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Archive for November, 2012

Depression and Parenting

Posted by Sandra On November - 24 - 2012 Comments Off on Depression and Parenting

Depressed parents need to have their voices heard

I lived in a psychiatric hospital for 17 days this year. I wear it like a badge, I am so proud of it. I attacked perinatal depression head on and came out on top. This is Postnatal DepressionAwareness Week and I declare my hand so that, in some small way, I can help the cause. I feel so privileged to have been able to stay at the Brisbane Centre for Post Natal Disorders, at Belmont Private Hospital. It changed my life. I am stronger, happier, grounded, and now unable to stand fools who think less of me because I sought treatment for something I had less control over suffering than catching a cold. All I did was have a baby.” READ MORE HERE

Parenting through depression

Life as a Depressed Parent – NYTimes.com

Parents’ Depression Linked to Problems in Children

Parenting Stress and Depression – Who’s At Risk And Why?

Tips for Coping with Depression and Parenting

Depression and Parenting – Seek help



6-YO Girl Brutally Murdered

Posted by Sandra On November - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on 6-YO Girl Brutally Murdered

Father  and stepmother both serving prison sentences for child abuse

Arkansas police are questioning registered sex offenders in their investigation into the death of a six-year-old girl whose body was found in an abandoned home just 200 feet from where she lived with her mother. Jersey Bridgemanwhose father and stepmother were jailed last year for chaining her to a dresser, disappeared from her bedroom at her home in Bentonville, on Monday night. Her mother, DesaRae Bridgeman, said she last saw her daughter around midnight, before reporting her missing around 6:30am. Authorities found her body approximately 10 minutes later. READ MORE HERE

Stepfather Imprisoned for Raping 8-YO Boy

Posted by Sandra On November - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on Stepfather Imprisoned for Raping 8-YO Boy

A sexual predator who repeatedly molested his stepchildren enlisted his partner’s support in the ongoing abuse as she allegedly allowed the man to rape her young son while she sat nearby, a court has heard. The 64-year-old Illawarra man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was sentenced to a minimum 10 years’ jail in Wollongong District Court yesterday for sexually assaulting his stepchildren for nearly a decade. Judge Paul Conlon said the man had exploited the children in the worst possible way. READ MORE HERE

Convicted Sex Offender Kidnapped, Raped, Filmed Abuse

Posted by Sandra On November - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on Convicted Sex Offender Kidnapped, Raped, Filmed Abuse

  • Red Saunders, 23, played out his sick fantasies, planning scripts, costumes and games for the two girls aged six and eight while he filmed his abuse
  • He labelled the videos he made ‘Pedo Productions’ and ‘My Legacy’
  • Detectives also found an ‘Abduction Diary’ in which he wrote of snatching little girls off the street, sexually abusing them before killing the
  • The journal ends with: ‘Now it’s time to find the unfortunate little girl’
  • He was convicted of molesting a girl when he was 15 and social services raised fears of his ‘disturbing and profound predatory interest in young girls’


A pedophile who was spared jail after molesting a five-year-old girl went on to rape a child by posing as a babysitter on the internet. Red Saunders, 23, raped a girl of eight and sexually assaulted another seven-year-old girl after tricking two families into believing he was a legitimate babysitter. He was hired through Gumtree, a popular online classifieds noticeboard, after using his brother’s name to pose as a child minder. READ MORE HERE


Teen Accused of Molesting Child at Day Care

Posted by Sandra On November - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on Teen Accused of Molesting Child at Day Care

VENTURA, CA — The 18-year-old son of a day care center owner has been arrested on charges of allegedly molesting a young girl. Cooper Potter, 18, allegedly molested a 5-year-old girl at Potters Day Care, a child-care facility that was run out of his home. READ MORE HERE

Child Abuse Rates Rising

Posted by Sandra On November - 23 - 2012 Comments Off on Child Abuse Rates Rising
Freeport, Ill. —Reports of child abuse and neglect are on the rise in downstate Illinois and Stephenson County’s rate was roughly 33 percent above the state average last fiscal year, according to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). A new report from DCFS shows that there has been a 5.4 percent increase in abuse/neglect cases across downstate Illinois, which includes everywhere in the state except Cook County. This comes from comparing fiscal year 2012 — which ran from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 — to the previous year, said Dave Clarkin, a spokesman for DCFS. More recent statistics indicate that this is a continuing trend. The Illinois Child Abuse Hotline received 25,348 reports of suspected abuse or neglect involving downstate children from July through October of this year, compared to 24,053 children during the same period last year, states a DCFS news release. READ MORE HERE

Dreamcatchers 1st Annual Masquerade Ball Was A Success

Posted by Sandra On November - 22 - 2012 Comments Off on Dreamcatchers 1st Annual Masquerade Ball Was A Success

Dreamcatchers for Abused Children’s 1st Annual Masquerade Ball was held on Friday, October 25, 2012 at Remington Park in Oklahoma City, OK. It was hosted by Dreamcatchers National Spokeswoman, Debbie Splawn-Bunch. The event was a huge success and we would like to share some of the moments captured with you (see video below).

We would like to publicly thank all of the sponsors, contributors, and attendees for making these event successful! We greatly appreciate your support!!




