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Archive for 2011

Man Charged With Beating 7-MO Twins

Posted by Sandra On July - 9 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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Kearns resident Antoneus Deslegte, 24, was charged with five second-degree felonies for child abuse Friday. Deslegte is accused of severely beating his 7-month-old twins, a boy and a girl. The daughter was admitted to Primary Children’s Medical Center on June 19 for a large cut and bruise near her eye, police records stated. After arriving in the emergency room, she was given a full set of X-rays, which revealed a fractured bone in her leg.

https://www.mdifitness.com/q53yylfz8 READ MORE HERE:

https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/7wlsbmm http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/news/52157071-78/deslegte-month-police-twins.html.csp

Infant Hospitalized with Serious Burns, Bruises and Injuries

Posted by Sandra On July - 9 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/ut4hleh Go to fullsize image

MICHIGAN–An infant boy just under two years old is in Children’s Hospital of Michigan in Detroit with serious burns, bruises and other injuries that police said were caused by a babysitter.The babysitter — a 24-year-old woman from Auburn Hills, being held in the Oakland County Jail — has not been identified by police pending the issuance of child-abuse charges expected today, Auburn Hills Lt. Jim Manning said.

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=bwpae5ds7z0 READ MORE HERE:

https://chemxtree.com/pose49n http://www.freep.com/article/20110708/NEWS03/110708046/Auburn-Hills-woman-accused-child-abuse-while-babysitting-infant?odyssey=mod|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|p

Woman Charged In 6-Week Old’s Death

Posted by Sandra On July - 9 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
Tuscaloosa mom charged with abuse of her two infants

Six-week-old was left unattended for 12 hours

Affordable Clonazepam Online A Tuscaloosa woman has been charged with aggravated child abuse in connection with the death of her infant daughter in September. Leslie Ashcraft Essman, 30, was charged Wednesday with two counts of aggravated child abuse. Essman’s 6-week-old daughter died after being left unattended for more than 12 hours, said Tuscaloosa County Metro Homicide Unit commander Capt. Loyd Baker. Essman was sleeping during much of that time, he said.



Sign “Caylee’s Law” Petition

Posted by Sandra On July - 9 - 2011 2 COMMENTS

Best Price Ambien Online Caylee’s Law: Contact your State Senators and Representatives. There should be a new law created called Caylee’s Law that will make it a felony for a parent or guardian to not notify law enforcement of a child going missing in a timely manner. Let’s keep another case like Caylee Anthony out of the courts.


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Join “Caylee’s Law” Facebook Page Here:

People Angry With Anthony Trial Outcome Can Help Fight Abuse

Posted by Sandra On July - 9 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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Across the country many are furious with the Casey Anthony verdict and believe  justice wasn’t served for her 2-year-old daughter Caylee. “People who are angry and upset need to pick up the phone and call casa or call the children’s advocacy centers,” said Alicia Gracia the Executive Director at CASA. “And say how can I help these children now.” CASA is a group of special advocates who volunteer their time to children in cases of abuse or neglect.



Father Sentenced To 18-Yrs For Abusing Infant

Posted by Sandra On July - 9 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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CARLSBAD — A 19-year-old father has been sentenced to 18 years in prison after being found guilty of child abuse involving his infant daughter. In a two-day jury trial in Fifth Judicial District Court in May, jurors found Arthur “Trey” McClintock III guilty of child abuse – intentional and resulting in great bodily harm.




Jaycee Dugard Talks About Giving Birth in Captivity

Posted by Sandra On July - 9 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Diane Sawyer interviews kidnap victim Jaycee Lee Dugard.

Dugard was kidnapped at age 11 and was held captive for 18 years by a convicted sex offender.

NEW YORK — Kidnap victim Jaycee Lee Dugard, held captive for 18 years, is sharing her story for the first time, saying giving birth at age 14 was “very painful” and frightening. “I didn’t know I was in labor,” Dugard, now 31, tells ABC News’ Diane Sawyer in an exclusive, two-hour interview set to air on Sunday’s Primetime.



Retired Police Detective Accused of Molesting Child

Posted by Sandra On July - 9 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Riverside Police Department. (FILE)

RIVERSIDE — A 73-year-old former Riverside detective has been arrested Friday for allegedly molesting a 7-year-old. Granville Douglas Kelley, Jr., 73, is suspected of molesting a 7-year-old in 2003. He was arrested at his home on the 10800 block of Endicott Drive in La Sierra, police said.



MI Child Abuse Cases Escalate

Posted by Sandra On July - 9 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

SAGINAW, MI -Suspect after suspect, court case after court case. Shocking cases of child abuse. Abuse that seems to be an apparent epidemic in Mid-Michigan. In just the past week, three high-profile cases. “In our children’s advocacy center we are definitely seeing children coming for suspected physical or sexual abuse, definitely younger and younger, more and more 2- and 3-year-olds,” says Suzanne Greenberg, President and CEO of Saginaw County’s Child Abuse and Neglect Council or CAN.

Join Our Discussion Forum

Posted by Sandra On July - 7 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS








DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN: Facebook Open Group Discussion Forum

Would you like to discuss current child abuse headlines? Want to find out more about how you can help prevent child abuse? Were you a victim of child abuse? Are you looking for child abuse information or resources? Then, join us in our new Facebook Open Group Discussion Forum!!

Join us Here:



Man Molested Woman In Front Of 1st Grade Class

Posted by Sandra On July - 7 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS


Syracuse, NY –The Syracuse man who walked into an elementary school and molested a first-grade teacher in front of her class, pleaded guilty this morning and was promised a sentence of 12-years to life. Garth Hill, 28, of 2100 Bellevue Ave. pleaded guilty to third-degree burglary and first-degree sexual abuse, both felonies.



Baby Dismembered And Left In Burn Pile

Posted by Sandra On July - 7 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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UNION COUNTY, NC – The trial begins Thursday morning for a woman accused of leaving her infant baby to die in Union County. Investigators say Erica Denise Kelly dumped her newborn baby girl in Waxhaw near a burn pile. The infant’s umbilical cord was still attached when it was discovered February 2009. Two of the child’s limbs had been severed.



12-YO Girl Commits Suicide To Donate Organs

Posted by Sandra On July - 7 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS


Girl, 12, Kills Self to Donate Organs to Brother, Father

West Bengal, India (KTLA) — A 12-year-old girl in West Bengal committed suicide so that she could donate her organs to her sick brother and father only to be cremated a day before her wishes were discovered in a suicide note, it was reported Thursday.




Elizabeth Smart Will Join ABC on Abduction Cases

Posted by Sandra On July - 7 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Elizabeth Smart talks to the media outside the Federal Courthouse after addressing her kidnapper.

Former kidnap victim Elizabeth Smart has reportedly been hired by ABC News to serve as a contributor. The 23-year-old will comment on missing persons cases, according to the network. A spokesperson for ABC told CNN that Smart could be on the air within a matter of weeks.




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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