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911 Child Murder Call Released

Posted by Sandra On July - 21 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS


GREENVILLE — The Hunt County Sheriff’s Office has released the audio recording of the 911 call in which 2-year-old Brandon Herrara was reported dead. The recording can be heard here. The Hunt County Sheriff’s Office says capital murder charges were filed Tuesday against 23-year-old Arturo Vega and 22-year-old Gabriela Ortiz, both of Campbell.



Mom Charged In Son’s Drowning

Posted by Sandra On July - 21 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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A Salt Lake City mother was charged with child abuse homicide on Wednesday for the February death of her 10-year-old son. On Feb. 20, April Ann Baker, 31, left her son Braedon Baker unattended in the bathtub where he drowned, police reports state. Braedon had been diagnosed with epilepsy in 2009 and was prone to seizure attacks at the time of the incident.



State of America’s Children

Posted by Sandra On July - 21 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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The Children’s Defense Fund has just released a new report, “The State of America’s Children® 2011,” which paints a disturbing portrait of child needs across our country.  With rampant unemployment, housing foreclosures, homelessness, hunger, and massive looming federal and state budget cuts, children’s well-being is in great jeopardy. One in five children is poor and children are our nation’s poorest age group.  Child poverty increased almost 10 percent between 2008 and 2009, the largest single year increase since data were first collected.



New Law Requires Cross-Reporting Of Child & Animal Abuse

Posted by Sandra On July - 21 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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State agencies that deal with animal abuse are preparing to share that information with authorities that investigate abuse of spouses and children. On Oct. 1, the law goes into effect that requires animal control officers and social workers with the state Department of Children and Families to share information on cases. “Statistics show us that when an animal is being abused in a household, there is an 80 percent chance that a child in the same household is also being abused. This bill sends a strong message that animal cruelty will be taken seriously in Connecticut,” North Stonington State Rep. Diana Urban, who pushed for the law, said in a written statement.



Archbishop Speaks of Irish Child Abuse Cover-Ups

Posted by Sandra On July - 21 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
Emotional Archbishop speaks of ‘shame’ of Irish child abuse cover-ups

A visibly upset Dr Diarmuid Martin said he was “angry, ashamed and appalled” at the behaviour of his fellow churchmen following a damning report into abuse in the diocese of Cloyne in Co Cork. His comments follow an unprecedented attack on the Vatican by the Irish prime minister, Enda Kenny, accusing the Roman Catholic hierarchy of violating the country’s sovereignty by attempting to frustrate the inquiry.



Adopted Children Suffered Years of Abuse

Posted by Sandra On July - 21 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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THREE children who were removed from their violent, drug-addicted birth family went on to suffer a decade of horrific abuse at the hands of their adoptive parents after agencies repeatedly failed to help. The catalogue of missed opportunities was revealed today in a scathing serious case review, which orders both Cheshire East Council and Stoke-on-Trent City Council to apologise to the youngsters. Their emotional and physical torment only came to an end after the oldest sibling made one last desperate attempt to get professionals to listen and approached an independent reviewing officer.



Mother Arrested For Child Neglect, Drugs, Intoxication

Posted by Sandra On July - 21 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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Indianapolis—Medics had to transport a 4-year old girl from an Indianapolis home as police arrested the girl’s mother on neglect, drug and intoxication charges. Indianapolis Metro Police officers were called to the home in the 1400 block of Knox Street around 3:00 a.m. Wednesday morning. Neighbors were complaining that 27-year old Mindy Stephens was staggering drunk down the street and pounding on their doors and windows. Stephens was apparently looking for a set of car keys she claimed had been stolen.

Convicted Sex Offender Arrested For Child Solicitation

Posted by Sandra On July - 21 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Michael Pappas, 48

WHITTIER, CA– A convicted child molester was arrested at a West Whittier library after allegedly asking a teenage boy to go home with him, police said. 48-year-old Michael Pappas, of Whittier, was taken into custody around 3 p.m. Wednesday at Sorensen Library.



Abuse: Worldwide Epidemic

Posted by Sandra On July - 20 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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Two years ago, UNICEF’s Progress for children report, looked at data from 37 countries, and found that “86 per cent of children two to14 years old experience physical punishment and/or psychological aggression. Considering the huge variability in discipline is defined from country to country is it possible to design right policies, programmes and interventions that address child protection in the local context?




5-YO Forced To Live In Closet

Posted by Sandra On July - 20 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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Oklahoma City police arrested a woman accused of forcing a 5-year-old girl in her home to live in a closet among her own urine and feces. The girl, who weighs only 19 pounds, was taken to a hospital. Asusena Marie Gonzales, 31, was arrested Monday on a complaint of child neglect and seven city warrants, including disorderly conduct. She was booked in the Oklahoma County jail but has been released on $20,000 bond.


Father Allegedly Bit and Beat 2-YO Prior to Death

Posted by Sandra On July - 20 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS


FLINT — A preliminary examination in the case of the people vs. Donovan Lamar Haynes got underway today in Flint.  Haynes, of Flint Township, is accused of actions that resulted in the death of his daughter, 2 year old Ti’Airra Woodward. The responding officer, Officer Robert Cavett took the stand and testified that upon arriving at the home he observed Haynes mother doing chest compressions on the little girl, with the defendant standing nearby.  He said when he took over CPR the little girl had “no pulse or heartbeat, and was cold to the touch”.  Cavett also identified photos of what were described as “large bite marks” on the girls thigh, arms, chest and face.



Childhelp Launches New Child Abuse Prevention Curriculum

Posted by Sandra On July - 20 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Childhelp® is pleased to announce the launch of Childhelp Speak Up Be SafeTM (SUBS), the organization’s comprehensive, research based, safety and child abuse prevention curriculum. The universal education of children and the adults in their lives is the primary prevention strategy of SUBS. This new abuse prevention program is an evolution of Childhelp’s Good-Touch Bad-Touch® program delivered in schools nationally since 1983. Childhelp’s SUBS equips first to sixth grade children with the skills they need to play a significant role in the prevention or interruption of physical abuse, sexual abuse, bullying or sexual harassment in their own lives.



Woman Accused Of Abusing Special Needs Child

Posted by Sandra On July - 20 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Tracy McCord

Gadsden, AL – Etowah County investigators have arrested and charged a woman from Glencoe with Torture/Willful Abuse of a Child. According to Sheriff Todd Entrekin, 40 year old Tracy Payne McCord abused a 12 year old special needs child multiple times over a six month period at a home in Glencoe. The child was taken to a local hospital for treatment and later released.



Japan Abuse Reaches Record High

Posted by Sandra On July - 20 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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Reports of child abuse top 50,000 in 2010, a record high

Listed child abuse cases hit a record 55,152 in fiscal 2010, rising for 20 straight years since statistics began to be compiled in fiscal 1990, a government survey showed Wednesday. The figure does not include cases in Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures, as well as Sendai, which failed to gather data after being devastated by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, according to the government.




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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