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Archive for 2011

Man Stabbed GF’s 6-YO Daughter To Death

Posted by Sandra On July - 25 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Sherrill, NY- David L. Trebilcock, a 30-year-old New York man was jailed last week after he brutally stabbed his girlfriend’s 6-year-old daughter to death before stabbing himself in the chest. According to police, 36-year-old Alison Bellus awoke last Tuesday to the sounds of her six-year-old twins (Erica and Lauren) screaming. When Bellus attempted to enter her daughters’ room, she found the door barricaded with a dresser.



Man Set GF’s Son On Fire

Posted by Sandra On July - 25 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Most of Antoine Willis' body is covered with band-aids and gauze, protecting burns he says were caused by his mother's boyfriend of more than eight years. (Source: WCCO/CNN)

ST. PAUL, MN – A 19-year-old teen is being treated for second and third-degree burns, after his mother’s boyfriend allegedly attacked him. Most of Antoine Willis’ body is covered with band-aids and gauze, protecting burns he says were caused by his mother’s boyfriend of more than eight years. “He was just walking around the house with hammers and stuff still talking stuff like, ‘don’t go to sleep, don’t go to sleep,'” Willis said. Willis says the threats began after he intervened when 54-year-old Curtis Reed was threatening his mother with a knife. That’s when Reed turned on him and after he fell asleep and that’s when Reed lit him on fire.




Parents Against Pedophiles

Posted by Sandra On July - 25 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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Some studies estimate that just under 5% of adults may have feelings associated with peadophilia or act out on their impulses by sexually abusing children. That’s 5 adults in every 100 or 1 in every 20! Does your child have contact with 20 adults? Then you need to know about peadophilia! You need to know what peadophiles look like, what they do, what they say and how they act.



Sex Offenders: By State

Posted by Sandra On July - 22 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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REGISTERED SEX OFFENDERS—BY STATE: Listed in the data report are the sex offender registry counts for each state including the years 2005 through July 2011 . TOTAL SEX OFFENDER Registrants in the United States (as of 2011):  738,595








11-MO Baby Attacked At Walmart

Posted by Sandra On July - 22 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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GALVESTON, TX — A man intoxicated on bath salts attacked a baby in a shopping cart in a Texas Walmart, police say. Austin Jones, 20, of Pasadena, Texas, was held on $13,000 bond on a felony charge of bodily injury to a child and misdemeanors of resisting arrest and assault by contact, Galveston police told The (Galveston) Daily News. Detective Michelle Sollenberger said Jones approached the woman, who he did not know, as she entered the store with her 11-month-old child Monday afternoon.



Couple Charged With Molestation and Beastiality

Posted by Sandra On July - 22 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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WESTVILLE | A man and woman have been charged with engaging in sex acts with a pit bull in Westville then allowing a young relative to join in. Rebecca Bermudez, 40, is charged in LaPorte Circuit Court with child molesting, bestiality, and aiding, inducing or causing bestiality, all felonies. Jackie Koker, 44, is charged with bestiality, aiding, inducing or causing bestiality, and aiding, inducing or causing child molesting, all felonies.


N.Y. Parents Release Statement

Posted by Sandra On July - 22 - 2011 1 COMMENT

Leiby Kletzky Was Drugged Before Being Smothered: Medical Examiner

NEW YORK –The parents of 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky have issued a statement after the tragic loss of their son. Published on chabad.org, Mr. and Mrs. Kletzky posted the following: Statement by Rabbi Nachman and Itta Kletzky Parents of Leiby Kletzky, of blessed memory.

Mom Gave Her Young Children Booze and Cocaine

Posted by Sandra On July - 22 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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SUCCESS VILLAGE, Conn.–A Connecticut mother is in police custody Friday after police say she fed her 10-month-old daughter alcohol and cocaine, and made her 4-year-old son down a bottle of beer at a local park. According to authorities, 29-year-old Juliette Dunn was sitting with her two children and a friend identified as Lisa Jefferson at a playground when police officers approached them, after having been called over by another mother at the park.

