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Archive for 2011

Porn Allowed At Public Libraries

Posted by Sandra On May - 9 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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“Customers can watch whatever they want on the computer,” said Brooklyn Public Library spokeswoman Malika Granville. The New York Post reported that people are free to watch anything on computers at the city’s 200-plus libraries. The rule, however, has angered religious leaders and library patrons. Under American law, libraries that use federal funding only must install filters on publicly-used computers to block content that have obscenity and child pornography. Library officials said it is a free speech issue. “In deference to the First Amendment protecting freedom of speech, the New York Public Library cannot prevent adult patrons from accessing adult content that is legal,” said New York Public Library spokeswoman Angela Montefinise.

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Man Accused of 2nd Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On May - 9 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
Erik Medrano, 23_20110506165046_JPG

Magnolia Man Accused of Another Child Rape

Police believe man raped victim’s sister

https://calif-ilc.org/vn7b80hq TOMBALL, Texas – A Magnolia man, charged with the Super Aggravated Sexual Assault of a 4-year-old girl, is now accused of raping her 2-year-old sister, according to Tomball Police. The 4-year-old victim has tested positive for the Herpes Simplex virus, a sexually-transmitted disease. Erik Medrano, 23, was arrested and charged Wednesday.


Wealthy Developer Charged With Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On May - 9 - 2011 1 COMMENT
QUINCY —One of Quincy’s wealthiest and most influential developers was set to be arraigned Monday on child rape and drug trafficking charges. William S. O’Connell, 71, whose developments include the ritzy Marina Bay complex and Granite Links Golf Club, could face a mandatory minimum sentence of 13 years in prison if convicted. The charges stem from a March 31 raid on his condominium in the Marina Bay section of Quincy.

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4-YO Deceased Boy Showed Signs Of Abuse

Posted by Sandra On May - 9 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Cheap Ambien Canada Police are investigating possible child abuse in the death of a 4-year-old boy who lived inside this house on California Street in Highland Park, Mich. Photo taken on Monday, May 9, 2011.

Buy Ambien Uk Online DETROIT, MI– Police are investing the death of a 4-year-old boy who may have been tortured inside his Highland Park home. The boy’s mother had died and he was living with his aunt and five other children, all boys between the ages of 4 and 10, in a home in the 200 block of California, Highland Park Det. Sgt. Brenda Perkins said.

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Home Intruder Broke In, Raped 13-YO

Posted by Sandra On May - 9 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
Vincent Michael Barrett_20110506155237_JPG

VIRGINIA BEACH, VA – After a police chase, a Virginia Beach man was arrested for allegedly entering a home and sexually assaulting a young girl. Virginia Beach police said Vincent Michael Barrett, 27, of the 3000 block of Birch Bark Drive, entered a home Thursday through an unlocked door in the Red Mill South section of the city. Police said he then entered the bedroom of a girl younger than 13 and sexually assaulted her.

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Level II Sex Offender Beat-Up By 16-YO Girl

Posted by Sandra On May - 9 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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https://baixacultura.org/2025/02/01/ys6sr5lk The father of a 16-year-old girl who fought off an attacker Thursday said he thinks the karate lessons she had been taking for about a month helped her defend herself. “Oh yeah, big time it helped,” said William Givens, whose daughter suffered a mild concussion when she was struck in the head from behind with a heavy object as she was walking on the trail in the woods near Pattison Lake. She also had minor cuts and bruises, he said. Givens added that his daughter was traumatized and was kept home from her classes Friday.


9-YO Sleeping Girl Abducted, Later Dumped

Posted by Sandra On May - 9 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

http://www.galleriamoitre.com/nt529gdjx Police said the suspect entered the home through an open window. (KTLA-TV / May 8, 2011)

RIVERSIDE– Authorities are searching for an unidentified man suspected of kidnapping a sleeping 9-year-old girl from her home and dropping her off on a nearby street. Residents in a Riverside neighborhood called police around 1 a.m. Sunday after they found the girl knocking on doors in the area of Bolton Avenue and Giles Court asking for help. The girl told police a man climbed into a window in her apartment on Herman Drive and Pike Street and took her into his car.


