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Archive for March, 2012

LAUSD Creates 72-Hr Policy for Reporting Sex Misconduct

Posted by Sandra On March - 30 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/bqoup0xy New LAUSD 72-Hour Policy for Reporting Sexual Misconduct

https://www.salernoformazione.com/xtc2igoh LOS ANGELES – Parents will be notified within 72 hours when a teacher at their child’s school has been accused of sexual misconduct, under a new policy adopted Thursday by Los Angeles Unified officials. The announcement came just hours after District officials confirmed that an unidentified teacher at Sutter Middle School in Winnetka had been removed from the classroom amid allegations of wrongdoing. READ MORE HERE

Female Teacher Kidnapped Student – Fled State To Rape Girl

Posted by Sandra On March - 29 - 2012 1 COMMENT

https://municion.org/n8x6ywgmzjz laureth may teacher female student sex state fled assault kidnapped

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=0cdg45gu42y Buy Ambien Overnight Shipping A former art teacher kidnapped and sexually abused her student. Laureth May, 29, a former Illinois teacher, fled with her three young children and a female student, 17, whom she sexually abused, after getting in an argument with her fiance. READ MORE HERE

Mike Skinner To Sit Down with Patricia McKnight

Posted by Sandra On March - 29 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS
Mike Skinner sits down with Dtreamcatchers Talk Radio's Patricia McKnight

On Friday, March 30th, Mike Skinner will sit down with Dreamcatchers Talk Radio’s own Patricia “Tricia” McKnight. Dreamcatchers Talk Radio is the first and largest 24 hour “LIVE” streaming Child Abuse Education Network. This programming is a diverse and unique format by a small team of highly dedicated experts and advocates dedicated to educating the public on all aspects of abuse; child abuse education, awareness, prevention, domestic violence, teen issues; teen dating violence, bullying, cyber-bullying, low self esteem, suicide, Male Awareness, Survivors, Missing and Exploited Children.

Mike a singer, songwriter, guitarist, writer, public speaker on trauma, abuse and mental health. He is also the Executive Director of Surviving Spirit. An organization that uses creative arts to address the issues of trauma, abuse and mental health concerns.

Through Mike’s music, lyrics, songs, and performances, he feels blessed to be able to try to convey the thoughts, ideas, and feelings of not only himself, but of the countless hundreds he has met in his lifetime. These wonderful and unique individuals have suffered abuses that defy description. Their strength and perseverance help guide him. Equally important to Mike are the many great organizations dedicated to advocating for those who have felt the sting of discrimination and stigma pertaining to mental illness/health and the sheer horror and impact felt by those who have endured childhood sexual, physical, and emotional abuse.

Please visit their website at: http://dreamcatcherstalkradio.weebly.com for a complete list of upcoming shows, guests & programming! Also, feel free to call in, ask questions or share your comments and thoughts @ 917-932-1132.

Join Patricia and Mike’s “LIVE” discussion Friday night 9p.m. EST @


Child Sex Abuse Prevention

Posted by Sandra On March - 27 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

It’s not uncommon to see news reports about adults being accused of sex crimes involving children, teenagers or even their students. The circumstances of recent cases vary – a Johnston County teacher facing dozens of charges that he molested six boys, a Wake County 4-H volunteer accused of targeting three boys and a Cary man portraying Santa Claus who allegedly solicited a girl on Facebook – but they all have one common factor. Each involves a person with authority or influence over his alleged child victims.   READ MORE HERE











Just Speak, Incorporated

JustTell | Empowering kids to speak up about sexual abuse

Prevent Child Sexual Abuse – Darkness to Light

Stop It Now | Together We Can Prevent the Sexual Abuse of Children

Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs – Child Welfare Information

Sanilac County, MI Man Charged With Child Abuse, Torture

Posted by Sandra On March - 27 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Joseph Lee Brockitt

WORTH TWP, MI. – A 34- year-old father has been charged in an abuse case involving two children. Joseph Lee Brockitt was arrested Saturday after sheriff’s deputies executed a search warrant at his residence in the 7000 block of Dian Street. The arrest came after a man who lived at the residence alleged that Brockitt had been abusing his 4-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son from a previous relationship for several months, according to Detective/Sgt. Jim Johnson of the Sanilac County Sheriff Department. Brockitt is alleged to have subjected the children to cruel and abusive punishments for not being potty-trained, said Johnson.  READ MORE HERE

