A Glimpse into the Mind of a Child Molester
Following is “Rev. Daniel Dhaene’s” Letter to the Editor submitted in response to a published Belgium article on Father’s Touch (May, 2002). The editor refused to publish his letter, however provided me with a copy at Dhaene’s request. Reading the letter seems to give the impression that Rev. Daniel Dhaene knows me, my siblings, or that he has been an insider in our family. The last time I spoke with Dhaene was 29 years ago, prior to escaping his house at the age of fifteen. Having changed the spelling of his family name, Dhaene has moved to the Philippines for ‘reasons unknown’, where he currently resides with his fifth wife and their 3 small children, all boys under the age of 10.
A ‘pardon’ which ‘Rev. Daniel Dhaene’ refers to in his voluminous rebuttal is not uncommon in Canada. A pardon is not a judicial reversal of a conviction, nor does it exonerate an ex-convict of his crime. It does make it easier for ex-convicts to gain employment, access housing and other essential services. A pardon cannot seal Police records and can be revoked by the Canadian Government at any time.
Reproduced here is an edited version of Reverend Daniel Dhaene’s letter. I’ve taken the liberty to cut lengthy Bible verses and statements which were overly offensive to my family members. I consciously leave in self serving justifications, rationalizations, untruths and half-truths in order that you the reader may experience a rare glimpse into the mind of a serial pedophile.