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13-YO Boy Buried In Concrete

Posted by Sandra On May - 9 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/7oi6whj Christian Choate was found buried in concrete two years after his death.

Riley Choate, father of 13-year-old boy found buried in concrete, charged in son’s death

https://calif-ilc.org/1n950cv The father of a 13-year-old Indiana boy found buried in a shallow grave was charged in his son’s death Thursday after he admitted burying him there. Riley Choate told police he wrapped his son, Christian Choate, in a blanket, placed a Bible on him and buried him under concrete in a mobile park home in Gary, Ind., in April 2009, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. Choate, 28, was charged with removal of a body from a death scene, failing to notify authorities of a death and failure to report a body to authorities.

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Reduce Risk Of Child Sex Abuse

Posted by Sandra On May - 8 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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The stories are heartbreaking, all-too-common and shrouded in misconceptions. “Child sexual abuse is kind of a taboo subject,” said Celena Ditz, therapist and co-parenting coordinator. “People don’t want to talk about it.” Margie Christopher, executive director of Children’s Homes of Cleveland County, said it seems like every time she picks up the newspaper, there is another story about a child who has been sexually abused. More often than not, it was by a family member or someone trusted by the family.



Her Tears Gave Others Hope Against Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On May - 8 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

A steady, baritone voice echoed in the House chamber, crowded with representatives, staff and guests gathered in the gallery to recognize the importance of the fight against child abuse. “Katelynn Stinnett.” The name ran among the marble-toned pillars and sailed into the vaulted ceiling. “Katelynn Stinnett,” the voice announced once more; and the name coaxed sniffles, then tears from several guests.


Megachurch Volunteer Charged With Child Sex Abuse

Posted by Sandra On May - 8 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

WASHINGTON — A volunteer at a Texas church home to the largest congregation in the United States has been charged with sexually abusing an autistic child. Alvaro Daniel Guzman, 25, was charged with indecency with a child over a February 2010 incident at a Lakewood Church activities program for special needs children, according to local media reports in Houston. The arrest warrant was issued on Tuesday, but Guzman is still free.



Wife Finds Husband In Bed With 12-YO Girl

Posted by Sandra On May - 8 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Social studies teacher, youth pastor and girl’s basketball coach

OKEECHOBEE, Fla. — A 28-year-old social studies teacher, youth pastor and girl’s basketball coach at Yearling Middle School was arrested Thursday morning on a charge of lewd and lascivious molestation on a child. Joel A. Huddleston, of 3844 NW 30 Ave., also is youth pastor at the Buckhead Ridge Christian Church, according to the Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office.


Man Posted ‘Bout 2 kill ma kid’ On Facebook, Then Did

Posted by Sandra On May - 8 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Buy Clonazepam Without Prescription A MAN who today admitted murdering his two-year-old daughter posted a message on Facebook which read “Bout 2 kill ma kid” just before he stabbed her with a massive Ninja-style knife.

Shortly afterwards Ramazan “Ramzy” Acar, 24, sent a text message to the toddler’s mother Rachelle D’Argent which read “It’s ova I did it”. A magistrate heard today that as little Yazmina Acar lay dying beside her father he posted another Facebook message which read “Pay bk u slut”.


5-YO Twins Die:Murder-Suicide

Posted by Sandra On May - 8 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

The suspected shooter's vehicle is where the shooter, along with his wife and twin children, were found dead.

5-year-old Twins, Mother, Father Dead After Apparent Murder-Suicide

The father and suspected shooter was identified as Salvador Acevedo.

EAST LOS ANGELES– Sheriffs Homicide Bureau are investigating a murder-suicide which occurred late Saturday that left twin children, their mother and father dead. According a report written by Deputy Lillian Peck, the suspect, identified as 45-year-old Salvador Acevedo, and his girlfriend, identified as 33-year-old Iris Oseguera, reportedly engaged in a domestic dispute while in Acevedo’s vehicle with their 5-year-old twins and three adolescent children. Acevedo shot Oseguera and the twins before dropping the adolescent children off at a relative’s home.




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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