Anti-Trafficking Campaign

Posted by Sandra On July - 22 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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The Project

A human trafficking CAMPAIGN  STORY

The fight against injustice in different forms, as persecutions because of faith, gender, political believes such as refugees & human trafficking, has very much becomes my passion over the last few years. Catholic Charities of Newark in NJ, and USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)in Washington, DC. gave me the opportunity  to research the Refugee/Human Trafficking patters around the world and also provide services to them throughout the United States.

The purpose of this Web site is to bring Government and NGOs in the United States and around the world together to collaborate with their own experiences in the efforts against human trafficking. This Web site has worldwide-specific information such as United Nations International Protocols, countries legislation and governmental projects to combat human trafficking. It contents contact information on useful governmental agencies. It also has a description of NGO activities in different countries and their contact information.



Please REPORT This Child Abuse Promoting Site

Posted by Sandra On July - 22 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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Here is an excerpt from the site: How come everyone today is too much of a pussy to smack their kids around? That’s what I want to know: why are parents afraid to beat their kids? When I was a kid and I screwed up, my parents beat my ass. We didn’t have a conversation about it. I didn’t have a “time out.” In fact, I’ve never even once been grounded in my life. What’s the point? Send your kid to his room and make him play video games and read comic books all day? Great idea, why don’t you take him to a psychiatrist while you’re at it so she can pull some disorder out of her ass to hide the fact that you’re a bad parent?



Couple Arrested In Shocking Child Abuse Case

Posted by Sandra On July - 22 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

 Lexington Couple Arrested In Shocking Child Abuse Case

A Lexington couple was arrested Thursday in an alleged child abuse case involving their adopted children that dates back to January 2010. Police say Cheryl Christopher, 51, locked a nine-year-old child in a dog cage at the family’s former home on Deauville Drive, and that she also allegedly tried to suffocate two children while trying to strangle them. The arrest report also says the Christopher forced the children to jump off the roof of the home.



Man Searching for More Victims Who May Have Been Abused at Unlicensed Home-Run Daycare

Posted by Sandra On July - 22 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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D’hanis, Texas– A Medina County constable is making it his mission to find more victims who may have been abused at an unlicensed home-run daycare.  Constable Stephen Duffy of Precinct 3 has been going down the only business strip in town, posting up these flyers that read, ‘if you have ever taken your children to Sophie’s at any time, give him a call’. Constable Duffy said, “We’d like for the parents to come forward, so we can interview the children and find out if anything inappropriate happened to the children”. Sixty six year old Agapito Contreras has already been arrested on one count of sexual assault of a child under the age of 14.  The alleged abuse happened at a home in D’hanis that Contreras shared with his wife.



Dreamcatchers “Back-To-School Supplies” Drive

Posted by Sandra On July - 22 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Dreamcatchers for Abused Children is conducting a “Back-To-School Supplies” Drive for the 2011-2012 Upcoming School Year for children in need. If you would like to donate, please see contact info (below), Contact our Events Coordinator, Sierra Sullivan, or email us at: dreamcatchersforabusedchildren@gmail.com


Angela Roy
Rebecca Westgate
Larissa Schneidewind
Sierra Sullivan
Sandy Schneidewind
Sandi Bennett


Bill: “Protect Our Children Act”

Posted by Sandra On July - 21 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS


caylee leiby.jpg

Dubbed the “Protect our Children Act,” the bill, among other things, creates a new crime of aggravated murder of a child with a sentence of life without parole. It also expands the existing crime of aggravated abuse of a child to include anyone who recklessly causes physical injury to a child under the age of 14. The law currently only applies to day care providers. And in what seems a direct response to the Casey Anthony trial, the bill would also create new felonies for concealing the death of a child and failing to notify law enforcement when the whereabouts of a young child is unknown for more than 24 hours.




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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