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Archive for 2011

Please Vote For Dreamcatchers!!

Posted by Sandra On June - 3 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Vivint is giving away $1.25 Million to charities. Help us win!

PLEASE HELP DREAMCATCHERS WIN FUNDING THEY DESPERATELY NEED TO HELP CONTINUE WITH THEIR MISSION!!! — Our charity has been nominated to participate in the 2011 Vivint Gives Back Project. Through this project, the public decides which charities are awarded a total of $1.25 million. Vivint Givesback

Here is how it works:

  • Between now and June 11, 2011, anyone with a Facebook account in North America can nominate a favorite charity, or add an endorsement if their favorite charity is already nominated. To participate go to www.vivint.com/givesbackproject and watch the video; it will explain how the contest works. Now that your organization has been nominated, your supporters can log on and endorse your charity.

    The top 20 charities in each of the five regions that receive the most endorsements will make it to Phase II, or the voting phase.

  • From June 14 through August 27, 2011, the top charities will participate in Phase II. This is where your supporters can vote for your charity—once per person per day. Throughout this phase of the contest, we will announce matching periods. During these periods, participants can contribute up to $50 per person to their favorite charity still in the contest. There is a $2,500 participant donation limit per charity. Vivint will match contributions from participants dollar for dollar. Each of the 100 regional finalist charities has the potential to win $5,000, for a total of $500,000.
  • Within eight weeks of the end of the competition, we will announce the winners. The charity that receives the most overall votes will receive $250,000. The top remaining vote-getting charity in each region will receive $100,000.





Taking On Child Sexual Predators

Posted by Sandra On June - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Go to fullsize image

The former First Lady of Arkansas and of the United States, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, wrote the book “It Takes a Village,” based on an old African proverb that it takes a village to raise a child. This is never more true than when it comes to protecting children from what seems to be a growing number of sexual predators, those who work in law enforcement say. Authorities want it known that sexual predators in Greene County should know they are being watched, they are being reported and investigated and they will be prosecuted by a team of experts dedicated to protecting children. And, “the villagers” need to know their role in protecting children from becoming victims of sexual predators.



I Am A 64-Yr Old Survivor Of Severe Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On June - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Go to fullsize image

Let right people know we’re sick of nightmare; time to provide better protection I am 64 and a survivor of severe child abuse. I pay close attention to all articles on child abuse. An article May 12 took my breath away and touched my heart. It was written very well by Tyler Treadway.

Back in my day there were no outlets for us who suffered from abuse. My abuse went as far back as when I was 5 years old and continued until I left the nest at age 18. Serving my country in Vietnam and later raising my own family, I raised my children from learning experiences as a child. To this day I continue to express verbally to my children three important words: “I love you.”



Wanted: Child Abuse Suspect

Posted by Sandra On June - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Madison, NC — Police are searching for a man wanted on child abuse charges. Madison Police said they were called after a 2-year-old arrived at Morehead Hospital with face and head injuries. The child had several bruises on the face and head, as well as swelling and bleeding from the ear. About a month later, Ricky Shane Bailey was indicted for Felony Child Abuse Inflicting Serious Injury. Detectives said Bailey has been hiding since the indictments.




Foster Parents Tortured 4 Kids

Posted by Sandra On June - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
Andrew and Jenny-Lee Hemara.

A New Zealand foster couple and their daughter are facing charges of child abuse after allegedly scrubbing the bodies and teeth of boys in their care with wire brushes, making them run around a racecourse until they vomited, chaining them together and forcing them to sleep outside without blankets. Andrew John Hemara, 53, Jenny-Lee Hemara, 49, and daughter Tamara Lee Hemara, 21, together face 38 charges relating to the abuse of four children between the ages of seven and 14, the New Zealand Herald reports.



10-WO Twins Had Numerous Bone Fractures

Posted by Sandra On June - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Brian Juelz Joseph, 22, and Priscilla Melina Martinez, 20, both of Brooklyn, were charged with two counts each of child abuse and/or neglect.

