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Archive for 2011

Anthony Will Be Freed In 6-Days

Posted by Sandra On July - 7 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Ambien Ordering Online Casey Anthony at her sentencing hearing.

ORLANDO, FL — Casey Anthony will be released from jail next Wednesday, a court spokeswoman announced Thursday. Judge Belvin Perry sentenced Anthony Thursday to four years in jail — one year for each of her four convictions of lying to authorities — but with credit for time served and good behavior, her release date was set for July 13.

https://www.fogliandpartners.com/sy5fvlettlc READ MORE HERE:


Suspected Serial Killer Now Charged With ’93 Teen Murder

Posted by Sandra On July - 7 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Charges filed in 1993 slaying of Glenview teen

LOS ANGELES– A suspected serial killer accused in the death of actor Ashton Kutcher’s former girlfriend is now being charged with the 1993 murder of a Chicago teenager. Michael Gargiulo is already being held for a series of other alleged crimes, including the 2001 stabbing of Kutcher’s ex-girlfriend, 22-year-old Ashley Ellerin. Today, prosecutors in the Chicago case charged Gargiulo with first-degree murder in the death of 18-year-old Tricia Pacaccio.

https://municion.org/6wqrmlx READ MORE HERE:

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=75zl4xe28 http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-hollywood-ripper-charged-chicago-teen,0,7460120.story

Women Who Killed Their Kids

Posted by Sandra On July - 6 - 2011 1 COMMENT

https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/2rpcg495c Go to fullsize image

https://www.mdifitness.com/mp550sj Casey Anthony trial verdict has made a majority of those who have been following the trial gasp in shock as Casey was let off from first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, and aggravated manslaughter. However, she was convicted for four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to law enforcement officials.



14 Men Charged With Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On July - 6 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
PHOTO: 14 men and five juveniles are being charged have been charged in connection with the gang rape of an 11-year-old girl.

14 Alleged Criminals to Appear in Court for Rape Case

A group of fourteen defendants accused of sexual crimes against an 11-year old Texas girl are expected in court today, facing a series of sexual assault charges. Fourteen men, along with five juveniles are being charged for crimes that occurred late last year. Four of the accused face charges of continuous sexual abuse of a child, while the majority of the men have been charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child. All defendants are expected to appear in the Liberty, Texas courtroom today for status updates, according to the Associated Press.



Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuit Filed Over Foster Case

Posted by Sandra On July - 6 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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SALISBURY — Two juveniles who allege they were sexually abused by a Mardela Springs foster father have filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against him and the private foster care placement agency. The lawsuit, which names Stephen James Merritt and MENTOR Maryland as defendants, asks for more than $200 million in compensatory and punitive damages, according to sources.



Man Held On Kidnapping, Child Abuse Charges

Posted by Sandra On July - 6 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

A Century man is behind bars facing felony kidnapping and child abuse charges. Bond for Devonick Dejon Thomas, age 20 of Freedom Road, is set at $125,000. According to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrest report, witnesses told deputies that Thomas forced the 17-year old female victim into his car and start slapping her and eventually drove away.




2-YO Found with Leg and Ribs Broken

Posted by Sandra On July - 6 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Dionicio Rodriguez

OKEECHOBEE COUNTY — Two people were arrested last month after Okeechobee County Sheriff’s investigators found two children — one with a broken leg and fractured ribs — in a vehicle with them, a release states. Carla Carolina Camargo, 27, faces charges including aggravated child abuse/neglect (medical), while Dionicio Aguilar Rodriguez, 32, was arrested on charges including aggravated child abuse/neglect (medical), aggravated child abuse (malicious punishment) and driving while license revoked with knowledge.



Child Abuse Memoir Tells Story of Hope After Abuse

Posted by Sandra On July - 6 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Over 3 million reports of child abuse are made every year in the United States. This statistic, dispatched by Childhelp®, a leading national nonprofit dedicated to helping victims of child abuse and neglect, indicates the alarming prevalence of this disturbing form of violence. Author C.L. Thompson details her own story of abuse in the emotive memoir If Only Regrets Were a Good Thing (published by AuthorHouse). Detailing a childhood of molestation, brutality and grief, Thompson writes with candor and introspective acumen.




Woman Sentenced To Prison For Lewd Acts With Children

Posted by Sandra On July - 6 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS


ADA — An Ada woman was sentenced Thursday to serve time in prison for committing lewd acts with children and child abuse. Mary Elizabeth Russell, 30, was sentenced to 25 years for each of three counts of lewd acts with a child under the age of 16, 25 years for sexual abuse of a child, and 25 years for each of two counts of child abuse by injury.



Father Facing 8 Felony Charges Of Abusing 2-MO Son

Posted by Sandra On July - 6 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

A Virginia man charged with eight felonies on charges of severely hurting his 2-month-old son is scheduled to appear in court Wednesday. According to law enforcement officials, the infant suffered several broken bones — including a femur — and other injuries at the hands of Christopher Warren Heinrich, 24.



