in a small white marble casket. Police say the toddler was savagely and repeatedly beaten by one of her caretakers, 27-year-old Ryan Reed, while his girlfriend, 28-year-old Allison clement, looked on and did nothing to stop the abuse. READ MORE HERE

71-YO Pedophile Went to Cambodia to Rape Boys

Posted by Sandra On December - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on 71-YO Pedophile Went to Cambodia to Rape Boys


A British child molester who slipped through the hands of UK police because they did not have enough evidence against him has been sentenced to prison in Cambodia. But the one-year-jail sentence imposed on 71-year-old Reginald Blakely has outraged child protection groups in the south east Asian country, the previous haunt of notorious child sex abuser Gary Glitter. Child victim groups said the sentence was too lenient and would do nothing to deter other abusers of children in Cambodia. READ MORE HERE

Internet Helped Catch Jane Doe Child Pornographer

Posted by Sandra On December - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on Internet Helped Catch Jane Doe Child Pornographer

Jane Doe unmasked: Child sex abuser busted by federal agents just 24 hours after they released horrific internet footage

Agents from Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) have caught the woman suspected of producing child pornography and appearing to abuse a young child in a sex video she posted on the internet – less than 24 hours after the Feds appealed to the American public for help. Corrine Danielle Motley of Okaloosa County, Florida was arrested late Wednesday and faces federal charges for the production and distribution of child pornography. The 25-year-old was apprehended by Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force members and Homeland Security Investigations special agents. READ MORE HERE

Woman Says Parents Trafficked Her At The Age of 10

Posted by Sandra On December - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on Woman Says Parents Trafficked Her At The Age of 10

article-2252519-16A2520A000005DC-742_634x383A California woman has turned to activism nearly a decade after she was held against her will in the world’s most unforgiving industry by the two people who should have been shielding her from danger. Minh Dang, 28, says she was just 10 years old when she was taken to a brothel for the first time by her parents, who would then leave her there for days – and sometimes weeks. She says the pattern of mistreatment began when she was as young as three years old as she was subjected to physical, sexual and emotional abuse at the hands of her father. READ MORE HERE

51-YO Youth Group Leader Molested Child for 5-Years

Posted by Sandra On December - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on 51-YO Youth Group Leader Molested Child for 5-Years

article-2252544-16A19425000005DC-482_306x676Behind bars: John Duffy charged with sexual abuse with a teen girl he molested starting at the age of 12

A parish councillor is today starting a 12 year sentence behind bars for exploiting his status as a ‘pillar of the community’ to have an affair with a teenage schoolgirl. Married youth group leader John Duffy used his position of respectability as a cover for his five year illicit relationship with the besotted youngster during the 1990s. After befriending her through his youth club, Duffy seduced her when she was just 12 then had regular sexual liaisons with the girl – promising her marriage and even showing her holiday brochures of where he said they would go on their honeymoon. READ MORE HERE


New Dangerous Drug: “Smiles”

Posted by Sandra On December - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on New Dangerous Drug: “Smiles”



The latest synthetic drug to become popular among teenagers is something parents need to know about because kids are dying from it. The drug is called 2C-1 or ‘Smile’ but the psychedelic drug is no laughing matter and causes severe hallucinations. The drug can be purchased in powder or tablet form. READ MORE HERE




Father Killed 11-YO Daughter

Posted by Sandra On December - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on Father Killed 11-YO Daughter

Kenneth-Stoddard-hogtied-daughter-to-death-duct-taped-mouthChild Killed After Being Hog-Tied To Her Bed, Duct-Taping Her Mouth Shut During Brutal Beatings

A sister to five died after years of being abused like she was an animal as others fear for her siblings. On December 17, after almost 2 weeks of hospitalization, an 11-year-old from Sarasota, FL named Melissa passed away as a result of brain damage and lack of oxygen after being repeatedly beaten and allegedly hog-tied by her father Kenneth Stoddard, 35. READ MORE HERE

Grandma Walks Free After Killing 4-YO Grandson

Posted by Sandra On December - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on Grandma Walks Free After Killing 4-YO Grandson

Terry-Borgia-mistrial-drowned-four-year-old-grandsonTHIRD MISTRIAL DECLARED

Three strikes and the prosecution is out – and so may be the accused. Terry Borgia, 63, of Detroit has been tried for first degree murder three times in the drowning death of her four-year-old grandson, and each time the case has been declared a mistrial.  READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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