A couple from New York are being held in Marion County on charges of abusing their 10-week-oldtwins, the Sheriff’s Office said. The infants suffered “acute factures are too many to list,” a statement from the Marion County Sheriff’s Office said. Priscilla Melina Martinez, 20, and Brian Juelz Joseph, 22, both of Brooklyn, were charged with two counts each of child abuse and/or neglect. They are being held without bond. The couple were visiting with infants’ grandmother before their arrests.



Child Abuse Allegations Against Former French Minister

Posted by Sandra On June - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
Luc Ferry

An accusation of child abuse against a former French minister has sparked a major row in the wake of the charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn for attempted rape. Luc Ferry, a philosopher and former education minister, told a TV chat show that a former French minister had previously been caught at an orgy with young boys in Marrakech in Morocco. He said senior government sources, including a former prime minister, had told him about the incident, but would not name the ex-minister involved for fear of libel laws.



Casey Anthony Admits Lying

Posted by Sandra On June - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

(CNN) — Under intense questioning by police, Casey Anthony admitted she had purposely misled investigators attempting to find her missing 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, but maintained the little girl was kidnapped by her nanny, according to a tape of the hour-long interview played for jurors in her capital murder trial Thursday. The interview with an Orange County, Florida, sheriff’s sergeant and two detectives was conducted July 16, 2008, in a conference room at Universal Studios.



Mom Pleads Guilty To Fire That Killed Her Children

Posted by Sandra On June - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

was fire-...

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A woman charged with child abuse and murder after two of her children died in a house fire last year pleaded guilty in court Thursday morning.Orgal Opata’s hearing lasted about 20 minutes and she delivered a statement apologizing for what happened.”I wish I could turn back the hands of time, but I cannot. On that day I made the biggest mistake of my life,” she read.



Homeless Woman Abducted Child From Church Parking Lot

Posted by Sandra On June - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

SARASOTA, FL. – A homeless woman has been arrested after kidnapping a child outside of a Sarasota church. According to the Sarasota Police Department, at approximately 2pm Sunday, a 9-year-old male child was kidnapped.  The child was in a Church parking lot less than a block from his home when a stranger grabbed him.  The child said he was looking for his bicycle when a female grabbed him by the arm and stated “you don’t have a mother, you have a brother waiting for you at the store.”


Baby Factory Raided-32 Teens Saved

Posted by Sandra On June - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

LAGOS- – Nigerian police have raided a home allegedly being used to force teenage girls to have babies that were then offered for sale for trafficking or other purposes, authorities said on Wednesday. “We stormed the premises of the Cross Foundation in Aba three days ago following a report that pregnant girls aged between 15 and 17 are being made to make babies for the proprietor,” said Bala Hassan, police commissioner for Abia state in the country’s southeast.



Police Find 52 Guns in Home Where Brother Shot Sister

Posted by Sandra On June - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Emily Lavender, 6

FRESNO, Calif. — Police recovered 53 guns from the home where a 2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his 6-year old sister. Police say the toddler found the semi-automatic handgun in the master bedroom and took it into another room where his siblings were playing.

Entire Family Killed In Murder-Suicide

Posted by Sandra On June - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Courtesy: KSWB

CHULA VISTA, Calif. — A woman and two young children were found dead inside a townhouse Wednesday by officers investigating the suicide of a man who jumped to his death from a freeway overpass. Authorities say officers were following up on the apparent suicide of a man found in a ravine along state Route 125 in Spring Valley. A CHP officer found the man’s body and his abandoned car.




Man Allegedly Raped Girl Over 100x’s

Posted by Sandra On June - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Alonso Ramon Pedro

MORENO VALLEY, Calif. — Shocking allegations of sexual abuse in Moreno Valley where police have arrested a man suspected of repeatedly assaulting a 14-year-old girl. 22-year old Alonso Ramon Pedro was arrested Sunday at his home on suspicion of more than 100 counts of sexual assault on a child.




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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