Father Beat, Murders His Infant

Posted by Sandra On March - 27 - 2012 1 COMMENT

steven cantrell killed daughter head injury father murder girl

Man Brutally Murders His 2-MO DAUGHTER After Viciously Beating Her In The Head

https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/x5c5zc87rm3 A 2-month old baby died from severe injury to her skull from her father. https://www.varesewedding.com/szps7ky9x Steven Cantrell, 21, was arrested for the murder of his daughter, 2-month old, Jada Cantrell who suffered multiple skull fractures when she was left alone with him in his southwest Florida home Friday.  READ MORE HERE

Oakland County, MI Gears Up For Child Abuse Prevention Month

Posted by Sandra On March - 27 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Ms. Brittni Kellom is the CEO and Founder of JUST SPEAK, INCORPORATED. Ms. Kellom founded the organization in 2003, after suffering four years of severe sexual and emotional abuse from her biological father. Ms. Kellom made the choice not to speak about her abuse. Her own understanding of the importance of speaking out, has compelled her to travel sharing her story of pain and healing with others.

https://ottawaphotographer.com/usnsy9pl27 Brittni Kellom, CEO


https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/cjmddlczlf Margaret L. Hall, Founder
Southfield Domestic Violence Group
248 227-0096

Drunk Illegal Alien Kills Child, Critically Injures Another

Posted by Sandra On March - 27 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS



https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/bniqnoue Houston, TX – Another fatal DUI was caused by an illegal immigrant over the weekend, as 27-year-old, Mexican national Luis Hector Lopez-Rodriguez plowed into an apartment complex killing a small boy and critically injuring another. 7-year-old Jesus Ordonez and his 4-year-old cousin Christopher Cruz were out in front of their apartment complex playing when drunk Lopez-Rodriguez drove his car off the road and smashed directly into them.  READ MORE HERE

11-YO Child Bludgeoned To Death

Posted by Sandra On March - 26 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS
Donna Evans

Donna Evans Fatally Beat Daughter, Killed Herself When Allegedly Distraught Over Breakup

ROBESONIA, Pa. — Police in eastern Pennsylvania say a mother fatally bludgeoned her 11-year-old daughter before setting fire to their house and killing herself. Authorities say it happened Sunday night in North Heidelberg Township, about 60 miles northwest of Philadelphia. State police say 39-year-old Donna Evans was apparently distraught over a breakup with a lover and killed her daughter, Madison Evans. READ MORE HERE

Jessie Foster: Age-Progressed Drawing Released of Suspected Sex Trafficking Victim

Posted by Sandra On March - 26 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Coming up on the sixth anniversary of her disappearance, Glendene Grant has released an age-progressed portrait showing what her missing daughter might look like now. Jessie Foster has not been seen since March 29, 2006.  READ MORE HERE

Man Beat His Step-Son For Hours

Posted by Sandra On March - 26 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS
Scott AFB, Illinois – James Jennings, a 39-year-old Illinois man was jailed Thursday after he allegedly beat up his 12-year-old stepson, then forced the boy to eat and swallow cookie crumbs and screws from off of the floor. According to police, officers were dispatched to Scott Elementary School after a school nurse discovered severe bruising on the boy’s arms, back and buttocks.  READ MORE HERE

Man Videotaped Himself Raping Children

Posted by Sandra On March - 26 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Brandon Jones Man Already in Custody Facing Additional Charges for Videotaping Sex With Children

Zolpidem Uk Buy Mesa, Arizona — A man already in custody for sexually abusing a child is now facing additional sexual molestation charges. 26-year-old Brandon Jones has been in custody since January for charges of sexual crimes involving a 5-year-old boy, but they charged him with 30 additional counts on Tuesday after investigators found video evidence of him molesting the 5-year-old boy, a 4-year-old girl and a 1-year-old girl.  READ MORE HERE

Father Brutally Beat His 29-Day Old Son

Posted by Sandra On March - 26 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS
Hendersonville, N.C. – Anthony Taylor, a 21-year-old North Carolina man was charged Wednesday after he allegedly beat a 29-day-old baby, leaving the child with multiple bone fractures and external bruising. According to the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office, an investigation was launched in late February after the baby’s mother reported that her child had been abused by Taylor during a visit.  READ MORE HERE

Woman Charged With Raping 6-YO Boy

Posted by Sandra On March - 26 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS


Bradenton, FL  – Rose Hogue, a 40-year-old Florida woman was jailed Wednesday after she allegedly had sex with a six-year-old boy. According to Bradenton Police, an investigation was launched in February after detectives received a report of alleged child molestation.  READ MORE HERE

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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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Ex-Soldier Guilty Of Sexually Abusing Children

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