PA Stats Raise Serious Questions

Posted by Sandra On July - 6 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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PENNSYLVANIA–Given that the latest state report on child abuse shows the numbers are going down, it’s easy to assume everyone would be relieved. Unfortunately not. Doctors are raising serious red flags about how Pennsylvania’s narrow definition of child abuse is causing too many cases to go undetected, too many children unprotected. Dr. Rachel Berger of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC wrote recently in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: “We believe statistics about abuse and neglect of children in our state do not accurately reflect what our children are experiencing. And without reliable data, we cannot address the safety, health and vulnerability of Pennsylvania’s children.”



Risk Factors Predict Repeat Abuse

Posted by Sandra On July - 6 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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When child abuse has been substantiated, a number of risk factors can predict the likelihood that abuse will be repeated if the child is returned to the care of the abuser, according to a prospective cohort study. For instance, when the parents or caregivers were in their teens or twenties, were survivors of abuse, and had never taken parenting classes — the child faced a 54% risk of being harmed again, wrote Suzanne R. Dakil, MD, and colleagues from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.



Casey Anthony NOT Guilty

Posted by Sandra On July - 5 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
PHOTO: Verdict for Casey Anthony

Casey Anthony: Not Guilty of 1st degree murder, Manslaughter, Child Abuse



https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/nj3lzdqjung ORLANDO, FL — The jury, after only 11 hours of deliberation, reached a verdict on the charge of 1st Degree Murder in the Casey Anthony murder of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee – https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/w6clsyj Not Guilty. They reached a verdict in the count of manslaughter – https://www.varesewedding.com/nxn79j7s5qr Not Gulity. They reached a verdict on the count of aggravated child abuse – https://www.plantillaslago.com/7pj44nztp16 Not Guilty. They reached a verdict on counts 4, 5, and 6 – providing false information to a police officer – https://chemxtree.com/xm8jdvzdy8 Guilty.

https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/hlhx36dh READ MORE HERE:



Michigan Radio Show Dedicated To Preventing Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On July - 4 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.salernoformazione.com/bueyyj5801 DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN: BLOGTALK RADIO SHOW

Child abuse continues to be a huge concern in this country, but society still remains to be silent on the issue. As I fight daily with a wonderful team of men and women from Dreamcatchers for Abused Children for the rights of children I am sometimes overwhelmed and concerned by the amount of people who continue to have a blind eye to child abuse, and neglect to see or admit children are being abused. Not only does this concern me greatly as a parent and grandparent, but this greatly concerns me as a member of society and for the future generations of children in this country to come.

Did you know… Every 13 seconds a child is physically abused in the United States. One in three girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18. Over 85 percent of teenagers who run away from home flee in an attempt to escape some form of abuse; physical, emotional or sexual. Every 10 seconds a child is sexually abused or raped. Today, five children alone will die from neglect and child abuse. By the time you finish reading this article a child’s life will forever be changed by abuse. This has to change, the lives of innocent children depend on it.

It seems everything I was taught as a child; morals, values, respect and dignity went out the window and was replaced with ignorance and no repsect or value for life or children. When will we as a society take a stand and say no more? When will we put our foot down and stop these monstors from hurting, neglecting and killing our children?

Dreamcatchers for Abused Children is Michigan’s largest non-profit organization that offers a free nightly radio talk show Dreamcatchers Talk Radio that is dedicated to promoting child abuse awareness by educating society on the signs, symptoms, statistics, prevention and steps towards recovery. Join Dreamcatchers five days a week in their attempt to educate the public and save children’s lives.

https://hazenfoundation.org/lhtoev1mn7 Dreamcatcher Talk Radio Schedule:

11- 11:30p.m. EST.
Join us for Family-to-Family Community Outreach Program.

The class is taught by DFAC mentors to give families information about child abuse and neglect and their treatment for recovery, coping skills, and the power of advocacy.

11-11:30 p.m. EST.
Join us for Peer-to-Peer Community Outreach Program.

This class is taught by DFAC mentors for survivors. The class focuses on empowerment, family and peer support, prevention, communication skills, and recovery.

11 – 11:30 p.m. EST.
Join us for Use Your Voice Community Outreach Program.

A 30 minute presentation by DFAC mentors sharing education on awareness and prevention, as well as the journey through HOPE and recovery

11- 11:30 p.m EST.
Education for Teens Community Outreach Program.

New program dedicated to teens and teen issues: teen dating violence, bullying, cyber-bullying, low self esteem and suicide. This will allow teens to call in anonymously with their questions or concerns.

11-11:30 p.m. EST.
Join us for Child Abuse Headlines.

Discussion on the daily child abuse headlines.

Listen live @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/dreamcatchers (Monday-Friday at 11pm EST)

Let today, our nations birthday, be the day you take a stand against child abuse!!!

For more information on Dreamcatchers Talk Radio, visit their website @ http://www.dreamcatcherstalkradio.weebly.com


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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