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Archive for 2011

FL Laying Off 500 DCF Workers

Posted by Sandra On May - 27 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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DCF lays off 500 workers, claims children will not be affected

The Florida Department of Children and Families began issuing layoff notices Thursday to nearly 500 employees — a move officials said would save taxpayers $48 million while preserving the agency’s protection and care of abused and neglected kids. The layoffs are a result of budget cuts passed by the Florida Legislature and signed into law Thursday by Gov. Rick Scott. They come as the department has faced sharp criticism for its handling of the Barahona case in south Florida.



Mom Gets Only 8-Yrs For Attempted Child Murder

Posted by Sandra On May - 27 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Mother of Boy Left in Attic Found Guilty of Attempted Murder

JOHNSON COUNTY, KANSAS—Rachel Perez was sentenced to 102 months in prison Thursday in Johnson County District Court after her son was found locked in her attic. Perez pled guilty to aggravated endangering of a child, felony child abuse, and she pled “no contest” to attempted second degree murder.

Canada ICE Unit Arrests 7 Men For Child Porn

Posted by Sandra On May - 27 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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The Saskatchewan ICE (Internet Child Exploitation) Unit has charged seven men from across the province with possession and distribution of child pornography. This comes after the unit began an investigation into online activities of child abuse images in the province. Police executed nine search warrants between February 1 and April 21 at several locations, including Saskatoon, Regina, Moose Jaw, Raymore and Churchbridge.



West Yorkshire’s Sex Abuse Toll

Posted by Sandra On May - 27 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
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West Yorkshire has been uncovered as a regional hotspot for child abuse, the YEP can reveal. More than 1,200 sex offences against children and young people were reported to West Yorkshire Police in just one year. At least 86 of those victims were aged four and under and 73 known suspects were under the age of 18. The statistics – which were recorded between 2009 and 2010 – show that 379 children aged between five and 11 were victims of sexual abuse in the county.



Mother Charged In 18-MO Son’s Drowning

Posted by Sandra On May - 27 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
Yasika Patterson

LANCASTER, S.C. — A Lancaster woman is charged with letting her son drown in a bathtub.Yasika Patterson, 25, is in jail, charged with homicide by child abuse.Her 18-month-old son, Randell McIlwain, was found dead on May 19 in the family’s home on Pinta Drive, south of Lancaster.




College Professor Guilty Of Raping 13-MO Toddler

Posted by Sandra On May - 27 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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SAN FRANCISCO—A former California college professor has been convicted of sexually abusing a child. Kenneth Kyle pleaded guilty on Thursday in federal court in San Francisco to crossing state lines in August 2009 to have sexual contact with a minor. Authorities say Kyle and 21-year-old Tessa Van Vlerah of Ballwin, Mo. took photos while sexually abusing a 13-month-old girl during Kyle’s visits to the St. Louis area.



Deputy Tied, Beat, Recorded Kids

Posted by Sandra On May - 27 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Robin Pagoria

Robin Leigh Pagoria, 45, faces child abuse, child pornography charges.

A Polk County sheriff’s deputy filmed herself strapping naked children to a desk and spanking them with sex toys, then sent the videos to a boyfriend she met on a fetish website, investigators said. On Thursday, 45-year-old Robin Leigh Pagoria was charged with aggravated child abuse, production of child pornography, promotion of child pornography and possession of child pornography. According to an arrest report, the two children, described only as girls between the ages of 10 and 18, described in graphic detail multiple spanking sessions.



Pastor Charged With Child Rape, Sodomy

Posted by Sandra On May - 27 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Harlan County, KY—- A Loyall pastor has been arrested and charged second-degree rape, first-degree sexual abuse and two counts of second-degree sodomy involving a minor under the age of 14. Jeremy D. Caraway, 36, a pastor at the Loyall Church of God, was perp walked from his home on Sunday after an investigation by the Kentucky State police. He is alleged to have had sex with the young female member of his congregation. The arrest warrant states that they had sex in his church.



Circumcision May Become Illegal in CA

Posted by Sandra On May - 27 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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SANTA MONICA, CA — Circumcising a boy under the age of 18, even for religious reasons, may soon be against the law in Santa Monica. A proposed ban on circumcision is already on the November ballot in San Francisco. Now supporters of the MGM Bill, which stands for male genital mutilation, are hoping to do the same in Santa Monica.



DCF Visited Dead 8-YO’s Home 4x’s

Posted by Sandra On May - 25 - 2011 1 COMMENT
DCF Visited Dead Child's Home, Found No Abuse

DCF Visited Dead 8-YO’s Home 4x’s, Found No Abuse

Child died of severe malnutrition and an untreated leg fracture.

State child welfare officials determined allegations of child abuse to be unfounded on four separate visits to a New Jersey home where a child was found dead over the weekend from severe malnutrition and an untreated leg fracture. Eight-year-old Christina Glenn was pronounced dead at the scene by medics who responded with police Sunday afternoon to a report of a child not breathing.



Feds Prosecute 75 People For Sex Crimes vs. Children

Posted by Sandra On May - 25 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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In the last two years 75 people have been prosecuted for federal sex crimes against children in the Houston region, part of a nationwide crackdown on the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Houston said Wednesday. Launched in 2006 by the U.S. Department of Justice, Project Safe Childhood coordinates federal, state and local resources to catch and prosecute individuals who exploit children online, as well as to identify and rescue victims.


Silent No More: Survivors Speak Out

Posted by Sandra On May - 25 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Advocates for survivors of child abuse in North Dakota are asking them to “come out” by writing something from the heart — about the abuse, how they’ve dealt with it or anything they’d like to say about their lives — for a publication to be called “Authentic Voices.” One of the pieces received so far, a poem titled “My Name,” includes the line, “No longer will I wear the name of fear upon my eyes,” and one of the images chosen to illustrate the public awareness campaign is a partial profile of a bright-eyed child.



Man Molested Relative For 15+ Yrs

Posted by Sandra On May - 25 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Rodney Tollefson – Charged With Raping Relative For 15 Years, Using Screwdrivers And Bottles During Attacks

Jackson County, WI – Rodney Tollefson, a 40-year-old Wisconsin man, has been jailed on charges that he sexually assaulted a female relative over a 15-year period – sometimes using bottles and screwdrivers during his attacks. According Wisconsin authorities, an investigation was launched in mid April when a woman mentoring the victim told Sheboygan County deputies of the horrific ordeal her friend had lived through.



Mom Convicted Of Killing Her Own Daughter

Posted by Sandra On May - 25 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Emma Leigh Barker

Mom Killed Her Own Daughter, Emma Leigh Barker

LANCASTER, Calif. — A mother who initially claimed she was assaulted and her 18- month- old daughter kidnapped has been convicted of suffocating the little girl and dumping her body near a freeway. Stacey Barker, 24, was convicted of one count of first degree murder, assault on a child and child abuse.




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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Man Admits to Suffocating Girl

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Abused 18-MO In Critical Condition

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Mother Allowed Man To Molest Her Daughter

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Mom Defends Her Son’s Killer

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