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Archive for March, 2012

Father Allegedly Raped, Prostituted 3 Adopted Children

Posted by Sandra On March - 1 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Kenneth Brandt, 39

TROY, Ohio — A 39-year old man is accusing of raping his three adopted children and allowing other men to have sex with them. Kenneth Brant is charged with three counts of rape and one of compelling prostitution. Police say Brandt was arrested during an online sting in which an undercover detective arranged to have sex with one of the children.  READ MORE HERE

Former City Official Charged With Child Porn

Posted by Sandra On March - 1 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Albert Abrams

TARZANA, CA — A former president of L.A.’s Board of Neighborhood Commissioners was arrested by the FBI Wednesday, after being indicted on child porn charges. 63-year-old Albert Abrams, of Tarzana, faces five counts of distributing child pornography, two counts of receiving child pornography and one count of  possession of child pornography. He pleaded not guilty on Wednesday, and a trial date was set for April 24th.  READ MORE HERE

Mother Drowns Her 3-YO Son

Posted by Sandra On March - 1 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS


A Johnson County judge had warned Amanda Smith on Thursday that her say in her son’s custody hinged on better cooperation with authorities. The judge, Mark Loyd, set a hearing March 14 to determine whether 3-year-old Jacob Smith would continue to live with his grandmother — as Amanda Smith wanted — or go to live with his father. Now, that hearing will not happen. Smith, 33, Trafalgar, is believed to have drowned Jacob on Monday in her apartment. Johnson County Sheriff Doug Cox said the boy’s body appeared to have been carefully laid on a bed, his head on a pillow, by the time emergency responders arrived.  READ MORE HERE

NEW: Dreamcatchers Talk Radio 24-Hour LIVE Streaming

Posted by Sandra On March - 1 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

24-Hour LIVE Streaming: Child Abuse Education

Dreamcatchers online radio talk show is dedicated to educating the public and creating public awareness through global education by a team of highly dedicated team of experts, advocates and organizations.
 Today, this duo is announcing it’s new 24 hour “LIVE” Streaming Network. This unique format hosts all aspects of abuse; child abuse education, awareness, prevention, domestic violence, teen issues; teen dating violence, bullying, cyber-bullying, low self esteem, suicide, Male Awareness, Survivors, Missing and Exploited Children all in one convient location. This is what separates Dreamcatchers Talk Radio from the others. Recent guests include Erin Merryn, Mark A. Palmer, Bo Budinsky, JoAnn Matos and The Penn State Scandal discussion.

Programming and Hosts:

Sunday: Child Abuse Education

Monday: CEO of Abuse Bites and the Healing Projects Specialist for the Bully Police USA, Lisa Freeman. Education is key to maintaining a safe, healthy, and happy environment and key to stopping abuse, bullying, and violence.

Tuesday: Male Awareness

Wednesday: Open discussion

Thursday: Teen Issues and Domestic Violence

Friday: Survivors Speak Out

Saturday: Children’s Wall of Tears Founders Leo and Jane Alvarez discuss child cruelty, child abuse and children’s rights

Now, you can listen and enjoy your favorite hosts or programming 24 hours a day.

Visit our new 24-hour “LIVE” streaming at:


Visit the Dreamcatchers Talk Radio website often to stay up to date with the latest information, upcoming guests/specialists and new show topics. We are teaming up in numbers to be pro-active by implementing other reputable child abuse organizations and child abuse advocates into our show and bringing in important new elements, aspects and subjects of child abuse. You can listen LIVE, chat with us in the online chat room, call-in with your questions/comments/concerns, or listen to the archived show at a later date.

Please visit our BlogTalk Intinerary & Line-Up weekly for show updates here:
http://dreamcatcherstalkradio.weebly.com (24-hour streaming is also available on this website)

Dreamcatchers Announces New Radio Host, Bo Bodinsky

Posted by Sandra On March - 1 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Dreamcatchers Talk Radio announces Bo Budinsky as host

Dreamcatchers Talk Radio is pleased to announce their newest radio talk show host, Bo Budinsky. Bo has had a challenging life. He has dealt with addiction, shattered relationships, abandoned careers, been homeless, shot at, broken and disgusted, and it has only been in the last year he has”come out of hiding” so to speak. He was ashamed and that shame seemed to run his life. Why? He is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and that abuse has profoundly affected his life.

Now, join Bo on Tuesday nights at 9 p.m. EST with his new program “Male Awareness.” Bo is ready to tell his story and help other men who have been affected by abuse. Call in and speak to Bo, and address your questions, comments or concerns.at: 917-932-1132.

Also, tune into Bo on Dreamcatchers Talk Radio’s new 24 hour “LIVE” Streaming Network. This unique format hosts all aspects of abuse; child abuse education, awareness, prevention, domestic violence, teen issues; teen dating violence, bullying, cyber-bullying, low self esteem, suicide, Male Awareness, Survivors, Missing and Exploited Children all in one convenient location.





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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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