Please make plans to attend our 2nd Annual Masquerade Ball next year on October 25, 2013 at Remington Park!!!  We would love to see you there!! For more info, please visit:



(Thank you to “Timeless Memories” for photographing this event!!)

Pedophile Tendancies

Posted by Sandra On November - 21 - 2012 Comments Off on Pedophile Tendancies

Which Is the Cause of Pedophilia?

“Pedophilia” ( Greek pedos, “child,” and philia, “affinity”) represents – as all recurrent sexually exciting fantasies – impulsive desires and behaviors that include sexual acts with a child and that occur over a period of at least six months. Some 89,000 American children were sexually abused in 2002, and the numbers could be far higher.  This is the most detested sexual deviation, and the public does not take chances with pedophiles. Among convicted pedophiles, especially those attracted to boys, the recidivism rate is high. Some of the abusers are not, in fact, pedophiles but target children because they are weaker and more pliable than adults.  And not all people who have pedophile tendencies act on them or turn violent: the fear of being identified keeps many pedophiles undercover, surrounded by children while struggling with their secret wishes. READ MORE HERE

Pedophilia: Neuropsychological Evidence Encouraging A Brain Network Perspective

When Potential Pedophiles “Turn Themselves In” To Tame Their Criminal Impulses

Pregnant Woman Jumps Off Cliff To Her Death

Posted by Sandra On November - 21 - 2012 Comments Off on Pregnant Woman Jumps Off Cliff To Her Death


The heartbroken husband of a pregnant woman, found dead at the bottom of a hill, has spoken of their last phonecall – when they both said they loved each other. Anna Byrne (35) from Beechdale in Dunboyne, Co Meath, and her unborn twin sons were killed in the fall at Howth summit in the early hours of March 8 this year. The mother of two’s last known contact was at 11am the previous day when she spoke on the phone with her husband, Terry Byrne, and told him that she was going to the supermarket, an inquest has heard. “At the end of the call, I told her to phone anytime if there was anything,” he told the court. “We told each other that we loved each other and she said ‘I’ll see ya later'”. Mr Byrne was giving evidence at Dublin City Coroner’s Court, where an open verdict was returned at the inquest into his wife’s death. READ MORE HERE

Anna Byrne’s remains recovered

Teen Brutally Tortured, Mutilated, and Killed 17-YO GF

Posted by Sandra On November - 21 - 2012 Comments Off on Teen Brutally Tortured, Mutilated, and Killed 17-YO GF

A ‘cold-blooded’ teenage killer who brutally tortured and mutilated his 17-year-old girlfriend before raping and dumping her body must serve at least 22 years behind bars. Adam Lewis tied helpless Hannah Windsor to a tree, bound her mouth with tape, and sexually assaulted, strangled and slashed her with a Swiss army knife during a 40-minute spree of violence. A judge today described the pain inflicted on the victim at a well-known Merseyside beauty spot as both ‘sexual and sadistic’, adding the injuries inflicted on her caused Hannah ‘immense pain and suffering.’ READ MORE HERE

Let’s Find This Violent Thug

Posted by Sandra On November - 21 - 2012 Comments Off on Let’s Find This Violent Thug

Plaistow, East London– This is the shocking moment a vile thug knocks out a teenage girl as she walks innocently down the street. The 16-year-old was savagely attacked from behind in broad daylight, with the man’s punch flooring the girl. The victim, who was not named, was knocked unconscious by the devastating blow. The horrific CCTV footage shows her cowardly attacker turn and run off after she falls to the ground.  READ MORE HERE

Man Who Killed Child, Sarah Payne, Attacked In Prison

Posted by Sandra On November - 21 - 2012 Comments Off on Man Who Killed Child, Sarah Payne, Attacked In Prison

A prisoner told a court today he stabbed notorious child killer Roy Whiting in both eyes because he was a “dirty little nonce”. Double murderer Gary Vinter, 42, sneaked into Whiting’s jail cell and attacked him with a sharpened plastic toilet brush handle. The tip of his makeshift weapon broke and left a piece of plastic in his victim’s eye socket, the court heard. Whiting, serving life for the murder of eight-year-old Sarah Payne in East Sussex in July 2000, was then kicked and punched as he lay on the floor. READ MORE HERE

Shocking Facebook Rape Parties

Posted by Sandra On November - 21 - 2012 Comments Off on Shocking Facebook Rape Parties

Facebook rape parties: Groomed girls placed on menus for pedos to choose their victim

Facebook rape gangs are targeting vulnerable children at sickening house parties where victims are chosen from a menu-style list, a shock report revealed yesterday. Thousands of youngsters are being preyed on by organized syndicates of sex attackers who surf the internet to arrange meetings with each other and identify potential targets. A girl called Teegan, not her real name, says she was taken to houses from the age of 13 and raped by several men. She said they selected girls from a book showing their photographs and ages and in some cases put film of the vile attacks on the internet. READ MORE HERE

13-YO Girl Shot, Killed On School Bus

Posted by Sandra On November - 20 - 2012 Comments Off on 13-YO Girl Shot, Killed On School Bus

A 13-year-old girl was shot and killed Tuesday inside a school bus in a Miami suburb, police said. Police said a male student was taken into custody in connection with the attack, but authorities haven’t released his name or age. The shooting occurred on a private bus while it was at intersection of 137th Avenue and Southwest 296th Street in Homestead, Fla., police told the Los Angeles Times. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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