https://www.salernoformazione.com/bueyyj5801 DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN: BLOGTALK RADIO SHOW
Child abuse continues to be a huge concern in this country, but society still remains to be silent on the issue. As I fight daily with a wonderful team of men and women from Dreamcatchers for Abused Children for the rights of children I am sometimes overwhelmed and concerned by the amount of people who continue to have a blind eye to child abuse, and neglect to see or admit children are being abused. Not only does this concern me greatly as a parent and grandparent, but this greatly concerns me as a member of society and for the future generations of children in this country to come.
Did you know… Every 13 seconds a child is physically abused in the United States. One in three girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18. Over 85 percent of teenagers who run away from home flee in an attempt to escape some form of abuse; physical, emotional or sexual. Every 10 seconds a child is sexually abused or raped. Today, five children alone will die from neglect and child abuse. By the time you finish reading this article a child’s life will forever be changed by abuse. This has to change, the lives of innocent children depend on it.
It seems everything I was taught as a child; morals, values, respect and dignity went out the window and was replaced with ignorance and no repsect or value for life or children. When will we as a society take a stand and say no more? When will we put our foot down and stop these monstors from hurting, neglecting and killing our children?
Dreamcatchers for Abused Children is Michigan’s largest non-profit organization that offers a free nightly radio talk show Dreamcatchers Talk Radio that is dedicated to promoting child abuse awareness by educating society on the signs, symptoms, statistics, prevention and steps towards recovery. Join Dreamcatchers five days a week in their attempt to educate the public and save children’s lives.
https://hazenfoundation.org/lhtoev1mn7 Dreamcatcher Talk Radio Schedule:
11- 11:30p.m. EST.
Join us for Family-to-Family Community Outreach Program.
The class is taught by DFAC mentors to give families information about child abuse and neglect and their treatment for recovery, coping skills, and the power of advocacy.
11-11:30 p.m. EST.
Join us for Peer-to-Peer Community Outreach Program.
This class is taught by DFAC mentors for survivors. The class focuses on empowerment, family and peer support, prevention, communication skills, and recovery.
11 – 11:30 p.m. EST.
Join us for Use Your Voice Community Outreach Program.
A 30 minute presentation by DFAC mentors sharing education on awareness and prevention, as well as the journey through HOPE and recovery
11- 11:30 p.m EST.
Education for Teens Community Outreach Program.
New program dedicated to teens and teen issues: teen dating violence, bullying, cyber-bullying, low self esteem and suicide. This will allow teens to call in anonymously with their questions or concerns.
11-11:30 p.m. EST.
Join us for Child Abuse Headlines.
Discussion on the daily child abuse headlines.
Listen live @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/dreamcatchers (Monday-Friday at 11pm EST)
Let today, our nations birthday, be the day you take a stand against child abuse!!!
For more information on Dreamcatchers Talk Radio, visit their website @ http://www.dreamcatcherstalkradio.weebly.com